ML ^rntf Heralò Phone ua your new» Item«»-—they are al- way« welcome Subscription, $1.00 a Year. LENTS, MULTNOMAH CO., OREGON, THURSDAY, DEC. 2, 1915 LENTS PATROLMAN AMPHION CHORUS GIVES CONCERT SHOOTS SELF Patrolnum Jas. C. Gill, Frequently Assigned to Lents, Victim of His Own Revolver. Funeral Thurs­ day at One O’clock. People of Ml Scott will Im interested in hearing of tlw accidental shooting of policeman Jauire C. Gill, wlio baa at various time« I men relief on the various ■tatliina in thia auction of the city. AIxmt ten o’clock Tuesday moraine lie went to liie net room at Hilmrnia Hall, :M0 Riiaael Street. Shortly after enter­ ing the room lie removed the revolver in ita cave, from hie pinkel, putting them in an inside coat pocket. It ia aupiHiaeil the revolver drop|ied from tine pocket, «truck the floor on ita hammer BEFORE THE HORSE IS STOLEN. The Amphiou Male Chorus gave ita ! first formal concert last Wednesday ovening al the laurel wood Methodist ¡Church. The affair wa» well attended , and no doubt would have had « peeked tioiise except that it was a very stormy evening. Tire program was rendered in excellent form and was highly appreci­ ated by all those present The character reading« given by Mr. Hadley wen* commended for tlieir quality and rendi­ tion. J. Archie Hollingsworth lead» the Chorus, Carl Nutton presides at the piano, and the otlier member« are Dr ixiekwood, Dr. Bright, Dr. Carlos, Geo. Hollingsworth, Mr. Burna, Mr. Klock, Mr. Davies, Mr Mollett. Mr Willings, Mr. Frose, Mr Johnson, Mr Hillialand, Mr. Friesen aud Mr. Mohan. Tlie Chorus will accept offers to give entertainments at oonvenienl points around Portland and their work will win llx-m favors wherever they are lieard. tlm «airly catch Iming unlocked. The iiiiot | aaaiaj jiuat below hie right collar bone into the lung. He picked the re­ volver up, started for the door, called for help, and colla)ieed. Ile wan dead before anyone could reach him Several officers arrived and he waa taken to the conmer’a office After an invtwtigatioii tie- body waa turned over to the A. D. Kenworthy On., for burial. Mr. tiill ia a brother of R. W. and Edward tiill of Ruaaelville. He waa inarntol and lie leaves a wife a and four year old daughter, who live at AtM East Thirtieth North. He had lieen a mem­ ber of tlm force for five years and waa highly regarded by oilier mem bcm of the department. He waa born at Parkers- ville, Indiana, and waa bl yean of age. Ilia lather Uvea at Dufur. Beeidea his brother« al Ruaaelville lie had a slater, Mr». Flora Faust of Orlney, Oregon; amt three brotiwni. Clias W. Gill of Washougal; F. M Gill and George H. Gill of Dufur. He waa a student of New T1 tought principle« and member« of that congre­ gation ami of the < kldfellow« lxalge had charge of the funeral, which waa held Thursday at one o'clock at Finley'« un­ dertaking rooms. Patrolmen Jenkins, Trout, Bigelow, I.illiw, Johnson, and Wilaon wen* pall bearer«. waa reputed to b" somewhat disorderly. The publicity given was resented by Mr». Claae and other memtier» of the family. They deny it emphatically, and regret that such an impression has been circulated. Mrs. Claae «ays they do buy family liquors from the delivery wagon occasionally, but »lie conaiiiers that tlieir own business. She has al­ ways been free to entertain acquaint­ ances with refreshments, when they called, in a friendly, but not in a busi­ ness way. She says some of her neighbors misinterpret social customs, otlier neighbors of the Clase’s say they are honest, well-meaning people and be­ lieve them to be innocent of any im­ proper motives. There is reason to be­ lieve the public has lieen a little hasty in forming an opinion in this instance. H Wearied Hun, and Yet We All Fas« the Same Problem«. A friend once askeil au aged man what caused hlui to complain ho ofteu at eveutldc of pain and weariueaa "Alaa," replied he, "I have every day so much to do. I tiuve two falcona to tame, two hurea to keep from running away, two hnwka to manage. 11 aer pent to con.Wic. a Hon to chain and a sick wan to tend and wait upon." "Well, well." commented hla friend, "you are busy Indeed! But I didn't know that you bad anything to do with a menagerie How. then, do you make that out?" "Why," continued the old man. "Ila- ten Two falcona are my eyaa. which 1 must guard diligently; the two hare« are my feet, whlcb I mu«t keep from walking In the way« of sin; the two hawk« are my hand«, whlcb I must train to work that I may provide for niyaelf and tboae dcimndeut on me a« well «« for a needy friend occasionally; the serpent In my tongue, which 1 must keep ever bridled le«t It «|>eak un seemly; the lion 1« my heart, with which 1 have a continual tight leal evil thlnga come out of It. and the aick man la my whole body, which la al­ ways needing my watcbfulneaa and care. All this dally wears out my strength." CAPTURING A GIRAFFE. Th« Anlmsl Is Teo Frsgile to Snare In Traps or Pitfalls. Perhaps you have often wondered about the scarcity of giraffes In pub­ lic coos. The renaon that only a very few menageries can boast of this ex Mbit Is on account of the difficulty tn capturing and trau«|Hirtlng them. The long legged and long ueckedanl trial, keen of eye and nose and ear. can see. smell and hear a hunter mil«« away. Hunters cannot employ traps and pitfalls against him. His fragile legs would be crushed tn a trap, and both hla legs aud neck would be bro­ ken In a pitfall. There la only one way to capture a giraffe alive. He must be aurrounded and chased until from sheer weariness he «taggers helpless Into a bamboo In closure. Peril lies in shipping the giraffe for Ma voyage on the sea. The giraffe's legs break very easily. If he stipe the fragile nnderpinnlnga double under Mm and anap. In transferring the aid ma) from shore to ship his long, help lees neck may become tangled in the tackle or «trike a spar, mast or shroud, in whlcb event it's sll over with Mr Giraffe.—Chicago Herald. The Western Oregon Older Boys Con­ Tle-re were about three hundred e t>oys club of the Evangelical Sunday School, was represented by Paul Bradford. The theme for the entire —Fitifarald in St. L»ui« Poet- Dispatch. conference was "The Marks of a Man.’’ Tie- doors of the House of Representa­ tives was thrown open to the l«ys for the Saturday afternoon session. tiappened that a lent« So it had the boy honor of making his first speech in the hall of Representatives on the subject of "Bible Study.” At the Saturday evening banquet they were honored with speeches by Governor Withyoombe, Dr. Doney. President of the Willamette University, President Campbell of the University of Oregon, fudge McNary of the Supreme Court and several prominent men of tile Y. M. C. A. and Sunday School. The Sun­ day morning church services were in charge of the prominent conference men assisted by their boys. A full report will lie given at the Evangelical Church next Sunday evening. E venlnq Star Meets Saturday The scholars of the Brentwood M. E. Church have just ended an exciting con­ test. Each side had tlie same numtier at first and one side chose a red button The pupils of the Ninth Grade of tlie while tlie other wore the blue. Tlie Woodmere School have for the past blues won and now the reds are to serve week liven busy preparing stories for a supper to the winners. oral composition. They are reproduc­ TLa Parent-Teacher Association of the ing the stories by telling them to the Woodmere School will have its regular lower grade- Each child must be able to tell the stories from the let to 5th meeting Tuesday afternoon. Dec. 7. A program will be rendered and City grades inclusive. Superintendent Aiderman will address Nix teen "Boy Scouts” under Scout the meeting. Master Ntirene's leadership enjoyed a Mies Myrtle Hulsey, who has been party at the home of Richard Stoner in visiting her aunt at 8tB5-60th avenue, honor of hie birthday. Games and re­ i-as gone to the Fair and from there she freshments were enjoyed. Each Scout will return to her home in Arkansas. was required to do some stunt. The boys’ and girls’ contest of tlie Mrs. J. E. Edwards and daughter, Evangelical Sunday School closed last Helen Rae, from Woodland, Wash., are Sunday. The girls of Mrs. Nordberg’s visiting Mrs. Edward’s parents, Mr. and class won tlie prize. Mrs. Malloy of 7503-tiD Ave,. S. E. Mr. and Mrs. Lockwood, who have The l»>y» of the Brentwood M. E. Church are planning a "Boy Scout’’ been working for the Shaver Transporta­ organisation, with Mr. Howd as their tion Company for the past year have returned to their home near Kendall scout master. Station. Mrs. Anna Miller of Tacoma, Wash., Virginia Souders, a pupil of the Wood­ who has lieen visiting Mrs. Locke of Kendall station for the past six months, mere school, who has been sick for some time will be able in a few days to resume has returned to her home. her school work. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Roue and their Miss Shoemaker of Woodmere School family, of Portland, spent Thanksgiving Day at the home of Mr. W. W. Rose of spent a very enjoyable Thanksgiving va­ cation visiting her sister at Castle Rock, 7V2S-77th street and 5Kth avenue. A party of the W. P. C. was held at Washington. W WOODMERE BREVITIES ; The regular monthly meeting of Even­ ing Star Grange will lie held next Satur­ day at tlie hall on East «Oth and Division Street. Tlie lecturer has planned an afternoon program which will l«r.; Phumacher, ing the holidays. Hia brother resides at ■ end at the home of Mrs. CFI-ary who re­ E.; Rupert. George; Smith, Mrs. Mary; 240 Knott street. sides in Vernon. Trask. H. P.; Watson, J. C. Geo. W. Spring, Postmaster. Salem is to have a cheese factory next Albany is working to secure a paper Mrs. Hickox of 82d street and 59th Av«., who was operated on at the Good Samaritan Hospital recently has so nearly recovered that she expects to be at home this week. n _» '» i- . i i . Daily Malls „ Mails at the Lenta poetoffice arrive and depart daily, except Sunday, as fol­ lows: Arrive Depart fi:00 A. M. 7:15 A.M 12:50P. M. 12:30P. M 3:30 P. M. 6:80 P. M. 4« DRUMMER” IS TO BE IN TOWN People’s Movement The largest organisation in the world is said to lx an international Young Peoples’ move .sent, reaching every de­ nomination ic every known roonlry in the world, ixnding togetiier the young people in one aim, a desire to se­ cure training for « that will fit them for wider usesulnees in thia world. There are those within Portland's limits who ilelight to sneer at some of the more distant and bumble suburbs. If such an attitude adds to their sum of human happiness, it may well be stated, “Where ignorance is bliss, ‘tis folly to be wise ” For ourselves we are content to believe that from a true home- mak - ing, good citizenehip standard the Jieople of Ix-nts are well able to hold their own with any part of the city. This is well exemplified in the activities of the young people. Not only have tbe young .people of tbe four evangelistic Dr. Atwood, formerly of Tremont, and churches perfected an organization, the subjected to various trials and penalties Young Peoples’ Federation of Lents, for reputed malpractice, has just been which «uocessfully unites them m lines divorced by his second wife. The case of common sendee, but they are also the has lieen before tlie courts for several pioneers of tnis movement in this city months. They were married at Rose­ and county. Their example is even now burg and she got the divorce tbqre. She being followed by other districts, and sued for control of practically all the their methods have received tbe beany property the Doctor had but informa­ approbation of experienced national tion does not disclose her success in this. workers in tbe Young Peupkw’ Move­ ment in Boston and Chicago. The Federation Rally to be given next Miss Dawson tntertalns Wednesday night in the Evangelical Miss Olive Davraon, primary teacher Church is intended to be a “Drummer’s in Lents Schools, entertained a number Sample Case’ ’ to demonstrate before tbe of former students and graduates of the citizens of Lents the wares kept in stock It is Oregon State Normal School on Friday by the Young Peoples’ Soeietiee There were representatives from various hoped that the samples then displayed parts of Multnomah, particularly near may prove of such interest that strangers Portland, The party was honored by to this line of “goods” may desire to in­ the attendance of Mies Taylor, head of vestigate a liUle more thoroughly. There will be mnac. lota of it, to show the Physical Culture Department of the State Normal. The meeting was turned what the Music Committees are doing. into a sort of convention for the discus­ Orchestra music, instrumental aud vocal sion of topics interesting to those of the solos, and a male chorus will all appear number who are engaged in teaching on tbe program. Tbe Home and For­ and news relative to former graduates. eign Mission Ik-partmente will each "What to doin my school” was dis- have bright numbers, The former will cusseii and a number of O. N. 8. songs conduct a street rally on Sager’s corner were sung. Miss Margaret Rice, Mise at 7:45 sharp to open tbe evening’s Eetlier Halvorson, and Mies Margaret work, while tlie latter will have rapid- Halvorson from Wasco County spent fire protravels of work in India, China, the week-end with Miss Dawson. Africa and Korea. Perhaps one of the most popular samples the exhibit of the Chrisitan Citizenship Committee, CURIOUS PENALTIES. who will handle two lightning debates, one on Prohibition and tbe other on Some That Were Inflicted In the Early Peace vs Prepare« nem The Sympathy Day« In New York. Wben New York, or as it was then and Relief Department will be there, called. New Amsterdam, was under also tbe Finance Committee, although Dutch rule, some peculiar penalties there will be no appeal for funds, no were enacted. In 1642 a defendant In collections and no admission fee. Of an action for slander was sentenced course there are a few “Young People” “to throw something In the box tor (no age limit specified) who will look the poor." In 1044 Thomas Cornel, a forward to the exhibit of the Social and soldier, was tried for desertion and Refreshment Department, which will aentenced "to be conveyed to the place come towards the end of tbe program. of execution, and there fastened to a staxe and a ball Bred over hit head, as Undoubtedly the best treat of all «rill be an inspiring talk from Clarence Sprague, an example to other evildoers.” In 1647 Jouas Jonasseu, a soldier, for a young man. who in himself, unaided, robbing hen roosts aud killing a pig could put up a whole show tliat wool was ordered "to ride a wooden horse delight any audience for a whole even­ three days, from 2 p. m. to the con­ ing. He is an expert in Young People’s clusion of the parade, with a fifty work and a prominent memtier of the pound weight tied to each foot." In City Union of Christian Endeavor. 1648 an Englishman found guilty of a You are asked to remember tbe date, grave offense was pardoned on con­ dition that be saw firewood for one place and time; Wednesday evening, Dec «, 7:45 p. m. All are cordially year for tbe West India company. In tbe time of tbe commonwealth, tn welcome. England, drunkards at Newcastle-on- Tyne were sentenced to carry about a Bdbv Boldnd Didd tub. with hole« tn tbe sides for the Alexander Joseph, infant son of Mr. arms to |«ss through In 1754. in Scot­ land. David ix-yes. for striking hla and Mrs. Al. Boland, died last Thursday father, was compelled to appear before morning at 5:30. Tbe funeral was held the congregation at church, "bairheddlt at the Boland home Friday and tbe and tmlrfuttlt" with a paper above hie bnrial was at Mt Scott. Raby Boland head insert tied with large letters, "Be­ was three month« old but he had never hold the onnaturall son. punished for been strong He waa not able to putting band on his father, and dis­ assimilate hia food and suflered from honoring God in him."—Exchange. indigestion Mr. and Mrs Boland were very proud of the little fellow and his Backing Him Out. Sir Herbert Tree'e wit is well known lose will be felt with deep sorrow. Their among his friends, and they tell some many acquaintances extend them