Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, August 19, 1915, Image 1

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    WANT "ADS”
à Them In B-6111 1111
Only One-cent a Word
Subscription, $1.00 a Year.
Federated Yount People of Lents
Churches Give Fine Program and
Large Audience is Well
lamed. Quarterly Event.
On Tu,«Uy evening, Augu«t 10th, ti»>
Federated Young Peoples’ Houiety ol
Uuil* gave « wry interextmg entertain­
ment In th« Last« Baptist Church. The
program «rax in U h * band« ol Mr M li.
Black «misted by a committer coneieting
of members from th« lour young
neopl«'« wicietir«— the llapU»t Young
People'« Onion, tii« Christian Kmiaavor
Hwwty of tiie Friend’« Church, the Ep­
worth leag.e* ol the Metliodiat Ctiureh
and the Young People«’ Alliance of the
Evangelical Church
Nearly 300 people listened to the ex­
cellent program which war opened with
prayer by Rev Mr« Kiley Mr* J. M.
Nelson ol the Rapt>«t Church sang,
"The llay 1« Ended ’ by Bartlett
young pn.plr of the Methodiet Church
gave a splendid exhibition of tlieir
ability in a dramatized song. "Tire
Miidi ability wax »down by
Mire Maud tiaiper in Die rendering of a
piano nolo. Lxiwell Bradford of the
Evangelical Society lavomi ue with a
cornet «election followed by a solo given
by Mr N G. Hcdin also of the Evan*
gehcal Church.
Mr* M H. Black of
the Bapust Church recited Prayer and
Potato««” and wax perainteutly encored.
A very touching tutrt of tlie program
wax rendered by lire Friend»' young
people in a dramatized song. "Mother's
Prayer" which wa* »plendily acted by
Mr*. Jno. Riley and Carroll Tamplin.
A cotnii recilataon,
When Horkenea
Het tire Hen” waa given by a tuendier of
the Metli'Hiint Young People'» Society
and waa much appreciated and encored.
< hie of the moat iutenwting parte of
tli« program wax a debate on the follow­
ing question, ' Keaolved, Tiiat a young
lady i« more twneficial in a young
people« Rociety than a young man."
given by the Friend'« Church
Emil Swanson and Mr. J. Sanger Fox
presented lire affirmative, and Mr».
Maggie Carr and Mie Olive Pearson the
negative. After a twenty minute debate
during wi«|gli time lioth aid«« put up a
splendid argument, the judge* decided
unanimously in favor of the affirmative.
Mi«» Hickox of tin- Baptist Church
gave a aplendid piano «olo
A very im­
pressive numb T wax given by the Bap-
tiat young people iu a dramatized aong,
“Rock of Age«." The room wax in
darkness with th« exception of a faint
pink glow which lighted up a moat im-
preaaive picture of a while-robed figure
dinging to the rr.w, surrounded tiy a
number of otlier white-robed figure«.
Thia picture will no doubt, for year« re­
main in th« mind» of those who raw it.
Tlie president of the Federation. J.
Sanger Fox. gave a abort talk explaining
the purpose and aim of the federation
and invited all strangers to attend one
of the four young (ample«’ xocietie»
represented in the evening'« program.
Mr. Black, social chairman, deserves
high credit for his aplendid generalship
exhibited in taking charge of Ila* even­
ing's entertainment And much thanks is
due him by all who were fortunate
enough to be present and enjoy this
Napoleon'« Temper.
A story 1« told of a amlden rage Into
which Napoleon I. fell one day n« he
• «• at dinner lie had aenrcely par
taken of n moutlifiil when apparently
some Inopportune thought or recoil«-
tlon stung Ills brain to tnndneaa, and.
receding from flic table without rtalng
from Ills chair III« «mall »future |>er
inltteil that he uplifted Ills foot dash
went tjie table, crush went the dinner,
and the emperor sprang up. intending
to pace the room. Quick na a rtasli Id«
waiter acratched a few magic symbols
on a bit of paper, and the emiMTor's
check had grown more than double
Napoleon appreciated the delicacy of
hl» attendant and said, “Thank you.
my dear Intnand." with one of his In
linkable smiles
The hurricane had
blown over
Card ol I hanks
We wish to thank the many friends
and relatives for tlieir kind assistance,
especially the members of his lodge and
brother lodge of 1-erita, and for the
many beautiful Howers given us at the
deatli of our dear husband and father.
Mrs. Anna Hyland and F.valyn
Dally Mails
Mails at the Lents postoffice arrive
and depart daily, except Sunday, as fol-
lows :
7:15 A.M.
(l:0o A. M.
12:3OP. M
U:50 P. M.
5:30 P. M.
8:1«) P. M.
News from the Oregon exhibit at
Friaeo indicate« liiere is need ol all sort»
of Oregon grown products.
that lutv« l«s-n on display for some
time gel dusty and witliered and color
leas. There mint la* a freeh supply com­
ing <>n all Hie time
People who have
creditable proluctions from ttw garden,
farm or orchard should get in touch
with tl<e Oregon commiSRioiier« at the
Fair an<l «•« what they can do to lielp
out. Just now Is tlie critical time.
Products usually liar vested in Uie fall
are not quite ready for exhibit. Many
l«s,ple are saving their Ixl for tlie local
faire and uirsit of them are tinconaciou«
of tile imj«»rtancr of keeping up a gotsl
display in tlie Oregon «•■lion of the fair
at Frisco.
We can’t afford to let the Oregon ex­
hibit dwindle in |» rfectiun or quantity
and the only way to prevent it is to keep
the commissioners »uppl*d with fresh
materials A letter to Uie Oregon Build­
ing, P P I. E., Han Francisco, will put
every producer in touch with Uie need«
ol tlie state
Just how Eugene Hyland met hie
death last Thursday aftern'Kin will Commissioner Baker and Superin
probably never be known but it i«
tendeat Cenvdl Address Millard
probable that be suffered a stroke of
Ave^ Audience Wednesday. First
• poplexy due to overexertion caused
Promise of Help Offered.
tbe death. His body wae found beside
the road by A. A. Durkee anti being in
Clackamas county, on tbe road between
Leet week the Herald published the
i Clackamas station and Sonnyeide, the need of better improvement along
coroner of Clackamas was ca)i«d. Seventy Second street, and urged atten­
Articles in his pockets disclosed bis tion on ttie plaza block» north ol Pir-
identity and be wae sent to Lenta that I land Station. Whether this waa tlie
¡afternoon. Mr, Hyland had been ac- motive for a meeting on Wetlneaiiay
customedj to take long tripe on hie evening or not, it at least bad xowe ef­
biejcle. At one time he rode over fect in stirring up the thinking people
1! aho and Montana on hie *h«el and in tlie vicinity of Tremont ami Firland
it wae on one of bie customary trips to an effort for improvements. A meet­
that be met bis end
Being a heavy ing wax field at Millard Avenue Tiieatre
i eei man he found tbe heat too much last evening tiiat brought forth the firet
tor him.
real encouragement that xection of
he leave« a wife and three daughters. tlie city hex had looking toward consid­
They have been resident« of Oregon for eration from the city government.
many y«ars
He wae a millrigbt oy They actually got a promixe of a-«i»-
trade but be was accustomed to work at tance, and were assured that they had
anything that came to band. Of re­ teen under <onxi'lerat,on for quite a
cent year» be had worked at carpentry while.
i mostly.
Commimdoner Baker wax the first
Mr. Hyland wae an enthusiastic Odd­ »peaker. He told at xouie *ngth of tlie
fellow and » member of the Lodge at work of hie department, of the Park
Rulky Addition Has Hre
Arleta. Tbe funeral wae held Saturday division and its superintendent Mr.
Fir« was discovered last evening by
¡afternoon at two o'clock at tbe Ken­ Convill. He said they had dixcuiiee>l
Patrolman Drapeau in th« Griffiths
worthy parlors, Rev. Nelson conducting the needs of the city on several occasions
prouertv at 99th street and 46tb avenue
tbe ceremonie«. and tbe remains were and bad decided on tbix part of the City
in Rolley Addition, about a half mil«
taken to Mt. Scott Cemetery.
in (»articular ax being especially tie­
northeast of Lenta. Alarms received
serving of consideration and fie thought
by tli« volunteers were beard about ten
it «as essential that they be given a
Lents Baptist Church
o'clock. There wax no water to tie used
park and reasonable amount of appara­
The prayer meeting of the church
and the chemical war called on for
tus. Mr. Baker is warmly in favor of
concluded a week ago in a somewhat
sm .stance, which waa confined to pre­
playgrounds and local parks. He went
i different way than usual.
An oc­
vention of spreading tli« tir* through
so far ax to »ay that be would approve
casional noise from tbe liaeement was
the brush near tba buildings. Hauiual
of tbe purchase of pro(»erty at a reason­
evidence that at least one wae not in
Armstrong was sligbtlv injured by a
able figure and that if it could not be
nail when the ladder upon which he
bought at such a figure they would be
waa in tbe building.
When tbe pastor
stood «lipped under his feet
justified in contlemning it for public
Jt is suspicioned the building waa set
WINS TROPHT EROM PEMNSLLA had dismissed tbe prayer service be wae purposes. But be also said that the
informed that be and bis wife were
on fire.
question of having a park at Tremont
wanted in the basement. l oeuepect-
The Lents 6 foot 6 inches girls case
The Marshfield Daily expresses Ito
was mostly a question cl finance* The
I he Absentee
ingiy they were conducted to the room
money would have to be «Miurec before
Tlie big event next week at the opinion ol tbe methods of the Indus­ ball team won the championship of tbe whence the noises had ieeoed. There
tbe department could undertake any­
Yeager will tie tlie presentation of "Tlie
they found a goodly number gathered
thing of tbe sort.
Absentee," a new masterpiece featuring
"Th« Industrial Accident Cotnmik- sula Park. This brings the trophy to who bad spread a table with good
Mr. Convill wax called upon tor a
Robert Edeeon, Loretta Blake, and a iioii is about the woret imposition bu«i- lent«
The first game of the season things, to which all present did full short talk and fie made a very acceptable
number of other film favorites. Tlie
justice. Tbe event bad been arranged
n««» nar to deal with. It is getting to was with Kenilworth, beating them 45
statement of bie views in regard to parks
story of tl.e play iiaa to dual with wealth
in honor of the return of Mr. and Mrs.
and playground».
manipulated t>y an arbitrary factory such a pa«« that all a man engaged in
Nelson from tbsir vacation of six weeks
He is of the opinion that playgrounds
owner, hi« foreman, and a father, two business in Oregon has to do is to de­ and the next with Arleta. beating th« spent iu Kansas City, Mo., and eastern
are an economic and moral necessity.
daughter*, their lover«, a stenographer,
latter 47 to 13; then Sellwood was Oregon.
He sai<i that thousands of children every
and others.
The part of tlie manu­ understrapper who wants to take up all [ beaten 2H to 13. After this Brooklyn
day were being kept in charge of com­
facturer, NnthanlU Crosby, is taken by bis time in getting detail« about bis was beaten; next came Penineula,
petent manager«, and trained in health­
Something ky
Mr Edeson
Hi« foreman is Samson buainMs and then employ tbe rest of which put up a good team and played a
ful sports
He believes in the play­
Rhodes, acted by A. D. Sear»; Dave] bis laboring hours in trying to scrape hard game but tbe Lenta pitcher. Ruth Jf the family begin« to tire of ice tea
ground as as moral influence, and
fee and his two daughters, Happiness together enough money to meet tbe Reiter, proved a good piayer and she while the weather is »till warm follow
and Innocence, Dave Burke, Fiancee of j imposition of levies which tbe com­ was well suppor ed by her club, and the suggestion of Miss Oberlin and thinks they shonld be plentifully scat­
Happiness, Edmund Rolfe, sweetheart i mission makes on hit busiuesv. Just they had done a lot of good practicing serve Tea Punch or Chocolate Cream tered about the city. The audience
were highly appreciative of the attitude
of Innocence and Portia, and Portia1 the other day The Record was ordered under the direction of the instructor, Nectar occasionally.
of the speakers an<l to say that their
Farwell tlie xteimgrapiier, are tlie lead­
Miss Huggins.
Tbe line up for tbe
words were »»[»wially welcome is a mild
to this outlandish extortion and when a game was: Rutb Rossman, catcher;
6teaepoonful tea
ing character».
way of telling of it. But in the face of
2 quarts boiling water
Thouxandx of people were de|ieudentj protest was made and an application Ruth Reiter, pitcher; M Rossman, first
thei prisee stands the question of
upon the will of Nathaniel Crosby. |
base; Marie McMahan, second base:
finances * the improvements neeiied.
6 lemons
wealthy hat manufacturer.
Hix devo withdrawn from the workings of the Gladys Donkel, third base; Elsie
1 cup cracked ice
tiiui to hi« bnsineax broke down his law the word xent l«ck was that this Lewis, short stop; Esther Hpeckman,
2'3 cups sugar
health and he left his business in charge could not be dona until July, HHC.
left field; Elizabeth Guirtley, right
Advertised Letters
“No wonder investors are tieginning
Prepare tea with 1 qt. of the boiling
of foreman Rhode«, who proved to be an
field; Rose Koskey, center field. The
Advertised letters for week ending
«rater. Prepare syrup with 1 qt. of
arbitrary master ami xoou got the com­ to «by at Oregon, despite the fact it is game with Peninsula stoad 11 to 7.
pany into lalxir difficulties. A strike one of tbe best states in the union. No
The boys 6-6 foot team beat Kenil­ boiling water, the sugar, and tbe grated August 14, 1615: Brown. Mrs. W. J.;
ensued, and the deja-ndent employees business on earth can thrive when it worth in a close game. 10 to 6. Al yellow rind of two lemons boiled for Cole, Mrs., 66 Ave , 87 St. 8 E.; Cone.
laced ruin.
Among tlie numtier to has to serve as tbe nosebag for an un­ Andrezzi and Floyd HoffmaD composed five minutes. Coo) the tea and tbe Mrs. 8. J.; Dahley, L.; Dahlev, 1.nails,
syrup and when ready to serve "ix the Dahley, Lulu; Fisher, Sebra; Grey, G.
suffer were the la<e» and Tom Burke. limited bord» of teat Wiestlers."
tbe battery for Lente.
juice of six lemons, the tea. syrup, ice W.; Johnson, Mrs. B. H.; Long, Al­
Itiejs-rate in the delay of their wedded
bert; Muller, Martbey ; Peterson, Mrs.
water and cracked ice.
ambitions, Tom and Happiness over­
I red Elliot Buried
If the flavor of cloves is liked 6 whole Julia; Payne, Charles H.; Rice, Mil­
stepped Ms'ial conventions and drove
Fred Milton Elliott, a friend of the cloves may be added to tbe tea.
dred; Smith, W. 8,; Smith, Master
Mr. I-er to tlie verge of de«)»-ration At ! Trees Conserv« Water, Aid Peroslatlon
Orry; Smith, Stephenson; Taylor,
Gilbert’s, living near 82d street on
Chocolate Cream Nectar
till« stage in the chain of events Portia
and Retard Evaporation.
Ernestine; Thomson,
Mrs. Anna;
2 squares of chocolate
decided to call on Crosby and relieve
Trees drink In and transpire an enor­ Powell Valley Road, died Monday of a
Ward, Roee; Williams, Foamers.
iy cup hot coffee
the misery caused by the strike, She mous quantity of water. This giving complicated stomach trouble.
Postmaster, Geo. W. Spring.
I teaspoonful vanilla
visited him at his home and urged him off tempera the dryness of tbe uenrby Elliott bail been living near Felida.
1>; cups sugar
to make peace with tlie striker» but lie atmosphere. .Moisture lie«ring currents Wash., and was brought to Portland
His condition was so
3 cups water
refused A glove she left behind started vf air are caught by forest areas as for treatment.
The Linn County clover seed industry
Whipped cream
his conscience and he returned to town they are not by tbe heated plains. Lai­ laid la-fore be got here that he died be­
is yielding eight bushel« to the acre.
cal showers may thus lieeouie more fore it was possible to find out what was
Melt the chocolate in the ciffee, add
to lie mobbed by tlie half-starved em­
frequent where trees abound, or at . the matter with him. An examination the sugar and water and boil 6 minutes.
ployees. When lie came too he wag in
Woodburn will vote on a 440,000 high
leant the availability of whatever rain
the Farwell home and Portia wax beside may fall 1« Increased for the locality di »closed that the outlet to the stomach There should be 1 quart of tbe liquid. school bond issue.
him. Lee, who has now decided on re­ by forest growths.
not escape. Mr. Elliott was 47 years of in which you have placed 1 tablespoon­
venge for the ruin of his home attempts
Foliage, twig» and brandies break
to shoot Crosby but the bullet «trikes j the fall of tbe raindrops. So doe» the | age. The funeral services will be held ful of whipped cream.
She recovers, after several litter on tbe forest floor. Hence the Saturday afternoon at Kenworthy's,
weeks in the hospital during which time soil under this cover Is uot couipncted | Rev. Hornschuch being in charge, and
Surprise on The Hublers
Crosby has lime to adjust things at tl.e us in tbe open field, but is kept loose the burial will be in Multnomah ceme­
................................. 154400
factory after which he comes to Portia anil granular, so water can readily tery.
Street were pleasantly surprised on the Fay Klineman .............................. 154000
and seeks her love.
evening of August 4th, by » number of Clara Clark.........................................44700
readies tbe ground more slowly, drip
Arithmetic by Hand.
Not th« Usual Kind.
their friends and acquaintances, the oc- Hilda McTaggart............................... 47700
plug gradually from the leaves, brmieb-
We «hull never lie III dancer of for es uud trunk», and thus more time Is
"What a fool exercise fencing must | caxioti being tlieir twentieth wedding Irma Fish............................................ 11100
getting that our ancestors did their allowed for It to sink Into the soli mid , lie for women."
j anniversary. Several Iwautiful presents | Della Pitte............................................ 5600
»lima on tlieir Huger» so long ns arith­ ap|»-ur again in springs or «ubsoil
"Why so? I always understood it I were left to recall the event. Those Cora Valentine
................................ .5500
metic retains the word “digit«.” But moisture lower down.
was fine."
Opal Woodworth ................................. .5000
modern civilization knows nothing of
"Here Maude Binks Is taking lessons,
In forests there Is much less evapo­
! Lilah Clark.......................................... 50iM)
tlie elaborate development« of this ration of moisture tlimi In the open untl she told me yesterday »he was son; C. M. Crews and wife; Wm. F.
Linder and wife; Dollie Penners anti Marjory Kellogg ................................ 5000
method. It takes a Wallachian peas­ country because sun mid wind do not learning how to feint."
[son; Mrs. A. R. McGregor; Theresa Lnzelle Kearney .................................. 4500
ant to multiply N by I) bn Ills hands. have such free pln.v. It Is estimated
I Buhler. F. Portello and
This Is how he does it: Tlie Angers of
Before and After.
that forest» have from W Io flO per
either hand, beginning with the thumb,
Stella When you are engaged you ! Woolsey.
laiis Bureli ........................................ 49800
cent E>f water supply more Ihmi the
»bind for the numbers from tt to 10.
open field» liecause of Increased per­ tell li'ui that he must economize. Bella
Stella Wilson.................................... 29200
Ho the ring Huger of one hand mill the
—And after you are married he tells
Eva Burdick........................................ 7000
Grange Officers Meet
middle Huger of the other lire stuck colation mid decreased evaporation.- you that you must. Boston Journal.
out to represent 8 and 1». Counting Coiintry Gentleman,
The officers and lecturers of tlie iGladnes Murray................................... 7000
the Huger« remaining on the side fur
1 granges of the county willl meet at Sarah Buel............................................ (1500
voteti on erecting a
the«t from the thumbs, he find« them
Before Lorraine was united with Rockwood Baturday. A full attendance Ida Arnett ............................................ HOT
1 and 2 respectively. and 1 nulltIplled I20D0 school house, August If).
France In 173fl It lielonged to the de­ j is especially urged as matters of unsual Silvia Anderson ................................... 6uoo
by 2 gives him the unlts-of his prisl
Lillian St Clair
.............................. 5000
throned king of Poland. Before that i importance are in view.
net 2. Then he count« from the
Nettie Dahlberg................................... 4500
A site has been selected for a $1,500, It belonged to Austria.
thumbs to the «tuck out fingers Iiiclu
Gladys Dunkle ..................................... 4500
I 00 paper mill plant at Albany,
slve. finds them 8 and -I. adds these (
The Waldo Copper Company has Sibyl Baker............................................ 4o<)0
It happens many times that we seem
and get» 7 for Ills tens. Answer. 72
] «hinped the first carloaii of ore over the Eva Hill ................................................ 4600
Yamhill County has oiled fifty miles much deceived In others because we
All this to avoid knowing tlie multi
j new railroad to Grants Pass.
first deceived ours’lves.
Cleone Tucker.......................................4000
plication ti^ile beyond 4 times 4!
of main highway for $1500.
Standing of Contestants