At The Churches Arleta Baptist Church :46 a. m. Bible Bchool. II a. in. I'reaclilng service. 7 :3>> p. m. Evening service». 6 16 p. in. II. Y. P. U. meeting. 7 :45 Prayer iiieetiug. Everybody welcome to any and all of these nervices. Millard Avenue Presbyterian Church 10 a. ui. Bahbath Reboot. 11 a. ui . Morning worship. 6:45 p.m. Y. P. H. C. E. 7 :3O p. u>. Evening worship. 7 :») p. in. Thursday. midweek service. X p. in. ThuriHlar, choir practice. Rev. Wm. H. Aino», Bailor. St. Peter’s (at hoik Church Sunday»: a. in. Ixiw Ma»». 10:90 a. m. High Mam. 6:30». in. Bunday School. 12 M. Chlor rehearsal. Week day»: Ma»» at H a. m. h Seventh Bay Adventist Church 10 a. m. Baturday Sabbath Bchool. 11 a. m. Baturday preaching. 7 :.«) p. in. Wednesday, Prayer meeting. I 7:46 p. tn. Bunday preaching. Germdn I vanqellidl Keformed Church lo a. m. Bunday Bchool. 10 a. m. Saturday, German school. H p. m. Wednesday. Y. P. H. 11 a. m. Bunday worship. Th. Bchihlknecht, Pastor. | TREMONT, KERN PARK, ARLETA M ìm h»i«y Thomas of 50th avenue and Mr». Sarah Dewey has gone io Mr.. Alvord will leave Saturday for L. F. Bramire made a triplo Mt. Hood 77th street la taking a vacation at Bar­ Fedoni«, Karina«, where »Iw will »pend a week. visit with Mr and Mrs. H. E. Monday morning. view. ■everal week». Bron, at Heaaide Mr». C. Wag.t.t! of Woodmere ia Ilr. Boone returned by machine from Mr». H. E. Wood and aon, «fatar of undergoing a siege with pleurisy. M. W. (Joie and family have moved Mm. flora Hchrneok of 71»t street anil Into the Imwellyu home for tier fall and fljd avenue ia building a new |I5. m. I Praymeeting Thursday 6 p. m. Epworth I-eagne 7 p. m. We have a gmsl attendance during vacation anil helpfill service«. W, Boyd Moore, Pastor. Constipation Causes Most Ills Accumulated waste in your thirty feet of bowels Cannes absorption of poison», tends to produce fever», upsets digestion. You belch gaa, feel stuffy, irritable, almost cranky. It ¡»n’t you— it's your condition. Eliminate thia poisonous waste by taking one or two i Dr. King'» New Life Pill» tonight. En­ joy a full, free bowel movement in the morning—yon feel no grateful Get an original bottle, containing 36 pill», from your Druggist today for 25c. PROFESSIONAL CAROS DR. JOHN FAWCETT Diseases of Women and Children a Specialty Pacific Tabor 3214 Local 2011 LODGE DIRECTORT LENTS, OREGON RULES OF THIS CONTEST. 1. Any young man or woman is eligible to enter this contest and compete for prizes except as noted below. 2. An employee or immediate relative of an employee of this firm will not be permitted to enter the contest. 3. Conditions may arise wherein the contest manager may not deem it advisable for a candidate to participate in the contest. 4. No candidate shall receive special favors from the man­ agement, but each and all will be assisted and advised alike. 5. An effort on the part of any candidate to intimidate or discourage any other candidate, or to create an impression that would be detrimental to the success of the contest will be deemed sufficient cause for excluding the person charged with such conduct from the benefit« of the contest. 6. No person can take a prize in this contest without se­ curing a minimum of 150,000 votes. 7. All votes taken on subscriptions in the Mt. Scott district between 45th St., and Division St, eastward to. and Sycamore Station, within Multnomah County SHALL COUNT DOUBLE VOTES. 8. Candidates are permitted to secure subscription« any­ where, but advance payments are necessary to secure votes. 9. All subscription orders must be turned into the office on or before Wednesday following acceptance. 10. Typographical errors in the publishing of votes will be corrected in the following issue. 11. No contestant can win more than one prize. 12. Ballots not deposited at the Herald Office by 9 o’clock p. m. of the day designated for closing the contest, shall be declared void. 13. Should any question arise as to the interpretation of NOMINATION BLANK these rules the explanation of the manager of the contest shall be final. Prize Awards—Districts 14. The Grand Prize shall be awarded to that person having the largest number of votes in the entire territory participating in the contest. 15. The territory shall be divided into two districts, 82nd Street or Oregon City Road being the dividing line. District 1 will be east sf 82nd Street and District 2 will be west of 82nd Street. 16. Of the contestants remaining after the awarding of the Grand Prize, that person having the highest number of votes in each district shall be awarded the First District prize, and the person receiving the next highest number of votes will re­ ceive the Second district Prize. 17. SCHEDULE OF VOTES. Three Months Subscription $ .25 600 Six Months Subscription.. $ .50. 1500 One Year’s Subscription. . $1.00 4000 Twe Year’s Subscription.. $2.00 12000 Subscriptions within the district mentioned in Rule Seven will count double votes. 18. For every dollar in advertising or job work received at our office, through the solicitation of contestants, coupons of 2000 votes will be issued. 19. Orders for advertising or job work must be cashed be­ fore votes are issued, unless accepted as satisfactory. The management reserves the right to amend these rules should necessity arise but it is hoped there will be no cause for changes. VOTE COUPON. 500 VOTES The person that nominate, the candidate that win. the first prise will get FIVE DOLLARS. Should two persons name the same candi­ date the timt nomination will receive credit. Any one may make a nomination. When properly tilled in and received at thia office this blank will lie counted a. 4000 vote* for the person nominated. Only one blank can be credited to eaoh candidate. Void after Aug. 1» This coupon when neatly clipped and filled in with the name of the Candidate you wish to vote for will be counted as 500 votes. This coupon will be void after Aug. 19 I with to nominate Address of Candidate Name of Candidate of (Address) Nominateli by Magnolia Camp No. WM m««ta regular. Second end Tourth Thursday» of each month at I. O O. F. Hall. Haeond Thursday aoclsl meet­ ing Neighbor, bring your lamlllea end trlenda. Fourth Thursday, bualneea. All Neighbora requested ta come. By order of the Camp. District No. Aililrrw........................... Cut out on line border and send unrolled or folded Date and hour received *1 Mr». M. J. LeweUyn of >»: 72d street in visiting tier mother in Salem. Mr». Burch of 63d street •nd 55tli avenue has taken tier family to the beach for a ten day» outin'. About thirty couple, from Arleta, Kern Park and Woodmere, planned a surprise on Mr. and Mr». Orendorff Tuesday evening, the occasion being Mr. Orendorff1» birthday. A delightful time ia reported. HOP PICKERS—Remember Teeney A Teeney have canvas giovea, straw hata and tinware, need when camping out or in the hop field». They will save you money. Give them a call. A W. Crow of 4I»24. 73rd street died Friday. He was effected with strangu­ lation of the bowel» and was past re­ covery In-fore the doctors discovered his trouble, fie leaves a wife. His body was returned east where his father lives. MAKE OUR STORE YOUR STORE; Moderate pricer, honret method», high grade goods, courteous treatment, promptness, unflagging intereat in your need»—these are the feature» of our »tore which make it the »tore that will be satisfactory to YOU. AI way» some­ thing new, up to date, of good quality, and low price. Teeny A Teeny. 8602 Foeter Road, Ker a Park Station. Buy Your LINOLEUM at Alvord Forniture Store 35c, 39c, 45c yard 4529 67th St. S. E. Tabor 2352 A Medicine Chest for 25c. In this cheat you have an excellent remedy for Toothache, Bruisea, Sprain», Stiff Neck, Backache, Neuralgia, Rheu­ matism and for moat emergencies. One 25c. bottle of Sloan’» Liniment doaa it •11—this because tbeee ailments are symptom», not diseases, and are caused by congestion and inflammation. If you doubt, ask those who nee Sloan’s Liniment, or better (till, buy a 25c. bottle and prove it. All Druggists. $100 Reward, $100 Mt. Scott Publishing Company Lents friend’s Church 9:46 a.m. Bible School, Clifford Bar­ ker Superintendent. 11 :een used successfully for 45 years and is gusran- teed to cure you. Money back if it fails. Get a bottle from your Druggist; it costs only a little and will help you so much. ABOUT POULTRY. The hens should be dusted with a good Insect powder. Many of the pow­ ders that are sold are no better than dry earth, having loot moat of their efficiency. You can make a good lice powder by taking throe parts gasoline and one pert crude carbolic and mix­ ing It with plaster of parts. Put a little of the liquid on to the plaster of parts and mix thoroughly tUI It la dry. Then apply to the feathers of the bens. Geese ought to be abut up to fatten for a month before they are killed. To get a successful result It la most tsaenttal to keep them eating all the time, and to do thia they must be care­ fully watched at feeding times, and any bird which does not respond to the call of the pall should be given a tea­ spoonful of warmed castor oil at one«. Have you plenty of good clover or alfalfa hay, and bare you been buying wheat bran for your hens? If so you bare been throwing away your money. Not all of it. but yoc have waated a good deal nevertheless. Alfalfa la vir­ tually as rich a teed as bran. Good -lover hay la almost as rich. Ia some preferable t* reepects these feeds wheat bran, thr they m act eo ttrltat- tag te thebewet».