At The Churches ArlrId HdptiM ( hurch TREMONT, KERN Mm Greenleaf I. enjoying from lier »liter*. a PARK, ARLETA visit Young people of the Baptist Sunday Mr. and Mr». I Fever of Tremont Mi* Hutchinson of the Arleta Library Hchool had a picnic at Pen in.» la Park went tn the health Tuesday I» taking a vacation. laut Hatiirtlay. They report a line time. A fire at MIO AOth «trivi burn««l a Mime. Nellie and Georgia Fawcett of A Itami concert wa» enjoyed by Arlela Mr«. J, Goul*! win up from Ridge­ »hi»* »hop belonging tn Mr. Hamilton, Woodm-ee are »(tending tlieir vacation F. I. Poundi-r i» rnoving In Moro, people Wednrwlay evening, ft wa» :4ft B. tu. Bible School. field, Waah., Wednesday, «ailing on Tuesday night. Tbe house wa» a 1*»« Or». Il«- wlli go luto tl>«> mercantile given at the school playgound ami wa» in Alinka. II a. in. I'rrac'hhiK ••rvlc«. fritm* I n in Arktii. 7 p. ni. Evening tarvicMi. of ftMJO. tltu* to « defective Hua. busiaera witli Ili» brotlier-in-law. well attended. ♦I I ft i* m. Il \ l‘l iiieelliitf, The Tremont Flic Department dance 7 4ft rrayer meeting. on Wednesday evening «a» well attemi- F.verylxMly weltxime tu any an a. in. Hundav School. 10 a. m. Saturday, German school. H p. m. Wixlnenlay. Y. I*. H. 11 a. m. Hun'lay worehip. Th. Hchildkneeht, Pastor. To Be Given Away I The Mt. Scott Herald will give to the Boy’s and Girls of Southeast Portland an opportunity to secure five handsome prizes in our Grand Prize Subscription Vote Contest Beginning Monday, June 21, and Continuing Six Weeks, Ending Wednesday Evening, Sept. 1, at 8 o’clock P. M. Kern I’drk (hrlsldln Church Firpt Grand Prize, an exceptionally fine ma hogany case $400.00 Piano t'orner 89th Ht. and 40th Ave. H. E. 10 a. tn. Bible School. 11 a m. ami H p ui. preselling service. ; p. tn. Chri»l»ln Endeavor. A p. m. Thur»l»y, mid-Sreek prayer ' mooting. 8:45 p.m. Thuraday, Bible Study Clara. A cordial welcome to all who will at-1 tend any all »ervicea. R. Tibli» Maxey, Minister ; Beautiful in tone and workmanship. Best value ever put up as a prize in this section of the county. On exhibit this week at the Holt Piano Company Store, 333 Morri­ son Street. Four District Prizes Two absolutely free trips to the Fair at ’Frisco and necessary expenses paid. First class pas- sage on a Palace of the Pacific, the Great Northern or the Northern Pacific. SI. Pauls I plscopdl Church One block south ol Woodmere station. I Holy Communion the first Sunday ol each month at 8 p. in, No other *<>r- I vicea that day. Every other Bunday the regular s»r- vicea will lie a» usual. Evening Prayer and »ermon at 4 p. m J Sunday Hchool meet» at 3 p.’m. B | Boatwright, Hupt , L. Mallett, Sec. j Rev. (>. W. Tavlor, Rector An opportunity to take an ideal trip on the finest Ocean going Aessels of the Mighty Pacific at the most delightful season of the entire year. August or September. Cash Prizes Two $25.00 Gold Pieces Lents Evdnqelkdl Church Hermon by the Pastor, 11 a. m. 7:46 p. m Hnmlay School 9 46 a m., C. H. Brsd- . ford. Superintendent. Y. P. A. 6 46 p. m. Eva'Uischofl. I President. Prayer meeting Thursday Bp. m. A cordial welcome to all. T. R. Ilornachuch, Pastor. | ML Scott Center of truth. Meeting every Hnmlay evening at H :er» before they can do serious injury to the crops. There are several methods of righting these pests. They can be poisoned, or they can be caught in "hopper dozers” mid destroyed. Tbe so called "Kansas halt” is perhaps as satisfactory a I «Ol­ son mixture as has been Used. Tbe formula is as follows; Twenty pouiids bran, one pound pans green, two quarts molasses, three oranges or lemons and about three and a half gallons water. Mix tbe bran aud purls green together dry. If very much of the material is to be mixed it is ad­ visable for tbe person doing the mix­ lug to protect himself from breathing tbe poisonous dust by tying a moisten­ ed spouge or handkerchief over his mouth and nose. Then mix the mo­ lasses and water together, squeeze tbe Juice of the fruits into the water and tbe skin and pulp chopped up fiue and moisten tbe bran with the liquid. Just enough of tbe liquid should be used to thoroughly moisten tbe bran, but not to make it sloppy. Then it should be sown broadcast over the Infested field, preferably early In tbe morning, so that the grasshoppers can get a chance to eat it before the beat of the day dries the moisture in the bran. It should be sown evenly and thinly over the field, not in lumps. Although tbe poison may not kill the grasshoppers for a day or so. It seems to stop their feed­ ing as soon as they eat some of It Thu amount of mixture in the foregoing formula Is enough for three or four acres. Live stock of at! kinds should be kept from the treated fields for a few days to avoid any possible danger of poisoning them. If the grasshoppers ■ re especially numerous It may be ne­ cessary to renew the poison halt after four or five days. Where there Is some sort of a »pray­ ing machine available, tbe infested fields may be sprayed with arsenate of lead or peris green. The arsenate of lead la used at the rate of five pounds of the paste to 50 gallons of water. The parts green should be used tn the pro­ portion of one and one-half pounds to fifty gallons of water, with a pound or so of good lump 11ms addsd to pre­ vent burning of ths vegetation. About two quarts of ch sap molasses should be added to owch fifty gallons of liquid. Another material which may be used as a spray Is arsenate of soda, la which one pound of commercial arsenate of soda is used to twe quarto of sooiaaees and fifty gallons of waCsc.