LOCAL AND PERSONAL M Fl LIFORNIA • All church, »ocl.ty, gMMBal and local acwa not pubUahcd tree Uulicea of lertaiumenta. conduct«! (or prellt. pubU.fc.d at a fee miiiiinun. ot to word». Annaunoc- tueuta and card ot thank«, «ame rale. Adver- tutu« ralea quoted on requeat. ••THE MAGIC LAND OF PALMS AND FLOWERS** Southern California has much to offer you this winter. City or country, mountain or beach re­ sorts all are invitinc. The Panama-California Exposition at San Diego will remain open an­ other year—bigger and better than ever. But Southern California offers something even greater than this. It is the ever present and delightful John Mana i* laid up at honte with an attack of pleuriay. To la»an—S100. or $200 on Kcal Ertale Security. Box 537 lamia Mre. Win. Anderton ha» been a auf- ferer from aatltnia for aeveral week«. Sunshine and Flowers Dr. O’Donnell ia preparing to move into room« over the Lenta Pharmacy. Roses in bloom. Oranges and Lemons ripening on the trees. Poppies and Geraniums every­ where. This is the real California. The ex­ pense of a tnp to Southern California is not great. • Household furniture for eale, at your own price, Leaving city. 8922 Gilbert Ave. Mm. Darnell han loot two daya from •chon) the paat week by being ill with throat trouble«. Low Round Trip % are on sale daily from all Pacific Northwest points. Stopovers are allowed at pleasure. Through car service on limited trains, through dining car and observation cars make the all­ rail route the delightful way to go. Dr. O'Donnell ie having eoroe room» ; prepared over the Lente Pharmacy and 1 will receive hie patient« there after the 25tb. Ask your local agettf or write John M Scott, General l’aaeenger Agent. Portland. Oregon Mrs. Jenette Gesell was reported ; among the disabled last Natunlay, an after revolt of the recent severe weather. SOUTHERN PACIFIC ------ , Dr. T. J. O’Donnell will move hie , dental office to room« in the Hashim building in a few dayn. — Qay Rogers, formerly of l ent«, wan i down from hia home near North Plaine Tneeday. He eayn about three feet of ■now fell up there on the level. Mra. Otto Katzky han been the victim of the weather thia week, or was it the result of excitement caused by a social surprise one evening last week. The graduating class of the Lents grammar school held their exercise« on __________ Thorday at 11, at the school auditorium =8* 1 I and were addressed by * N. O. Heden. Fall and Winter Patterns Latest Styles SUITS AND TOP COATS Our Clothing is as Stylish as the best City Tailored and Moderate in price REPAIRING, GLEANING, AND PRESSING REASONABLE COST AT You will make a mistake if you fail to see us before ordering JOHN MANZ, Tailor Additon Bldg., Main Street, Lents Miller-Mowrey Lumber Co. Lumber for all Purposes. Most Complete Line in all Mt. Scott Shingles, Lath, Sash, Doors, Builders Hardware, Building and Roofing Paper Phone ™ Lents J unction LUMBER Lath Shingles, Builders Hardware, Ru hero id Roofing, Sash, Doors, and Interior Finish. The Ladiee Aid Society of the M. E. church will bold their regular 10 cent tea on Wedneeday Feb. 2 at 2 p. tn. at the home of Rev. W. R. F. Browne, of 5703, 83rd Street. All ladiee are eordi- ’ ally invited to attend. Them eeem* to be an increaeed inter- eet in the night achool for lent« inde­ pendent ¡of the Arteta School. Our people whoipen l an hour and a half on I the car daily cannot afford the added expense or time to go back to Arleta ’to , to school. In­ 6924 Foster Road Near 70th Street Mild temperature« and frequent squalls of anew have been the prevail­ ing feature« of the part week in this |mrt ot Oregon Saturday and Sunday were rainy, turning into snow Monday and i continuing till Wednesday noon. Dur- I ing this time about eight iliehe« of enow i fell, but it came so gently and the weather was so calm that it fell without i drifting, and would have noon disap- lieared quickly but for the continued tendency to atiuw, With such a January record. Oregon i« fast losing it» right to claim the nioet delightful climate in America. And that isn't all. There are people who maiutain that this la a mild winter com­ pared with one almut 30 years ago, when the ice got so thick on Die Wil­ lamette that the bridge« were not need­ ed—(By the way tb-re were no bridges then > and the «now was three feet deep on th« level. The horse« all died from nervous fright, on account of the «now. and tlie cattle practically starved to death. And the wont ot it is thia may turn out to be just such another winter. Never can tell. TI m > total snowfall so far this January ie estimated at 24 inches, and it I.as snowed 12 days. Some one say« thia record was exceeded in IH&3. and in 1683. According to that Oregon’s ex­ treme weather cycle ia 30 years and that brings oa a little part it. probably due to •low time« and the Ih-mocratic ad- ministration. Temperatures have been around 20 the last twelve hours. Mr. and Mrs. Charlee C. Brown and family, who have iteen living on south main street, left Hunday for Mimissippi, ■ where, near Jackson, he will try his hand aa manager of his motiier’a farm. Their many Lente friends will miae them. Dr. and Mrs Hava entertained them and a number ot friends at a party on the evening of the Sth of January. The Y. P A. of I>ents Evangelical church met for its monthly borine«» meeting at the home of Wm. Anderson of 2nd Ave., Tuesday night. The at- I tendance win excellent. Paul Brad­ ford was elected president for the next . yeay. Hazel Sommerfelt was elected vice preeident, and Pearl Clark, chair­ man of the Lookout Cnmmittee. Mra. E. Ulrich was chosen Corresponding Secretary. All the committee depart­ ments show good work. Any one who needs help or who wants work or who has work to offer, kindly notify lhe Y P.A. (committee, Tabor 5 or 4243, and aoy possible assistance will be given. A Pleasure, We Assure You. A Separate, Clean, Steaming Hot Towel to every Cuttomer 25C 1 Chesters Union Sanitary Barber Shop Tabor 6279 fl. D. Kenworthy and Co. Inc. funeral Directors, TWO ESTABLISHMENTS PHONE TABOR 6»6T RHONE TABOR SOUS 9802-4 «2nd STREET S. E. 4619 66th SI., Cor. POSTER ROAD IN LENTS ARLETA Flral Cl»«. Nervlev Ulve« bar or Ntghl Clow Proximity Io t'sni«l*rl«» Knablv» Vs tu Purnl.h Funeral« at a Mlnluiuiu Kapenao SPICUL SfKYlGL Al TH! GIKMAN Rt tORMLD CHURCH Installation ol the newly elected pastor, Rev. W. G. Lietikaemper. who recently came here from Halem, Ore., will lake plaiv Bunday, January 30. He will he installed by a committee ap­ pointed by lhe Portland, Oregon, t'laaaia, conairtiug of Revs. J. Weinly, Ed Bchudt and Elder Matalow. Immediately following the regular service a «octal gathering will take place in tlie baarmenl ot the church. Lun- cbeon will be served by the I.ad be of the church. Card of Thanks, HORSE-SHOEING Wagon Repairing and General BLACKSMITHING Matt Greenslade, Foster Road NewMethodLaundry Tabor 3614 QUICK SERVICE FIRST CLASS WORK Washed Graded Gravel Plastering Send We wish to express our heartfelt thanks to our kind neighlstni and friends for tlie Iwauliful Moral offerings, 82nd St. and 45th Ave. and also who so kindly aaaiated u« in the aickneaa and death of our Iteloved Phone Tabor 2063 Mt. Scott Mental Culture (tub husband and father. Mr«. R. J. Wag­ l-aet Friday the ML Scott Mental ner, Emil Wagner, Mrs. A. Bnigger. Cuituie Club met at tlie home of Mrs. Mr«. K. A. CUrk. Wra. Woodham to oheerv»> Red letter Day That, in the parlance of Woman’« Clubs, means an effort to raise money for lhe Scholarship Ixtan Fund. This was the record of four silver teas, th», the new proceeds of which will be the club’s donation to the fund. Tin Shop In Lents On this occasion about fifty members 6024 92nd Street and friends gathered to liear Mrs. Frederick Eggert tell how the Loan STOVEPIPE Fund has enabled Hit girls to complete ELBOWS their education and enter larger Held« STOVE and FUR­ of useful I nee». Her address was re­ Drake ft Hauck NACE REP AIMHG ceive»! with much enthusiasm. MAUORA HAT EHOra Musical numbers by Mrs. H. D. G. We make all kinds of chicken IM 4TM er MO WABHtNUTQN ST. Baxter, Mia« Mamie Began and Miss supplies, champion Sanitary Hazel Hardy, added greatly to the Fountains, Grit and Shell pleasure of the meeting. Boxes, Dry and Wet Mash Mrs. Woodham «u assisted in re­ Hoppers and Troughs. ceiving by Mrs. Ed Doran, Mrs. Sadie For Reliable Work­ We will Make Anything You Orr I>tinl>ar and Mra. J. J. Handsaker. R. Heyting COME TO Want out of Sheet Metal GUTTERING and ROOFING Peter Pier, aged 66, of Eight avenue, formerly of Damascus, dW last Friday afternoon. The funeral was held Mon­ day morning at St. Peter’s Church, Lente, Father Beutgen conducting the funeral ceretnoniew The remains wen- laid to test in Multnomah Cemetery. Mr. Pier k-aves a wife and three child­ ren, He lived near Damascus for twelve years until this fall when he moves! to Eighth avenue and built himself a house. His memory will !»• cherished by his many friehds living near the old home at Damascus, and th»« family so un­ fortunate as to stiffer by his death. The Yeager Theatre will try a new feature this week, eotne educational and Reports show that a large sawmill will travel pictures which ought to be very be erected in Indepemlence instead of instructive. The way to secure instruc­ Hoskins as was previously reported. tive picture« ie to patronise the theatre when it baa them. Thia will give*us a The Canby cbetw factory is sclwsluled chance to show our appoval of an ad­ to start January 15. vance in standards. Buster Brown or Dutch Cuts for Children Phone Orders Promptly Filled Tabor 619 1 Peter Pier Buried The Pacific Furniture Specialties Manufacturing Co., of Portland, has opened its factory with sufficient orders on hand for several months. Nothing but the Best of Quality and Service Wilberg-Oppegard vestment Co. Victor Hickman, a former Lent« boy write« from Lebanon, Ore., that be ha* ' taken unto himeelf a wife and ia living j on alarm. He report« hie mother ae failing fact from a complication of heart trouble«. More Snow for Sunny Oregon Dr. P. J. O'Donnell, Dentist Will mote from the Hedge Building to 92nd Nt. and Footer Road, over the LENTS PHARMACY Where his patrons will lie welcomed School Books Bring in Your Repairing, No Job too Rmsll A. PEARCE Call At Th«- Cash Shoe Repairing Shop Dukes' Market JOS. QRASSEKS, Prop Market of Inspected MEATS Fresh Beef, Pork, Mutton, Sau­ sage, and Cured Meats, ol All Kinds. Butter, and Eggs, An Experienced Butcher in Charge Main Street, Lenta, Oregon Wood and Coal 000® 92nd et. Mouth of car line l«»ut« Station, Portland, Ore. Mier Wird De u tach, Iugariih and Serb huh (lekhpriKhcm Pte..* Taker 22M Rrrideace 211 N. Main St. Leal«, Ore. Edward Mills ML Scott, Leela aa4 Petfood EXPRESS Baggage and General Hauling, Trunks 50c Each DAILY SERVICE I .eave Baggage Check ami Addreae at Plummer DrugHtore. Third and Madieon Ht. in any quantity J. P. Finley & Son KING COAL Funeral Directors Montgomery ami Fifth 8t HAY and E New, and Second Hand, Bought and Sold at manship Washed Gravel, Sand, Cement, Lime, Wall and One Place of Bnaineee Only Experienced Woman in Attendance Main Office Phone Main 9 A-1599 Land Plaster Hyland’s Book Store 170 5th St. Opposite Postoffice Portland, Oregon How to Cure Colds Right Prices, Prompt Delivery McKinley & Co. 9326 Foster Road Tabor 968 Avoid ex|MH»nn> ami draft«. Eat right. Take Dr. King'« New Dietjovery, It ia prepared from Pine Tar, healing balaarria and mild laxative«. Dr. King’« New Discovery kill« and expela th«- cold germa, aootliea the irritated throat and allaya inflammation. Search aa you will, you cannot find a better cough ami cold remedy. Ita ttae over 45 yearn ia a guarantee of aatiafaction.