Phone us your news Items—they are al­ ways welcome lirmlù iWL LENTS, MULTNOMAH CO.. OREOON, THURSDAY. SEPT.. 2, 1915. Subscription, $1.00 a Year. Ik Play of the Little CMId Contesi Ctoses In the little child the division of aex ntereat has not yet come, and th» earns “play" things appeal to both the boy and the girl. After the child Is old enough to be allowed to go around by himself, the first thing one ought to have is a sand-bin. The instinct to play in the earth ie predominant in every child, and sand and water are very much easier to clean than tbe dirt and mud of the yard. If possible, a small waiting poo) which could contain running water, would be an ideal thing to have for the children. All children love to wade, and it ia beet to know when and where they do it. A low owing io good for tbe little tots, and also a small slide. Thio can bo built of smooth boards with aide pieces, »le­ veled at >>ne end and with steps leading to the top. You will find that thio will afford »ndIssa pleasure to tbe • mall children and perhaps some dark night you yourself will go out and »teal a slide and forget that now you have children of your own. The farm wife io perhaps the busiest woman in the country. Yet »be could find tbe time to tell list babies a good­ uight-etory or play some game will! them in the evenings. It only taken perhaps fifteen minute», and surely that io doe you and your children. Nothing io of more importance than the souls of your children, and if you deny that daily pleasure to them and to yourself, you not only warp your own soul, but you take away from your children tbo things that will teach them bow to get the greatest joy out of living. Living ia bard at beet, bnt if ws can learn a little of toe joy of life each day, we have gained the “great secret.’’ Hit down on tbe floor and play with your children—be a child with them—and they in turn will carry that l«> their children and life The date for thè eloaing of thè snb- •cripilori conteat running for thè Herald • mi Wednesday evrniog. Owing to 1 difliciiltiMi that aroae froui tirne to lime, ONE WHO IS NOT WORRYING. ouly two of tbe contestaata triade aneli a ehowing a* would entitle tbem to priiua, bui by an agreement betwsen thè management and thè contestante who were attempting lo do anything, triade some lime ago, every contestarli that had lurwl in a subecription would receive a cash pria*. Of ihoer who thu» will he entitled to cash prue» we gl ve tbe ■Caudina aceording to thè iateat Agii mi : Mia» Lsnna Johnson, 2821X41; Mia» Fay Kluietnan, 2®5tOn Mia» Hi Ida Mc- Taggart 63,700; Clara Clark, 47,000, Irma Fiali, 11,100; Stella Wilson. 61,200; Loia Burch, 55,800. Aceording to lite Issai Information at band all per­ sone concerned are aatiified with reanlt». Tliey fouml mid-surumer rather a ditti- cult tirne tu hold op ari interest in a uonleal and tliey are to I* commended for thè Work Uiey did. Mr» T. M. Wal»h has tieen quita ill thia week. Mr» White of Madison, Win , former­ ly of Lenta, ia visiting Mrs Lock, and other local acquaintances. Mrs. Lsiia Johnsoo-Elliotl, well known around Lenta, and wiio has tieen living with her husband in Alaska, is visiting at the home of L I). Elliott on tlie Section Line and hiid street. Hhe will be here for some time. will grow richer and happier all down the line tiecauae you kne v how, and did play with your children.—Edwina Mary Layman. —S. Colonel Roosevelt Liked “Penrod” YOU WILL ENJOY THE STORY TOO Photo by Baltimore Sun •“Penrod,” Booth Tarkington’s Fascinating Story. So Enthralled Colonel Roosevelt While En Route to Lecture Before the National Geographical Society That He Neglected Science and Politics. “PENROD” Is the Best Boy Story Since Mark Twain’s “Tom Sawyer.” Start “PENROD” With the First Chapter ORtbON NEWS NOTES See notice of our new serial story, page5, we want your judgment. Vol. 13. No. 35 LENTS ARSON FIEND S FIELD The Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Com­ pany of Minneapolis will erect a saw­ mill on tbe Dea Chutes river near Bend . \ which will employ 300 men. The Gaston $10,000 school contract Many Fires of Past Three Tears Ex­ ha» been let to J. W. Coynes of Forest plained ia Confession oí S. it Grove. Cony, Now in Jail Awaiting In- Oregon paper» are asking why the diriment policy holders and not officials of busted insurance companies are proeecuted. With the arrest of Sanford w. Clackama« Conntv has abandoned macadam roads and will build hard- Currier at the home of D. B. Gillette, at surface hereafter. 82d and Stark street Friday morning T. B. Wilcox of Portland will expend the county officials think they have dis­ ’«tween $100,000 to $150,000 on a covered the cause of moat of the tires , country borne. that have disturbed Lenta within the Tillamook new city hall will be ooilt past two year». Gillette and hie wife of Oregon faced pressed brick. have lived together until about two Ontario want« a state highway via , weeks ago when she got a divorce. It Canyon City to Tbe Bailee. A 30-ton stamp mill has been ordered * not known th*t 1,4,1 secreta of tbe the * arson bunch. 8be She den denies for Greenhorn mine near Baker. nwn bun,h ** Mormon Basin, Baker County, will knowin8 anything about it, but she discovered her husband war under erect a fine new school house suspicion about the time her divorce A franchise has been granted ‘ ' was granted. Currier had been living United Railways over the Linnton-Port- ! at the Gillette home since hie divorce. land road. Just how tbe officials got wind of Nehalem is constructing a 200,000, Gillette's part of the combination ia gallon illon reservoir for water supply. not explained. After he was arrested Portland public works department tie was given frequent grillings and after has dropped 14 men—economy. one of these his ex-wife was allowed to The Albany Lumber Company mill talk with him. After a lot of persuasion started with a crew qf 20 men last he finally yieldeiL He had stoutly de­ nied any knowledge of the various fires week. Milwaukie baa carried a 125,000 attributed to him, saying he never bond issue to extend the city water touched a match to a building in his life. As a matter of fact lie was prob­ system. ably telling the truth but nevertheless Toledo ie plannning to buy out the his method of disposing of property was local water company. almost as sure as touching a match to it. Ione ie to get a new warehouse. By experience as'contractor, and nick­ Heppner baa a new creamery project ing up information from the outride, Currier had learned some ten years ago afoot. how to set fire to a house anil yet not be The Hood River Oregon Lumber within miles of it. He combined some Company baa completed a 2200 foot oils, poured them on a pile of kindling, highline to move logs to its mills and CANMN6 VFGETABIES went off about his business, or pleasure, baa 175 men in the woods. The lum­ and natural forces did the rest The IN THE HOUSE ber cut ia used to build the Ogden and fires usually, if not always, occurred at Idaho electric. night so we conclude he had his system It will soon be the time of year when The St. Helene shipbuilding co rn- down to a science and was able to time our gardens will be in their prime. Tbe pany has contracts reaching far iuto the fires according to hie advantage. Bnt with all that be was never ao rash question wbi*h will confront tbe house­ next year. wife is " Wiil'we can vegetables in the Clatskanie will pave three blocks for as to set fire to a building before be had ! home?” thereby saving the garden a starter. it insured. He usually built some sort | products, or “Will we waste this nu­ Halfway baa carried $20,000 bonds of a trap of a building which could be burned at a good profit. He then in­ I terial that might be canned to each for a water system. good advantage?” The present prospects indicate a sured it, sold it and took a mortgage, Many people have trouble in canning record breaking crowd at the Pendleton with insurance clause, set fire to th« peas, beans and corn. This trouble roundup, with a large number of building and collected his insurance. may be overcome by tnorougb cooking. easterners. Or, in some instances tbe sale was fake. The supposed buyer moved in with One very satisfactory way ie ae follows: Bisbop A Son of Pendleton have pur­ some furniture, and household effects, Select young and tender vegetables, chased the Washougal woolen mill. pack firmly in the jar, cover with cold groceries, etc., lived there a week or so, A stringent ordinance for the regula­ went away for the evening and returned water, and add a teaspoon of salt to each quart. Put on tbe rubber and tion of jitneys is to be passed in Salem. to find the bouse burned to the ground. That was all a frame up, of course. A : top and steam for five or six hours in a boiler or steamer. A boiler may be The disclosures of the enterprising ! house at Third avenue and Beach street The oc­ used in place of a steamer if a falce “New York World” has brought to was occupied just one day. bottom or rack is used to keep the jars cupant disappeared and was never seen light the fact that the “Fatherland,” a out in this section again. from the bottom of the boiler. In the high altitudes about one- rabid pro-German weekly established During the day, Sunday, Currier de- fourth mere time must be added to in New York at the beginning of the i cided the case was too clear and he tbe time given in low altitude recipes. war is run by the German Government, signified his willingness to confess. It Green peppers are canned very well and not by tbe German sympathisers took a stenographer, the Deputy, and by the cold water — etbod. as was supposed. This paper ie edited fire Marshall Stevens two hours to get Select tbe green peppers, cut off the by George Sylvester Veirick, a all his information. This included a i stem end and remove seeds. Parboil hyphenated American and the foul residence at Fifth avenue and Maybee i peppers for about fifteen minutes or slanders it has heaped upon President i street, burned Nov. 13, 1913; a resi­ ! until the peppers are tender. They Wilson and tbe government ot the dence in McKinley Park. Jan. 31, 1913; I should not l>e cooked long enough to United States has rendered it a treason­ house in Mentone, Oct. 27, 1912; house i cause tbem to lose their shape. Pack able sheet and as such, tbe said at 89th and Burnside, Feb. 5, 1913; i them in jars, pour cold water over the Veirick should be dealt with as a his own residence, 808 east flSth street north; and the house at Third and peppers and seal. They are ready for traitor. Beach street, Lents, whieh was burned ! use any time during the winter. These as slated, Aug. 30, 1914. Most of these 1 peppers may be filled with cold slaw, Swat The Rooster are near Lents and they explain why left over meats or other suitable fillings. Do vou know that fertile eggs become the work of the volunteer fireman of If care ie taken in cooking tbe vege­ tables a sufficient length of time and if unfit for human food almost ae quickly this place were so busy about that But Currier admits burning tbe vegetables selected are fresh the ae miik when subjected to the game time. He was trouble in canning vegetables will be temperature? It ie a mistaken idea bouses for the past ten years. that egge have to be put in an incu­ living in California when the idea of overcome.—Maryetta Wileon. bator before the germ starts to grow. burning houses to get the insurant« be­ The fact is that egge begin to incubate came known to him There are a num­ Certain rumors have been circulated juet ae soon ae they are subjected to a ber of people connected with the affairs in reference to the standing of the temperature of 90, or above, whether who have not been disclosed as yet. Western Co-operative Rural Credit this be behind the kitchen stove, or a They will all be brought to justice if Union of Portland, of which Vern Irish hot country road enroute to market, on they can be found. is tbe local representative, which were I the platform at the depot awaiting One of the singular things connected not anvantageous to the company and I shipment, in the country etore waiting with the arrest of Currier is the attitude reflecting on its standing with the State for the usual twenty or thirty cases be­ of the insurance companies. They do Bank examiner. Mr. Irish received on fore sending out, in the pantry waiting not seem to be taking any particular in­ Tuesday an afl'adavit from the Bank ex­ ! until the case ie filled, or when yon terest in pushing the caves anil it is a aminer, Mr. Sargeant, as to the satis­ have a chance to go to town, or in the puzzle to know why they assume this factory standing of the company and its I henh?.’’se under broody hens, when attitude. Perhaps as has lieen suggested organization in compliance with tbe they are not gathered at least once a in some past instances, the insurance ■ laws passed at the last legislature. Mr. i day. companies knew of the source of the | Irish has already contracted with sever­ Why prodnee such a perishable troubles all the time, but isirmitted it al Lents people who want to take ad­ article, when it is so easy to get around for the purpose of intimidating other vantage of the plan offered by the com- it just by “swatting the rooster?" Au people into taking out insurance. ; |mny. infertile egg will keep so much better ________________ than a fertile one that there is hardly Advertised Letters Rev. W. Boyd Moore has been farm- any comparison between them. For ! ing this week on a place he has bought instance egge that were infertile were Advertised letters for week ending | near Oregon City. placed in an incubator for twenty-one August 28, 1915: Donaldson, Janet; days. These same eggs were then need Darneille, Maude (2); Foster, Mrs. G. in baking some cakes which were pro­ E. j Hall, Pearl; Laken, Mrs. Irena; Daily Mails Mails at the I-ents postoffice arrive nounced fine by the poultry association Lee, Henry; Mehnrn, Mrs. 8. L.; anil depart daily, except Sunday, as fol­ members who ate them.—J A. Helm­ Oldbolth, J.; Warrington. F. M.; Geo. W Spring, Postmaster. rich. lows : Depart Arrive It ia reported that the Corvallis A Jay Bundy spent several days thia 7:15 A.M. 6:00 A. M. 12:3OP. M week in Lenta looking after business Eastern will electrify from Albany to 12:5OP. M. Corvallia. flB 1:30 P M. 5 :80 P. M. matters