RAI MT. SCOTT Watered M Second Clam Matter February 19, 1914. At poatortice. Lenta, Orerou, Under act of March S, 1H7U Talk isn’t necessarily cheap even when a nickel talks. When jealously gets love takes a vacation. busy, It’s as difficult to pay liabilities as it is to collect assets. Published Every Thursday at Lente. Ore., by the M t . S cott Pnauanura Co. H. A. DARN ALL, E dito * Office Phon : Home B-6111-1U1. and M anaub *. Residence: Tabor 2813 NOTES OF THE W, C. T. Ü. A special meeting of Mt. Scott Union will I m - held on Friday, Sept,, 3d, at one. There is the city jail, the city hall, the city bam and garage, the city park, the public library and —why not the city schools. The latter in particular, There's little in life but labor. use wood. The city ought to And tomorrow may prove but A . supply all these institutions with dream.— wood at an advantage, and if it Success is the bride of Endeavor, necessary it might do the wise And lock but a meteor's gleam. thing to supply wood at some The time to succeed is wlien othen, loss, if by so doing it were con­ Discouraged, show trace# of tire; The hattie is fought in the home tributing to a public charity. stretch— Such charity will then be sup­ And won —'twin Ute flag and the wire. ported by all the city. —John Trotwood Moore. Success 'Tie the coward who «tops at misfortune Ti* tlie knave vrho change* each day 'Tis tlie fool who win« half the battle. Tlien throws all his chances away. HERE is a little movement started to beautify our road­ T sides with a line of trees. That E wish to call the attention of our readers to the new serial story in this issue. "Pen­ rod” is the product of the genius of one of America’s fore­ most authors—Booth Tarking­ ton. It is more than a story, it is a study, a psychological his­ tory of the growth of a real live, active boy. It is not only inter­ esting but it is fascinating and suggestively instructive. In book form this would cost you more than the yearly subscrip­ tion to the paper. You get both for the price of one. Every­ body likes a bright boy even if he does fail to come up to social convention. There is hope for him and "Penrod” will help you to understand and love boyish attitudes even if they are not al-, ways in conformity to your ideas of childish propriety. We hope you will read it with the relish it desenes. 9 o'chaik p. m., at the home of Mr«. Donaldson, corner ti3d avenue and 91 «t street. Matter* of vital importance have arisen which necessitate* the call for this special meeting and it is hoped every member who can |**wibly do so will be present. Mr*. Addie Bryant of Martinet, Calif., to visiting at the home of her *i«ter. Mr*. Upham on 92d «treci. The Bryant family will probably locate in or near Portland Mr». Bryant has been promi­ nent in local and county W. C. T. U. work in her section of California The Navy League of tin* U. 8. hat been in mwion recently. This league is com|x>M*d of tlie leading men of the rnited States Navy. Through its secre­ tary. Henry H. Ward, a broadside was issue-1 against S-cretary of tlie Navy Daniels. The league attacked every thing the secretary has done or ha* not done with the exception of the order forbidding the use of liquor aboard American war »hips. To use the lan­ guage of a middle western daily paper “they have one great grievance against the secretary—he has taken away their booxe.’’ It will be remembered that up­ on investigation Secretary of the Navy, Daniels, found that an officer court marshaled and sentenced to dishonorable discharge for drunkenness had never tasted liquor until it was serveti to him on shipboanL This led th (urtlier in­ vestigation and to tlie order issued pro­ hibiting all liquor from naty officers ot men. It waa a brave and noble order, approved by the homes of the nation from which the navy is recruited. The people are grateful to Secretary Daniels for his effort* to give u« a sober navy. Tlie howl of tlie lioozer* will be drowned by the voice of approval from the na­ tion’« homes. OUR SHRINKING SUN it* Oiamstsr Becomes About Mileo Loee Each Century. Four There are various theories to account for the enormous store of beat and light in the auu. The theory now gelt erally accepted by physicists Is that the gradual contraction of the suit In cooling la the chief source of apparent Inexhaustible energy. It has been cal culated that at the present rate of ex iwnditure of heat tbe aim's diameter would contract four miles tn a century, and In a few millions of years It may Iweome as dense as the earth. The sun is aup|>osed to la- com|s>scd of much the «ante material* a* the earth, except that they arc st a much higher temperature AI miii I forty of tbe seventy terrestrial elements have lieen Identified by the spectroaeo|ie as existing in the vapors around th» sun Astronomers think that they find traces there of very few substance* not al­ ready known Even these may lw> dis covered on the earth some day It has been calculated that the heat thrown on a square mile et|a>scd al noon under the equator would melt In an hour IMAMU tons of Ice. This amount lias to t>e multiplied fifty million time* to arrive at the quantity of beat re erlved by the earth's surface during a single hour. Yet Ibis enormous supply Is even less than on? two-thousnml millionth part of wb it the sun |>oura forth In all direction* in space. It stnud* to reason that thia inconceiva l>le outgiving "of heat must be accom­ panied by a gradual though Im percept! blc diminution In the «Ire of the sun — Philadelphia Press • OUR PURPOSE Is to make our bank a mu­ tual benefit to the com­ munity in general and to our patrons in particular. Our experience and equip­ ment combined with a de­ sire to PLAY FAIR, makes it possible for us to do so. Give us a fair trial. THE MULTNOMAH STATE BANK LENTS may or may not be an attrac­ tion. In the first place a long line of trees is so evidently arti­ THE CZAR'S CHECK. ficial that it fails to please. An occasional tree, or group, is far It Passed Over Itching Palme, but That Waa No Surprise. more attractive and practical. It Wbeu Professor TUXeu, the Dauls.i j has the appearance of being artist, had Uuistied hi* great work. natural. 'The I'uruuatiuu of Edward Vll.,’’ he received. it appears, au order from the Then if trees are to be planted Russlau euiperor for a ropy of this why not use those native to this puiutlng. tor which the caar was to climate. A group of firs, of puy 12.UU0 ruble». lu due course the professor repaired hemlock, or cedar, would be the to Petrograd to deliver the paruliug natural feature of such a road He was granted au audieu u . western Oregon tree. In place Wbeu the professor presented the check for payment be was told that au of them we will find a lot of im­ order from the empemr was subject to ported stuff. If it is deciduous a discount, aud he bad. therefore, to trees that are wanted what is a< cept a >um considerably smaller than the matter with our broad the face value of tbe cbe< k. Before his departure from Ku**la tbe leafed maple, or our dogwood, professor bad a farewell audience with Lents Baptist Church ash or alder. These are all far the > zar. who In tbe course of conver­ An Amsterdam dispatch says more natural in an Oregon set­ that Germany is bemoaning a The Ladies Aid Society lield its an­ sation asked him. "Did you get your ting than imported trees. Then shortage of sausage. And with nual picnic this year at Kenilworth money, professor?" Park on Friday of last week. There Tuxen replied that be bad if it is an evergreen that is the beer supply curtailed, too, were about fifty who enjoyed a part or not Professor intended to mentiou tbe matter, wanted they may be found on we had better not be in too all of the day together, tlie husband* of but sim-e his majesty himself raised the ground, many of them favor­ much of a hurry to scoff at some of tbe women coming from their the question be would say be bad re only part of tbe money. ably located and all they need is stories of peace and overtures. work to eat with their families in tlie celved At this tbe caar seemed not at all evening. to be left alone. surprised, but calmly made out anotb Lord’s Day evening there will be a One of the big mistakes of The Rose City Van and Stor- number of speakers at tlie church. The •r order for tbe sum which had been from tbe original amount, the past has been the destruc- age Company display the finest Rev Mr. McLaren, chaplain of the deducted and thus Tuxen got his money.—Wash tion of all the big timber along painted truck in the city, The State Penitentiary, a converted bar- Ington Star. the roadways. Nothing that in­ painting was done by a Lents tender, an Esquimaux, and other* will Curious Lsttsr Ending«. terests the tourist, holds his at­ man, too. There is gold letter- ■peak briefly. Mr. Harry Linn, a «•on* verted opera singer will render a num- A few specimen* of the style of be tention more than an occasional ing enough on it to dazzle any ber of «election*. Be sure to hear ginning and ending letter* In the old group of big firs, or cedar, It is ordinary pair of eyes. day* may prove Interesting as in strik these men It will be a treat. Ing contrast to tbe laconic “yours obe only occasionally that a good dlently,” “faithfully" or "truly" of the who He is indeed an optimist they sample may be found but Friend’s Quarterly Meeting present day. It would certainly l»e are more interesting than rocks saturated with this weather can The Portland Quarterly Meeting of difficult to match the following sub­ or gorges, or water, They hold maintain his poise and manage a Friend* will be held at the Lenta scription of n letter from the Duke of Friend’s Church Friday, Saturday and Shrewsbury to Rlr Thoma* Haumer. the observer spellbound with smile. dated September. 1713: "I desire that Sunday. Minister* will Is- in attendance their stupendous heaven-point­ will tielieve that, wherever I atn. Well if the Mexicans should from Everett, Seattle and other pointe. you ing spires, their majestic size annex Texas, they would have Business meeting, Friday, 8 p. m. I shall always endeavor to deserve and very much value your friendship, l»e and grace. If we are really in­ to behave thereafter, or Texas Meetings for worship and evangelistic ing. with a sincere esteem, sir, your The Mt. Scott Herald service, Saturday and Sunday 10:3ba m., most faithful and obedient servant. terested in natural beauty and would know the reason why. Shrewsbury." 2 p. m., and S p. m. propriety let us be interested in Frequently one meet* with bellicose All cord*ally invited. saving these natural living won­ Some girls are relegated to the subscriptions, ns In the case of the Earls of Huntly and Errol, who In tfifH ders. spinster class on account of On top of it« railroad bond issue threatened “awful consequences" to the — their cuteness. Roseburg talk« of a big bond itnue for magistrate* of Aberdeen unless they T IS really amusing how ! 1915, directing publication of «aid «urn released certain gentlemen Imprisoned EVERY HOME NEEDS A EAITHIUL | mona to he made in the Mt. Hpott Mr Benson has be­ •K Qprinn.qlv seriously Mr. If a young man has money to water and electric light*. In their city and subscribed. "Your* as COEJGH AND GOLD REMEDY Herald once a week for «lx consecutive gun to take himself. He doesn’t bum it is easy to induce some ye will, either present jieace or weir." The Herald $1 per Year When seasons change and coldsap,s>ar JOHN VAN ZANTE, Attorney propose to consider the city girl to strike a match. Why Hs Wn 8ad. =? —when you first detect a cold after sit­ for Plaintiff. council in it. He means to do “Why so sad and downcast?" First publication August 2«, 1915. "My wife ha* threatened to Ip A vp ting next to one who ha* aneexed, then I test publication Octola>r7, 1915, the thing just like he handles it ia that a tried ami tested remedy me." the county commissioners. He “I never ‘‘Cheer up. Women are always should be faithfully used. intends to promise that we shall threatening something like that, but wrote a testimonial before, hut, I know FACTS FOR SUFFERERS they hardly ever do It" positively that for niym-lf and family, employ a city manager. He will Pain result* from injury or conges­ “That'« what I was thinking."— Dr. King*« New Discovery is the best then have the city charter BY LORA C. LITTLE Be it neuralgia, rheumatism, Houston Pont. cough remedy we ever used and we tion. changed to legalize his plan. lumbago, neuritis, toothache, sprain, have tried them all.” 50c. and 11.00. The people will be instructed to To play the game of life successfully, Hchool graduate with fifty yean of prac­ bruise, sore stiff muscle* or whatever i. ..i.sD ■ pain you have yield* to Moan’« Lini­ How’s This? vote for this change. Mr. Ben­ it is necessary to be “a good sport,” to tice behind him. If your tire« «how wear try Walsh ment*- bring* new freali blood, dissolve* son will tell them how to vote. learn to take defeat well, to get enjoy* ftewyer—What disease*, in your We offer One Hundred Dollar* He will repair them. Expert workmen tlie congestion, relieve« the injury, the In the meantime he will select ment out of all situations, And when opinion, are canned by vaccination? Reward for any case of Catarrh circulation i* free and your ;«in leave* Doctor—Vaccination may cause any that cannot be cured by Hall’s handle the Job. 0319 Foster Road. in the deepest distress, with no ray of the manager just like he and a light to indicate the end, just remember di*ea*e. It all depend* on the indi­ Catarrh Cure. a* if by magic. The nature of its few other highbrows selected nothing is surer than change. Nothing vidual. Hi« constitutional weaknesses F. J. CHENBT A CO.. Totedo, O. qualities penetrate immediately to th« SUMMONS IV*. the undersigned, hav« known F. J. Yeon for roadmaster, He will last* long. Every situation has it* own or tendencies will determine the form Cheney for the test IK years, and believe In the Circuit Court of the Htate of •ore «pot. Don’t keep on suffering. him perfectly honorable In all business Oregon, for Multnomah County. Use transaction* nnd financially able to carry Edward Clifton Coppie, Plaintiff, v«. ear and manager, Mr. Benson cannot struggle has given you strength, Be ~ Doctor—I should say greater, provid­ by alt Druggists. A CLOGGED SYSTEM T.tk- Ilsli s Family Pills for constipation. answer, or otherwise plead to the com­ plaint filed against you in the above en­ be recalled. The city manager sides, it has helped your cause if y^ur ing the vaccine ti«ed was active vim*. NEEDS ATTENTION titled Court and cause, on or before will hold his job at the nominal cause is righteous, helped it more than October 8, 1915, which is more than six Are 1 you bilious, . dinty __ w and ___________ listlem? would victory, be sure, if victory is de­ That mean«, evidently, where active MOTHERS— week* after the date of the first publica­ Dr. King’« New Life Pill*‘taken at once appointment of the city commis­ nieel you now. ‘ ‘There is no room for a virus in absorbed into the system and tion of thia summon*, and if you fail to WATCH IRRITABLE CHILDREN! sions but actually at the dicta­ complainer in a universe of law,” says no appear and answer, or otherwise plead seizes upon constipation and «tart« the reaction follow«, it i* taken care of tion of Benson. What a swollen Dr. Sheldon Leavitt. Faith in the ulti­ by the lymphatic*, is stored up in a That fever, paleness, grinding of teeth to said complaint, plaintiff will apply to bowel* moving naturally and easily. above entitled Court for the relief Moreover it act* without griping. head it does give a man to get a mate success of truth and right is the gland for possible future mischief. while asleep, and coated tongue are in­ the prayed for in «aid complaint on file Neglect of a clogged «y*tem often lead* little publicity, especially when surest support in time of trouble. Those Wlien that time of life some* where dication* that your child ha* worms in herein, to-wit: a decree dissolving the to most *eriou« complication*. If you are themselves true and right must vitality begin* to fail, be it noon or late, it* system. Kickapoo Worm Killer bond* of matrimony heretofore and now he has been dubbed by some one who have that faith. They are invincible. then the bovine infection become* ac­ quickly get* rid of them- parasites. It is existing tietween you and plaintiff, on wi«h to wake up tomorrow morning as the best citizen. If it keeps They should tee) themselves so, and tive. In some coses it appear* to take perfectly safe for even the most deli<-ate the ground that without cause or pro­ happy in mind and entirely satisfied, vocation you have deserted plaintiff, and «tart your treatment tonight, on this way we won’t have any discouragement flee* away. 25c. * the form of tnmor and earner, a* I have children. It ia pleaaant to taka, ha* granting plaintiff such other relief a* bottle. one to run things in Oregon but three effective medicinal qualities:—acta my be equitable in tlie premia**. previously stated in these solumn*. This summon* is pnblished in pur­ The following bit of dialogue took Only the other day I ran across a man a* a laxative, expels the worm*, and Benson, Yeon, and God. suance of an order of the Honorable 0. Do We Print ! TRY US™we are ready to supply you with all sorts of Stationery and Printing Try Us When Wanting Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Statements, Cards, Announcements Programs, Wedding Stationery Posters, Placards, and all sorts of Printing Prices Reasonable Mt. Scott Pub. Co 810 Main St. Lents« Ore I Health In The Suburbs place in my hearing the other day, the who waa under treatment for hi* third tone« ______ up , the system. Begin treatment _ r U. Gantenbein, fudge of the Circuit T. M. Walsh ia prepared to furniah The problem of the municipal parties to it being a lawyer in quest of cancer, the first of which appeared on IKJU«/ today »MH and ciuuiUBir eliminate the v cause v* of wt* ir- Court of the State of Oregon for Mult­ oil and gas at bls ahop on Foster Road nomah County, made on Anguat 25th, and 93d «treat. ritablenem. 25c. 25e. wood yard should not be a bad information and a Harvard Medical the site of hi* vaccination sear, 1 ritaMenee*.