Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, July 29, 1915, Image 1

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    WANT “ADS”
Them In 11-6111-1111
Only One-cent a Word
Subscription, $1.00 a Year.
»<iy u> tara "mu
STUDENT KILLED </r into i I flic watering
Harry Turtledove, studmi
Franklin High Hcliool, wSe Uiletl 1
day about 11 o’clock, at cast Firs* -Uev.
and Hawthorne by Ix-iug ground against
a telephone pole by an automobile
driven by Harley Hamilton, of Joseph,
ance Procress.
It appears that Harry was
Ona of the groat events of the year coming down Hawthorne on the south
barn in Boaton 1 have neglected tailing side of the street. Hamilton was going
you about ia tha ('•nteiinial Celebration east, and was prevented from swinging
of tha "Handel and Haydn Society." out by a car going in tlie same direction.
Ona hundred years service in promot­ He undertook to meet Harry by «wing-
ing tha Intaraata of choral innate, giving 1 ing to the right. Harry swung in tlie
pleasure to a wide and ever replenish- same direction, meeting tlie automobile
ing public, la aurely worthy of note. and at tlie same time caught by the tel-
March 24, 1816. the society waa founded | ephone pole.- Tbe machine waa damaged
by a group of musical enthusiasts. The and Harry died in spite of every effort
annala of tha aoclaty telle of many In- to save him. Tlie doctor thought his
tareating facta. The flrat public con­ ■ heart waa pierced by a rib.
Harry Turtledove was prominent in
cert waa given In the tamona King'«
Chapel Christmas night of 1816, and stndeot affairs at Franklin High last
He waa connected as business
early in 1810 the aociety incorporated. year.
December 1817 a gr<<at innovation waa manager of the student monthly maga­
suggested, namely, that of inviting zine. He leaves a faluer and mtrtiier
ladies to aaalat al the regular rehearsals. and several brothers and sisters.
Mr. Hamilton was held charged with
Thia waa decided in the afllrmatlve
altbo with strong opposition. In I8ZI a involuntary manslaughter. He wa« ex­
commission for an oratorio waa given to onerated of the charge Wednesday.;
Lents Woman Sees Boston, At­
tends Important Function; Re­
ports Social Study and Temper­
;TI* Kings Daughters of Portland were
well represented Iasi Sunday at a meet­
ing lield in the Millard Avenue Preeby-
terian church, to hear a dibdngnintied
member of the order from tlx- East,
Mrs. F. J. Mansfield.
As a resnit of her visit, many new cir­
cle« are being formed throughout the
City and State.
The "Kings Daughters'’ of the Mil­
lard Avenue Presbyterian Chnrch was
organized in Bill by Mrs. H. D. Murray,
and is therefore the mother circle of
The first circle was organized in New
York City in 1886 and was tlie outcome
of an incident which occnred on the re­
turn trip from Europe, of Mrs. Mar­
garet Bottoms, the wife of a Methodist
minister and its first president, and her
friend, Miss Georgia Libby.
Several young men whom they met
on board ship, would visit with the
ladies each <lay. On one occasion, one
of the young men win missing,
inquiry, it was found be had been taken
sick and died and was buried at sea.
Before his death in his delirium he fre­
quently called for his mother. They
spoke to the captain of the ship about
it and asked that he send his wife and
perhaps she could help him. but «he
in turn said that even if she were to go,
what could «h<- say or do.
Mrs. Bottoms upon hearing this,
asked the captain why be did not send
for her. whereupon he answered, “how
did I know you are that kind of a
She said to her companion, Miss
Libby, "Georgia, something must be
done so that the world will know we are
"that kind of a woman”.
A meeting wa« called wl>en they ar­
rived home, and all denominations were
They chose fortheir motto: "Iziok
up, not down” etc. Their emblem, tha
silver maltese cross, and their aim to do
all “in his name”.
All who knew or have read of Sophia
Wright, who wan one of the most beau­
tiful characters in history, was a “Kings
Phillips Brooks, who always wore the
silver cross, and other men of note, be­
longed to the order of Kings Daughters
and Sons.
There are strong circles in China and
Japan, and other European Countries.
May more take up the cross and do all
“In Hi« Name.’’
Vol. 13.
No. 30
Hundreds of Grangers and Friends
Unite in Making Saturday the
Biggest Fraternal Picnic in the
Saturday was a beautiful day. It WM
so beautiful that hundreds ol country
people wou'd have attended the Granger
picnic at Gresham, except that it waa
too nice even to spend in picnicing. In
other words people of the farm« felt
tbat«tbey could not run the risk of leas
pleasant weather endangering their hay
and so they spent the day getting the
crop under shelter. There are thousands
of tons of good bay in the shock in
eastern Multnomah, and it must be
saved. Late rains have endangered it
to a considerable extent now and every
day counte.
Ml Á
But, be that as it may, there were
hundreds who were free to give the
time to a frolic and they came out and
brought their friends and their dinners
and proceeded to have a real picnic,
and at the same time enjoy a good in­
In a
note book
tellectual program and a program of
Beethoven thia pathetic entry ia to be
G. A. R. Picnic
sports. The ceremonies began with a
found: "The oratorio for Boe tonI
number of selections by the Pleasant
Tlie annual reuniou ami basket picnic
cannot write wl>at I should like beet to of tlie Veteran's Aaaociation of Oregon
Home Brass Band.
This band now
write, but that which the preaeing need ! will lie lield at tlie Oaks I‘ark, Saturday,
supports sixteen pieces and produces
of money obligee me to write.”
In August 7. All interested are invited to
some excellent music.
It has some
1828-87 commemorative services
in : attend. Tlx* wearing badge« will be
old time band men in it and the direc­
honor of John Adame an d Tbomaa . admitted half price.
tor, Carl Byers, is a well known band
Henty of band
Jefferson were held in Fanenil Hall and music by the park manager will I m * pro­
—Harding in Brooklyn Eagle.
man. The grangers were in great luck
thia aociety furniahed the meuical num- vided. Come and enjoy yourself. Coffee
to have them on the program.
Tha aociety aeeieted at the furnished on U m - ground.
chorus of singers from the various
funeral of Provident Harrison, April 30.
Jeweler Johnson Marries
Support ¡Home Paper
granges of the county led in the musi­
John Huntington, secretary.
1841. In 1H«V with tremendoua pre­
J. P. Johmftn,
Ar lets'« leading
A community is judged by its home
cal program, and Greeham Grange gave
liminary flourish
the International
jeweler, and Miss Vicy McWhirt were paper, to a degree which is seldom ap­
one number.
Peace Jubilee waa heralded. The work
Mayor 8tapleton of Greeham was the
married at Vancouver, Wednesday, preciated.
Mix Lena E. Burns, formerly of
of the Handel and Haydn aociety es­
July 21. Mrs. Johnson formerly lived
The sentiment of the community is
opening speaker and welcomed the pic-
tablished its fame world wide. A great Lents but now of Cape Horn, Wash., in Arleta. employed aa a photographer. reflected in editorial utterances anil ita
nicers to Greeham, assuring them of
many more moat
interesting facta and Melville J. Byenof Clackamae were They are at home at the McWhirt bomsi. enterprise in tlie news and advertising
the good will of the town and the entire
brought out at the celebration are all married at the home of tlie bride, June, at 6410, K3d street, Imt will move t»l columns.
safety of the visitors, and freedom, ex­
worthy of mention but apace forbids. 28, Rev. Boyd Moore officiating.
The country weekly is the great in­
cept such of them aa might need the
their own home on 78th street in a few
Perhapa the moot noteworthy phases of happy company of friend» and relntives weeks.
Arleta friends of * Mr. Johnson strument for community up-building.
protection of the city jail.
Ito remarkable career baa bean ita were preeenl and many congratulations congratulate him on his happy matri­
The country editor keeps in tooch
State Master Spence made the main
They will make
policy of introducing local eingera of were extended them.
monial venture, tho some of them de­ with public affairs, renders invaluable
address. Indeed he said be overtalked
ability. Many singers afterwards be­ their hoiiw- oo tlie Clackamas where cline to accept it as a fact yet.
He has service by reporting and discussing them,
bis own time, dne to several inter­
coming lamona, owed tbair atari to thia their naw home is completed.
been threatening to do something rash and by his personal work and the in­
ferences and objections that were raised.
notable aociety.
like this for years and people are a little fluence of publicity is a factor for
He proved himself equal to the occa­
sion, and held hie own on every point.
slow to take the affair seriously,
John- progress.
Daily Mails
He doesn’t make much money in the
Mr. Spence introduced hie remarks by
Mails at the Lents poetoffice arrive son says ita so anti he knows.
Nothing going on in tha economic
business; his reward in part is the satis­
speaking of the disadvantages under
world of late haa interacted me more and depart daily, except Sunday, as fol­
faction of producing as good a paper as
which farmers labored owing to dis­
than a movement called the "Massa­ lows:
hi« meagre come will permit.
criminatory transportation rates. After
chusetts Credit Union.”
The value <>f
Subscribe for your home paper, and
touching this matter he referred to the
thia movement ia the poor people’a 8:00 A. M.
7:30 A.M.
general unsettled condition of the
refuge front the "loan shark«” waa
12130P. M.
The Eugene woolen mill resumed
The financial sup­
world, the effort of the military party
5 30 P. M. operations after a shut-down for repairs. and distant friends.
forcibly extolled at a recent banquet. i 3:30 P. M.
port you an- giving by two or three
in this country to promote national de­
Official« from various parts of the state
The Eugene contract is let for the extra snbecriptions means a lot to the
Monday evening July 19, The Con­ fences and preparation for war, and ex­
rehearsed instances where the Union
Coast Fork Bridge across the Wil­ I editor. Advertise in your home paper,
querors, the organized Adult Bible Class pressed his regrets that there was a
haa saved men and women from the
■ with the certain knowledge that just in of .the Millard Avenue Presbyterian disposition to favor warlike sentiments.
Advertised letters for week ending lamette.
loan aharka and provided help to the
A movement ia on at Canby to start a | proportion as you contribute towards its Church School met at the home of Mr. Some one in the audience asked him
24, 1815: Campbell, Roy; Con­
email, honeat borrower to whom other
financial success you are lielping build and Mrs. O. H. Gilbert 4928 71st St. S. whether be was talking to farmers or
doora were cloaed for lack of aecurity. nell, Frank; Hoffman, Mrs. Frank (4); cheese factory.
Hood River will have a free municipal up your own town, and that means E. for tbe regular monthly business making a political harangue.
Governor Walsh in hie brief address Hayden, Mrs. I.aura; Janson, Mrs.
more business.
Then, too, if you give meeting and class social.
Caindo; Larsen, Miss Agnes; O’dell, swimming poo).
Spence said that be believed a discus­
"1 do not know of any movement for Emmett; Potts, Mrs. J. L.; Bhoeller,
A Wisconsin syndicate pays >750,000 proper attention to your advertisements,
At the session following the opening sion that undertook to analyze political
you can secure return« and profits far in ilevotions, after the routine business or social questions was a tit discussion
which, aa Governor of Massachusetts, 1 Mrs. Lewis; Walker, U. U.
for timber land in Lincoln County.
excess of the cost for there is no adver­ had been disposed of, it was decided to I *or • grange meeting, since the Order
Geo. W. Bpring, Postmaster.
am more grateful than the Massa­
Henry Struckmeier, 33 years a resi­
tising medium that bring results for the hold a lawn social at the home of Mr. w,a designed to investigate all such
chusetts credit union, tiecause it gets
dent in th* Willamette Valley, says
home merchant like the home town and Mrs F. E. Crum, 560370thSt. S. E questions as those, which so intimately
away down to that great maaa of people,
The voters of Oregon are g.
t- be crops there this year are the best he has
newspa|>er.—Oregon Voter.
August 30, instead of the regular affected the home,
where there ia no eunlight, where there asked to vote a > 10,000,000 bonds for ever seen.
He said:
“We need good citix-na,
ia ao much of misery and deepair. I good roads. That’s some money.
monthly meeting on the third Monday
Oregon produced >143,556 worth of
and good citizens mutt be well fed
am grateful to men like Mr. Vurenberg,
The latest thing to be regulated in coal in 1814.
Prayer oT a Horse
We bear a great
Mr. Filene, Mr. Mitchell and Judge Portland is the poster for the moving
Mrs. J. F. MeLoney, Mrs. E. L. La- and well educated,
By direction of the Police Com-
Cohen for the public apiritedneea with picture «haws.
France, Mr. and Mrs. Ellton Shaw, Mr. deal these days about mollycoddles, and
miaaioner of New York there ia posted
will begin this searon.
which they have given their rime, ef-
M. E. Williams, president of the class I want to say a word about patriotism.
Paisley National Bank increases its
A vast acreage of beaver dam land is in every stable where police horses are and Mrs. Williams were selected to as­ I don’t believe the man who has been
forte and aplendid abilitiee to thia work.
capital 440,000.
being improved north of Salem by a big kept a card of which the following is a sist Mrs. W. J. Jefferies and her social rampaging up and down this country
"Thia ia the govern ment’a work
copy: To Thee, My Master. I Offer
which you are doing, for the busine«« of
committee in completing plans for the like a wild bull, with a battleehip in
My Prayer: Feed me, water and care
the government, chiefly and primarily, Carnegie Library.
evening. The remainder of the evening one hand and talking war is a good
Salem has built a free swimming
for me and when the day’s work is
I was spent in playing games, music and citizen.”
Blumauer-Frank Drug Co., of Port­ pool.
ia to remove diatresa, poverty and
done, provide me with shelter, a clean
He pointed out that a good citizen
miaery bom mankind, and that ia jnet land has started a movement to es­
According to reports, trains will be dry tied and a stall wide enough for me contests of various kinds.
what you do,
You teach thrift, and tablish drug farms lor raising different running to Coos Bay by next January.
Miss Qtieenie Swanson, Miss Edith would not go abroad of the Lusitania
to lie down in comfort. Talk to me.
I Forbes, Miss Jennette Pound and Mrs. nor any ship sailing for England that
thrift leeaena all the burdene of life, drug plants.
The wagon road to Alsea, connecting Your voice often means as much to me
Ellton Shaw assisted Mrs. Gilbert in might involve this country in war.
lessens all that ia deatructive of the
Eugene with Florence will soon lie as the reins. Pet me sometime«, that I
“Nor will good citizens of thia country
I serving refreshments.
happiness of life.
may serve you the more gladly and
Yesterday I completed.
go down into Mexico,” said Mr. Spence,
"When future history ia written, I the library and read it.
----------- 7--------------------
learn to love you.
"to make money and then call on thia
lielieve thia movement will have been was impressed more than ever with the
country to protect them and their dol­
Invite lhe World
of greater benefit to mankind than the fact that silence wan a power for good,
me when going up hill.
Never strike,
Washington and Oregon stand today lar. It is our duty to study National
«aving« banka and co-operative banka as I slipped into the noon day meeting
beat or kick me u hen I do not und< r-
the eve of the greatest era of pros­ questions, and we cannot discuss these
becaue* it will have reached people
stand what you mean, but give me a
questions without discussing politics.
perity they have ever seen.
which they do not; reached the man of toric spot. The day wa« extremely hot
Fay Klinemau.............................. ... 69500 chance to understand you.
Watch me,
We believe in peace, but should not sit
integrity and honesty, who haa found
! Clara (Uark ................................ . ..39700 and if I fail to do your bidding, see if
these changed conditions reach us but down and allow others to run over us,
banka cloved to him at a time when he of traffic, noise and rush, and here by
1 Hilda McTaggart......................... ..... 24900 there is not something wrong with my
come they will just as sure as tbe rising neither should we go about with a chip
needed a helping hand to tide him over crossing the «lejMi and porch of the
on our shoulders, for some nation to
chnrch, «traight from this turmoil one Irma Fish...................................... ..... 111(0 harness or feet.
of the suu.
a crisis in hie life.”
Examine my teeth when I do not eat.
felt a hush indescrible as one entered I lenna Johnson...........................
When they do come these two «tatea knock it off.”
! the sacred place.
Some sixty or more Pella Pitta.................................. ...... 5500 I may have an nicerated tooth and that, want to be ready to throw wide the
"Yon must have voter! for Bryan,”
Home time ago when ‘‘Revere Bench" people came and went softly, silently, Cora Valentine ............................ ...... 5500 yon knew is verv painful.
Do not tie
door of industrial opportunity and in­ interrupted Dr. Cline from the andi-
a famous summer retort, went "dry," a bowing in prayer. The only thing to (•pal Woodworth........................ ...... 3000 my head in an unnatural position or
vite the world here to develop our un­ ence.
great wail went up—"It would kill Re­ break the «Hence wae the singing of Lilah Ularfc ................................. ..... 5000 take away my best defense against Hies
"Yes, I did vote for Bryan once, ami
told resources.
vere Beach.’’ Such a retort could nbt some old hymn by the surpliced choir. | Lnzelle Kearney.......................... ...... 4500 and mosquitoes by cutting off mv tail.
more sorry foe. thst than anything
We must be ready to do more than
be tnccevaful without intoxicante an
And finally, Oh, my master, when
Just such a place of
profound Marjory Kellogg ....................... .......5000
merely invite, we must be ready to in the world,” replied Mr. Spence.
liquid refreshments.
Never-the-lean quietude, would be ofwmarvelous value
my useful strength is gone, do not turn
The state master condemned parti­
; show the world that we are through the
prohibition prevailed and now what ia in the heart of auy city,
...... 7000 me out to starve or freeze, or sell me to t experimental stage and are ready to of- sanship ami declared that more wrong
And at I «at
the result, han It been killed? Hardly. in thia old church with the old «acred
some ctuel owner to be slowly tortured
Stella Wilson............................... ... 17200
j ter investors protection in the way of has been done in the name of party
Thin morning's paper telle ua of a high pews and other old features, I
and starved to death ; but do thou, my
Sarah Bud............................... ...... (1500
i sane legislation, low taxes and freedom than under any other condition. Mr.
record breaking day there yesterday. It thought how the old Taylor street
master, take my life in the kindest way
Ida Arnett
............................ ...... (1000
from unnecessary regulation of private Spence made an earnest plea for men
wan entimated that some 275,0 k) people church in Portland, Oregon, could serve
and your Gori will reward you here and
and principles, not politics—for a true
Gladne« Murray.......................... ...... 7000
visited the retort.
as just such a wonderful spiritual re­ Nettie Dahlberg ......................
4500 hereafter. You may not consider me
This program is worthy of the sup­ Americanised citizenship.
1 have been viaiting many of the freshment place.
How I wish it might Silvia AiHiernon
One of Mr. Spence’s thoughts de­
...................... ..... 5000 irreverent if I ask this in the name of port of every commercial organization,
anmmer retorta where the taloon la a he just another St. Paul's open door
Ixiia Burch ................................... . 27600 ’ Him who was (torn in a stable. Amen laborer and business man in the two veloped the idea of vast waste in distri­
thing of the paat, and every one neema with its mission of "The Power of
Gladys Dunkle .......................... ...... 4500
states and we should all go about it just bution dne to excessive profits to the
to be flourishing tremendously. It pro­ Silence."
Sibyl Baker.................................... ...... 4500
Kendall Brother« announce actual as systematically aa we would the es­ middle man in distribution, and the
hibition kills rummer retorta the effect
I am off for the Green mountains of Eva Hill........................................ ...... 4500 con« tr net ion on their |8(i0,000 railroad tablishment of a new business, for a numerous agencies engaged in that ser­
ia the livlieet dead thing imaginable.
Vermont. More Anon.
Lillian St Clair
.................. ...... .5000 out of Roeebnrg will atari on or before program like this will mean more busi­ vice. For instance the distribution of
Lucia F. Additoo. Cleone Tiw'ter........................... ...... 4000 August 15.
Have you ever read Horatio Dresser’s
ness for al) of us.
(continued on pa<e four)
Standing of Contestants