At The Churches Arteta Baptist Church I PARK, ARLETA WANTED—to trail« two good lota 9:45 a. in. Bibl* Hchool. and a four room house in Walden Park, II a. in. I'reaehing ««rvic«. Mnta, for a lot near Firland. Phone 7:8Op. m. Evening services, 6:15 n in. B. Y. I*. U. meeting. Talier <1497. 7 :4A I’rayer meeting. Special «ervice« have been resumed at Everylxely walcoms to any an. hi . Evening worship. 7:3o p. m. Thursday, midweek *ervl«e Sunday School Sunday morning the ’ Laymen’s Missionary Convention ot H p. m. Thussday, choir practica. Kav. Win. fl. Arno», Pastor, I Fell. 13. 14, 16 and 16 will I* presented I at the Millard Avenue Presbyterian Church. Thia is a Nation wide move* St. Peter's Catholic Church ment gripping our men over the land. Sundays: Conventions are being held in 75 of our H a. in. fx>w Maa*. larire cities. Men from the lour corners 10:30 a. m. High Ma*«. 8:30 a. in. Bund»? Hchool. of the earth will lie at the Portland 12 M. Cboll rehearsal. Convention on the above date*. W**k day*; Maa» at H a. in. On Friday evening. Feb. 4, the Har­ mony Choral (Hub of about 40 voice«, Seventh Day Adventist Church under the direction of Mra. Ella Hoberg 10 a. in. Haturday Habbath Hchool. Tripp, will give a muaical entertainment 11 a. m. Haturday preaching. 7 ;3fl p. in. Wrdn«*»l*y, l’ray*r mealing. in th« Millard Avenue Presbyterian 7 46 p. tn. Bunday preaching. Church for the l«*n«flt of the church choir. The program will consist of in- Kern Park Chrlstaln Church «trnrnental ami vocal nuintiera, among Corner Minh Bt. ami 46lb Are. 8. E. which are »election* by a ladies’ trio, a 10 a. ni. Bible Hchool. sextette from Lucia ami the Cantata eu- 11 a in. and 7:3o p m. preaching «er« titled, The Curfew Bell by Lyne«. vice, 0:30 p. m. Chriatain Endeavor. Wedneeday afternoon at the Arleta 7 30p. m. Thursday, mid-weak prayer School the following program waa ren- meeting. A cordial welcome to all. \ de red at the ln«M-ting of the Parent- lU-v <1 K. Berry. Pastor. | Teaciter A *■»«■!*! ion: Piano «»do, ‘ Everett Ball; Reading,' Jennie Norrie; St. Pauls tplscopal Church I Song by the pupil« of the eecond-A claaa, i One block south of Woodmere »tation. ilire»te». oü,,,r A. J Wesco, Supervisor of penmanship vice* that day. Every other Sunday the regular *er of tlw Portland Public School*. Thir I vice* will tie a* Usual. lecture should have been attended by Evening Prayer and sermon at 4 p. in. Sunday Hchool meet* at 3 p. m. B. every parent in the community, not Boatwright. JJupt ■ I- M»fielt. Sec. only for the wi«e advice given by Mr. Rev. O. W. Tavlpr, Rector. Wraco, but also to make them«eiven ac­ quainted with the aound principh*« Lents Lvanticllcal Church which he set forth a« .mulerlying all Sermon by the Pesto»’, 11 a. m. and progreaa. Mr. Weaco i* a firm believer in the theory Hint the mind mu»t tirat 7 :15 p. m. . _ ... Hunday School 9:45 a. in., All*rl comprehend, and then direct the execu­ Fankhauner, Siiiwrilitendeiit. Y. P. A. 6;15 p. m. Eva Ander»on. tion of ita own command«, inaiatcntly, and unflaggiugly before the nt intent can President. Prayer meeting Thursday 8 p. m. become an accompli«he»i penman. A cordial welcome to all. T. R Horn*chuch. l‘a»tor. The graduating claaa of the Arleta school field ita official party at the home Lents friend's Church ot Mac (Turrie. The evening waa spent 9:46 a. m. Bible Hchool, Mr*. Maud in game« and claaa fnu. Th<< pleasant Keach, Superintendent. affair waa concluded with refre«hmenta. 11:00 a. m Preaching »ervice*. Th»«« prevent were: Olive De Jamett, 6:26 p. in. Christian Endeavor. 7:30 p. in. Preaching Service*. Elide Schaub, Ulady« Meyer«, Ruth 8:00 p. m. Thursday, mid week Constantine, lemla Rohwer, leta Trax­ prayer meeting. A cordial welcome to all th««« ser- ler, Belle ieminons, Mae Currie, Fran­ vice*. John Riley, Pa*tor. cis Wood, Lyvia Holversen, Amanda Holvrraen, Sira Kalendar, Verna Lues- Lents Baptist Church itig, Garnett Saulcer, Vie Grabill, Iva Lord’* Day. Jan. 30, Bible School Clough, Alva Duffield, Isara Haibald, Irene Noe), Haxel Hansen. Florence » 46 a. tn. Morning worship, 11 a. tn. Chapman, Flora Wilcox, Marjorie Hal­ Elmo ileigbta Bunday School, 2:30 ley, Clara Carney, Ralph Vorrelie. Ver­ p. m non R»wcoe, Ixiyde Helem, George Bur­ B Y P. U , 6:30 p m. lingham, Harry Day, Delbert Whitner, Evening worahip, 7 :30 p. m. A cordial welcome to tlieee service«. Walter Jacob«, Otto De Jarnett, Harold J.- M Nelaon, Paetor. Ernhart, Mark Mayo, Billy Misnon, Bennie Pollock, David Hawkins, <>rri« Fifth Church ot Christ The merrymaker« were Fifth Church of Christ Scientist of Purdin. Portland, Ore. Myrtle Park Hall, chaperoued by Mr*. Malcom Currie, Mrs. Baker, Mice Nell Fawcett and Mis* Myrtle Park. Service« Sunday 11 a. m. McLaughlin. Sunday School 9:30 and 11 a. in. Wednesday evening teetimoniai meet­ On Friday evening, Jan. 21, the ing 8 p. tn. regular monthly bu«ine«s meeting of the Y. P. 8. 0. E. of the Millard Avenue Lents M.E Church Preabyterian Church waa held at the Sunday School 9:46. a. tn. home of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Burch, Preaching 11:00 a. m. . . _ Service* at Bennett Cbapel at 3 p. tn. .5609-63 St, 8. E. A good attendance Epworth 1-eagu* 6:30 p, tn. waa had and mueh interest manifest­ Preachihg 7 :30 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday evening at ed in the work of the society. Definite plana were made for the experience so­ 7 :30. W. R. F. Browne. pastor. cial to be held at the home of Mr. and Residence 9606, 69lh Ave., 8. E. - Mrs. O. H. Gilbert, 4928-71 St. on Fri­ day eveuing February H- At this so­ cial each mem her will tell how he ha« Laurehvood M. E. Church earne«i the money given to tl>e society • 9:46 a. m. Sunday school. during the month of January, which It :00 a. tn. preaching. ha« been obeerve»! as self denial month. 12:80 a. m. class meeting 6:30 p. m. Epworth league. Thia social will also have a St. Valen­ 7:80 p m preaching. The paetor is assisted by a chortle choir tine feature which has not yet been made public by the social meeting. At and the Amphion Male Quartette. 8:01) p. m. Thursday evening, prayer a meeting of the prayer meeting com­ •ervice. . „ . mittee the following named leailers will Dr. C. R. Carlo«, paetor. have charge of the evening services for the month of February. February 6, German Evangelical Reformed Church members of the society who took the ex­ Corner Woodstock Ave., and 87th Bt. pert emieavor course under the direc­ Rev W. G. Llenkaemper, pastor. tion of the City Union, passed their Sunday School 10 a. m.. examinations and are now expert en- Morning Worahip, 11 a. m. deavorera. Feb. 13, President, Allen Y. P. 8. at 7:30 p. m. Herman Hchool and Catechetical Claaa Black; Feb. 20, Mias Mildred McIn­ tosh ; Feb. 27, Ellton Shaw. A cordial Haturday 10 a. m.__________ invitation is extended to all to attend Baby’s Skin Troubles noy of these services. Pimple«—Eruptions—Ecseiua quickly PLEASANT VALLEY T yield to the soothing and healing quali- ? tlea of Dr. Hobson’« Ecaema Ointment. ’---------------------------------- — K No matter where located, how bad or laasac. Shearer of Idaho is visiting for long standing, Dr. Hobson’s Eczema a few »lay« at the home of T. P. Camp­ Ointment will remove every trace of the ailment. It will.restore the akin to ita bell. I. F. Coffman of Lent« was looking natural softness and purity. Don't let your child suffer—don’t tie embarrassed after his valley ranch one day recently. H. E Poppleton was in Portland on by having your child'« face diafigtired with blemishes or ugly war*. Use Dr. business last Saturday. Mrs. W. G. Rogers was called to Hobson’s Ecaema Ointment. Ita guaran­ Forest Orove on a matter of bu«ine«s teed. No cure, no pay. 60c. at your Monday. Druggist. A benefit play will be given at the Plea«ant Valley grange hall next Satur­ The proceeds of Magnolia Camp No. 402«, Royal day night, Jan. 29th. Neighbor«, meet« regular Second tne affair, after the necessary expenses and Fourth Wednesday« of each have lieen deducted will be turned over month at 1. 0.0. F.. Hall. Second to a fund that is being raised to provide Wednesdays social meeting. Neighbor* the school children with a play shed bring your families and friend*. and necessary equipment that goes with Fourth Wednesday, business. All it. This is a worthy obfect and it is to Neighbor« requested to come. By tie hoped that all who can will turn out next Saturday-night. order of the Camp LODGE DIRECTORT b*twee6 that of th* professional rioter “Whaf* pals’r and that of tbs orang outsng. Nsvsr- "Good b«avens! Don't you know tbsisas hsr manner at times just hint­ what it means to say you're 'greet pais’ with sny one? You are an odd ed a consciousness that this Caliban waa her property, wherefore »he stared child!” at him incredulously ss his heed bob- it was too much. tied up and down In the dan«'1ng school “Ob, hugs!” said Penrod. bow, greeting hl* guests. Then she This bit of ruffianism bad a curious beard an adult vok-e near her exclaim: effw-L I aix-hon looked upou him with "What an exquisite child!" • sudden favor Marjorie glance»! up—a little con- "I like you. Peurod,“ she said in an scjously, though she wa* used to it— odd way. and whatever else there may naturally curious to ascertain who was have been in her manner there certain­ speaking of tyr. It waa Ham Wil­ ly was no shyness. liams' mother addressing Mra. Bassett, “Ob. bugaf This repetition may both tielng present to help Sirs. Scho­ have lacked gallantry, but U was ut­ field make tbe festivities festive. tered In no very decld»-d too*. Penrod "Exquisite!” I waa abaken. Here was a second heavy surprise “Y*e. 1 do!” She stepped closer to for Marjorie, They were not looking Copyright. 1914. by Doubt* Uy. him. smiling "Your hair to ever so at her. Th-y were looking with beam- Page & Company pretty.” Ing approval at a giri she bad uever Hallora’ parrots swear like mariners, seen, a dark and modish stranger of they say. and gay mothers ought to r»e "About tiny yi-nrs older," unswered •Ilze that all children are Imitative, for singularly rotuposed an»l yet modest Mrs. 8cho6eld, turning upon him a a* tbe pre»-o»-lous Fancbon leaned to­ a*[>ect Her downcast eye», becoming stare of perplexity. “Don't cut Into ward Penrod the mnnner In which *he In one thus eulering a crowded room, the leather with your new knife, dear lookeai Into bls eye* might have made were all that produced the effe»-t The liveryman might aak us to pay a thoughtful observer wonder where of modesty, counteracting something about her which might have seemed If- No. I wouldn't a» ru|>e the paint she bad learned her pretty ways. too assured. She was very «lender, off either- nor whittle your shoe with Penrud wa* even more confused tt Couldn't you put It up until we get than he bad been by her previous mys­ very dainty, and her apparel was dto- borne?” teries. but hla confusion was of a dis­ "We goln' straight home?" tinctly pleasant and alluring nature. “No. We're going to »top at Mrs. He wanted more of IL Looking inten­ Gelbralth'a and a*k a at range little giri tionally Into another person's eyes is to come to your party thia afternoon " an act unknown to childhood, and Pen­ "Who?” rod's dix-overy that It could b* done "Her name la Fanebon Hbe'a Mrs. was sensational He bad never Gelbralth’a little niece” thought of looking luto the eyes of "What makes her so queer?" Marjorie Jones. T didn't any «he's queer Despite all anguish, contumely, tar "You sald”- and Maurice Mvy. he still secretly "No; I mean that she la a stranger thought of Marjorie, with pathetic Hbe Ilves in New York and tins come constancy, as bls "beau." though that to visit here." is not bow be would have sjielled IL "Whnt's she live In New York for?” Marjorie was beautiful; her curia were “Becattse her imrenta live there. You long and tbe color of amber; her nose must be very nice to her. I’etirod. She was straight and her freckles were has lieen very carefully brought up. honest; she was much prettier than Beside«, she doesn't kuow the children this a'complt«bed visitor But beauty here, and you must help to keep her is not all. from feeling louely at your party." ! “1 do!" breathed Fanchon softly. "Yea'tu.' She seemed to lum a fairy creature When they reached Mrs Gelhraitb'a from some rosier world than this So renrod sat patiently hum|a-d u|»>u a bumble 1» the human heart It glori­ glit chair during the lengthy exchnuge fies and makes glamorous almost any of greetings between bls mother and poor thing that says to IL “1 like Mrs. Gelbralth. That is one of the you!" tbingx a boy luust learn to bear Penrod was enslaved. He swallow­ When hU mother meets a compeer ed. coughed, scratched tbe back of bls there Is always a long and dreary wait neck and said disjolntedly: for him. while the two ap|*ear to lie "Well—I don't care—If you want to. using strange symbols of speech, talk I Just as soon.” Ing for the greats» part. It seems to "We’ll dance together.” said Fan- him, simultaneously, and employing a chon, "at your party." wholly lucuiuprebeualbie ayatetu of em "I guess so I just as »»Kin." pna«lH at other times uot tn vogue, “Don't you want to. Penrod?” t'eiirod twisted tils legs, bls cap au«l "Well. I m willing to." ills nose “No Say you want to!” "Here she to!" Mra. Gelbralth cried “Well"- uuex|ie»'tedly. and a dark haired, de He used bls toe as a gimlet boring mute (»erxoD entered the room wear into the ground, bis wide open eye* mg a look of gracious social expectan staring with Intense vacancy at a but­ Th* Whit* Qlovw Upon HI* Hands cy. In years she was eleven. In man­ ton on bis sleeve. Hla mother appear­ Had a Pleasant Smeli. ner aliout *lxty-flve. and evidently had ed upon the porch in departure, call­ heartening to the other girls, It was lived much at caurL She performed a ing farewells over her shoulder to Mr*. of a knowing ptetnresqueneas wholly courtesy in acknowledgment of Mra. Gelbralth. who stood in the doorway. | unfamiliar to them. There waa a del­ Schofield's greeting and bestowed her "Ray It!** whispered Fanchon icate trace of powder upon the kibe of hand upou i’eurod. who bad entertain "Well. 1 just as soon." Fanchon’a left ear. and tbe outlines of ed no hope of such an honor, showed She seemed satisfied. his *un>rise that It should come to him A dancing floor bad been laid upon a her eyelids. If very closely scrutinised, and was plainly unable to decide what platform in the yard when Mrs. Scho­ would have revealed successful exper- to do about It field and her son arrived at their own ' I men tation with a burned match. Marjorie’s lovely eyes dilated. She "Fanebon, dear." said Mra. Gelbralth. abcxle. and a white and scarlet striped "take Penrod out In tbeyard for a while canopy was In process of erection over­ | learned tbe meaning of hatred at first and play.” head to shelter tbe dancers from tbe | sight Observing tbe stranger with in- “Lat g<> the little girl's band. Pen sun. Workmen were busy everywhere Htlnctlv* suspicion, all at once she Poor rod." Mra Schofield laughed aa the under tbe direction of Margaret, and seemed, to herself, awkward. children turned toward the door. tbe smitten heart of Penrod began to Marjorie uc^erwent that experience which hearty, healthy little glrto and beat rapidly All this waa for blm CHAPTER XXII. big girls undergo at one time or an­ He waa twelve! Farshon. After lunch he underwent an etob- other—from heels to bead she felt her­ ENROD hastily dropped tbe orate toilet and murmured not. For self. somehow, too thick. Fancbon leaned close to Penrod and »mall band and. exclaiming, tbe first time In bls life be knew the with simple honesty. “Why. I wish to be sandpapered, waxed, and whispered In bls ear: “Don't yon forget!" don’t want Itr followed Fan polished to tbe highest possible degree. Penrod blushed. And when the operation was over he ebon out Into the sunshiny yard, where Marjorie saw tbe blush. Her lovely they came to n halt and aurveye»! each stood before tbe mirror In new bloom, feeling encouraged to hope that his re­ eyes opened even wider, and in them <>t her. Penrod stared awkwardly at Fan- semblance to hla father was not sc »here began to grow a light It was •hon. no other occupation autnreetlng strong as Aunt Sarah seemed to think. the light of indignation—at least psople wboss aysa glow with that light always Itsetf to him. while Fanebon, with th* The white glove» upon his band* bad ctmost coolness, made a vary thorough a pleasant smell, be found, and aa be call it iixllgeatioc. Roderick Magaworth Bitta, Jr., ap­ visual examination of Penrod, favoring came down the stairs he bad great him with an estimating scrutiny which content in the twinkling of hla new proached Fanchon when she had made her courtesy to Mr*. Schofield. Fan­ lasted until he literally wiggled. Final­ dancing slippers He stepped twice cbon whispered in Roderick's ear also. ly she spoke. on each step tbe better to enjoy their "Yoer hair to pretty. Roddy! Doa't "Where du you buy your UeaT’ aba effect, and at the aarne time be deeply forget what you said yesterdayF’ naked. Inhaled tbe odor of tbe gloves. In spite Roderick likewise blushed. "What?" of everything Peurod bad bto social ca­ Maurice Levy, captivated by the new­ "Where do you buy your neckties? pacities. Already It to to be nercelved Papa gets hla at Skooue'a. You ought that there were In blm the makings comer’* appearance, pressed close to Roderick. to get your* there. I'm sure the one of a cotillion leader. "Give us an lntaduction. Roddy?” you're wearing Isn't from Skoone'a." Then came from the yard a aound of Roddy being either reluctant or un­ “Skoona’aT' Penrod rspeats.d tuning Instruments, squeak of Addle, able to perform the rite. Fanchon took "Skoona'a?" croon of cello, a falling triangle ring­ "On Fifth avenue.” said Fanebon. ing and tinkling to the floor, and be matters Into her own bands and waa presently favorably Impressed with "It'a a very amart shop, th* men say." turned pale. Maurice, receiving the Information that “Men?" echoed Penrod In a basy Cboaen guests began to arrive, while his tie had been brought to blm by whisper. "Men?" Penrod. suffering from stage fright and "Where do your people go In sum- perspiration, stood beside bto mother. bto papa from Skeone'a, whereupon mer?" inquired tbe lady. "We go to In tbe "drawing room.” to receive them. sbe privately informed him that she Ixmg Shore, but so many middle class He greeted unfamiliar acquaintances liked wavy hair and arranged to dance people have begun coming there mam­ and Intimate fellow criminal* with the with Mm. Fanchon also thought that sandy hair ma thinks of leaving. Tbe middle same frigidity, murmuring “*M glad classes are simply awful, don't you I to see y”' to all alike, largely Increas­ wns attractive, Sam Williams discover­ ed a few minutes later, and so catholic think r ing tbe embarrassment which always was her taste that a ring of boys quite "Wbatr prevails at the tieginning of children's ‘They’re ao boorjaw. You apeak festivities. His unnatural pomp and encircled her before the musicians in the yard struck up their thrilling march, French, of course?” I . circumstance had so thoroughly upset anil Mrs. Schofield brought Penrod to "Mer i him. In truth, that Marjorie Jonea re­ "We ran over to Paris last year. It's ceived a distinct shock, now to be re­ escort the lady from out of town to lovely, don’t you think? Don't you lated. Dr. Thrope. the very kind old the dancing pavilion. Headed by this pair, the children love tbe Rue de la Palx?” clergymnn who had baptized Penrod. sought partners and paraded solemnly Penrod wandered lu a labyrinth. came In for a moment to congratulate out of the front ijoor anil round a cor­ Thia girl seemed to be talking, but her the boy and bad Just moved away ner of the house. There they found words were dumfoumliug. and of when It wns Marjorie's turn. In tbe the gay marquee, tbe small orchestra course there was no way for him to line of cbIMren. to speak to Penrod. seated on the lawn at one side of It know that he was really listening to She gave him what she considered a and a punch bowl of lemonade invit­ her mother. It was his first mi-etlng forgiving look and. because of the oc­ ing attention under a tree. Decorous­ with one of those grownup little girls, casion. ad