splash. Pereplrtng. grunting vtdtem- ently. his bark aching and all nrasciea •trulDML he <>rogr«»«sed hi *hort stages until the big stone lay at the base at tlie caldron H* rested a moment ArieU Baptist Church panting, then lifted the stone nod waa Alice Nelson of 6803-47th avenue is re­ 9:46 a. m. Hlbls School. bending his shoulders for the b«av« covering frisn an attack of Consiiltis. 11 a. m. Freaehlrtg sarvics. that would lift It over the rim when s Gladys Weakley of 5082-59th street 7:90 p. m. Evening oerviceo. sweet, taunting voice close behind him 8:16 u. m. B. Y. P. U. meeting. H. £., is one of this week’s victims of startled him cruelly. 7 :46 Prayer meeting, La Grippe. "How do you do, little gentleman?" Everybtxly welcome to any and all of Penrod eqnawked. dropped the stone Thelma Mollett is convalescing from these services. and sbooted. “Shut up, you dern fooi!” an attack of 1st Grippe at tier home, purely from Instinct even before his 5083 noth street. about face made him aware who had Mllldrd Avenue Presbyterian Church B. 0. Heath of l.aurelwood has been eo spttefnlly addreeaed him. suffering from an acute attack of Indi­ It was Marjorie Jones. Always dain­ 10 a. in. Habitait« Hchool. gestion, 11 a. tn. Morning worship, ty, and prettily dr a ee rd . she waa in 7 p. m. Y. P H. C. E. speckleai and etarchy white today, and Win. Foster Willings of 4H34 fldtli 7:45 p. m. Evening worship. a refreahlng picture she made, with street lisa returned from a short busi ­ 7 :80 p. in Thursday, midweek servine. the new shorn and powerfully scented ness stgy i*> Raymond, Wash. 8 p. in. Thnroday, choir practice. Mltrhy Mltch clinging to her hand. Rev. Wm. EL Amos, Pastor. Mrs. Lillie Perry, 4924-flflth street is They had stolen up behind the totter able to resume her usual duties after an and now «food laughing together In SYNOPSIS. attack of chills aud fever. sweet merriment Since the passing St. Peter s Catholic Church ranrod, tearing th« ordeal of playing of Penrod’s Rups Collins ( all. rod pursued hla homeward ever he wants to, and he’ll say It just T. R Homachti«, Pastor. of tong aud story were entertaining as Hay tt way; do great dletauce, but as much as he wants to. only little folks can make them. The long enough for several one again, Mltcby-Mltch!" committee in charge was comikwed of " Ittte gsUansonr said M Itchy-Mitch dried conflicts with malign lneultera Lents friend’s Church Mrs. Wm. Mahan. Mr*. T. H. Bright, promptly. 9:46 a.m. Bible School, Mrs. Maud and Mrs. J. Archie Hollingworth. The made of thin air. “You better not call ••Ow-yshtf" Penrod's tone production me thatr he muttered, “ion Just try Reach, Superintendent. decorating was done under tlie auspice« It, and you'll get what other people was becoming affected by his mental 11:00 a m 1’resehing services. of the Youug Ladies Class, ably di­ rot when thdy tried IL "You say that again and 6:26 p. tn. Chiisttan Endeavor. You better condition. 7:30 p. m. Preaching Services. rected by .Miss Mary A. Bets, teacher. not ack fresh with me. Oh. you will, rir- 8:00 p. m. Thursday, mid-week “Go on, MItchy Mitch," cried Marjo­ will you?" He delivered a vicious prayer meeting. kick full upoo the shins of an Iron rie. "He can’t do a thing. He don’t A cordial welcome to ell these ser­ little, darel Hay It come more. Mltcby-Mltch The Hawlsy paper mill« at Oregon feucu poet, which suffered vices. John Riley, Pastor. City plan a $MX\0U> addition, increasing .bough Penrod Instantly regretted bls —aay It a whole lotr Mltchy-Mitch. wtth hta udlacretloa “Oof!” be grunted, hop­ the capacity 60 per cent and employing Lents Baptist Church Jmma ing, and went on after bestowing a shining with coutkte^ 1000 lianda. ook of awful hostility upon the fence nity, compiled. Lord’s Day, Dec., 2»).| Bible School (Kiet “1 guess you'll know better next 0:46 a. m. “ ‘lttJe gellamun!” he squeaked ma- Morning worship, 11 a. m. time,’* be «aid In parting to this an­ tevolently. ’• ’I tile gellamun! Tttle Elmo Heights Sunday School. 2:30 tagonist “You Just let me catch you gellamun! Tttle gellamun!" p. m. H you no here again and I'll"—- HU The desperate Penrod bent over the B Y P. IT., 6:30 t. m. If I FAIL to CURE m CANCER « TUMOR i t-**t roicd sank to inarticulate but ominous whitewashed rock, lifted It and then- Evening worship. 7:30 p. m. before It POISOMS tof |M « attKtoj t* BONI munmruing«, lie was tn a dangerous A cordial welcome to the««« services. outdoing Portboa. John Rldd and Ur mood. J. M. Neieott, Pastor. WitlMBt Haifa ar Paia sue In one miraculoua burst of strength Na PAT Uatil CURED Scaring h<>rue, however, his bdllger —heaved It into the air. wait rut uiAtAsru ent spirit was diverted tn happier In No X Ray or other Marjorie screamed. fifth Church ot Christ swindle. Ah Island tercets by the discovery that some But tt was too late. The big stone Fifth Church of Christ. Scientist of plant make* thecure workmen had left a caldron of tar in deecetMJed Into the precise tnldst of the Portland, Ore. Myrtle Park Hal), the cross street close by his father's caldnai aud Penro«! got his mighty Myrtle Park. stable. He testetl It but found it in Services Sunday 11 a. tn. splash. It was far, far bey«>nd bls ex­ edible; also as a substitute for profee Sunday School 9:30 anti 11 a. m. pectations. • WivlniHhlay evening testimonial meet­ doiuil chewing gum it was unsatisfac ­ „ 10,000 teatl- Spontaneously there were grand and ing 8 p. m. tnoniaU. *r*i t* em tory. being insufficiently boiled down awful effects—volcanic Rpectaclee of and too thin, though of a pleasant nightmare and eruption. A black sheet lukewarm temperature. But it had an Lents M l . Church of eccentric shape roee out of the cal­ Sunday School 9:46. a. m. is M.7JK!raiiaKii cxceas of one quality—It was sticky dron and dttocended upon the three One woman in every 7 air« of cancer—CL8. rrtnirt It was the stickiest tar Penrod bad Preaching 11 :00 a. m. children, who had no time to evade IL We refute many who wait too long & must die Service* at Bennett Chapel at 3 p. m. Poor cured at half price if cancer la yet «mail ever used for any purposes whatsoever, After It fell, Mltcby-Mltch. who stood aud nothing upon which be wiped bls Epworth League 6:30 p, m. Dr. I Mrs. Dr. CHAMLEY & CO. nearest the caldron, was the thickest Preachihg 7 :30 p. m. • «*"» flmttot C*«ew Sseclallat Hdn,' hands served to rid them of it neither Prayer m«*eting Thursday evening at 4340 M36E Velsncla St, SsnFr»nclsco.‘Ca( his polka dotted shirtwaist nor Ms though there was enough for alL Bre’r Rabbit would have fled from any of 7:90. KINDLY MAIL THIS kSMIMHI CANCER knickerbockers; neither the fence nor them. W. R. F. Browne, pas tor. even Duke, who came unthinkingly Residence 9506, 59th Ave., fl. E. When Marjorie and Mltchy-Mitch got wagging out to greet Mm and retired their breath, they used It vocally, and wiser WAR UPON PAIN! seldom have more penetrating sounds N evert heirs« tar Is tar. Much can Pain is a visitor to every home and Issued from human throats. Coinci­ Laurelwood M. I. Church usually it come* quite unexpectedly. be done with ft no matter what Its dentally Marjorta. quite berserk, laid condition. So Penrod lingered by the 9:45 a. m. Sunday school. But you are prepared for every bands ujMjn the large«! stick wtthln caldron, though from a nclgbltoring 11:00 a. tn. preaching. emergency it you keep a small bottle of yard could l>e heard the voices of com­ reach and fell ui>oa I’enrod with blind 12:90 a. m. class meeting. Sloan'* Liniment handy. It is the rades, including that of Bam Williams. fury. He had the presence of mind to 6:90 p. m. Epworth league. greatest pain killer ever discovered. Ol the ground about the caldron were flee, and they went round and round the caldron, while Mltchy-Mltch feebly 7:90 p. m. preaching. Simply laid on the akin—no rubbing re­ scattered chip« and sticks and bits of endeavored to follow—his appearance. The pastor is assiste«! by achorns choir quired—it tlrivea the pain away. It ia wood to the nnmlter of a groat multi­ In thia pursuit, being pathetically like and the Amphion Male Quartette. tude Penrod mixed quantities of this really wonderful. that of a bug Ashed out of sn InkwelL 8:00 p. m. Thursday evening, prayer refuse into the tar and Interested him alive but discouraged. Mervin A. Soister, Berkeley, Cal., service. self tn seeing how much of It he coaid Attract«*! t>y the riot. Samuel Wil­ write«: “Last Saturday, after tramp­ keep moving In alow swirls npon the Dr. C. R. Carlo«, pastor. liams made bis appearance, vaulting a ing around the Panama Exposition with ebon surface. fence and was immediately followed wet feet, I came home with my neck so Other surprises were arranged for by Maurice I-evy and Georgie Baaeett. I applied the absent workmen. The caldron was Try Walih when In need of any sort stiff that I couldn’t turn. They stared Incredulously at the ex- of auto repairing, or oil« or gas. Sloan’s Liniment freely and went to almost full anil the surface of the tar traordlnary spectacle l>efore them. bed. To my surprise, next morning the near the rim. Penrod endeavored to "Little gen-tll-mun!" shrieked Mar­ atiffne«« had almost disappeared, four ascertain how many pebbles and brick jorie. with a wild stroke that landed bats dropjted in wonld cause an over hortra after the second application I full upon Penrod's tarry cap. flow. Laboring heartily to thia end. an good ax new." "Ooocbr bleated Penrod. Diseases of Women and "It’s Penrod!" shouted Sam W tills ma, March, 1916. At Druggists. 25c. he bad almost accomplish«*! It when Children A Specialty "be received the suggestion for an ex­ recognising him by the voice. For an periment ou a much larger scale. Em Instant he had tieen tn some doubt Pacific Tabor 3214 I-oral 2011 State of Ohio. City of Totedo. I bedded at the corner of a grass plot “Penrod Schofield!" exclaimed Geor Lues* County, 1 ”• «cross the street was a whitewashed gie Baaeett “What does this mean?” Frank J. Cheney make* oath that h< 1 ■«nlor partner of th* Arm of F. 3. Che* o> stone the «Ise of a small watermelon That was Georgia's style, and had LODGE DIRECTORY A Co., doing bualneas In the City of T. U" and serving no purpose whatever save helped to win him his tit)«. ledo. County «nd State aforesaid, ami Magnolia Camp No. 4028, Royal that said flrm will pay the sum of ONE. the questionable on« of decoration. It Marjorie leaned, panting upon her Neighbor*, meets regular Second Hl'NDRBD DOLLARS for each and e« win easily pried up with a stick, stick. "I cu-called—uh—him—ohr sbe case of Catarrh that cannot be . i anti Fourth Wednesdays of each ery by the use of HA^L'II^ATA RRJ1,CT t K E. tliough getting it to the caldron tested Sobbed—"I called him a lul-llttl«—ob— month st I. O. O. F. Hal), Second the full strength of the ardent laborer. gentleman! And ob— lul-look!—oh, lnl Sworn to before, mo and *ub*< Nb<->l In Wednesdays social meeting. Neighbors Instructed tn perform such s task, he look at my du-dreee! Lal-look at Mum- ,Me *,h <,"Y n1 Drormber. bring your families and friend*. my would have sincerely maintained Its Itchy—ob— Mttcb-oh r Fourth Wednesday, business. All (■eal)’ A. W. OT. KARON. Notary Public. Neighbors requested to come. By impossibility, bat now, as It was unhid Unexpectedly she emote again—with Hall’s Catarrh Cure 1* taken internally order of the Camp den and promised rather destructive rraults—«nd then, eetslng the Indistin­ •nd act* directly upon the blood and mu- eoua surface* of th* syatem Send for results. be set about it with uncon guishable hand of Mltcby-Mltch. she "’/’•rT^NlfT A CO . Toledo, O. qwerabie energy, feeling certain that ran walling homeward down the street by all Drugglat*. 7Rc. he wyoid .be rewarded with a mighty " TJttle geutlemanF." said George At Thé CwcteFl I p. PENROD By BOOTH TARKINGTON Baseett wRh come evidences of dfc- turtMd complacency. "Why. that’s what they call mer “Yes. aud you are one. tooV shouted th* maddenet Penrod. “But you bet­ ter not let anybody call me that! Tra stood enough around her* for one «lay. end you can’t run over me. Georgia Baaaett Just you |>ut that tn your gis- sard and amok« It!" “Anybody ha« a perfect right" said Gaorgle, with dignity, "to call ■ par son a little gentleman. There's lots of Baine* uolx>dy ought to calL but this one’s a nice"- "You better look out!” Unavenged bruises were distributed sll over 1‘eurod. both upon his body and upon Ida spirit Driven by subtle forces he had «llpjied hl* bands to catastrophe and dl*e«ter It was not for s Georgia Baaeett to beanl him. Penrod wn* about to run amuck "I haven’t called you a little gentle­ man, yet" «ahí Georjrle. "I only said It Anytxxly's got a right to say tt" “Not around me! You Just try It again and’’- "I shall *ay it," returned Georgia. "all I please Anybody In this town has a right to aay 'Uttle gentleman' Bellowing insanely. Penrod plunged bls right band Into the caldron, rushed upoo Georgia and made awful work of Ida hair and fe-itures. Alaa, tt was but the beginning: Bam Williams and Maurice Levy «-reamed Dally Haus Mail* at the Lente poatofltee arrive and depart daily, except Bunday, as fol­ low*: zv A rrive Depart 149 A.M. 7:15 A.M. 12:50P.M. 12:30P.M. 8 80 P.M. 6:80 P.M. O. A. C. FARMERS' ANO HOME-MAKERS' WEEK sad RURAL UFE CONFERENCES January g te 8, MWI taferWKtiMi, Frakcticaai Help for U m BlU the Patra, the Coanmunltjr. Convention» of Oregon ’• Greeteet Indvutrlm Conferences on Oregon’• Moet Vite! Problem« UCTUAK»- DEMOMMTKATTOXB— BXHfBrriONH K.N TltftTAlNMWXT» Two thoenaaid people feat yr er. It to a great place to mak<* (Wird* wb Urr thinker* and live tbu gal* ^ro. PA1KY WOKK. POL'LTSY 14AISIM-. • .« «OK.NINO, COOK­ INC, SX WING 11OUHKH >I.D AKTS, HOMS WtntSTNG BUarNKH^ MKTHOtiH. SOAP BUILDING FARM EN< .IN EHKJNG. B COAL OKGANizA nont. v*tirri writ* to Th* CcHI*«* Lieti»***, Or*««* AgHcJtur*! Csll«(*. C*r»*Lv