Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, September 09, 1915, Image 4

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fl. D. Kenworthy and Co. Inc.
Ida Bundy has returned to lernte to
Allfvhurrb. «oelvly, psrwnsl smt lo *l sews attend trade school, and Randolph will
not |>ubll>hint tor prorti, tros, nolle«. ol •» stay here and work.
Ivrlalnmvnls. conduct««! for pruOt. publl.hvd
at a ISc ininlmuu. ol 8v worth. Annouue«
This is a good time to pay your dog
menu and card ol thank«.«am« rat*. Adv«r-
ttalus rat««Cquotvd on requrat.
. lioenac. September I was Hie day when
fnneral Directors, embalmers
Fred Turney Is building a new resi­
dence on his Foster Road property.
- ——.
Try Walsh when In need of any sort
of auto repairing, or oils or gas.
the canine came in for hie «perlai tax.
The Masons have bought tlie 4h feet
on »2nd St. north of Katoky Bros, ai d
Mr«. K. F. Thomas is visiting friends
will bol<i it for future use.
in Loe Angeles.
Miller-Mowrey Lumber Co
Joe Copeland returned Saturday from
Mrs Chas. Palmer went to North
Idaho trip but wa* laid up for sev-
Beat'll Wednesday for a week's stay
, era) days with tonsilitis
Lumber for all Purposes.
Gasoline for Illg ciento at Walah’s
Filling Station, »319, Foster road.
Wesley Reynolds hae resigned his
fioeitlon at Honeyuian's Hardware and
will re-enter high school.
Sam Allen and wife, formerly of Ì
Woodmere, have returned after a year
Joe Hand is home tills week from
epent in Montana.
Tuslitan, where he has been doing!
Mrs Colwell and Will I«arne)l left t some carfienter work.
Wednesday morning
Etnperia, ’
i The next meeting of Lente Parent
Teachers' Awtociation will he held Fri-
Mrs. Anna Steele, sister to Mrs. John ‘‘»J tbe »««• •* a:ao P “• I'Brrn«* ,rr
Huntington, from Everett, Wash., urged to attend.
spent a few «lavs with her last week.
Most Complete Line in all Mt. Scott
Shingles, Lath, Sash, Doors,
Buildqrs Hardware, Building
and Roofing Paper
PhOne Home 2411
LdltS J UnCtiOïl
The two cups and banner trophies
WANTEL l —Lot on Saginaw Heights. won by the lienta Playground Athletic
State lowest cash price.
Addnws Lot, trams will lie on display at the l^nts
Public Library.
Herald Office.
Panama Pacific Exposition
Is the Most Wonderful
The Most Beautiful
The Most Important in History
FOR SALE or will exchange lor
Mrs. Hand of Wood mere was called to
wood: Horse, harness and buggy. Call Port Orchard, Wash., last wwk by the
ileatli of lier father, E W Young, She
at Herald office, Lenta.
returned Tuesday
Mrs. E. B Rutan took two prizes on I
It is artistic, it is ry metrical, it is world wide, it
is complete.
Only three month« more will it be opened. No
intelligent person can afford to mis* the oppor­
tunity of visiting this exposition
Low Round Trip Fares to San Francisco
on sale daily from all pointe
If you contemplate a trip East you can travel
through California in one direction at small
additional expense.
and 1(> daye at El Paso are allowed on all tickets
to the Eart reading over the
Let our nearest Agent outline a trip for you.
Our folders "Wayside Notes’" and “Califrornia
Expositions” will be of interest—They are free.
John M. Scott, General Paaaonger A rent, Portland. Oregon
Bought Sold and
Now is the time to arrange for the
money to pay off that mortgage It will
soon be due. Why 7 per cent or H per
cent when we can furnish the money at
3 per cent per annum. liberal loans on
improved or unimproved city or county
property. No commission charged; 10
year repayment privilege.
Lente Agent, V. L. Irish, 5724 »2nd Ht.
A Medicine Chest For 25c.
Mrs. John Huntington is recovering ' pital.
nicely from a serious operation per­
formed a few weeks ago.
She is able
Ernest, the infant son of Mr. and
to be out now in a wheel chair.
Mrs. A F Genoinwr of 7'<f9, fi.kl Ave.,
was buried Wednesday afternoon from
Nearly every woman is convinced that Kenworthy*«.
Father Bentgen con*
her hueliand lacks tact, and she is apt ducted the funeral ceremony,
to be right about it. But if he buys his
meat at the Gray« Crossing Market she j
The funeral ol Kodell Evans Burgett,
is wrong.
infant son of H. A Burgett and wife of
I Mllfl. Mth St. 8. E. was held at Ken*
FOR KALE—22 acres with 5 room worthy's Thursday at eleven o'clock.
house, large txrn. 100 fruit trees, small I tea th was due to pneumonia,
berries, two miles from Sandy. Geo. C. I
Smith. Sandy, Ore.
Mr. and Mrs. MacPiarmid, miMion-
aries from tbs Congo, have been visiting
A. D. Kenworthy has moved bis Mrs. I). H. McKinley this week.
family to Arleta where he will establish MacDtarteld is a nelce of Mrs. McKin-
s branch undertaking parlor.
He will | ,ey_
continue hie place at Lents as before.
A num bsr of Lenta people from Gil-
F. R. Foster and brother returned
road Btte(ujed the picnic given by
from I^wieten. Idaho, Saturday, having the Baker's Association at Crystal I Ake
spent a week with a brother near that Park Monday. They proved themselves
i place.
good atbeletes by captunng several
O. C. Neiswinder and wife of Topeka,
Kansas, have been visitors at the
Julee Chard is up and around again
Darnall home the past week, being for* anil is trying to break down the ruling
mer acqu lintances of Mrs. Itarnall.
of tlie Park Department when it derided
that his services were no longer neces­
This '‘flring’' the whole city
Mrs. D. H. McKinley returned Mon­ sary.
day from King's Valley, where she government and telling them why is
visited her daughter, Mrs. Bundy and not always politic, even if it is *ati«fy
ing, for the time being
The principal Innguaces of the world
are listed In order as follows: English,
spoken by more than IfiO.iMMT.CMMi peo­
ple: German, more than 12f>,000,000; |
Russian, more than 80.000.fMM); French,
more than (MI.OOO.OOO; Spanish, more
Mrs. L. W. Martin, who has been
than 5f>,000.«MM»: Italian, more than 30.-
000,000. and Portuguese, more than 30. staying with her sister. Mrs. John
OOO.(MX). These seven are the principal Huntington, during her recent illness,
languages of Lurofie and America. returned to her home at North Yakima
There are said to tie 3.424 spoken lan­ last Tuesday.
guages or dialects in the world—1,824
J. L. Johnson and wife of Gilberts
in America. 937 in Asia. 587 in Europe
and 270 in Africa. Among other im­ are visiting in Ocean Beach. California.
portant languages are the Chinese. He writes for a change in bis paper to
Japanese. Scandinavian branches. 81a that address. They are enjoying the
vonic speeches and dialects and the va­ southern scenery intensely and say that
rious languages of India, Persia, Am in some ways it surpasses Oregon for
bta and modern Greece.
wonders and prodnetiveness.
He is
especially flattering toward the police
A Poor Present.
force in Han Diego, whom, he says, are
A wounded soldier explained hl*
the most accomodating officials he ever
grievance to uis nurse.
"You see. old .Smith was next me in
the trenches.
Now. the bullet that
took me in the shoulder and laid me
out went Into "im and made a bit of a
flesh wound iu bis arm. Of courae I'm
glad lie wasn't "art bad. But he's stuck
to my bullet and given it bls girl.
Now. I don't think that’s fair. I’d a
right to it. I'd never give a girl o'
mine a second 'and bullet.”- Exchange.
Now York City’s Pensions.
170 5th St Opp. Post Office
Phil Lewis was seriously kicked
| peaches at the peach show last Satur
«lay—first on preserves and third on horse last week at the Franklin
.canned peachee.
School works.
The kick land*!
! his heart and laid him up in the
New York city has eight pension
funds. They are the public school
teachers’ retirement fund, the police
pension fund, the Are department re­
lief fund, the department of health
fund, the College of the City of New
York fund, the supreme court appel­
late division fund, the street cleaning
department fund and the city of New
York employees" retirement fund.—
New York Mail.
“Johnny." said the Indignant parent,
“why didn't you come home when J
called you?"
“1 didn't hear you," replied truthful
"Then why did you run away?"
“Because I was afraid that I might
hear you.”—Richmond Times-Dispatch.
In this chest you have an excellent
remedy for Tnothache, Bruises, Bprains,
Stiff Neck, Backache, Neuralgia, Rheu­
matism and for most emergencies. One
Family Joy*.
25c. bottle of Sloan's Liniment does it
"When you were courting me,” said
all—this because these aliments are his wife, "you declared there wasn't
symptoms, not disease«, and are caused another woman in the world like me.”
“Yen." replied her husband, "and I’m
by congestion and inflammation.
of other men.”
you doubt, ask those who use Sloan’s glad of ft—for the sake
Liniment, or better still, buy s 25,’.
Read ‘’Penrod” this issue
bottle and prove ft. All Druggists.
Shave 10c, Hair Cut IS
Ladies private parlors for Massag­
ing, Scalp Treatment and Super-
Hurons hair destroyed.
Footer Rond and Main Ht. Lents
Sash and Doors
Interior Finish
Nothing but the Best
of Quality and Service
Phone Orders Promytly Filled
Tabor 619
Investment Co.
6924 Foster Road Near 70th Street
' Your Spring and Sum­
mer Suit Needs Attention
We clean and press to look like new,
and at prices so reasonable that no
one can afford to look untidy. Well
Fitting Clothe« make the man. We
have tnem in latest styles and pat­
terns. Get our prices before ordering
Additon Bldg., Main Street, Lents
Wagon Repairing and General
Matt Greenslade, Foster Road
Tabor 3614
Reasonable Price* A mu red
at the
Cash Shoe Repair Shop
How’s This?
Shining Pnrior in Connection
We offer One Hundred Dollar«
Reward for any case of Catarrh
’ >at cannot be cured by Hall’«
Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY A CO.. Toledo, O.
the in<i-rRl«n»<l. have known F. J.
■ ii fur the lest 18 years, and believe
him perfectly honorable In all business
1 rnnr-aetlon« and financially able to carry
i. .i •• obligations made by hl. flrm
Toledo. O.
II..Il's «■’ntarrh Cure Is taken Internally.
• .y upon the blood and mu-
■ti'-.'t«'. of the avatem Teettmonlala
rent tr ■
I’rlce 78 cents per bottle. Bold
by >i): Dri'rglxta.
1-k* Hal. a Family Cilla tor constipation.
Washed Graded Gravel
Plastering Sand
82nd St. and 45th Ave.
Phone Tabor 2063
Pb'>*i Tailor 12*4
RcaMcacc 211 N. Main St. Leaf*. Or*.
J. F. Heyting
Edward Mills
Mt. Scett, Lesto and Portlaafl
CARLYLE’? F”"T '.O’ *.
1 ••-'i-,
She May Have Bee-
■‘Sartor R
• t -
During the y iir is', " 't
f '
• » I
lyle, the Scolili |,||.I «•■•<!-, ■■■•1« fl
Ing at Kirkcaldy, in «I !:<•
" > i «'•«• !
for the first time to b ■e
or f.i! it i , I
The Indy itp;>enr-< tn> to h i <• r :i; no <1
the attachment, ¡idfi'fli •
«rent insight, nt the nge <>f tv <u , -two.
perceived the genii:« of ii. r siiltoi of
In the letter In wlildi she took leave
of her udmirer she med the e signifi­
cant expressions: "t'ultlvnte the mll'I-
er disisisltlons of your heart, sulslue
the more extruvnguiit visions of the
brain. • ♦ • Genius will render you
great. .May virtue render you beloved!
‘Let your light shine before men,' ami
think them not unworthy thia trouble.”
Many years after, when Carlyle
wrote his reminiscences, he described
the episode. He says that Margaret
Gordon "continued for, perhaps, some
i three years a figure hanging more or
leas In my fancy, on the usual roman­
tic and latterly quite elegiac and silent
The real interest of the story la:
Was Margaret «Jordon the original of
the Hlumllne of "Barter Ressrtuaf
One critic would have us answer that,
although Jane Welsh might have in­
spired some of the details, It was Mar­
garet Gordon who was the true origi­
nal—Mew York Telegram.
It beccute« a wise m«n to try negofl«
fions before erma. -Terence
Wood and Coal
in any quantity
HAY and E
Baggage and General Hauling,
Trunks 50c Each
Leave Baggage Chock ami Addroao
at Plummer Drugstore.
Third and Madiaon St.
Sand, Cement,
Lime, Wall and
J. P. Fin ley & Son
Funeral Directors
Montgomery and Fifth Ht
Land Plaster
One Place of Buaine*« Only
Right Prices,
Prompt Delivery
■ w.
Exporlonced Woman
In Attendance
Main Office
McKinley & Co.
9326 Foster Road
Tabor Ml
Phone Mata 9