Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, April 27, 1916, Image 2

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Entered as Second Class Matter February 19, 1914.
At postottioe, Leuts, Oregon, Underact of March 8, 1879
"Here I wax, sick abed (or two weeks there is not enough vitality to pnxluee
and nobody from live church eauie near acute disease, chromo forms appear, I
me. The chambermaid of course came and we have rheumatism, hardening of i
H. A. DARNA1.L, Ewrot and M anaus *.
in'omv a -lay, and there was the ’phone; arteriee, kidney disease, heart disease. ,
Isn’t it a fact that you ■ have a better
but 1 didn’t feel much like sitting up All them- may be avoided by right liv­ I
Office Phone: Home B4U14U1« Residence Tabor 2s13
there arid talking over the wire to any­ ing and especially by eating fiH*la un-1
opinion of yourself, that you face the
problems of life with the assurance ol a
ENTS members of the Parent- j The Tax Conference held in Portland The s|e*ker «as a lady living in a
For the first time in the ten years in
quiet hotel. She had been laid up with
correct solution when you have
Teacher Circle were recip­
meeting, u<H only froui the many in­ the grippe, and was voicing her dis­ which I have read tta weekly Public
ients of several treats on Friday
teresting views presented but beoanw of pleasure at a hat she regarded as neglect. Health Reports sent out from Washing­
afternoon. Mrs. Blumeier, who tire underourretit of thought that kept - Her feeling is altogether too couimoit. ton, I dud (April 14) a food study
is a candidate for School Director, cropping out. To the public the con- ft belongs to all who «till hnrlsvr tta worth whije.
was the first speaker on the pro­ ' ference was a meeting to diactiMi means heathen delusion that dis»»se is a visita­ Bread is the subjeqt, and the con­
tion of 1‘revidrnce, or else some malign clusion is reached that flour and meal
gram and gave a very capable I of keeping down the excessive taxation. influence
which cannot I ms escaped. Such that are deprive«] of the bran and germ,
To the man who understood, it was a
discussion of school matters. reuiouatrauee against future waste in persons always prolong their illnesses or either of them, an- impovvrudied foods
Aside from the influences of home and
Mrs. Alva Lee Stevens was next the form of bonding, particularly for tayoud any need, because they utterly and responsible for much physical de­
church, the bank adds its share in help­
on the program, and she offered building pleasure drive* and road build­
This is no new doctrine. Before thia;
some very thoughtful sugges­ ing. It was surprising that there was nww
ing you to help yourself. Make a de­
p»|>er came to hand, I referred in my
tions. Mrs. Leo Latzky gave a such a unamity of feeling from all parts All this woman needed, and all any­ last
posit with us and note results.
article to the same subject and
of tbe state. It eeein* to suggest that body ne*da in similar circumstances,
piano solo, and she accompanied even remote parts of the state are keep­ fresh air. waler cold and hot, quiet, »lie stated tin same truth. Otto Carque ha» ,
on the piano a violin solo given by ing cloee tab on what is going on all bad. She did mH nee-1 food. Sisi did been preaching the »am* idea* for the
Milton Katzky.
Miss Hunt's over the state and that the rank things not need medicine. Almve all she did past flteen years, For ten years I have
Lenta Sta., Portland, Oregon
written and talked the same, tatli in I
class of ninth grade girls gave an that take place in Multnomah County not ne«d conversation.
Visitors, chatter and coddling divert this country and in England and Scot­
athletic exercise.
Multnomah county I the mind from the attitude that makes land. Alfred McCann of New York h*»
Messrs. Whitney and Stafford, issued a million and a quarter of road for cure, exhaust the si ready enfeebled recently been giving the public through _
candidates for County Superin­ bonds last spring, thereby contracting a I vitality anti conflnu the false notion that syndicated articles tta »»me identical
tendent, gave short talks on edu­ delH of a million and three quarters ll>e patient is especially worthy of truth.
cational matters. Mr. Whitney alien a more moderate procedure would sympathy. Grippe is the kind of devil At last the doctors in the Public
gotten better results and saved a that goes out by prayer and fasting, Health Service have "dboovered” it.
is particularly interesting in his have
half million in inteiest. The tax con- providing you also have plenty of air After proclaiming I Mildly for many years
view point on training children ference is a direct rebuke of this sort of and water.
that white tl-mr is more nutritious than
to develop their particular pre­ proceednre and in all probability was A hot footbath could surely have been brown, and that the products of modern
ference in the work of life* He plannee! to forestall the propoeed arranged with tlie aaMstanc* of the mill» is wholesome nave when bleaching
means simply that a boy or girl 610.000,(XX) road bond issue that certain chambermaid. A cold chest pack, ditto is done, our government wiaearces are
forced to reverse Uiemseives.
should be able to leave the public paving interest* are promoting at this And tliere was plenty ot cold Bull Run
time. If the members of the eonfereno- on tap.
Were ti«we gentlemen genuine scien­
schools prepared to make a living do their parts there will not be a picked Take my advice. When you’re sick, tific student*, they would manfuUy
at some useful occupation for legislature elected for the express pur- keep people away. Keep quiet. Learn acknowledge the work done by their
which they should by that time pose of revising the road laws to suit how to control tever with water. Keep predee«-»w<»rs. But they are instead
be prepared to give acceptable the organisation that i* planning to cap- your head cool by wearing a pack aliout medical politicians engaged in the effort
Watch I Kild's ( ouqh
and remunerative service. So ture Ulis bond issue, and select the state the neck if necessary. Keep your feet to drive the “quacks” out of business
and county officials who will have th«* warm, first by tlie footbath, and then if —the quacks who are so far ahead of I
many boys and girls are lost disposition of the funds for road build- necessary by a water bottle in the foot them
in knowledge and practice that
Colds, running of nose, continued
when their school days are over. ing.
of the bed.
they anticipate by years their really pse-1
irritation of the mucous membrane If
They must then begin again and The bond promoters got several severe There are no sequelae, aa doctor»
ful teachings and reject utterly their
neglected may mean Catarrh later.
learn to make themselves useful jolt* during the day of tlie conference, to grippe treated after thia fashion. T^ii- mischievous delusions, *erum therapy, the constitutionality of the 1916 Don’t take tin« chanoew— do aomeUiing
law requiring all butter shipment* In­
still ailing. et al.
to somebody and productive to The discussion between J. B. Yeon and woman quoted above is She
for your child ! Children will not take
C. E. Spence resulted in Mr. Yeon’s montfis after her attack,
It is good, however, to see the medical to Oregon to be reported to the state every medicine, but they will take Dr.
themselves. This stranded pe­ being badly drubbed. Outside of Rufus to attract a coddler to her bedside who establishment ink used for once to good food and dairy commission Immedi­
riod, terminating the school life Holman, no speaker during the session **w to it that she hail dainties to tempt piirpooe. The use of txsla, in the ab- ately upon entry into this state was King's New Discovery and without brib­
ing or P-aaing. Ite a sweet, pleasant Tar
of young people, is extremely advanced any views favorable to the tier vanquislied appetite, and w I kj also aence ot sour milk of cream of tartar to upheld by Circuit Judge Kavanaugh at Svrup and so effective. Just laxative
neutralise it, is also declared to lie de­ Portland.
critical and often ends in the issuing of more bon<i* and it is safe to comforted her with many wor>ls.
enough to eliminate the waste poisons.
The state of Oregon reaped the first
of the salt* or vital elements in
choice of unsatisfactory occupa­
Almost Uie first dose help*. Always
tbe feeling of tne state some one is
•ear, hance injurious io the health ->f Profit from It* flax growing expert
tions that necessitate change and going to get badly drubbed when it Those who for the first time get the the consumer. The use of soda in cook- »ent when It contracted with the Call prepared, no mixing or fussing. Just
uncertain attempts to get along comes to putting over another bond idea into their heads that fruit •nd ing brans and other foods has similar fornla Cotton Milla, of Oakland. Cat, ask your druggist fur Dr. King's New
Discovery. It will safe-gaurd your child
salads are medicinal—a« they truly
Like- to deliver two carload* of flax fiber against serious ailments rrwnltmg from
until the satisfactory thing hap­ issue for road promoting.
are—suppose they are to be taken in effect «nd should be avoided,
and flax tow to that company for a colds.
pens to turn up. As a matter of
medicinal doses, or something approach- wise old doctrine, ami tone.
not less than 16400.
fact it rarely does turn up, and
Many of the married women of ¡ng the same. Not so. They are to be The entire product of the modern
Charles E Lockwood, of Portland,
the life that properly directed England never knew how much eaten as «taples. Fill up on the article
Pills Best for Liver
we return to the old method of milling has withdrawn as a candidate for th*
might have terminated most hap­ their husbands loved them until chceen If it is strawberries make a grain
republican nomination for president of
of them—not a single box for a
pily, runs its course in a series this compulsory military service meal
the United States. and requested Bee
Because they contain the best liver
portion, but three or four boxes, or I people must continue to suffer.
of experiences, attempts to ad­ plan came along.
And now a won] on the comparative retary of Stat* Olcott not to certify medicine*, no matter bow bitter or nau­
more if desired. Eat till you are satis­
just themselves to temporary
fied. If you can’t afford straw berries, reliability of judgment of the druglesa his name for priding on the ballot at seating lor the sweet sugar coaling hide*
tlie taste. Dr. King's New Life Pill*
In the meantime the country and fruit is the order of the day, make doctor an<l the doctor of the old school. the primary «lection May 19.
conditions in anticipation of some­
ingredients that put the liver
* . Or, if they are All dregless system* are based on
thing more satisfactory later on, should not forget that its moral >t orang»», or apple*,
In one way or by the officers of the Roseburg fruit working, move the I hiwc I s freely, No
not available, come down to lettuce or natural principles.
and at last ending in failure in and intellectual resources are I cabbage. In order ~ to stow a sufficient another, all these go back to Nature and union, A. L. Kitchin has announced gripe, no nausea, aid digestion, Just
everything worthy of a man’s and have always been its princi­ amount of lettuce to make a meal, eat learn ot her. They all start with the th,t the Douglas county broccoli grow- try a bottle of Dr. King's New Life Pill*
received approximately and notice how much tatter you feel.
pal assets.
it between sips of buttermilk.
normal, All who reason from nature | •«
product This crop 25c. at your Druggist.
Tta average food-mixer always de-
One of the most interesting
was grown on 120 acres of land.
President Wilson is engaged dares he can eat only a small quantity
things brought out was a thought
lars” ba*e their studies on the abnormal. | Article* of incorporation have been
4 • la /^xae>rxr*w«a
4 leas* ( Commissioner
'--ir-i-i laMi/-oz.e
advanced by Mrs. Stevens. She in fighting not only Bandit Villa, of lett,1<p or orang»-» as the case may They s«s-k to wrest from tortured . and . Fllsasl
filed u-
In th«x County Court of the Htate of
i lie—two small heads of lettuce, or three
took the position that the product but also the American annexa­ I oranges. But he expects to add on suffering animals ami men a knowledge Schulderman by the Pacific Chemical Oregon, for Multnomah County.
of every man or woman, be it a tion bandits which are the ones bread, potatoes, meat, beans, eggs, of how to cure. They never know for company, a corporation organized for In th« Matter of tta Estate of Matilda
biscuit, a cake, a beautiful home, who instigated and paid poor de­ macaroni, etc.,—one or all. He will example that wholesome foods are the development of Hummer and Abort Altman, Deceased
1 soon learn to eat enough of the article | wholesome until they adulterate or lakes in Lake county, and on which ' Noli«»- is hereby given that the lllider-
or a literary gem, a box, a me­ luded Villa.
I (fruit or salad) desired, by omitting modify them and by experiment pro­ Jason Moore, of New York, bold* a j -igne-i |>a* lieen appointed executor of
chanical device, a piece of en­
i the estate of Matilda Altunin, ilcis-ased,
Letting babies die for lack of all besides. An occasional meal of this duce disease in animal or man. Such
gineering or architecture, ora­
Although only three and one half ¡Dy the County Court of the Slate of
kind is extremely beneficial. A series I indeed is the foundation of the present
months of the new year have passed, Oregon for the County of Multnomah,
tory or philosophy, is the vital proper care and nourishment is J of such meals, even, is useful in some “discovery.’'
exponent of that person’s men­ stupid, if not criminal. Civilized 1 clogged conditions.
Blinded by this fal-W1 method, they automobile registration* in the office and lias qualified a* such.
tality, ideal, or spirit. The wo­ I communities ought to know and These foods contain the salts nec*-»ary ' could not see what is js-rfectiy obvious of Secretary of State Olcott have pass­ All person* having claims »gainst said
to di-H'dve and elirmnat accumulation* to an unclouded niind; namely, tluit ed the total of motor vehicle* listed estate are hereby notified and directed
man who makes poor bread does do better.
i in the blood and tissue*, and thus save Nature »lone makes poriect fo-sls. in the state during 1915, with an ag- to present tlie same, pro;*-rly verified »»
so because her ideals of proper
gr< lie of 23.875. Last year the en required by law, to the und-T-igm-d
It is as easy for you to please ; attacks of fever which otherwise*!** liable Hen<-e, breaking up Nature’s combina- tire registration of motor vehicles was executor, at the office of J. J. Johnson,
culinsfry proceedings are defect­
to come to burn up the waste. When I lions must work disaster.
314 Spaulding Bldg., Portland, Oregon,
ive. You put your life into mak­ anybody as it is for everybody
A move was Inaugurated at Rose- within six month* from the date of first
For the week i u-lin
ing even of bread, the effort is to please you.
-Jti tne recommendation ot President
burg to publish the names of persons publication of this note.
of 237 accidents weri ‘ r
YOU. The boy or man who lays
Kerr the Oregon Agricultural college state industrial a<< ( ,1.
Dated and first published April 13,
liquor from outside points,
At the age of 21 a man
out a box or a building and makes
board of regents at its annual meeting commission, ot which
together with the quantities and char­ 191*1.
cut 180,000 from the totals recom­
a botch of it is pimply exposing more ideals than idea.
acter of liquor received. Certain per­ Exi-cutor of flu- Estate of Matilda
Rabbits that have 1
mended by the beads of the depart­
sons there believe that by publishing Altman, Deceased,
his mental inefficiency and de­
the farmers m ar 7.'.
the names of those receiving liquor In J. J. JOHNSON, Atty, 314 Spaulding
fective ideals. If parents could
The Pythian Sisters, the auxiliary to
Doiigla» county the supply will bo cur- Bldg., Portland, Ore.
only realize this and spend the
the Knights of Pythias, will hold Its
snow did the work.
most of the effort they make in
supreme temple session in Portland
Announcement is made by the dis­
A million tint,'-Hing salmon and
the training of their children in .- Eczema Cured or Money Refunded from August 1 to August 10, at the about 40tl,0of) <-a.,l• ,*u brook liput <■ o trict forecaster at Portland of the final N<'TH I
developing, proper ideajs, the
be liberated from the stale fish hatch classification by the secretary of agri­ In the County Court of the State of
of Pythias, will meet
ery on the upper McKenzie river east culture of practically all the lands
failures in life would. be far less This guarantee goes with every box of I Knights
Oregon, for the County of- Multno­
Arrangements were completed at a
within the Oregon national forest. mah.
numerous. ' No one builds better Dr. Holston’s Eczema Ointment. Makes meeting at Albany for a preliminary of Eugene, this summer.
A party of upper classmen from the This forest covers a total area of 1,- In the Matter of the Estate of Wil­
no difference whether its a baby, child
than his ideals.
survey of Linn county's first farm
school of forestry of the Oregon Agri 140,920 acrea lying between the Co­
or age»]. No matter how long standing
liam tarson, Decrated.
And now why cannot more the case the guarantee holds good. Cut drainage project. The land it la pro­ cultural college made a trip of Inspec lumbia river and Mount Jefferson, and Notice is hk4hy given that the under­
posed to drain lies along Oak creek
tion to the mills and manufacturing includes the Bull Run reserve and ths
people attend these parent meet­ out this strip, go to your druggist, get a and
signed, Charles E. tarsun, the execu­
embraces about 18,000 acre*.
Columbia Gorge Park.
tor of the estate of William Larson, de­
The school auditorium box of Dr. Hobson’s Eczema Ointment, The registration in Oregon for the plants in and about Portland.
Tbe supreme court has decided that ceased, has ¡filed in the County Court of
In fees paid by candidates for filing
should be full to the last seat. use it as directed and if you are not fully primary election to be held May 19
their declarations of candidacy and Secretary of State Olcott must place the State of (Iregon for the County of
satisfied, the druggist or maker will re­
There are thousand parents in fund your money. Try it just once, you is believed to be approximately 225,- for space In the official eleotlon cam­ tbe name of Justice Charles E Hughes
Multnomah, his final account as ex­
000. Thia estimate Is based on infor­
this district alone that would will be happily surprised.
paign pamphlet, the state of Oregon on the ballot in the" May primary, aa ecutor of said estate, and that said Court
mation from counties which have not
a candidate for the republican nomin­ has set and fixed Monday, the 8th day
have been immensely profited by
this year received a total of 16850.
yet reported the full registration.
To curtail the number of drunk* In ation for president, despite the fact of May, at the hour of 9:30 o’clock in
the talks at this meeting. Ev­ The right to possession of 125,000
Resolutions against the construction
ery one of them is productive of paid by the state of Oregon for the of a steel bridge over the Willamette Pendleton and to enforo* the prohibi­ that Hughes had requested the sec­ the forenoon of said day at the County
tion law* the purchasers and amount retary to keep bls name off and made
good suggestions, and no one can building and grounds of the Salem river at Salem were adopted at a mass of liquor sold each month by each of It plain that he did not wish to be con­ Court Room in die Court House of
Multnomah County, Oregon, aa the
come and go away without some hospital will be decided between the meeting of the citizens of Pork coun­ the drug Stores will be published.
sidered as seeking the of floe.
and place for the hearing of said
hospital and the Oregon Children's Aid
good suggestion sained.
Three steamers are to be construct­ Final Account, together with any ob­
Machinery is on the way from Han
society by Circuit Judge Kelly at Sa­ concrete bridge was in great favor.
Francisco to Alkali iak*, near Paisley, ed at Portland jointly by the North jections there may be to th«^ same, and
Initiation of a proposed constitution­
where the American Hod a Products west Steel company and Willamette for the settlement of said eatste.
Geography is not of much use Portland up to the present date of al amendment limiting Increase In tax­ company, hacked by thè Sprechila in- Iron & Hte-i company, and negotla-
Dated an>l first published March 30,
in the schools these days, but the cereal year, which has practically ation for state and municipality is to terests, is develuping thè noria berla, | tlons are being carried on through 1910,
Efforts to Induca every court/ In which a tourffi Carrier is expected to
the “Arabian Nights” should ended so far aa forwarding nftre grain State Taxpayers' League of Oregon,
on vessels is concerned, has shipped
help the students toward an un­ 8,488,485 bushels of wheat, 1,764,691 formed in Portland as the result of a Oregon to place exhiblt* at thè Oregon be contracted for immediately. Busi­ ecutor of the Estat* of William Larson,
fair to be held In Salem Hep- ness assured is estimated at 83,000,- Deceased.
derstanding of what a march bushels of barley and 982,654 barrels statewide conference called to discuss state
tember 25-30, are being made by A. 000, tbe contract pric* of each vessel J. J. JOHNSON, 314 Spalding Bldg.,
the problem of taxation in Oregon.
of flour.
towards Bagdad means.
H. Lea. aainatasv at IV*
*-*- bain* announced a* about 81.000.000.
Published Every Thursday at lenta. Ore., by the M t . N cott P chumhino C o .
The Bank?