ft. D. Kenworthy and Co. Inc. funeral Directors. TWO ESTABLISHMENTS PHONE TABOR S2B7 PHONE TABOR *e?S SftOi-4 vied STREET S. E. lots noth St.. Cor. FOSTER HOAD IN LENT* ARLETA Flrat Visas Service Given b»y or Night. Cl¿«e Proximity to Co *et*rie» Enable* V» to Furnish Funerals al a Minimum Expense. Henry Kalin ia getting a lot of choice dower» ready h>r the winter market Ha has «Ollie ea|«>eially Hnvchryaaiitlieniuiii» coming on with tweet pem about ready personal and local new, to bloom. L-U-M-B-E-R tniunimviiifiit la made of the marriage of Mise Donna Paul, of Lenta to Mr 6. R. Andregg, of Moore, Mont at Lewiston, Mont . on Noy 2nd. Mr» Watch for the county store, I.OO.F. Andregg i» the daughter of Mr .ml Mr». Hall Dec. 1. Win. Paul of «th Ave. Lenin. LATH, SHINGLFS BUILDERS HARDWARE RUBLROID ROOFING LOCAL UID PERSONAL All church. ,«iet«ty. uol published tor pro Hl. tree notice« ot en- Wrtalnmvnu. I'omluctr.l for probt, publlshad at a 3b<* mlnlmun. ol S" word,. Aunouueb menu and car.I ol thank,. same rale. Advez, il,in« rale, Quoted on request J owe ph <\'|>eland ir looking alter nee. intervals at Meridean, Idaho. Katzky Bros. Department Store Chicken Pie -upper, Wed. Ihn- l.o.o F, Hall. WANTED — Good Submription licitor, Enquire at Herald Office. Friday 1.30 Vim Flour, Sack 1.30 Pure White Flour, Sack 1.30 Carnation Flour, Sack 1.30 If your tire* show wear try Walah He will repair them. Expert workmen handle the job. 9319 Foster Road. l-atic Ct.inily rill hard aurface from , Eugene to ilarrieburg. The prnjmm'd Sunday blue law would Mise Adelphine Weinatead, o( Fair- go far toward completing the eetabli«h»«t boult. Minn., ia a vistor at the Keike- reputation tor freak law» in Oregon. napp home in Sagnaw. The »Ute ha* been pointed out a» ati 1 lb. package Arm and Hammer Saleratus . . 5c . Sapolio, package.................................... ............................... 5c . ............................. 25c . . 7 cans, large size Carnation Milk . . .............................50c 3 cans Red Cross Tondatoes . . .............................25c . Mia» Fina Sagoraky, a primary teach- ! er in Lent» acho rla, waa called to her home at 49* Harriaon atrvet, Portland. Tueaday by the »erioua illneaa ol her ' father. He died ahortly after her arri­ val. The fntinral will Im held Friday at 10 a' there aid»nee. Mi»» Sagoriky I« one of tiio iieml popular of the lAnta teacher* and hör e> WJtker» and pupila, extend tiltil deepeat ayuipathy. E. E. Moffett and wife have gone to Kansas to live for while, leaving last Tuesday. 100 lbs. Best Cane Fruit Sugar Th« Lent» Y. P. A. held their ninthly buxines* meeting in th« church Nov. V liter the huaioiwa sereion the young folk« adjourned to the young men'» room where a verv pleasant evening w«a , ■ pent aruimd the «¡replace, poping corn and with inuxic and game«. Il l.. Alexander i* getting"Dog Wood Good program, Wednesday evenining Place" at lx*nta Junction aha ped up ao one would fiantly know it it wax form­ Dec. 1 at I.O.O.F. Hall. erly occupied by the Mt Scott Water _ „ „. . _ . , . .... Work* but ha* been pretty well re- FOR SALE—A Quantity household fur- . , , ,, , , . • modeled He will put out »ome nut niturv cheap. Stift«1 Gilbert Avenue. 1 tree* in .. the spring and add »ome new ' - out building«. Chri» Geenie. of R. 1, near Kelley's Butte, has tven making improvements Ladle* of the Evangelical Church will in his farm and dairy buildings thia (all. have an exchange in the church baae- tiient, Nov. 17, all day and evening. Will exchange horse, harness and There will lie an apron booth a luiecvlla- buggy for good milk cow. Inquire at neoua l»>otb, » home made candy booth, lunch, etc. I.unch, tea. coffee, pie. or Herald office. cake and a howl of *oup (pr ten cent» Mr». R. F. Woodruff, of Vraa. 111., i* c<’me «nd y»ur luucii, and don’t a viator at the home of tier abler, Mr*. i',rgvt th« date. ! 8. D. Campbell for tiie winter. ■ WANTED —To trade good vacant lota for unenicumbervd cheap houaee and lota. C. E. Kennedy. White Loaf Flour, Sack 1.25 7 Boxes Bird’s Eye Matches i So­ Mrs. Clarence Cone entertained the G. C. E. Club Oct. »th. $1.30 Olympic Flour, Sack Mr« May Howe will entertain the G. C. E Club ou the llth. The next reg- lur meeuing <.( the i-luh will Iw beld «t 1. at The Cona honte, 7O2S allrt llvta«- and her spn Harry, and her mother, 4340 * 436E Vxtoncl* St, San Francisco,' Cal left Sunday afternoon for Berkley, Calif-1 MINDLY MAIL THIS Il iMwaa al* CANCCT ornia, where they will spend the winter. I There ia prospect of a new freight Htation at or near Lent* Junction Ju*t how it is to be handled i* not known yet but the project immderconsideration. The economical question will reveal, If with the Cash Shoe Repair Shop you start to deal. Matt Greenslade, Foster Road 120-FACE BOOK • »1 FREE. 10,000 tratlwV fj moniaU. Villa tt mm WCV People who have the benefit of Herald publicity will show their appreciation by remembering it when in need of any kind of printing. HORSE-SHOEING Wagon Repairing and General BLACKSMITHING Hier W ird Deutsch, I ugarlxh and Serbisch (lenehprochem Washed Graded Gravel Auto and Wa^on Plastering Sand PAINTING 82nd St. and 45th Ave. Phone Tabor 2063 Residence 211 N. Main St. lenta. Ore. R. Heyting Edward Mills Buggies and Wagons, Bought, Seid or Exchanged. Phone Tibor 22X4 Mt. Scott, Lcnlz «nd Portland FRANK OTT EXPRESS 931V Foster Hoad, Lenta Baggage and General Hauling. Wood and Coal Trunks 50c Fach in any quantity DAILY SERVICE KING COAL Administrator's Notice Miller-Mowrey Lumber Co Sash and Doors leave Baggage Check and Address at Plummer Drug Store. Third and Madison St. HAY and FEED Buy Here and Save Middleman’s Profit If you should not find just what you want in stock at our store, we will take Administrator’s Notice you direct to the Wholesale Notice i* hereby given that the under- j xigned hae been appointed administratrix of the eetate of Jens Dykxtra, deceaxed, I by the County Court of the State of! Oregon, for Multnomah County, and ' bar qualiflerl. All perxona havingclaim» againxt Haid eatate are hereby notified to prwaent the xame, duly verified, to me1 at 314 Spalding Building, Portland, Ore­ gon. within xix months from date hereof. I Firxt publication October 28, 1928. MARIK D. MfLLER, Adminixtratrix. JOHN VAN ZANTE, Attorney House and you may make your selection there, and we will divide the middle­ man’s profit, thereby mak­ ing your furniture cost you less than Portland retail prices. Panama Furniture & Hdw. Store Main Street Lente. z Washed Gravel, Sand, Cement, Lime, Wall and Land Plaster I J. I?. Fi n ley & Son Funeral Directors Montgomery and Fifth Nt One Place of Buxinexx Only ,z Right P it ces , Prompt ’lJenv^ McFjnley & Co r.»326 Foster Road Experienced Woman In Attendance Main Office Phone Main 9