Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, November 25, 1915, Image 3

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    At The Churches
Arleta Baptist Churih
9:45 a. m. Bible Hubool.
11 a. m. Preaching service.
7 :3O p. iu Evening services.
6:16 n ui. 11. Y. I*. U. meeting.
7 :4ft Prayer meeting.
Everylxely welcome to any and all of
these services.
Millard Avenue Presbyterian Church
10 a. m. Sabbath Hchool.
Ila. m. Morning worship.
7 p. m. Y. P. N. C. E.
7146 p. m. Evening worship.
7 :30 p. in. Thursday, midweek servit».
8 p. m. Thursday, choir practice.
Rev. Win. H. Aniue, Pastor.
St. Peter’s Catholic Church
Tremont, Kem Park and Arleta
Copyright. 1914. by Doublelay.
Page Ä Company
8 a. in. Ixiw Maae.
10:30*. m. High Mass.
8:30 a. tn. Sunday Hchool.
12 M. Chlor rehearsal.
Week days; Moss at 8 a. m.
Pan rod, feariu« th« ordeal of playlns
th* part of til« Child Rir I^ncalot. «reka
: forg«tfuin<Ma tn th« composition of a dime
i novel
Penrod’« mother «nd slater dreee him
In hla cotluma for the “Children’«
of the Hound Tabla.“ Penrod la aa ha rued
to wear It
lie breaka up the whole pageant oy
i putting on a pair of the janitor'« overall«
over hla coatun.a
Seventh Ddy Adventist Church
10 a. m. Saturday Rabbatti Hchool.
11 a. m. Saturday preaching.
A visit to a moving picture ahow give«
7:30p. in Wednesday. Prayer meeting. him an Idea and he loafa away Ida time
7:46 p. in. Sunday preaching.
tn achooi. dr«*arning dreams.
The teaciier reprovers him. He seeks to
- distract attention from himself by slleg*
Ing losa of aleep beoauee of a drunken
bermdn 1vantjelkdl Reformed Church 1 ' unel«
10*. m. Httndsy Hchool.
The teacher ¿ynipathlaea with Penrod's
10 a. m. Saturday, Herman school.
aunt because of her wayward husband,
"You underetan' that, ’b»?"
8 p tn. Wednesday. Y. P. H.
and It then develops that Penrod has bssn
»bow you bow we do up there."'boF’
11 a. m. Hunday worship.
Tli. Hchildkuacht, Pastor.
He began u slow and deadly ad
Penrod. Ham Williams and two colored
boys, Herman and Verman, get up a bi« vance. whereupon Penroil timidly of
ahow to entertain the town.
fered a diversion:
Verrnan makee a decldM htt, but H«1
Kern Park Chrlstaln Church
"Hay. Rupe. 1 got a box of rat» in our
erirk Mag «worth Bitts, Jr. saya ths show
Corner 89th Hi. anil With Ave. 8. E.
la a failure Penrod asks him If ho Is a ■table under a gl»«a corer, so you can
10 a. m. Bible Hchool.
watch 'em jump around when yon
relation of Hma Magsworth. a murderer
11 a m. and 7 :3o p in. preaching ser­
Roderick, seeking fame, »aye she is hla hammer on the box
Com, on and
aunt Roderick'« mother finds him poa look at 'em."
6:30 p. m. Christain Emleevor.
Ing as a nephew of the murderer and
“All right" »»Id the fat faced boy.
7 30p. Ill Thursday, mid week prayer slope the circus.
Penrod gets very musical and buys an •lightly molUOed. “We'll let Dan kill
accordion, with which bo makes a groat
A cordial welcome to all.
I'm goln' to keep em.
Rev. <1 K. Berry, Pastor. hit with beautiful Marjorie Jones
At the dog and pony ahow Pen rod eats Tbev’rv kind of (»rts !*▼• had 'em all
so many different varieties of indigestible summer I got names for 'em and’’—
thlnga that ho la taken violently HL
"Look here. 'bo. Did yon bear me
St. Pauls f plscopal Church
say ws’ll let Dan kill ’em?"
One block south ol Woodmere station.
"Tea, but I won’t"—
"Wbere'd you got 'that wart on your
Holy Communion the llrst Hunday ol
"What won’t you/*'
Rupe became
each month at 8 p. m,
No other »er- Anger7” he demanded severely.
vicee that day.
Which flngee?” asked lb» myatlflod sinister immediately. "It seems to me
Every other Hunday the regular ser Penrod, extending lite baud.
you're gettln* pretty fresh around
vice« will lie as usual.
"The middle one.”
Evening Prayer arid eermon at 4 p. m.
"Where V
“Well 1 don’t want"—
Hunday Hclnsil meets at 3 p. m.
There!" exclaimed Rupe Collins,
Mr. Collinn once more brought into
Boatwright, Hupt , 1.. Maflett, Hoe,
Rev. O. W. Tavlor, Rector. seizing and vigorously twisting the play tbe dreadful eye to eye scowl as
wartime Unger naively offered for bio practiced "up at tbe Third" and ionie
times also by young leading men U|w>n
"<Jult!" shouted Penroil ID agony
the stage.
Lents Evanqelkdi Church
Frowning quite appallingly and
Hermon by ths Pastor, 11 a. tn.
"Hay your prayer»!" commanded thrusting forward his underilp, be
7.16 p. m
Hunday Hchool 9:46 a. m., Albert Rupe, and continued to twtet (be luck­ placed hla nose almost in contact with
less Anger until I'enrod writhed to bln the nose of Penrod, whose eyes natu­
Fankhauser. Superintendent.
rally became crossed.
Y. P. A. 6:16 p. m. Eva Anderson, knees.
"I>an kills the rata. Seer* hissed ths
"Owl" The victim, released, looked
Prayer meeting Thursday 8 p. m.
grievously upon the still painful Anger. fat faced >oy. maintaining the borrlbls
A cordial welcome to al).
Al this Itupe'» scornful expreealcu juita position
T. R. Hornscbucb, Pastor.
"Well, ail right," said Penrod, swal­
altered to one of contrition. "Well, 1
declarer be exclaimed remorsefully. lowing. "I don’t want 'em much." And
Lents Mend’s Church
"I didn't a'poao It would hurt. Turn when tbe |>oee had been relaxed be
9:46a.iu. Bible Hchool, Mrs. Maud shout's fair play; ao now you do that stared at hla new friend for a moment,
Kracli, Superintendent.
almost with reverence. Then bo bright-
to me."
11:00 a . m Preaching service».
He extended the middle linger of hte one«!.
0:25 p. m. Christian Endeavor.
"Come on. Rupef he cried enthusias­
left band and I'eurod prompt* seized
7:80 p. m. Preaching Hervicee.
8:00 p. m.
mid week tt. hut did not twist IL for Be was tically. as be climbed the fence. "We’ll
prayer meeting.
Instantly swung round with Ills back give our ilous • little live tueat—'bo!"
A cordial welcome to all these ser­ to bls amiable new acquaintance.
At the dinner table that evening Pen­
John Riley, Pastor. Rupe’s right hand operated upon tbe rod aurprl».«! hl» family by remarking
back of I'enrod'a slender neck; Rupe'a tu n voice they bad uever beard him
knee tortured the small of Penrod's attempt—a lawgiving voice of Interna-
tlftnal gruffne»»:
Bible School back.
"Any man that'a niaktn' a bunderd
"Owl" Penrod bent far forward In­
I a. m-
voluntarily and went to hte knee« dollar» a month te milkin' good money "
day School, 2:80 again.
"What?" aakad Mr. Schofield, »taring,
for tbe pir'loua converaatlon had con
"Lick dirt." commanded ltn[>e fore
Ing tbe captive's face to the sidewalk, cerued th. illneas of an Infant relative
Evening worship. < 30 p. m.
anil the suffering I'enrod completed In Council Illuffa.
A cordial welcome to these services.
"Any man th»t'» milkin' a bunderd
J. M Nelson, Pastor. this ceremony
Mr. Collins evince,! satisfaction by dollar» a month te makln' good money "
“What 1» he talking alHiutr Margn
means of Ills horse laugh. “You’d last
fifth Church ot Christ
jest about oue day up at the Third!" ret appealed to the Invlalble.
Fifth Church of Christ. Hcientist of he said,
"Well." »aid I'enrod. frowning, "thaf»
You'd come runiiln' home.
Portland. Ore.
Myrtle Park Itali,
yellin' ‘Mom uiuh. mom-niuti.' before what foremen nt the ladder work» geL”
Myrtle Park.
"How In the world do you know?”
recess wan over."
Hervteea Hunday Ila. tn.
"No. I wouldn't," Penrod protested naked bla mother
Sunday Hchool 9:30 and 11 a. m.
"Well, I know IL A hunderd dollar»
Wednesday evening testimonial meet-1 rather weakly, dusting bls kueea.
a mouth te good money. 1 tell you!”
ing H p. in.
“Yon would, too."
"Well, what of It?“ »aid tbe father.
"No. I w"-
Lents M. t. Church
"Looky here." said the fat faced boy.
"Nothin'. I ouly »aid It wa» good
Bnmlay Hchool 9 46. s. m.
darkly, “what you mean, counterdick
Preaching 11 :00 a. tn.
Ing me?"
Mr. Schofield ahook hl» head, dtemln»
Service» at Bennett Chapel at 3 p. m.
lie advanced a step and Penrod hast
Ing the BUbject: and here he made a
Epworth League 6 :30 p. m.
lly qnallfled hte contradiction.
Preachibg 7 :§<> p. in.
mlatake; be should have followed up
Prayer meetiug Thursday evening at
hte aon'a singular contribution to the
7 .30.
W. R. F. Browne, pastor. ctawrr. and unexpectedly grasped tho
That would have plainly revealed
back of Penrod's neck again
Residence 9606, Mlth Ave., 8. K.
the fact that there was a certain
1 would run borne yellin' "Mom
Ru|x Collin» whose fattier was a fore­
man at the ladder work* All clews are
Laurelwood M. E. Church
"Owl I would run borne yellin' 'Mom
Important when a boy makee bis first
muh.' "
10:45 a. m. Sum.zy school.
remark tn a new key.
"There'“ said Rnpe. giving tbe help
11:00 a. m. preaching.
"■Good money?’" repeetetl Margaret
curiously. “What te 'good' money?"
12 80 a. m. class meeting.
way we do up at tbe Third."
Penrod tn rued upon her a stern
6:30 p. m. Epworth League.
Penrod rubbed hte neck and asked glance. "Say, wouldn’t you be Juat aa
7:30 p. m. preaching.
happy If you had eome sense?"»
The pastor is assisted by achomschoir
“Can you do that to any boy up at
“I'enrod!" shouted bl» father. But
and the Aeoleon Male Chorus.
the Third T'
Penrod's mother gazed with dtamay at
8:00 p. m. Thursday evening, prayer
“See here now," said Rupe tn the her eon; be had never before spoken
tono of one goaded beyond all endur- like that to hte slater.
Dr. C. R. Carlos, paator. ance, "you »ay If I can. You better
Mrs. Schofield might have been more
say it quick or"-
dismayed than she wee If ahe had re­
“I knew you could,” Penrod Inter alised that It was the beginning of an
Try Walsh when In need of any sort posed hastily, with the pathetic sem­
After dinner Penrod wae
of auto repairing, or oil, or gas.
blance of a laugh. “1 only said that In »lightly »cabled In tbe back as a re-
i anlt of telling Della, the cook, that
“In 'funr" rei>ented Rui>e stormtly. there was a wart on the middle finger
"You better look out how you"—
of her right band. Della tbua proving
"Well. 1 said 1 wasn’t In earnest." poor material for hte new manner to
Diseases of Women and
Penrod retreated a few steps.
“1 work upon, he approached Duke In tho
knew you could all the time. I expect back yard. and. bending double, seised
Children A Specialty
I could do tt to some of the boya up at tbe lowly animal by the forepaws.
Pacific Talior 3214
Ixx-al 2011 tbe Third myself. Couldn't I?"
"I let you know my name's Penrod
"No; you couldn’t"
Schofield." hissed tbe boy. He pro­
"Well, there must be some boy up truded his underllp ferociously, scowl- i
there that I could"—
ed and thrust forward his head until
4026, Royal
"No; they alnt You better“—
hla mwe touched the dog's "And you
Neighbors, merle
“1 expect not then." said Penrod t>etter look out when Penn»! Scho­
and Fourth Wednesday» of each quickly.
field's around, or you'll get In big
month at I. O O. F. Hall. Second
“Too better •expect not.' Didn’t I trouble! You understan' that, ’bo?"
Wednosdayieooia) meeting Neighbors
Tbe next day. and tbe next, tHe In
bring your families and friands, tell you once you'd never get back
Wednesday, business.
All altvs If you ever tried to come up creasing change ia Penrod pussled and
Neighbors requested to come. By around tbe Third? Tod want me to dletreeaed hte family, who bad no Mea
• v™-W t II r
i •> < », i !» I
»«Tq. » • (
order ot th» Camp
6P »♦
of It» source, flow might they giies»
Hial hero worship take» such forms?
They were vaguely eonsHoM that a
rather shabby boy. not of tbe neigh
borho<«l came to "play" with I'enrod
wvernl time«, but they failed to coo
J. J. fiandsaker, connected with the
Mr and Mrs Putte have taken the
iiact thl« rireiimataiice with th» t<e
Washington Anti-Saloon League, is visit­
'•tilbtr behavior of the «on of the hon«». bouse at 5726-72d street.
ing his family during the Thanksgiving
whore Ideals dils father remarked'
«eeuir-d to have suddenly hacom»
Mr. Mann ami family have rented tlie season, much to their satisfaction.
fdenttesl with rho»e <>f Gyp the Rimal house at 560K-71»t street.
The lady at .3318-flxth street came
Th» Imitater.
Every day is fstrgain day at Teeny A near having a serious tire one day this
KANWH1I.E, for Tenrod him Teenys' dry goutte store, • ■»*<2. Koster week while using some benzine in an
»elf. "life bad taken on new
open pan in some cleaning work.
meaning, new rich lie»«.” He
caught lire but there was no serious
bad liecome u lighting man—
Mrs. Marie Clough of 4926-*l6tb street damage done.
iu cuutersatlou at least "Do you want
Io know bow 1 do when they try to is recovering from an illness consequent
•lip up on me from behind T" be asked from an attack of poison oak.
George R. Williams of 7029-54 avenue
Aud be enacted for her uu
died Tuesday.
He had been a resilient
appreciative eye a aceue of fistic mu
William Frader Willings, of 4M3U-Wlth of < iregon for the part two years, com­
neuters wherein be held an Imaginary
Hie re­
antagonist helpless In a net of strata street, ia recovering from an attack of ing here from Camas. Wash.
mains were shipped from Kenworthy's
on Wednesday morning to Camas, for
Frequently, when he was alone, be
would outwit and pummel this same
Teeny A Teeny.' Busy Dry-floods and
enemy, aud. after a cunning feint
Notion store is located at M<>2 Foster
laud a dolorous slrok» full upon a face
Alvord's Furniture Store, 4629, 87th
of air. 'There! 1 guess you'll know Road. (Kern Park Station )
St. 8. E. is dividing the profits. Every
better next time. That's tb» way we
person that bays one of his stoves gets
do up at the Thlrdf
Tlie basket ball game between the
Sometimes In solitary pantomime be
a good reduction on city prices ami some
^rleta girl, and tbe Creston high school
eacountersd more than one opponent
discount in aildition. By so doing Al­
girl, resulted in favor of the Creatone».
at a time, for numbers were apt to
vord divides the profits with his custo­
come upon him treacherously, especial
mer and still comes out ahead by the
If at a little after bls rising hour,
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Alien of 7530- increased number of sales. See Alvord.
when be might t>e caught at a dtead 55th avenue are parents of a new
vantage— perhaps standing on one leg daughter tern Monday.
to Ini-aae tbe other In hla knicker
lettinq Ones Self Alone
Like lightning be would
Our value* in Mens Shirts, Hosiery,
An article in a recent number of the
burl tbe trapping garment from him.
and. ducking and pivoting, deal great and underwear will interest you. Teeny Mothers Magazine appealed tome and I
sweeping blows among tbe circle of A Teeny WI02 Foster Roa«..
believe it will to others. It is as follows:
sneaking devils
(That was bow be
“One of the important thing» to know
broke tbe clock In hte bedroom.) And
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. O. Douglass of 6714, in life, especially if you are a woman, is
while these lull ties were occupying his
45th Ave. are parente of a daughter born how to let youreelt alone, The ability
attention, it was a waste of voice to
to relax, tlie art of being judiciously
call him to breakfast, though if his Nov. 17.
lazy, the tact to let herself alone, has
mother, losing patience, came to bla
saved many a woman from a nervous
room, she would find b!<n seated on
Chas. Haywood of 48th avenue and
tbe bed pulling at a stocking "Well, 72nd street, employed by the American breakdown. We all know the housewife
who nags herself into such a state of
ain't I coming as fast as 1 can?”
Type Foundry, has an extended business
consciousness that she cannot rest. It
At tbe table aud about tbe nouee trip in Idaho in view.
generally be was bumptious, loud With
she lies down, she is continually worry­
fatuous misinformation at-i assumed
ing herself with thoughts of the work
a domineering tone, which neither
If your tires show wear try Walsh that she is neglecting.
satire nor reproof seemed able to re He will repair them. Expert workmen
“Much of the blame for this state of
duce. but It was among hte own In
handle the job. 9319 Foster Road.
[ affairs lies at the doors of the mothers.
tlmates that bis new superiority was
The mistake is in their training of their
most outrageous
He twisted tbe
Mrs. Lillie Perry of 4924-66th street, children, especially their daughters.
Angers »nd squeezed tbe unks of all
tbe boys of tbe nelgbtiorbuoy. meeting returned Tuesday last from a week-end They are taught from earliest infancy to
; their Indigmitiou with a hoarse aud visit spent with her friend, Mrs. J. be kind to others, to bear with them, to
forgive them, to help them; but trom
i rasping laugh he bad acquired after Williams, of St. Helens.
birth to death, no one ever tells them to
abort practice In the stable, a-here be
Jeered and taunted tbe lawnmower
be kind also, to themse'ves.
Master Morrison Handaaker enter­
the garden scythe und the wheelliarro»
“The woman who nags herself can
tained eight young gentlemen friends on
' <|tilte out of counteuaii'-e.
make herself more miserable than any
Likewise be bragged to tbe othei his eighth birthday, last Saturday and one else possibly could. She can make
itoys by tbe hour. Itupe Collin» being they report a delightful time.
her life more of a nightmare than any
tbe chief subject of encomium-next
misfortune coui 1 possibly make it. If
. tu I'eurod himself. "That » (be wu.i
Dr. Carlos of the Laurelwood M. E. such women cofou learn to be kinder to
we do up al the Third." became staple
Church spoke at the Arleta school > themselves, there is no doubt that their
explanation of violence. Tor I'enrod
Wednesday afternoon at three o’clock, own lives would be lengthened; and
like Tartarin. was plastic Iu tbe bauds
uf bls own Imagination, and al time« relative to topics of the season.
not only that, but the lives of those with
I convinced himself that be really w ■
whom they come in close contact would
one of those dark and murderon«
People who have the benefit of Herald be made far more pleasant.*'—B. F. C.
spirits exclusively of whom "th,- publicity will show their appreciation |
Third” was composed—according to by remembering it when in need of any :
Rupe Collins.
Then, when Penrod had exhaust««! kind of printing.
himself repeating to iinu«ea nevuunt-
Chester Alvord baa been released from i
of the proweaa of himself and bl»
great friend, be would turn to two scarlet fever quarantine for several days ,
Help Your Liver—It Pays
other subjects for vaiuglory
The«- and is thoroughly a live boy again.
were hte father and Duke.
When your liver gets torpid and your
Mothers must accept the fact that lx-
A union Thanksgiving service will be «^mach acta queer, take Dr. King's
tween babyhood aud manhood their held at Annabel Thursday morning by N*w,L15e
flnd y°nJ
sons do not boast of them. The l>oy
self feeling better.
They purify the
with boys. Is a Choctaw, and either Rev. C. 8. Johnson of the Laurelwood
blood, give you freedom from constipa­
the influence or tbe protection of worn Congregational Church.
tion. biliousness, dizziness and indiges­
en is shamefuL "Your mother won't
tion. You feel tine—just like you want
let you." te uu Insult. But, "My father
Fire in a flue at 4538-tilst street
I to feel. Clear the complexion too. 25e.
won't let me." is a dlgnltied explauu
caused a little flurry one morning with­
at Druggists.
tion and cannot be booted. A boy 1»
in the past week but it was kept within
ruined among hte fellows If he talks
much of hte mother or sisters, aud b«>
■tat» of Ohio. City of Toledo, i
must recognlxe It as his duty to offer
Lucas County.
Mrs. H. Rawlings, of Tacoma, Wash., | Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he Is
at least the appearance of persecution
senior partner of the firm or F J. Cheney
to sll things ranked aa female, such as who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. ! * Co., doing business In the City ot To­
cats and every species of fowl. But Albright of 71»t Ave. 8. E. returned to ledo. County and State aforesaid, and
that »aid firm will pay the sum of ONE
be must champion his father and hte her home Sunday.
HUNDRED DOLLARS for ea.-h and ev­
ery case of Catarrh that cannot be < Jre.l
dog, and. ever ready to pit either
by the use of HALL'S CATARRH CITE.
against any challenger, most picture
Miss Pearl Johnson of Cayce, Ken­
Sworn to before me and subscribe) In
both as ravening for tmttle and abac
6th day of Derem’er.
tucky. is spending the winter months A. D ISM.
lutely unconquerable.
(8 m I)
I'enrod. of course. li(nl always talked with her sister, Mrs. Lnby Hargrove, of
Notary Public.
by tbe code. but. under tbe new stimu­ 7230 Foster road.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally
and acts directly upon the blood and mu­
lus. Duke was represented virtually
cous surfaces of the system Sen.l tor
as a cross tietween Rob. Bon of Battle,
school, testimonials.
F J. CHENEY A CO.. Toledo. O.
and South American vampire, and thia
■old by all Druirirtsts. TSc.
every Sunday at 9 a. m., at the
in spite of the fact thnt Duke himself
Take Haifa Family Pills tor constipation.
often sat close by. a living lie. with home of Mrs. Rowe, 83rd street and 48
tbe hope of )>eace In hte heart As for
Many Children Have Worms
Penrod's father, that gladiator was
Worms are a common childhood ail­
painted an of sentiments and dimen­
You will be surprised at the vast assort­ ment.
They make children irritable,
sions suitable to a superdemon com ment of merchandies and how much you
nervous and restless, besides robbing
posed of equal parts of Goliath. Jack can save by buying at Teeny A Teenys’
the body and mind of proper nourish­
Johnson and the Emperor Nero.
Dry goods store, 0602 Foster Road. (Kern ment.
Watch your child. Examine
Even Penrod's walk was affected.
the stools and at drat signs of worms
He adopted a gait which was a kind Park station.
give your child a treatment of Kickatxx)
of taunting swagger, and when be
passed other children on the street he
The bouse at 5723-72d street, formerly Worn Kilter. They kill the worms, act
practiced tbe hsMt of feinting a blow; occupied by Moses Salinger of Robert's as a lax stive and expel the worms and
then as the victim dodged he rasped Bros., is now tenanted by the family of poisonous waste. Tone the system and
out the triumphant horse Isugtl which Harry Skipworth.
help restore your child’s health and
he gradually mastered to horrible per
happy disposition.
Only 25c. at your
fectlon. fie did this to Marjorie Jones.
About twenty of the young people of Druggist.
Aye. this was thetr next meeting, and
such Is Eros, young
What waa even the Lincoln M. E. Church were enter­
worse, in Marjorie's opinion, he went tained by tne Epworth league of the
on hte way without explanation and Laurelwood M. E. Church, Tuesday
left her standing on the corner talking evening,) Nov. 10, in the basement
about It long after he was out of bear parlors of the chutch. The evening was If I FAIL tl CURE «7 CANCER w TUMOR i ttM
spent in jolly games aud concluded with betsre It POISOHS 4te* (Mt ■ sttxtes is BONI
Within live days from his tiret en
counter with Itupe Collins, Pen rod
Na MT Ml
had become unbearable. He even al-
wwnni euAMsrn
The Ladies’ Aid Society of the laurel­ No X Ray or other
most alienated Sam Williams, who for
■wtndle. An Island
a time submitted to finger twisting and wood M. E. Church served a turkey din­ plant make, thaenre
TUStoa. LIMP ort
neck squeezing am! the new style of ner Wednesday evening, Nov. 17, in the
on the Up, face
conversation, but Anally declared that basement dining room of the church.
ody long is
■ - —
Penrod made him “alck." He made The tables were decorated by Mrs. Lot­
the statement with fervor one sultry
tie Bright, the scheme being festoons of
afternoon In Mr Schofield's stable In
deep yellow crepe-paper supplemented ■aontela. DSIsuVC^
the presence of Herman and Ver—an.
by table bouquets of vari-colored flowers.
“Ton better look out. T»," said Pen
rod threateningly
“I'll show you a The ladies served from about five to ic niMCEB end elweyspoiaona deep erm-
eight o’clock. A number of people were n USRvEHpIt (land, and UUt OUICXIV
little bow we do up at the Third."
One woman Inevery7aleao(eeneer—U.S. report
“Up at tbe Thirdf Ham repeated, turned away because of shortage of sup­ We refuse many who wait too long A muat die
with »corn
“You haven’t ever been plies, and to some who had bought Ptxrr cured at ball price It cancer la yet amall
up there."
iaM sbi r reft
tickets their money was refunded.
The Rr.IHrt
•eieast ire«» '
T haven't?“ exclaimed Penrod. “1 ladies are delighted with the success of
’raacisct,' Ca(
their enterprise.
■ caNccr.
* -
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The Herald $1 per Year