Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, December 02, 1915, Image 3

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    At The Churches
Arlftd Baptist Church
9:46 a. m. Bible Hcbool.
li a. in. I'reactiüig service.
7:30 p. m. Evening service».
6:16 u. in. II. Y. P. O. meeting.
7 :46 Prayer meettng.
Everytxxly welcome tu any an<l ail ol
these service».
Mllldr J Avenue Presbyterian Church
10 a. m. Kablailti Hchool.
11 a. in. Morning worship.
7 p. m. Y. I*. H. (J. E.
7146 p. ni. Evenlag worship.
7:30 p. m.Thursday. inidwmk servies.
H p. m. Thurailay. choir practice.
Rev. Win. li. Amos, Faktor.
St. Peter’s Catholic Church
H a. in. l<ow Maaa
10:30 a. in. High Maaa.
3:30 a. tn. Sunday Kchool.
12 M. ('blur rahnaraal.
Weak days; Maaa at 8 a. in.
Seventh Day Adventist Church
10 a. in. Saturday Sabbath Reboot.
11 a. tn. Saturday ¡»reaching.
7 :30 p. m Wednesday. Prayer mealing.
7:43 p. m. Hntidav preaching.
(rermdn tvanqeHcal Reformed Church
10 a. tn. Sunday Hchool.
10a. tn. Saturday, German school.
8 p. in. Wedneetlay. Y. F. H.
11 a. in. Sunday woralilp.
Tn. Kchlldknechl, Paa tor.
Kern Park Chrlstaln Church
Corner 69th St. and tilth Ave. H. E.
10 a. n>. Bible Reboot.
Ila ill. and 7 30 p tn. preaching aer-
« to p. in. Chrtslain Endeavor.
7 30p. tn. Thuraday, mid-week prayer
A cordial welcome to all.
Rev. G K. Berry, Pastor.
St. Pauls t plscopal Church
Copyright. 1914. by DoubUlay.
Page ö Company
Penrod, fearing th* vnlaal of playing
the part of the < ‘hlld Hr l^noalot. aeeka
forgalfulnaaa In the oompoeltlon of a dim*
Penrod’a mother and elater dreee him
In hta eoaiume for Ilia "Children'» Pageant
of the Hound Table" Penrod la aahama.1
lo wear It
He breaks up lha whole pasesm by
pulling on a pair of the Janilor'a overall*
ovar hl* eoaturne
A vlalt to a moving picture show give*
him an Idea and ha loaf* away hla lima
In school. dreaming dreams
The teacliar reproves him. Ila aeaka to
dlatracl attention from himaelf by alleg­
ing loaa of alaop because of a drunken
The teacher aympathlaea with Penrod’a
aunt beeauaa of bar wayward husband,
and It thee dovelopa that Penrod ha* bean
Penrod. Warn William* and two oolora.1
bate. Herman and Venn an. get up a big
abow lo antartain lha town.
Verman makes a derided hit. but Rod­
erick Mageworth Ditto. Jr., eaya the ahow
Is a failure Penrod asks him if ha la a
relation of Ilona Magowoeth. a murderer
Hodorlck. seeking fame, eaya aho la hlo
aunt Hodorlek'a mother find* him poe-
Ing aa a nephew of the murderer end
etooa the eireu* a*<* very musical end buya an
aooovdlon with which bo makoa a groat
with beautiful Marjorie Jones
At the dog and pony ahow Penrod eats
oo many dlttareol variotlee of Indigestible
thing* that he la taken violently 111.
The Pet Faced Boy Appeared Upon the
Threeheld and Cased Coldly About
out of your mouth before old rtuple'd
have you where you'd wlsln-d you nev
er come around him. let tin ou like you
was ao much You wouldn't run home
yellin' "mum-mub' or nothin' Ob. no!"
"Wbo Rupe Collins?" asked Ilermnn
Rupe Collins?'"
■nocked and imed bis ra«ning laugh
but Instead of abowlng tight Herman
appeared tu think he was meant to
laugh, too. and no tie did. echoed by
Venuan "You juat haug around here
a little while longer." Penrod added
grimly, "and you’ll And out wbo Rupe
Coltlna la. and I pity you wbeu you
"What he go' doF’
"You'll aee: that's all You juat watt
At this moment a brown bound ran
Into tbe »table through the alley door,
wagged a greeting to Penrod and fr*
ternlaed wltb Duke
Tbe fst faced
boy appeared upon the threshold and
gated coldly about the little company
tn the carriage house, whereupon tbe
colored brethren, ceasing from merrl
ment were Instantly lmf>*„lve. and
Bam WUUnma moved a little n ea r e r
the door lending tuuy tbe yard.
Otrvlounly Sam regarded tbe new
coiner aa a redoubtable if not ominous
lie waa a bead taller than
either Sam or Penrod. bead and aboul-
ders taller than Herman, who was
(bort for bls age and Venuan could
hardly be used for purpoee* uf com­
parison at all. living a mere aquat
brown »pot. not yet quite nine years
on tbla planet And to Sam's mind the
aspect of Mr. Collin* real lied Penrod’a
portentous forrahaduwtnga t'pon tbe
fat face there waa an expression of
truculent Intolerance which bad been
cultivated by careful bablt to aueb per­
fection that Sam's heart sank at sight
of It A somewhat enfeebled twin to
thia expression had of late often deco­
rated tbe visage of Penrod and ap-
l<eared upon that Ingenuous surface
now aa he advanced lo welcome the
emtnent visitor
The biait swaggered toward the door
with a great deal of shoulder move­
ment carelessly feinting a slap at Ver­
man tn passing and creating by vart-
oils means tbe atmosphere of a man ,
who has contemptuously «mused him­
aelf wltb underlings while awaiting an
"Hello, bo!" Penrod Mid in tbe deep­
est voice possible to him.
"Who you callin' 'bo?" was the un­
gracious reepoune. accompanied by Im­
mediate action of a similar nature |
ltupe held Penrod's bead In tbe crook
of an elbow and massaged hie templee
wltb a bard pressing knuckle.
"I was only In fun. Rupie." pleaded
the sufferer, and then, being set free.
"Come here. Sara." be said.
“What forF
Penrod laughed pityingly. “Pshaw,
I ain't gotn' to hurt you. Come on.”
Bam. maintaining bls poelttoo near the
other dour. I'eurod went to him aud
caught hint round th«, neck.
“Watch me. Rupie." Penrod called,
and performed m»on Sam the knuckle
operation which be had btmself just
undergone. Ham submitting mechan
lea Uy. hla eyes fixed with Increasing
uneasiness upon Rupe Collin* Sam
had a premonition that something even
more painful than Penrod's knuckle
was going to be Inflicted upon him.
That don’t hurt." aald Penrod, push­
ing him awsy.
“Yen. It does, tool” Sam rubbed hla
“Puhi It didn’t hurt me. did it.
Rupie? Come on in. Rupe; show this
baby where he's got a wart on hla
"You a bo wed me that trick." Bam
objected. “You already dkl that to me.
You tried It twice this afternoon and
I digi t know how many times before,
only you weren't strong enough after
the first time. Anyway, I know what
it ta. and I don't”—
"Come on. Rupe." said Penrod. "Make
the baby itch dirt"
At thia b:ddlng. Rupe approached,
while Ham. «till protesting, moved to
tbe threshold of the outer door, bat
Penrod seised him by the shoulders
aud swung him Indoors with a about.
“Little baby wants to ran home to
One block aouth ot Woodmere station.
Rupe Colllna. a very tough boy. bullleo
Holy Communion the Aral Sunday of Penrod and al one* beeomee a great hero
each month al 8 p. tn,
So other avr- . ta Peered'e *Tet
vices that day.
F.verv other Sunday the regular ear-
“No; ymi haven’t"
vicea will be aa usual.
"Looky her»." I’enrud. darkly argu
Evening Prayer and sermon at 4 p. m.
mentatlv*. cryparod to iierform tbe
Sunday School meets at Sp. in
Boatwright, Supt., L. Mafletl, Sec. •ye to eye buatneaa "When haven’t I
Rev. O. W. Tavlor, Rector. ! t»en op there F
"Too haven’t never been up there."
in spite of Penrod’s cloeely approach
Ing ooee Sam maintained hla ground
Lents EvdnqeUuf Church
and appealed for confirmation
Sermon by the Pastor, 11 a. m. and , he. Herman?”
7:16 p. m
“I don't reckon ao.' aald Herman,
Sunday School 0:46 asm., Albert;
Fankhauaer. Superintendent.
"Wbatr I’rarod transferred bla none
Y. P. A. 6:)o p. m. Eva Andereon,
to the immediate vicinity of Herman'*
Prayer meeting Thuraday 3 p. tn.
noee "You don't reckon ao. ’bo. don't
A cordial welcome to all.
you? You bettar look oot bow you
T. R. Honiachuch, Paetor. |
reckon around ben*
You underetau'
inut, 'boF
I mi Is friend's Church
Herman bore the eye to eye very
0:46 a. m. Bible Hchool, Mra. Maud well. Iiideed. It Beamed to please hltn.
Keech, Superintendent.
fur be continued to laugh, while Ver ,
11:00 a. m Preaching services.
man chuckled delightedly The broth
S 28 p m. Christian Endeavor.
era had been In the country picking
7 30 p. m. Preaching Servlcee.
3:00 p. m.
mid-week berrlee for • week, and It happened
that thia waa their tirat experience of
prayer meeting.
A cordial welcome to all theee ear- the new maatfewtatlon of Penrod.
John Riley, Paator. i
“Haven't 1 been up at the TbtrdT*
tbe ainlater Penrod demautled.
“I don’t reckon no llow come you eat
Lents Baptist Church
Lord's Pay, Oct., 17, Bible School J
"Didn't you juat bear me aay I been
9 46 a. tn.
op there V
Morning vrorahip, 11 a. m,
Elmo Height* Sunday School, 2:30 j •’Well," raid Herman mtacblevoualy.
"bearin' ain't believin'!”
p. Ill
B Y P. U., 6:30 p m.
Penrod elutrhed him by tbe back of
Evening worship, 7:30 p. ni.
tbe neck, but Herman, laughing loudly,
A cordial welcome to these services,
j. M. Nelson, Paator. ducked and releaaed himaelf at ooce.
ret rent Ing to the wait
“You take that backl” Penrod about- ‘
fifth Church ot Christ
ed. atrlklng out wildly.
Fifth Church of Christ. Scientist of' "Iion't git mad." begged the email
Portland, Ore.
Myrtle Park Hall, darky, while a numtier of blowe falling
Myrtle Park
upon hla warding nrm* failed to atutte
Service* Sunday 11 a. tn.
hla amusement, and a Bound one u)>on
Sunday School 9:30 and II a. in.
Wednesday evening testimonial meet- I the cheek only made him laugh the
more unnwtralnedly. He behaved ex­
ing 8 p. tn.
actly as If Penrod were tickling him.
and hla brother, Verman. rolled wltb
Lents M. t. Church
Joy In a wbeeltairrow. Penrod pum
Sunday School 9:46. a. m.
moled till he waa tired and produced
Preaching 11:00 a. ni.
Service* at Beunetl Chapel at 3 p. in. no greater effect.
'Tberer be panted. deei»tliig finally.
Epworth Prague 6:30 p, m.
"Now I rw'kon you know wtiettH-r I
Preachihg 7 :30 p. m.
Prayer meeting Thuraday evening at been up there or not!”
Herman rubbed hla emltten cheek
W. R. F. Browne, paator. “Pow!” be exclaimed "Pow-ee! You
Reaidence 9606, 69th Ave., S. E.
eert'ny did lan' me good one nat time I
Oo-ee. ahe hurtf’
“You'll get hurt woree'n that.” Pen
Laurelwood M. E. Church
rod aaeured him, “If you ataj around
here much. Ilupe Collin* la cornin' this
10:46 a. in Sunday school.
■ fternoon, be aald. W^re goto' to make
11:00 a. tn. preaching.
come policemen's Mttlee out of tbe rake
12:80 a. m. claaa meeting.
6:30 p. m. Epworth league.
■‘You go’ epotl new rake you' i>a
7:80 p. tn preaching.
bought 1"
The paator ia assisted by achorns choir
"What do we care? I and Rupe got
and the Aeoleon Male Chorus.
to have billiee. haven't weF'
8:00 p. tn. Thursday evening, prayer
“llow you make emF’
"Melt lead and pour In a bole we’re
Dr. C. R. Carlo*, paator. goin' to make In tbe end of 'em. Then
we're goln’ to carry 'em In our pocket*,
and If anybody *aya anything to ua-
Try Walah when in need of any aort ; oh, oh, look out! They won't get a
of auto repairing, or oil* or gas.
crack on the bead—ob. no!”
“When'» Ilupe Collin* coming?" Sam
William» Inquired rather nneaally. He
had heard ■ great deal too much of tbla
personage, but a* yet the pleasure of
Diseases of Women and
actual acquaintance had been denied
Children A Specialty
"He'» liable to be here any time.” tn
Pacific Tabor »214
Local 2011
•wered Penrod. “You better look out
You'll be Incky If you get borne alive
If you stay till he cornea.”
"I ain't afraid of him." Ram returned
Magnolia Camp
4026, Royal eon vent tonally
Neighbora, meeta
"You ar* too." There waa some truth
and Fourth Wednesdays of each
There aln’^ any boy tn
month at I. O. O. F. Hall. Second in the retort
Wednesdays social meeting. Neighbor! thia part of town but me that wouldn't
loo’d be afraid to
bring your families and frienda. be afraid of him
Wedneaday, bnaineea.
All talk to Mm Yob Wouldn't get • vroed tta mom muhl
Neighbora req a a* ted to come. By
order ofthe Camp
to an oio comrade pro|>erly rewarded,
foe aa Uta twu struggled. Ilupe caught
eaxb by the back of the neck, slmuh
! tatMM.iuly, and, with creditable impar­
tiality, forced both boys to their knee*.
"Lick dirt!" he commanded, forcing
them still forward, until their faces
wor« close to the stable floor
At this moment he received a real
Wltb a loud whack some-
thing struck the back of hla bead.
( and. turning, be beheld Vermas In tbe
net of lifting a piece of lath to strike
, again.
“Em moys ome!" said Vermau. the
i giant killer.
"He tongue tie’." Herman explained.
I He say, let ’em boys alone."
Rupe addressed bls bust briefly:
"Chase tlieiq nig* out o' bereF
"Hou call me nig." said Herman.
*1 mine my own Mzuuas. Yoo let ’em
boys alone."
Ru|>e strode acroee tbe still prostrate
Sam. stepped upon I'eurod and. equip­
ping lita countenance with the terrify­
ing a>-owl and protruded jaw. lowered
his head to the level of Herman’s.
“Nig. you'll be lucky If you leave
here alive!" And be leaned forward
till bl* nose was within leas than an
i loch of Herman's noee.
It could be felt that something awful
was about to happen, aud Penrod aa
lie roue from tbe floor «offered an un
ex|a!Cted twinge of apprehension aud
remorse- He hoped that Rupe wouldn't
retilly hurt Herman A sudden dislike
of Rupe and Rupe's ways rose within
him us be looked at tbe big boy over
whelming tbe little darkey with that
ferocious acowL Pent.:" all at once
felt sorry atiout something Indeflna
Me. and wltb equal ragueneaa be felt
foolish. "Come on. Rupe." be suggest
ed feebly. "Let Herman go. and let's
ua make our billies out of tbe rake
ba nine."
The rake handle, however, was not
uvaUable If Rupe bad Inclined to favor
the suggestion. Verman bad discarded
bl* lath for the rake, wblcb he waa at
tbla moment lifting tn the air.
"You ole black nigger." tbe fat faced
boy aald venomously to Herman. "I'm
i n-goln' to”—
But be bad allowed his nose to re­
main too long near Herman's. Pen
rod's familiar none bad been as close
I wltb only a ticklish spluul effect upon
I tbe not very remote descendant of Ron
gw man enter*. The result produced
lit the glare of Rupe's unfiimlllar eyes
nod by the dreadfully suggestive pnix
imlty of ltupe'* unfamiliar none »'»>
altogether different
Herman'« nn«l
Verman's Knngala great-grandfather*
never ronnldered people of their own
jungle nelghlntrhinxl proper material
for n meal, but they looked upon atran
gem. especially trnrnlent «tninger*. aa
dlutlnctly edible
Hero be ta. Rupte."
I'enrod and Sam hen rd Ilupe sudden­
ly squawk and bellow, mw hltn writhe
and twist and fling out hla arm* like
flails, though without removing bin
face from Its juxtnpusltiou. Indeed,
for a moment tbe two bead* warned
even closer.
Then they separated, and tbe battle
waa ou I
Tremont, Kem Park and Arleta
The Qoeen Esther Circle of the
Laurelwood M. E. Church planned at
their last meeting to furnish a »Ireeaed
iiKiestructihle d jll lor the kindergarten
at the Hettlement House of the Woman's
Home Missionary Hixiely. Thi* Hettie-
inent House ia located in South Portland.
Tlie doll will I m * dressed, so the teaclier*
may '!*■ it in teaching tl»e little waifs of
the neighborhood how to care for their
i lotliea. This Hettlement is in the midst
of familie* who frequently have nothing
for their children’s breakfast bril coffee.
The hungry little urchins of the Kinder­
garten are now fed a light lunch of milk
ami grahaiii crackers before they go
The County has Anally replaced the
plank i-roseing on 72d Ht., at Firland
Station, which was torn out last sum­
mer when tJie Foster R.»a<I was repaired.
This is a very much used crossing and
the action of tbe Road master in thia
matter will be greatly appreciated by the
many patron* of the street cars, who live
Mrs. Charle* T. McPherson of 2712- out portheaat of Firlaud.
ilflth streyt, entertaiowl a nnmtier of
gneets Friday evening. Nov. 29
The A. M. Rickert home, occupied
an informal game’of gu<n*ing terms ami by R E. Wiley, a four room cottage at
instruments of music, musical number* 6916, 43th Ave., was destroyed by fire
were given by the following: Meedame* Monday evening about 8 o’clock. It is
Chas. T. McPherson, L. D. Webster; thought tbe tire started from an over­
Miase* Saxlie Havely, Hilda Turple, heated stove.
The bouse waa insured
Elsie McPherson, Louise and Ruth for (MOO and the content* for 1600. Tbe
Workman; Messrs, R. M Hpwlmoh ami family were spending tlie evening away
Wu<. W. Kelty. Mildred Boon varied from home and it is thought dial the
the program by giving two readings. fire started around the chimney.
Tbe evening closed with a general
"sing” and rvfreMiments.
J. P. Johnson of 6600 Foster Road,
At the regular monthly meeting of the
Prayer Meeting Committee of the Y. P.
H C. E of the Millard Avenue Presby­
terian Church, held at tbe home of Mi.
and Mrs. Ellton Shaw, 4402-79 St. 8. E ,
Friday evening the following persons
were seli-ctwl a* leader* of the meetings
for next month.
Dee. 6, Mis* Claire
Burch ; Dec. 12. The Missionary Com­
mittee. Miss Grace Hpaalding, chair­
man; Dee. 19. Mr. M E Williams;
Dec. 2B, Mr. Neil M. Rotiertron. A cor­
dial welcome ta extended to all to attend
the meetings of tills society.
Jeweler and optician, is making •
special cut price on all his »Pick of holi­
day goods.
Mias Elizabeth Wagner of Oak Grove
was calling on friends at Nashville,
Saturday aiternoon, Nov. 27.
Miss Stella Wilson, wbo is attending
0. A. C , spent Thanksgiving with her
parents at 4227-65th St., 8. E.
Walter Wm. Boon, son of Dr. Boon
of 9930-44ilh Ave., spent Thanksgiving
at home.
The contract has been let for grading
Frank McCartere’s little girl, 68th 8L,
45th Ave. from 67th St. to 79th 8t., and
laying cement sidewalks.
Tbe grade and 67th Ave., bad a narrow escape
stakes are set and it is understood that from diptheria Tuesday of this week.
the wort must be finished by January
A. W. S-hiador is confined to his
home by a bed cold.
Some one broke into George Hobson’s
Mr. Pritchard of 73d 8t., has been
warehouse at Tremont Sunday night and
took some flour.
While George don’t seriously ill this week
wish to encourage a return of the in­
truder, be wishes to convey his thanks
C. A. oppegard returned Sunday from
thatnothing else was disturbed.
a trip to Denver.
■ ■
Mr*. Joe Hand ia recovering from a
Dick Allen is assisting at tbe Wilber -
broken arm.
Oppegard Lumber Company’s yard.
Cha*. Kennedy of Lents waa out
Wednesday looking after hi* (arm.
Colerad Troops In Action.
J. 8. Donaldson made a business trip
OW neat and pure ■>> the tusk
of the chronicler who has tbe to Gresham Tuesday.
Alfred Johnson of Tremont came out
taie to tell of u "good rousing
fight" between boys or mei and spent the day Wednesday with hie
wbo fight In tbe "good old Engllali
son Ruby.
way," accord lug to a model set fui
Grandma Kesterson is visiting for a
fights tn books long before- Tom Brown few weeks at the home of her daughter,
went to Rugby.
Mrs. C. M. Harrison of Gresham.
There are seconds and rounds and
Mrs. H. E. Poppleton entertained the
rules of fair play, and always there ta
great gixid feeling In tbe end-tbougb I a .H cs ’ Ai<i at her home last Wednes­
Owing to the in­
sometimes, to vary tbe model, "the day afternoon.
butcher” defeats the hero—and the clemency of the weather there was a
chronicler wbo stencils this fine old small attendance, however a profitable
imttern on bls ¡»age fk certain of ap and enjoyable time is reported.
plause a* the stirrer of "red blood."
Patrons of the Foster road will heave
There ta no surer recipe.
a sigh of relief when the road is finally
But when Herman and Verman act opened for traffic.
to't tbe record must be no more than
Mr. and Mr*. T. P. Campbell and
a few fragments left by the expurga-
It ba* been perhaps sufficiently Mr. and Mra. G. N. Sager took Thanks­
suggeeted that the altercation tn Mr. giving dinner with Grandma Sager at
Schofield's stable opened with mayhem Lente.
tn respect to the aggressor's nose. Ex ^We are pleased to note that our
pressing vocally hl* Indignation and
weather forcaster has at last reported a
tbe extremity of Ills pained surprise. surplus instead of a deficit.
A little
Mr Collins stepped backward, bolding
sun is now in order.
bls left band over bls nose and strik­
We need a few more Governors like
ing at Herman with his right. Then
Governor Sprjre of Colorado, who is de­
Verman hit him wltb the rake.
Verman struck from behind. He struck termined to enforce the law of his state,
ns hard as be could. And be struck and who has the courage to tell others,
with the tines down
For. tn hla *tm- including the President, to mind their
ple. direct African way be wished to own business.
kill hta enemy, and be wished to kill
Miss Lura Elwood of Stevenson, who
him aa soon as possible. Tbst was hta ratue down to spend Thanksgiving with
single, earnest purpose.
her sister, Mra. W. G. Koger», returned
On this account. Rupe Collins was
Sunday evening.
peculiarly unfortunate. He was plucky
Leland and I>ura Moore who spent
snd he enjoyed conflict but neither hta
ambitions nor hta anticipations had Thanksgiving with home folks returned
ever Included murder
He bad not to their respective duties, Sunday.
Fred Oison has gone to Nampa. Idaho,
learned that an habitually aggressive
person runs tbe danger of colliding on business for a few days.
wltb beings In one of those lower
Ix*wi* Steele of Portland was a Valley
stage* of evolution wherein theories visitor last Saturday.
about “hitting below the belt" hare
Miss Laura Green of Attica, Ohio, ar­
not yet made tbelr appearance
rived at this place last Saturday and will
The rake glanced from the back of
spend the winter with her sister, Mrs.
Rupe’s bead to hta shoulder, but tt fell­
ed him. Both darkles jumped full upon W. V. Moore.
Pleasant Valley Grange held its
him Instantly, and tbe three rolled and
twisted ui»on the stable floor, unloosing regular monthly meeting last Saturday.
upon the air sincere malediction* close­ There was a good attendance, an excel­
ly connected with complaints of cruel lent program anil a lot of business was
snd unusual treatment, while certain taken care of.
It was decided to have
expressions of feeling preeently ema­ the annual Christmas tree and exercises
nating from Herman and Verman Indi for the little folks.
rated that Rupe Collins. In this ex­
tremity, was proving himaelf not too
slavishly addicted to fighting by rule.
Dan and Duke, mistaking all for mirth,
barked gayly.
Pain is a visitor to every home and
From the pentIng. pounding, .veiling usually it comes quite unexpectedly.
beep Issued words and phranee hither But
you are
for every
to quite unknown to I'enrod ami Sam: emergency it you keep 3 small bottle of
also a hoarse repetition la the voice Sloan's Liniment handy.
Tt ia the
of Rupe concerning hta ear left It nor
greatest pain killer ever discovered.
to be doubted that additional mayhem
waa taking place
Appalled, tbe two Simply laid on the skin—no rubbing re­
It ia
spectators retreated to tbe doorwsv quired—it drives the pain away.
The Ijwlies’ Aid Society ot the Millard
Avenue Presbyterian Church will hold
lheir annual bazaar ami supper in the
church in Friday, Dec. 3. The church
will be open during the afternoon tor
tbe lieneflt of the Indie* wl»o cannot at­
tend in the evening.
Supper will he
served in the Sunday School rooms in
tbe basement t>eginning at 6:30.
really wonderful.
Mervin A. Soister, Berkeley. Cal.,
writes: "Last Saturday, after tramp­
ing around tbe Panama Exposition with
wet feet, I came home with my neck so
stiff that I couldn’t turn.
I applied
Sloan's Liniment freely and went to
bed. To my surprise, next morning the
stiffness had almost disappeared, four
hours after the second application I was
as good as new.”
March, 1916.
At Druggists. 25c.
Coughs and Colds Are Dangerous
Few of ns realise the danger of
Coughs and Colds.
We consider them
common and harm '« mb ailments.
ever statistics tell us every third person
dies of a lung ailment.
Bronchial and Lung disease* follow a
neglected cold. As your body struggles
against cold germs, no better aid can be
had than Dr. King's New Discovery. Its
merit has been tested by old and young.
In use over 45 year*. Get a bottle to­
Avoid the risk of serious Lung
Alvord's Furniture Store, 4629, 67th
St. 8. E. is dividing the profits. Every
person that buys one of his stoves gets
a good reduction on city price? aud some
discount in addition. By so doing Al­
vord divides the profits with his custo­
mer and still comes out ahead by the
increased number of sales. See Alvord.
Help Your Liver—h Pays
When your liver gets torpid and your
stomach acts queer, take Dr. King’s
New Lifo Pills and you will find your­
self feeling better.
They purify the
blood, gite you freedom from constipa­
tion. biliousness, disxineos and indiges­
tion. You feel fine—just like you want
P» feel. Clear the complexion too. 26a.
at Druggists.
Many Children Have Worms
Worms are a common childhood ail­
They make children irritable,
nervous and restless, beside* robbing
tlie body and mind of proper nourish­
Watch your child.
the stools and at first signs of worms
give your child a treatment of Kickanoo
Worm Killer. They kill the worms, act
aa a laxative and expel the worms and
poisonous west»*. Tone the system and
help restore your child’s health and
happy disposition.
Only 2fc\ at your
The Herald $1 per Year