eyes, came off the boat to the shore I said to myself: 'Brunet, he ha* the alt of oa* who coiue* back from a vic­ tory.' No oue would have ever be­ lieved that Monsieur le Capitaine had been rescued from captivity." Brunet'* curiosity was very strong and a* far as hl* master was con­ cerned he had been obliged to crush U down. To himself ho was say tug: "Monsieur le Capitaine ts on th* eve of some grevt event. When will he announce it to me? I am sure my master Is going to be married.” Pitchoune, from a chair near by, co^r^irar assisted at his master'* toilet, one ar rv aoaas -nrwtJU eu**” momeut holding the nuor-etrop be­ CHAPTER XXVIII—Continued. hands mot and clasped. "Pitchoune tween hi* teeth, then taking th* light. Pitchoune, moved from his clothe* brush tn his littl* grip. H* CHAPTER XXVI, IP — to th* only one to th* world wbo I* usual Indifference, gave a short bark, was saying to himself: —1S— later, when the others had toft not de trap." said Julia gently. '1 hope in walked up to the ladies, and began the name of rats and cat* my master them to themsolvea In the music Congratulation*. Sabron, lifting her hand again to The Due de Tremont saw what to snuff about their feet. The younger is not going out without me!" room, Sabron sat in a big chair by the hl* lipa, kissed it long, looking into splendid stuff the captain In the ------ lady exclaimed, and then Sabron, lift­ Brunet wa* engaged to be married open window and Julia Redmond her eyes. Between that great mya- Cavalry was made of by the young ing his hat. came forward, the crimson to the kitchen maid of the Marquis* played to him. The day was warm. tery of th* awakening to be fulfilled, man's quick convalescence. Sabron color beating in his dark tanned d'Esclignac. Ordonnance* and scul­ There was a smell of spring flower* they drew near to each other-nearer. could not understand why Robert lin­ cheeks. Pitchoune sat before them, waiting. lions ar* not able to arrange their In the air and the vases were filled gered after the departure of the Mar­ The Marquise d'Esclignac held out matrimonial affaire so easily a* are with glrofles and sweet peas. But He wagged hie tall and waited. No quise d'Esclignac. the Comtesse de la both hands to the officer: Sabron smelled only tho violets in oue noticed him. He gave a short the upper classes. Maine and Miss Redmond. The pres­ Julia's girdle. Her hands gently wan­ bark that apparently disturbed no “It's nearly noon.” she said, “and "Monsieur le Capitaine." said th* ence of the youug man would have you don't forget that you have prom­ dered over the keys, finding the tune one. servant, his simple face raised to hl* been agreeable If It had not been for ised to lunch with us, do you. Mon­ that Sabron longed to hear. She Pitchoune had bocome de trap. master's, "I am going to be mar ­ his jealousy and his unhappiness. played tho air through, and It seemed sieur le Capitaine?" He was discreet. With sympathetic ried.” They played piquet together. Sab­ ss though she were about to sing the eye* he gazed ou hla beloved master Sabron. bending over her hand, as­ Sabron wheeled around: "Mon ron. in his right mind, thinner and sured her that he had not forgotten first vers*. She could not do so, nor and new ml*tr*ss, then turned and brave Brunet, when?” paler, nevertheless very much of a Then his eyes traveled to her com­ could she speak. quietly trotted across tho room to the Brunet grinned sheepishly. man. now smoked his cigarettes and panion. Miss Redmond wore a very Sabron rose and came over to hearth-rug. sitting there modltativ*- "In five years, Monsieur le Capi ­ ate his three meals a day. He took a simple dress, as was her fashion, but where she Hat. iy for a few minutes blinking at th* walk every day and was quite at to the young officer from Africa, who had taine." at which the superior officer There was a low chair near the empty grate, where on th* warm laughed heartily. leave the Orient Tremont said: piano and he took it, leaning forward, spring day there wns no tire. not seen her near by until now and “to she an Infant, are you educat­ “I think, Sabron. that we can sail who had only caught a glimpse of her hi* hands clasped about his knees. Pitchoune lay down befor* the fir*- ing her?" this week." It had been the life-long dream of (hl* lee* hearth, hl* head forward on hi* across the opera house, thought that “When on* Is the eldest of a wid­ Sabron looked at him queetlonlngly. he had never seen such a beautiful simple-hearted officer that one day he paws, hi* beautiful eye* «till discreet­ ow," said Brunet with a sigh, "and "You are going, then, too—?" would speak out hl* soul to tbe wom­ ly turned away from tbe lover*. 11* dress in all his life. It was made of th* eldest of ten children—" ■•Of course,“ said the young noble­ soft gray cloth and fitted her closely, an h* loved. The time had come. drew a long contented breath a* dog* The clock struck the quarter. Sab­ She sat before him in her unpreten­ do before settling into repo**. HI* man heartily. "We are going together. and in the iapel of her mannish little You know I am going to take you buttonhole she wore a few Parma vio­ ron knew the story of th* widow and tious dress. He was not worldly ten children by heart. back in my yacht" enough to know it cost a great price, lets. He recognised them. They had "to the taxi at the door?" nor to appreciate that she wor* no Sabron hesitated and then said: come from a bunch that he had sent "Yes, Monsieur le Capitaine." Jewel*—nothing except the flowers'he “No, mon vteux, if you will excuse her the night before. He kissed her Pitchoune gave a sharp bark. had sent. Her dark hair was clue- ‘ me I think I shall remain faithful to hand, and they stood talking together, “You are not invited," said his mas­ tered about her ears and her beauti­ the old line of travel. I have an idea the three of them, for a few moments, ter cruelly, and went gayly out. bi* ful eyes lost their fire In tenderness. that I am not in yachting trim.'* Pitchoune stationing himself as a sen­ sword hitting against the stair*. ••When a man has been very close | Tremont was not too dull to have tinel by Miss Redmond's side. • • • e * e e to death. Mademoiselle, he look* about noticed bis friend's change of attitude The Marquise d'Esclignac rose. The The Marquise d'Esclignac gave a for the reason of his resurrection. toward him. He smoked tor a few young girl rose as well, and they brilliant little dinner to the colonel When he returns to the world, he moments and then said: walked on together. of Sabron'* squadron. There were looks to see what there to In this life “When we get back to Paris I want “Mes entants,” said the Marquise ' to have the pleasure of introducing d'Esclignac, "don't go with your usual present a general or two, several men to make It worth living. I am young of distinction, and among the guest* —at the beginning of my career. I you to my fiancee." rush. Julia. Remember that Monsieur were the Due de Tremont and Madame may have before me a long life In Sabron dropped his cards. de Sabron is not as strong as Her­ de la Maine. Sabron, when he found which, with health and friends, 1 may “Introducing me’“ he repeated. cules yet. I will follow you with i himself at table, looked at everything And much happiness. These things Then putting out his hand, said cor­ Pitchoune." as though in a dream. Julia Redmond certainly have their worth to a nor­ dially: “I knew you were to be felici­ But she spoke without knowledge of sat oppos'te him. H* had sent her mal man—but I cannot make them tated. old fellow.” the dog. Now feeling that some un­ flower* and she wore them in her real before my eyes Just yet. As 1 i Tremont shook his hand warmly. wonted happiness had suddenly burst “Yes, and the lady is very anxious upon the horixon that he knew, Pit­ bodice. Madame de 1a Maine bent look upon the world to which I have ‘ to know you. It is Madame de la choune seemed suddenly seized with a upon the young officer benignant eyes, returned, I see nothing but a woman the Due de Tremont glanced at him and her love. If I cannot win her for Maine.” rollicking spirit such as had been his affectionately, but Sabron was only my wife. If I cannot have her love—" A very warm color flushed the characteristic some years ago. He cheeks of the invalid. He remem­ tore like mad down the path in front ' conscious that Julia'* eye* did not He made an expressive gesture which more impressively than words Implied bered all he had heard and all he bad of Sabron and Miss Redmond. He meet hi* at alt They talked of Sabron'* captivity, how completely he laid down every­ known. He congratulated his friend whirled around like a dervish, he i with sincere warmth, and after a few dashed aero** the road in front of of the engagement in Africa, of what thing else to her love and his. the army was doing, would not do. or He said, not without a certain dig- ■ moments said: automobiles. dashed back again, might do, and the fact that the Due nity: "I am quite poor; I have only , “If you really want me to go back springing upon his master and whin­ de Tremont wa* to receive the deco­ my soldier's pay. In Normandy I own with you on the yacht, old chap—" ing at the girl's feet. ration of the Legion or Honor to a little property. It la npon a hill “I really do," said Tremont se­ “See," said Sabron, "how happy he July. Tremont toasted Sabron and and looks over the sea, with apple renely. "You see, when we came on to.” the young officer roe* to respond with orchards and wheat fields. There Is a the boat we scarcely hoped to be so "I should think he would be happy. flushing face. He looked affection­ house. These are my landed estate*. fortunate as to bring back the distto- He must have a knowledge of what ately at hi* friend who bad brought My manhood and my love are my for­ gushed captain.” an important animal he Is. Just him from death tote life. Tbe mo­ tune. If you cannot roturn my love I Sabron smiled. think! If be were a man they would ment was intense, and the Marquis* shall not thank Tremont for bringing 1 "But you have not told me yet.” he give him a decoration." d'Esclignac lifted her glass: me back from Africa." said, "why you came down.” And the two walked tranquilly aide "Now, gentlemen, you must drink to Th/ American girl listened to him thrilling adventure* had come to an “No,” said Tremont, "that is true. by side. the health of Pitchoune.” with profound emotion. She discov­ end. Before fire* on the friendly Well, it will make a story for the Pitchoune ran to the side of the ’ There was a murmur of laughter, ered every second how well she un­ hearth of the Louis XIII chateau, sea." , road, disappeared into a little forest j Madame de la Maine turned to Sab­ derstood him, and he had much to where hunting dogs were carved In all shot through with light. He came ron: say, because it was the first time he the stone above the chimney, Pit­ CHAPTER XXVII. back, bringing the remains of an old “1 have had a collar made for Pit­ had ever spoken to her of his love. choune might continue to drcam in rubber ball lost there by some other choune; it is of African leather set She had put out both her hands and. tbe days to come. He would hunt Valor in Retrospect. dog. and laid it triumphantly in front with real turquoise.” looking at him fully, said simply: rabbits in the still forests above th* In the month of May. when the of Miss Redmond. : wheat fields, and live again In the “ Why It seems to me you must Sabron bowed: "Pitchoune will be chestnuts bloom in the green dells, "See." said Sabrdn, "he brings you perfectly enchanted, Madame; be will ' know how I feel—how can you help firelight bis great adventures on the where the delicate young foliage hi* trophies.” desert, the long runs across the sand* knowing how I feel?” wear it at your wedding." holds the light as in golden cups, a • • • • ' • • • on his Journey back to France. (TO BE CONTINUED.) young man walked through one of the CHAPTER XXVIII. Now be closed hto eye*. As a faith­ After a little he told her of Nor­ small allees of the Bois at the fash­ ful friend he rented In tbe atmos­ mandy, and how he had spent his ' ionable noon hour, a little reddish dog GREAT NEED TO STOP WASTE childhood and boyhood In tbe chateau | phere of happiness about him. He Happiness. trotting at his heels. The young man Le Comte de Sabron finished his had been the *ole companion of a lone­ walked with an imperceptible limp. dressing. Lesson That Should Be impressed overlooking tbe wide sea. told her ly man, now he had become part of how he had watched the ships and He was thin, as men are who have on America by the Frightful Brunet surveyed his master from used to dream of the countries be­ a family. lived bard and who have overcome War In Europe. THE END. the tip of his shining boots to his yond the horizon, and how the applo tremendous obstacles. He was tanned sleek, fair head. His expressive eyes blossoms filled tho orchards In the ' as men are browned who have come Waste to the crime of today, and it said: “Monsieur le Capitaine is looking Explaining HI* On* Littl* Laps*. from eastern and extreme southern 1* especially the great crime of this spring. He told her how he longed well tonight." “Bruddren and sistahs," in trium­ to go back, and that his wandering countries. Brunet had never before given his awful war: waste in human life. In life had made it impossible for years. phant tones announced Brother Bogus, The little dog had also an imper­ master a direct compliment. His eyes hope. In love, and In the common Julia whispered: "We shall go there during the recent revival In Ebenezer ceptible limp occasioned by a bicycle only had the habit of expressing ad­ savings of us all. Million* of dollar*' In th* spring, my friend." chapel, "sine* 1 was converted and running over him when he was a miration. and the manner in which worth of the saving* of the people of lie was charming as he sat there washed whiter dan snow, two mont'* puppy. this earth, all of them our brother* he performed his duties, his devotion, ! The two companions seemed im­ and our sister*, are dally burned up, holding her hands closely, hla fine ago, I ba* been wldout *ln. bless de were his forms of compliment. But mensely to enjoy the spring dffy. Sab­ exploded, and wasted in the madness eyes bent upon her. Sabron told her i Lawd! I's sanctified, and couldn’t Sabron'* long illness and absence, the ron every now and then stood for a of the nations; and even that Is a things that had been deep in his ; commit sin if 1 wanted to! I—" fact that he had been snatched from “Hold on a minute, muh brudder!” few moments looking at the gay death and given back to the army J trifle when we compare it to the great heart and mind, waiting for her here passers-by, pedestrians and eques­ again, leveled between servant and [ human value of the live* that are so many months. Finally, everything Interrupted good old Parson Bagster. trians. enjoying to the full the repose lost. It will not make any people merged Into hto present life, and the "Yo' (nought uh-been washed tolls bio master the Impassable wall of eti- . of civilisation, the beauty of his own rich; and we Amerfcnns. rarely fortu­ beauty of what he said dazed her like white, but l's 'bleegcd to say dat dar quette. land. nate in not being Involved Irr the aw­ an enchanted sea He was a soldi r, pear* to be a spot or two dat wasn't "There will be a grand dinner to­ ful strife, shjjll find our port of the a man of action, yet a dreamer. The touched wid de soap o' salvation. How Pitchoune looked with indifference night, will there not. Monsieur le , burden to bear. Some time the war fact that his hopes were about to be 'bout dat time Cuhnel White filled yo' upon the many dogs. He did not stir Capitaine? Doubtless Monsieur le I will be over, and then waste must realized made him tremble, and as he pussonality full o' shot In 'his hen­ from his master's side. When Sabron Colonel and all the gentlemen will be stop; it must stop if we are to ad­ talked, everything took light from this house?" was quiet, the little animal stood at there.” Brunet made a comprehen- j "W'y—w’y, sah. lemme tell yo’! Dis vance to humanity and civilization victory. Even hto house in Normandy attention; he was a soldier's dog. He slve gesture as though he comprised to how 'twuz: Yo' knows how absent over and beyond the yawning gap began to seem a fitting setting for the could have told dog stories to those the entire etat major. mluded de Cuhnel alius was. Well, made by the lust of blood, pride of beautiful American. Insignificant worldly dogs — could sah, dat was one o' dem times—he wag Sabron, Indeed, looked well. He , race, and the vanity of kings. Tbe have told of really thrilling adven­ "It is only a Louis XIII chateau; it studyin' 'bout suppin or nudder, ai ’ was thin, deeply bronzed by the ex- j war has been in progress but a little tures. His brown eyes were pathetic stands very high, surrounded by or­ dess maglned I was dar!"—Kansas with their appeal of affection as they posure on the yacht, for he and Tre­ while and already the cost of It Is be­ chards, which in the spring are whit* City Star. looked up at his beloved master. He mont before returning to France had ing borrowed from future generation*; as snow." made a long cruise. Sabron wore the extra hard labor and sweat must had a fund of experience such as the "We shall go there In the spring.” Woman Destroys Bomb. poodles and the terriers led by their look of a man who has come back come from Infant* now at tbelr she whispered. from a far country and is content What might have been a disastrous mothertf breast*, to make good this owners could not understand. There­ Sabron stopped speaking, hto rev­ "And never shall I forget to the end debauch of blood and Are. And In explosion was prevented when Mrs. fore Pitchoune was Indifferent to them. erie was done, and he was silent as of my days how Monsieur le Capitaine Paulin* Siegel picked a bomb, with a the very measure that we waste 1s th* Not one of those petted, ridiculous the intensity of his love for her house dogs could have run for miles looked when I met the yacht at Mar­ sentence at hard labor upon tbe ris­ surged over him. He lifted her deli­ lighted fu*e attached, from tbe door ing generation prolonged. We cannot cate hands to his lips. “It to April step of tbe bouse of her neighbor, In the dark across an African desert, seille*!" Mrs. Salvatore Corso, 1(21 South Brunet spoke reverently, as though get out of it by being American: the could have found Beni Medinet and now,” be said, and bls voice ebook, Franklin street, Philadelphia. Mrs fetched relief to bis master. Pitchoune he were chronicling sacred souvenirs. debt Is upon u*. in unequal measure “It 1s spring now, my lov*.” Siegel hurled It into the street This “I said to myself, you are about to It Is true, but tbe debt, the obligation was proud of IL He was very well ******* broke the crudely constructed bomb, satisfied with his career. He was welcome back a hero. Brunet! Mon­ to make up the losses, to upon us all. At Julia* side was a slight touch. and only a section exploded. still young; other deeds of valor per­ sieur le Capitaine will be as weak a* —Atlantic. She cried: “Pitchoune!" He put hto Mr*. 8legel saw two men plac* a haps lay before him—who can tell? a child. But I was determined that paw* on her knee* and looked up Into queer-looking package on the step, ap­ At any rate he had been shown about Monsieur le Capitaine should not read Responsibility and Prayer. ber face. ply a match, and run away. She at the ministry of war, been very my feelings, however great my emo­ "We learn on unimpeachable au­ "Brunet has brought him here," said grasped the package and burled it in­ much admired, and he was a proud tion.” thority that Lord Fisher, first sea lord Sabron. "and that mean* the good to the street. Sabron smiled. At no time in hl* at the admiralty, makes a habit of go­ animal. chap is attending to his own love­ . It contained six «tick* of dynamite When Sabron spoke to him he leaped simple life did Brunet ever conceal ing to a certain church practically making." and a large quantity of gunpowder. upon him and wagged his tail. After the most trifling emotion—his simple every day for prayer and meditation Julia told her hand on Pitchoune'* The copper wire*, which had been a few moments, as the two stood near face revealed all bis simple thoughts before beginning his responsible du­ head "He will love the Normandy wrapped around the package, broke. the exit of an allee leading to one Sabron said heartily: "Your control ties.” says th* Church Family News­ beach, Charles.” The content* of the powerful bomb of the grand avenue*. Pitchoune slowly was very flne, indeed ” paper; “we understand also that lord - "He will lov* th* foreata," said were scattered in all direction*. “Instead of seeing a sick man. Mon­ Kitchener follow* out a similar ruin went in front of hl* master and Sabron; "there ar* rabbit* there." • Mr*. Corso said her family baa no- toward two ladies sitting on a bench sieur 1* Capitaine. a splendid looking whenever he to to London.“—London On th* littl* dog's head th* two enemies. la tb* gentle warmth of the May sun figure, with rad cheeks and bright Globa 1115 KM M MADIE VAN VODST^m ’U ILLUSTRATIONS^ PAYWALTERS co^tw ® KM »Y HAP1EJVAN _yOR5K-V “ tfnsr ILLUSTRATION S^P'.PAY 'WALTERS KEEPING BABY WELL ESPECIAL ATTENTION NECES­ SARY DURING HOT WEATHER. Many Ilia May De Avoided by Watch- fulnss* on th* Part of th* Moth­ er—Government Export Give* Advlo* Worth Heeding. (Prepared by the Chlldrwn'* Bureau. U- H Department of 1-abor) "Summer complaint," or diarrhea, I* one of th* moat dreaded Illa wbioh may befall th* baby. It I* th* principal eymptom of va­ rious form* of indigestion. some of them mild and so mo v*ry serious. But any undue loosens»* of th* baby's bowels should put tho mother on guard against Illness. At tho appearance of diarrhea. th* city mother should take her baby to a good doctor If she has no doctor, sh* should go to the nearest Infant welfare station, whore a competent physician will advise her a* to the car* of th* baby, and th* nurse* In attendance will help her carry out hto directions In the country, where It to very dif­ ficult to get the advice of a doctor, tbe mother has a harder problem Bo- cause she la out of the rang* of infant welfare stations, hospitals, and. often, of physicians as well. It la most Im­ portant to prevent every attack of Hi­ nes* possible, by careful attention to tbe baby'* food and general car* A pamphlet which may be of help to the oountry mother to "Infant Car*." •ent free to anyone mailing a request to tbe chief of tbs children's bureau. U. R department ef labor, Washing­ ton. D C. This pamphlet oentaln* • hnpla direction* for th* ear* and feeding ef tb* baby, and suggests •ome ways of dealing with various emergencies, Tb* healthy baby usually has one or two bowel movement* a dsy. If this number is increased to four or mor* It to time to take measures against sickness It Is w*ll to remember, however, that tho bowel movement* of a baby fed entirely at the broast are normally mor* frequent than those of a bottle­ fed baby, and that a slight Incrwaa* In the number of movement* 1* not so serious a matter to a baby at th* breast a* to one artificially fed A baby fed at the breast does not usu­ ally have diarrhea, and when such a baby show* signs of digestive disturb­ ance. It I* usually because be to over­ fed. either he I* nursed too often, or at Irregular interval*, or I* allowed to nurse too long at one time. When be doe* hav* diarrhea, th* time be­ tween nursings should be Increased to four hours, and tbe tlm* at tbe breast reduced to fiv* or ten minute* If the bowels continue loose, tho breast should b* withdrawn entirely for several feedings. If necessary, giv­ ing the baby Instead cool drinking wa­ ter at frequent intervals in this case, th* mother should pump her breasts at the regular nursing time*, both to keep them from drying up. and to pre. vent tbelr caking Bottle-fed babies are the most fre­ quent sufferers from summer diarrhea and tbto fact furnishes another strong argument In favor of broast feeding. Diarrhea in a bottle-fed baby Is also boat treated by reducing the amount of food Tbe bottle should be omitted for K, 12 or 24 hours, according to tbe severity of tbe attack, and In place of the milk should be glvon aa much boiled and cooled water aa tbe baby will take. Food ahould not be withheld for more than 24 hours, without the ad­ vice of a doctor. When tho bottle 1* resumed, the food should be much weaker than before; water ahould bo substituted for at least half th* milk previously given. The milk shixild be skimmed, and the sugar omitted. The return to th* former feeding should be made gradually by adding a little more milk each day and begin­ ning to add sugar. The more severe the attack has been, tb* more slowly should changes be made. If the baby la on "mlzed” feeding, that to, partly breast and partly bot- tin fed, the bottle feeding* should bo omitted If diarrhea appear*, and th* breast given once in four or five hours, with nothing but drinking water be­ tween meals. Diarrhea la much more frequent In July and August than In the cooler months of th* year, which fact hus earned for It the name of "summer complaint.” Accordingly th* mother should use every means In her power during the hot weather to keep the baby cool. In the heat of tbe day the baby should wear only a diaper, with possibly one other thin garment. Frequent cool sponging* and at least one full tub bath each day. plenty of sleep, and a constant supply of fresh air will help to protect tho baby from th* excMSIve heat, and keep him well. Raspberry Puffs. Cook one cupful of boiling water, four tablespoonfuls of butter, tahlo- spoonful of sugar and one-half salt­ spoonful of salt until the butter melts; add on* and one-half cupful* of pastry flour. etlr until the mixture leaves th* sides of the pan. remove from the fire, cool and add three large unbeaten eggs, one at a time, beating thoroughly between each addition. Press through a pastry bag on but­ tered and floured tin*, bak* about half an hour, cool, cut a silt to each and All with raspberry Jam. A Reclp* for Apple J*lly. Dellclou* apple Jelly can be made from the parings of apple* alone. It win be * beautiful red. no matter wbat the color of tb* paring*.