Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, February 24, 1916, Image 4

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    Land Plaster
( Special Prices by U m toa
Gardens, Roses
and Lawns
Wood, Goal and
Building Material
Prompt Delivery
Sdittoc's PlmliM Pain
To kill the nerve pain* of Sciatica you
can alway* depend on Sloan's Lintment.
It penetrates to tlie seat of pain and
All churcb. a«x*l«*y. poraensl ami tonai ii*«>
bring* raw a* noon a* it ia applied. A
great comfort too with Sloan's is that noi publlshwi h>r prudi. tre«. notte«* ut «a-
tsrtatniuenu. cumiuct««! tur profll. pujbll.hed
no rubbing is required. Sloan'* Lini­ al a Jbc minimuit. ot SO word». A nuotino*
ment is invaluable (or stopping luuscu- turili» ami card ot Itiauks. «aoir rat* Adv«r-
iar or nerve pain of any kind Try it at llaln* ratea quote«! 01, rvqural.
once if you suffer with Rheumatism,
Mr*. J. B. Flack of Duluth. is »pend­
Lumbago. Sore Throat, Pain in Chest,
Sprains. Bruise««, etc. It ia excellent ing the week with Mr. ami Mr*. Sweet
for Neuralgia and Headache. 2-V. at on Gilbert avenue.
all Druggists.
E. P. Smith and Mr*. Smith called on
B E. Shipley* al Ariete Sunday alter-
for Children's (outjh
Yog cannot us* anything better for
your child's cough and cold than I»r.
C. J. Holway is building himself a
King's New Discovery. It is prepared
new garage and warehouse near his
from Pine Tar mixed with healing and
stun* at 115ml street and 48th avenue.
sootliiug balsam« It d,*A not contain
anything harmful and is slightly laxa­
The Ladies Aid Society of the M K*
tive. just enough to expel the poisons
from the system. Dr King’s New Dis­ Church met with Mr», Nellie Wood
covery i* antiseptic—kills tlie cold gertn worth this week for work
— raises the phlegm—loosens the cough
and soothes the irritation. iKin’t put
The laidies Aid of the Evangelical
off treatment. Cough* and Cold* often Church will give a 25 cent supja-r
lead to serkraa lung troubles. It is also March 17.
good for adults and the aged. Get a
bottle today. All Druggists.
dy Lee” incabator. Capacity 120 egg-
W. Lund, No. 5439, North Maut St ,
the new
that more of our IsMits young ladle*
would do likewitw there would be more
n»y cheek*.
Leal* *ch«x>l ha« been unusually free
fniin all contagions di**a*es ainee the
beginning of the achool year. Much |
cretlil is due the principal and his able
«s«r)ai «>( teachers as they are very de- ,
siroua of having each pupil able to show i
a dean bill of health. An authorata«
live school statement declares la*nte to ,
have the shortest III licalth report of any 1
school in Portland.
$100 Reward, $100
Th* reader* of tin* paper will I f
pUaaed to learn that th*r* I* at l< u»< I on»
that _ selane*
has ■ ' •
*.«*■*-» disease
______ ____
able to cur* In *11 Its ■(»(*«. and tli 1 I
Catarrh Hall’* Catarrh Cur* la th* ■■
poaltlv* cur* now known to llie 'n
fraternity. Catarrh twins a conatltut
dlacas*. rrtiulrea a i'oiiatltullo,,,l ti-
m«nt. Hair« Catarrh Cure la taa«” •
t-rnally. actins directly U| h > ii tl,« !■ -
and muiraua surfaca* of th* ay»t*m. tin
by i’««troylns th* foundation of th«-
eaa*. ami shins th* patient strensth i
bulldins up the conatHutton and n««1
nature in ¡joins It» work The pr< t>ri«-«--
hav« so much faith In Its curative t
er* that they otter One Hundred l’>
tor any caa* that It talla to cure
8, ■
for llat of teallmonlals.
Addr.a* r J i 'HKNBT aco. Toted-’ >’
Sold by att liruasleia. T&«
Take Haifa ramlly 1*111« for eon«<lpa<l<>'
What th* Hop Aphis Unchscksd Would
Do In On* Y*ar.
Few perMHi», »rite* Jam«* Buckland
In u report of the Siulih»oiilau luslltu
tioii. realize bow cuuraious is the num
Will move from the Hedge Building
Mr. Powers of Woodmere has been her of insect specie* or bow umaziug
to (»2nd St. and Foster Road, over the
seriously ill the past week.
> tbclr power of multiplication. Tbe
number of Insect a|**lc* Is greater hy
Where his patrons will be welcomed
Th* Harmonv Society celebrated fur than that of tbe *|>ecles of all other
living creatures combined. More than
Washington’s birthday in a party at
31M1.000 ha'«1 been described, and prob
Mrs. Spooner's on south 82 street.
ably twl«*e that numlier retualu to he
| examine«!. Virtually all living animals,
Scheuerman Bros. are la-ginning the j as well as most plants, supply food for
Exclusive—One Price
th«*se lnconi(>utable horde* The fecun­
We make all kinds of chicken conetru lion of a nouse 32 x 4»1 for their dity
J. A Mauck & Co.
supplies, champion Sanitary lather at 63rd avenue and 89th street. Ing of certain lust*ct forms la nstouud
124 5th St. Near Washington
Fountains. Grit and Shell
Riley one* compute«! that tbe |»r«>geuy
Boxes, Dry and Wet Mash
Leo Katzky an I wife entertained the of th«« hop aphis, which *<ws thirteen
Hoppers and Troughs.
“Run-arounds” last Saturday evening, generation* born to it In n single year.
Liven Lp Your Torpid liver
We will Make Anything You the lady of tne bouse getting tbe sur­ ' would, if unchecked to the end of the
To keep your liver active use Dr.
prise. There was a good attendance twelfth generation, multiply to th«« in­
Want out of Sheet Metal
conceivable number of ten sextillions
King's New Life Pills
They insure
a fine time reported.
of Individuals. Supplementing that cal
good digestion, relieve constipation, and
Bring in Your Repairing, No Job
Forbusb says that if thia
tone np the whole system—keep your
too Small
Mrs Clyde Sager entertained Wed­ brtxxl were marshaled in line, ten to
eye clear and your skin fresh and
nesday evening in honor of lawrence the tuch. It would extend to a polut so
healthy looking. Only 25c. at your
and wife. A very pleaaant time sunk In tlie profundity of s|u«ee that
light from the bead of tbo pnxvsslou.
is reported.
truiellng at the rate of I84.UOO tulles a
seeuud. would take 2.500 years to reach
N. 8. Hepburn of Melville, Sask., is tbe earth.
Kirkland has computed that In right
spending a few days with F. R. Foster.
He has Iraen passing th* winter at years the progeny of one pair of gy|*sy
Latest Styles
I California points. He and Mr. Foster moths could destroy all the foliage In
the United States. A Canadian ento­
were former railroad acquaintances.
mologist declares that In one season
the descendants of u |uilr of potato
Our Clothing is as Stylish as the best
Mrs. Dawson. Mrs. W. R. F. Browne. bugs would. If unchecked, numlier 00.
I Mrs. Tidliall. Mrs. Hawkin and Mr- 000.000.
City Tailored and Moderate in price
Tbe voracity of Insects Is almoat as
Nellie Woodworth visited the Methodist
astounding as their irawer of reproduc­
tion. Tbe dally ratlou In leaves of a
....... -
caterpillar Is equal to twice Its own
You will make a mistake if you fail to
Anyone needing help may find some weight If a horse were to ent aa much
see us before ordering
one to assist them by inquiring at the he would re«|ulre a ton of hay every
twenty-four hours. Forbusb say* that
Herald office.
a certain flesh eating lan*a will coa
sunie In twenty-four hours 2tx> times
Additon Bldg., Main Street, Lents
The Grays Crossing Embroidery Club Its original weight. A buiuun child, to
was entertained at Mr* McCord'* last do as well, would have to eat In the
Thursday aftemixm. Mrs. Earl (one flrst day of its life IJiOO pounds of beef.
Trouvelot who made a s|icclal study
will entertain the club at their next
of the subject, affirms that the fraxl
taken by a single silkworm In tifty six
days equals MrtOfXi times Its original
A Iran t seven or eight of the city’« neight nt hatching What destruction
prisoners are at work at the Butte al this one Insei't woul«l cause If even u
present. It «(teaks well for prohibition one-hundredth part of Its eggs ever
Lumber for all Purposes.
as there certainly would lie more men hatched! Th«* facts show bow great la
on the rockpile il liquor was to be «old the value to man of tbe Insect eating
Most Complete Line in all Mt. Scott
a.- formerly.
Dr. P. J. O'Donnell, Dentist
Tin Shop in Lents
Fall and Winter Patterns
Miller-Mowrey Lumber Co.
Shingles, Lath, Sash, Doors,
Builders Hardware, Building
and Roofing Paper
phone Home 24n
Lents Junction
Lath Shingles, Builders
Hardware, Ruberoid
Roofing, Sash, Doors,
and Interior Finish.
Nothing but the Best
of Quality and Service
Phone Orders Promptly Filled
Tabor 619
Wilberg-Oppegard In
vestment Co.
6924 Foster Road Near 70th Street
fl. D. Kenworthy and Co. Tnc.
Room 1, Miss Evarts, teacher, was
dismissed Monday on account of a sup­
Compared to Thom Flying Machine
posed case of scarlet fever. The room
Planes Ar* but Toy*.
was throughly fumigated and it is hoped
Although the bird traveler ba* no
the disease will be stamped out.
trunk to pack, guidebook to study or
ticket to buy, still he must make aotn*
*The city health officers were out last preparations for the Journey.
The warbler, which nexts tn Alaska
Friday and thoroughly fumigated the
rooms recently occupied by Dr. Faw­ and passe* the winter In northern
South America, should not begin an
cett. and the Doctor's property was re­ 8.000 mile voyage through the air over
move«! Tuesday.
mountains, plains and "ini unless Its
engine Is In good order and It has a
FOR SALE—Choice Early Heed Po- prufier supply of fuel
"But." you ask. "what ia a bird's en
tatoes. John h-nnox, Raro apo Station,
glne. and where does It curry fuel?"
Lente, Ore.
A bird s engine Is retilly Its wings
and the must les which move them. It
The silver tea given by the Ladies Aid is one of tile most perfect engines In
Society of the M. E. Church last the world. It la simple, but strong It
W«-dne*day at the borne of the pastor, works easily, but It Is powerful and
Rev. W. R F Browne, wax well at- rarely gets out of order.
For many year* num tried to make
tended, A pn.gram was given an«i an flying machines which should have
excellent lunch served.
wings like those of birds. But he never
succeeded. He could not make even a
Miss Edna Wolfe, a former Lents feutber! Finally he discovered that if
girl, is private secretary to Senator he won Id make a machine that would
Brady of Idaho and is seeing life in fly he must give It wings an«l an en
glue. So he constructed an aeroplane,
Washington this winter.
which has wide,stiff wings, or "planes,"
measuring about thirty feet From tip to
Mr*. E. P. Smith who prepares and tip. These wings cannot be flappe«!.
serves the hot lunch at the Lento and tn themselves they furnish nd (raw­
school would tie very glad if more of the er. But to them man added an engine
driven by gasoline and electricity. Thia
mothers of the children who get lunch engine turns a long bladed propeller,
there would come and see for them­ which urges the aeroplane forward,
selves just whet is tieing done for the while the planes support It when It Is
school lunches.
in motion.
But a bird's wing, w* must remem­
C. G. Danielson, formerly of Ijenta. ber, la trath plane and engine. It gives
support as well as power. It Is there
sustained a serious injury while trying fore u-wfar more remarkable machine
to start the engine of his motorcycle. than tbe on* made hy man.—Frank M.
The machine kicked backward and hit Chapman In St Nicholas.
hi* ankle. He will have to use crutches
for at leant a week.
"Pa. what’* ’Innocuous desuetude?* ’’
"It** what 1 fall Into, son, when yonr
Mimi Sarah Wand« and Miwt'Dpfothy mother and a caller start Jo discussing
Smith-ot Arden Park made a resolution th* servant problem ’’ - Birmingham
on New Year’s Day to walk at leant one Age-Herald.
mile or more each day of the year 1916.
They have done thia and more anti no
far have walked 168 miles, each. Would
Tnntral Directors,
3802-4 V2«d STREET S. E.
fir»« Class Metric* Ulven IMt or Night
Sixty Tons of Fuel an Hour Whlrlod
From Vossol to Vessel,
How the British veaaato of war are
eoa led while sailing through heavy
sea* at u rate of twelve tullea an hour |
without hindering their activities In
auy way la told In tliv Mau< h«-«tor
A collier pnektal to the hatch** with
coal gels into touch by Wirt* lees with
a battleship whose bunker* need tu la*
On sighting the vessel
the supply ship maneuvers uutll it la
within 400 feet of the tail I lea hip Tbe
collier then dispatches a small boat
that carries two cable* Ou* end of
each la attache«) tu th* masthead of
the supply vessel. The line* pay out
as the taiat ad valves, and when It
reaches tbe wurahlp the sailor* fasten
the cables to the stern of the ship m
the |H>rt and starboard «idea
The two ahlim, therefore, travel In a
straight Hue fastened together, while
from th* mast of tbe collier to tbe
deck of the warship stretches a trans
port cable for carry lug coal bags
Sacks of coal that weigh a ton are
holatia! from tlie foot of the collier's
mast to a platform at Its head, below
which theie la a net to protect deck
bauds from falling pie«*** of coal. By
means of wheels that run on the cable
automatic winches force tbe load along
the sloping transport line at a rate of
3.<xx> feet a minute. On reaching th*
deck of the battleship tbe load ia au­
tomatically released, and tbe trans­
porter starts on It* return journey.
By means of tbl* apparatus sixty
toua of coal can tie carried every hour
acroaa th* gap of water tuat separate*
tbe supply ship from tbe battleship
The great advantage la that both
vaaoal* can move at the rate of
twelve knot* an hour while the coaling
go«* on.
Ths Grand Teton.
The view of the Teton peak* from
Ashton, Ida., Is superb and doubtless
ha« been the inducement for many a
tourist snd s[rartsmau to lesv* tbe
tuulu line for the Teton range and the
Jackson Hole country tn pursuit of
elk. sheep, trout and unsurpassed moun­
tain scenery. Owen Wister’s "Virgin
Ian" was glad to get out of these moun­
tains tic's use, as he explained, "they're
most too big-"
Tbe average American, who has only
a vague conception of the natural lieau-
tles of the Rocky mountains and Imag
Ines that real alpine forms are found
only in Hwltzerland. must lie surprised
when be flrat sees the lofty peaks of
tbe Teton*. Even a man who, has
cllnitied tbe Matterhorn would think
twice before daring to try Graud Teton
According to local report, thia peak
ban been ascended only twice. In 1872
and 1.0-1. A* the snowclnd mountains
along the Alaskan archipelago, rising
to cloud reaching heights, stand with
their feet luitlied in the ocean. so from
a vlew|H>lnt near Asltlon tbe Teton*,
towering tu the sky, rise from tbe bil
lowy surface of a sea of golileu grata
—Geological Survey Bulletin.
Festival of Minerva.
The most notable festival at Athens
was In honor of Minerva All classes
of citizens on tills day marched In pro­
cession Tile oldest went first, then
the young men. the children, the young
women, the matrons and the people of
the lower ord, nt Th* ino*t prominent
object In the parndc wu* a ship pro
pellet! by hidden machinery and benr
Ing at Its niastlwnd the sucred banner
of the goddess
Curious Lak*.
Washed Graded Gravel
Plastering Sand
82n<l St. and 45th Ave.
Phone Tabor 2063
R. Heytiritf
Dukes’ Market
Market of Inspected
Butter, and Eggs,
An Experienced Butcher
in Charge
Main Street, Lenta, Oregon
IT k Tabor 22M
Resides« 211 N. Main Si. Lesta, (Ire.
Edward Mills
Mt. Scott, Lent* and Portland
In the center of Elidine, an Island In
the German ocean. I* n curious take
The surface of Its waters Is quite fresh
and supports fresh water creatures,
but deep down it la as salt aa the great
eat depths of the sea. and salt water
flah live In IL
Baggage and General Rauling,
Highly Important.
It la highly ImirartHiit when a man
makes up his mind tew hekum a ras
kali that he ahud examine hlssclf clua
ly and see If he ain’t better konstruct
ed for a phool.—Josh Billings.
Leave Baggage Check and Address
at Plummer Drug Store.
Third and Madiaon St.
Trunks 50c Each
Pasteur** Gift to Society.
The normal death rate of civilized
countries before the days of I’asteur
was about thirty to a thousand of the
population. Today it la about fifteen
to a thousand In the more progressive
nations. Think what a saving of rtf
teen Ilves a year for every thousand
of population means when applied to
half the earth! It menns the averting
of 12.000.<X)0 untimely deaths annually
It menus more then 25,000,000 cases of
Illness avoided It menus health mid
happiness In 20.000,000 homes rather
than disease and distress -Bulletin of
National Geographic Boclety.
HI* Drawback.
"Girl, ain’t you making a mistake In
marrying a fisitball hero?"
"But, auntie, conalder how be Is ad
mired on all aides."
"1 du. and I should think that would
make It very difficult to reduce him to
■ point of humility desirable tn a good
husband.**— Loutavill* Courtor-Jouraal
J. P. Finley&Son
Funeral Directors
Montgomery and Fifth Ht
Ona Place of Busin**« Only
Experienced Women
In Attendance
Main Office
Phon* Maia 9