Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, July 22, 1915, Image 6

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Good Work Horses and Mule« Wil'
Bring Remunerative Prices for
Several Years to Como.
Koran owner» cannot afford to giro
their colts Indifferent card.
There ts every Indication that good
work horse» and mules will bring re­
munerative prices tor several years.
The demand for army horses ts taking
a large number of light weight ani­
mals out of the country. Moot of
flâ KM W
cori-« «vT- sr zvr a wo
avr -u w
14 —
Le Cemte J» Sabron. captain of French
cavalry, take» to his quarters to raise by
hand a motherless Irish terrier pup. and
names It Pttchoune.
He dines with the
Marquise d'Kschgnac and meets Miss Ju
Ua Redmond. American heiress He ts or­
dered to Algiers but Is not allowed to
take servants or dogs
Miss Redmond
takes care of Pttchoune, who. longing tor
his master, runs away from her
marquise plans to marry Julia to the Duc
de Tremont. Pttchoune follows Sabron to
Algiers, dog and master meet, and Sabron
gvts permission to keep his dog with him.
The Due de Tremont finds the American
heiress capricious
Sabron. wounded In
an engagement, falls Into the dry bed of
a river and is watched over by Pttchoune.
After a horrible night and day Pttchoune
leaves him. Tremont takes Julia and the
marquise to Algiers In his yacht but has
doubts about Julia's Red Cross mission
xtier long search Julia sets trace of Sa-
bron's whereabouts
Julia for the mo­
ment turns matchmaker In behalf of Tre­
Hammel Abou tells the Mar­
quise where he thinks Sabron may be
found Tremont decides to go with Ham.
met Abou to find Sabron.
Prixe-Winnlng Filly.
these will be replaced ultimately by
heavier horses better sutted tor heavy
farm work.
The slse and value of the mature
animal depends to a large extent on
the feed and care it gets during colt*
It pays to give the colt a
chance to make the most of its in­
herited possibility of development, for
an extra 200 or 300 pounds make a
striking difference in the selling price
of a work horse or mule.
The maximum development is pos­
sible only when the colts are handled
carefully and fed well during the first
two or three years of their lives.
CHAPTER XXI—Continued.
“Fatou Anni is nearly one hundred
years old. She has borne twenty chil­
dren. she has had fifty grandchildren,
she has seen many wives, many bride«
and many mothers. Rhe does not be­
lieve the sick man has the Hvll Eye.
She is not afraid of your fifty armed
men. Fatou Anni Is not afraid. Al
lah Is great She will not give up th*
Frenchman because of fear, nor will
she give him up to any man. She
gives him to the women of hl» people.”
With dignity and majesty and with
great beauty of carriage, the old wom­
an turned and walked toward her hut
and the Bedoulty followed her.
Into the Desert
A week after the caravan of t'ue Due
de Tremont left Algiers, Julia Red
mond came unexpectedly to the villa
of Madame de la Maine at an early
morning hour. Madame de la Maine
saw her standing on the threshold of
her bedroom door.
“Chere Madame." Julia said. "1 am
leaving today with a dragoman and
twenty servants to go Into the desert.”
Madame de la Maine was still In
bed. At nine o'clock she read her pa­
per« and her correspondence.
“Into the desert—alone!”
Julia, with her cravache In her
gloved hands, smiled sweetly though
she was very pale. “I had not though'
of going alone, Madame." she replied
with charming assurance, "I knew you
would go with me."
On a chair by her bed was a wrap
per of blue silk and lace. The com
tesse sprang up and then thrust her
feet Into her slippers and stared at
"What are you going to do In the
desert ?"
"Yes, yes!” nodded Madame de la
Maine. "And your aunt?”
"Deep In a bazaar for the hospital,"
smiled Miss Redmond.
Madame de la Maine regarded her
slender friend with admiration and
envy. "Why hadn’t I thought of it?"
She rang for her maid.
"Because your great-grandfather
was not a pioneer!” Miss Redmond
The sun which, all day long, held
the desert In its burning embruce.
went westward in bls own brilliant
"The desert blossoms like a rose,
"Like a rose?” questioned Madame
de la Maine.
She was sitting in the door of her
tent; her white dress and her white
It was rare for the caravan to pass
by Beni Medinet. The old woman's
superstition foresaw danger in this
visit. Her veil before her face, her
gnarled old fingers held the fan with
which the had been fanning Sabron
She went out to the strangers. Down
by the well a group of girl» in gar­
ments of blue and yellow, with earthen
bottles on their beads, stood staring
at Beni Medinet's unusual visitors.
“Peace be with you. Fatou Ann!," 1
said the older of the Bedouins.
“Are you a cousin or a brother that
you know my name?” asked the an- -
cient woman.
“Everyone knows the name of the
woman tn the Sahara." said
Place Fountain Near the Hives— Hammet Abou, “and the victorious are
always brothers "
Honey Secured From Goldenrod
“What do you want with me?” she
and Aster Is of Rich Flavor.
asked, thinking of the helplessness of
the village.
Hammet Abou pointed to the hut.
When you see the bees clustering
“You have a white captive in there
around the watering trough just pro­
vide them a fountain near their hives. Is he alive?”
“What is that to you. son of a dog?"
Thia will save time for them and
"The mother of many sons is wise,"
there will be no more drowned bees
and horses and other stock will not be said Hammet Abou portentously, “but
sthng as they come from the field, she does not know that this man car­
heated and perspiring—a fit m»:k for ries the Bril Eye. His dog carries the
Bvil Eye for his enemies. Your people
the angry bee
Surround a board of convenient size have gone to battle. Unless this man j
with a narrow cleat an inch high, is cast out from yeur village, your
making the shallow "Arough water young men. your grandsons and your
tight. Over this tack a piece of wire sons will be destroyed.”
The old woman regarded him calmly
screen, being careful to leave no sharp i
“I do not fear it.” she said tran­
edges that will hurt the bees. Fill
with wat-- and note the enjoyment quilly. “We have had corn and oil In
with which the winged visitors flock plenty. He is sacred."
and drink with no possibility of find- j For the first time she looked at his
ing in It a- fatal draft
They will companion, tall and slender and evi­
drink lots of water now, and if you do dently younger.
“You favor the coward Franks,” she
not furnish the pure stuff they will
hunt out the nearest cesspool for said in a high voice. "You have come
to fall upon us in our desolation.”
moisture they must have.
She was about to raise the peculiar
Do not worry if your fence row Is
bordered with goldenrod and aster. wail which would have summoned to
You may not be impressed with the her all the women of the village. The
•esthetic effect admired by your city dogs of the place had already begun to
cousins, but the bees revel in the show their noses, and the villagers
sweets afforded and will, from the were drawing near the people under
weeds, extract a supply of honey that the palms. Now the young man began
will go a long way toward piecing out to speak swiftly In a language that she
their winter store.
Beside, golden­ did not understand, addressing his
rod honey, when It can be secured in comrade. The language was so curious
quantity, is food fit for kings, being that the woman, with the cry arrested
of a rich amber hue and of superior on her lips, staged at him. Pointing to
his companion. Hammet Abou said:
"Fatou Annf, this great lord kisses
■Remember that honey must ripen
before it is ready for market. When your hand. He says that he wishes
beet made it is thin and watery but he could speak your beautiful lan-■
after two or three weeks it acquires guage. He does not come from the
'.he consistency necessary to the first- enemy; he does not come from the
French. He comes from two women
class product.
Conversely, if kept in a damp place of his people by whom th« captive is
it soon gathers moisture and becomes beloved. He says that you are the
seriously damaged. A cool, dry closet mother of sons and grandsons, and
is preferable to the cellar for storing. that you will deliver this man up into
our hands in peace.”
The narrow fetid streets were be­
WELL-BRACED LONG LADDER ginning to fill with the figures of
women, their beautifully colored
Weak and Dangerous Feature Over­ robes fluttering in the light, and there
come by Wire Brace—Strength
were curious eager children who came
Added at Little Expense.
running, naked save for the bangles
upon their arms and ankles.
Farmers who have occasion to use
Pointing to them, Hammet Abou i
long ladders often find them weak and said to the old sage:
dangerous when set up at the proper
"See, you are only women here, Julia's Eyes Were Fixed Upon the
angle. This can be overcome by a Fatou Anni.
Your men are twenty
Limitless Sands.
wire brace. Get a blacksmith to make miles farther south. We have a cara­
two V-shaped irons, and fasten them van of fifty men all armed, Fatou hat gleamed like a touch of snow
Julia Red­
to the side sills with small bolts. Bore Anni. They camp just there, at the upon the desert's face.
small holes through sills at each end edge of the oasis. They are waiting. mond, on a rug at her feet, and In her
We come in peace, old woman; we khaki rtdlnghabit the color of the
come to take away the Evil Eye from sand, blended with the desert as
your door; but If you anger us and though part of IL She sat up aa she
rave against ua, the dogs and women spoke.
of your town will fall upon you and
«How divine! Bee!" She pointed
Ladder Braced With Wire.
destroy every breast among you.”
to the stretches of the Sahara before
She began to beat her palms to­ her. On every side they spread away
Take two pieces of No. 9 wire and gether, murmuring:
as far as the eye oould teach, suave,
fasten to the sills at one end by pass
"Allah! Allah!”
mellow, black, undulating finally te
ing through the holes and forming a
"Hush," said th« Bedouin fiercely, •mall hillocks with corrugated sides,
lock by 'uming the end back through "take us to th« captive, Fatou Anni."
as a group of little sandhills rose soft­
the boles over small iron pins, then
Fatou Anni did not stir.
She ly out of the seallke plain.
Baas the wire over the V-irons, draw­
pulled aside the* veil from her with­ Therese!"
ing them tight with a lever and fasten
Slowly, from ocher and gold the
ered face, so that her great eyes
at the other ends in the same way.
looked out at the two men. She saw color changed; a faint wavelike blush
This brace will more than double the
her predicament, but she wag a subtle crept over the sands, which reddened,
strength of the ladder and add but Oriental. Victory had been In her paled, faded, warmed again, took
little expense.
camp and In her village; her sons and depth and grew Intense like flame.
grandsons had never been vanquished
"The heart of a rose! N'est-ee pas,
Approach of Foaling Time.
Perhaps the dying man in the hut Thermo r*
With the approach of foaling time would bring the Evil Eye! He was
"I understand now what you mean,”
the grain ration of the mare should dying, anyway—he would not live
said aiadame. The comtesse was not
be decreased. Use feeds such as bran twenty-four hours.
She knew this, a dreamer. Parisian to the tips of
sod roots, as they are valuable. A for her ninety years of life bad seen her Angers, elegant, fine,' she had lived
roomy box stall or an open grassy lot many eyee close on the oasis under a conventional life. There»« had been
fa almost imperative. After foaling the hard blue skies.
taught to conceal her emotions. She
the mare should not be worked for|
To 'be tailor of the two Bedouins bad been taught that our feelings
from ten to .fifteen days, and then . she said In Arable:
matter very little to any one but our­
bat light!/.
She had bees taught to go
lightly, to avoid serious things
great grandmother had gone lightly to
the scaffold, exquisitely courteous Uli
the last
"I ask your pardon It I jostled you la
the tumbrel,” the eld cotnteeee had
said to her companion on the way to
the guillotine, '"rhe spring» of the cart
are poor"- and she went up smiling.
In the companionship of the Ameri­
can girl. There»» de la Maine bad
throwu off restraint. If the Marquise
d'Kacliguac had felt Julia’s Influence,
Therese de la Maine, being near her
own age. echoed Julia's very feeling
Except for their dragoman and thslr
servants, the two women were alone
In the desert.
Smiling at Julia, Madame de la
Maine said: "I haven't been so far
from the Rue de In Pail In my life."
"How can you speak of the Rue de
la Pali, There»«
"Only to »how you how completely I
have left it behind.'*
Julia's eyes wore fixed U|x<n the I'm-
ltle»s sands, a sea where a faint line
lost itself In the red west and th* liori­
son shut front Iter sight every Hung
that she believed to l>« her life.
“This Is the seventh day. Theresa!"
"Already you are as brown aa an
Arab, Julia!"
"You as well, ma chere anile!”
"Robert does not like dark women,"
said tbe Cotillease de la Maine, and
rubbed her cheek. •1 must wear two
"Look, Therese!“
Across the face of the desert tho
glow began to withdraw Its curtain.
The sands suffused an Ineffable hue. a
shell-like pink took poeeession, and the
desert melted and then grew colder—it
waned before their eyea. withered like
a tea rose.
"Like a roee!" Julia murmured,
"smell Its perfume!" She lifted her
h<*d. drinking in with delight the
fragranc« of the sands.
“Ma chere Julia," gently protested
the cotntesse, lifting her head, "per­
fume, Julia!” But she breathed with
her friend, while a sweetly subtle. In­
toxicating odor, aa of millions and mil­
lions of roses, gathered, warmed, kept,
then scattered on the airs of heaven.
Intoxicating her.
To the left were the huddled tents of
their attendants. No sooner had the
sun gone down than the Arabs com­
menced to sing—a song that Julia bad
especially liked:
ts>vs Is Ilk» a sweet pertum«.
It coni*». It escapes
When It's prrw-ni. It Intoxicates:
S'h»n It's » memory. It brines tears.
I.ove is like a sweet breath.
It comes and It escape»
The weird music Oiled the silence of
the silent plsce. It had the evanescent
quality of the wind that brought the
breath of the sand flowers. The voices
of the Arabs, not unmusical, though
hoarse and appealing, cried out their
lovesong, and then the music turned
to Invocation and to prayer.
The two women listened silently as
the night fell, their figures sharply
outlined In the beautiful clarity of the
«astern night.
Julia stood upright. In her r- re
riding dress, she was as slender 4 a
boy. She remained looking toward the
horizon. Immovable, patient, a silent
watcher over the uncommunicative
"Perhaps.” she thought, "there Is
nothing really beyond that line, so fast
blotting itself Into night—and yet I
seem to see them come!”
Madame de la Maine. In the door
of her tent, immovuble, her hands
clasped around her knees, look affec­
tionately at the young girl before her.
Julia was a delight to her. She was
carried away by her, by her frank sim­
plicity. and drawn to her warm and
generous heart. Madame de la Mains
bad her own story. She wondered
whether ever, for any period of her
conventional life, she could have
thrown everything aside and stood out
with the man »he loved.
Julia, standing before her. a dark
slim figure in the night—Isolated and
alone—recalled the figurehead of a
ship. Its face toward heaven, pioneer­
ing the open seas.
'Julia watched. Indeed. On the dnsert
there Is the brilliant day, a passionate
glow, and the nightfall. They passed
the nights sometimes listening for a
cry that should hall sn approaching
caravan, sometimes hearing the wild
cry of the hyenas, or of a passing vul­
ture on bis horrid flight. Otherwise,
until the camp stirred with the dawn
and the early prayer.-call sounded "Al­
Allah! Akbar!" Into the still­
ness, they were wrapped In complete
Meaning of Yankee.
Tlure are several conflicting the­
ories regarding the origin of the
word Yankee The most probable is
that it came from a corrupt pronun­
ciation by the Indians of tbe word
English, er Its French from Anglais.
Ths term Yankee was originally ap­
plied only to the natives of the New
England states but foreigners have
extended It to all the natives of the
United States and during the Ameri­
can Civil war tbe southerners used It
as a term of reproach for all the In­
habitants of the North.
Porto Rico Sugar Indust.-/.
The Important part played by ths
sugar Industry in the material welfare
of Porto Rico Is shown by the figures
of exports. Out of a total valuation of
exports amounting to 143,000,0*9 dur­
ing the fiscal year ending June 30,
1914, sugar alone constituted over $20,-
009,900. This was the lowest sum real­
ized for sugar exports in five years.
Under normal conditions sugar con­
stitutes two-thirds tho total value of
all oxport«.
Permanent Styles in Fans
There la nothing very new to report
In fans, and there hardly need be. for.
like fl j were, they suit us as they are.
They are medium or small In sis«
and composed of the fragile and fair
materials we are used to Bilk gauze
or lace or both combined make airy
backgrounds for flowers painted In
festoons and wreaths In miniature, but
perfect art. Hpangies, thicker than
stars In the sky, sparplo over all.
They were never so liberally used
Ivory, mother of pearl, or wood,
with much carving and picking out In
gold or silver paint, form tbe aticka.
Even In the least expensive fans
there Is an unusual amount of beauti­
ful decoration
The Imitation ivory
sticks are quite as beautifully handled
aa the genuine, it takes a good judge
to tell the difference.
Fans of white gauze with medallions
and borders of princess lace braid and
thickly spangled with tiny silver se­
quins have proved their captivating
qualltloa by heading the list of "best
sellers." In the month of roses, when
graduates and brides must be ramcra-
bcred. thia la the fan that la scattered
to all the points of the compass. Fans
of black gauze with many spangles
put on In a set design and scattered
over the surface besides, have proved
aa alluring as ever.
flmall celluloid fans that may be
carried In the handbag are deco­
rated with gold border« In set figure«
or are gay with painted flowera One
of these Is a novelty having a small
coin carrier at the base of the stick,
just large enough to hold dimes Pret­
ty as they are. none of these fans are
expensive Unless one chooses those
wiih pearl slicks or having much carv­
Among tho very cheap fans, such
aa sell for twenty five cents or not
more than fifty, the Japanese designs
offer really good colorings and fas­
cinating surfaces. Thoy are well
made and more than tasteful; they
are often fine examples of Japaueso
Knitted Silk Sports Coats.
Knitted silk sports coats are not
sweaters. True, they can be used for
many of tbe purposes for which a
sweater Is used, but there Is quite a
difference In the garments. Various
kinds of knitted silk fabrics are used
for the purpose, but, unlike the sweat­
er. they are lined, and sometime«
with a silk strongly contrasting with
the outer material. Not infrequently
this silk runs over Into cuffs and col­
lar. The coats are made along loose
wrap lines, sometimes belled or
Semi norfolk
knitted silk are very fetching and
among the most popular coata In the
knitted silk fabrics.
About Shoes for the Young People
Following in the shoe tracks of thslr
elders, children and half grown young
people are wearing the best-looking
•nd best-made sboea which have fallen
to their lot so far. The correct styles
for children as to shape are those that
follow the shape of the foot, snug
enough not to slip at the heel, and a
little longer and broader than the feet
they are tn clothe, with wide toes,
flexible soles and low heels.
The matter of shape disposed of,
without room for mistake, there Is
left a considerable latitude In choice
of design and finish. All on the same
sensible last, plain, dressy and fancy
•hoes have received almost as much
attention at the hands of manufactur­
ers aa those meant for older people—
and this is saying a lot.
An attractive dress shoe for a child
Is shown In the picture, with white kid
and patent leather combined In a
graceful design. It fastens over the
Instep and ankles with cutout straps
buttoned over black buttons at the
side. The neat machine stitching Is an
Important feature in Its flnlih. A flat
ribbon bow decorates the toe.
For tbe well-<rown miss a pretty
boot Is shown with cloth top, patent
leather trimming and laced fastening.
It la trim In appearance and broader
In the toe than It looks. The narrow
effect la accomplished by the long
point In the tip of patent leather.
Tho plain leather sandals made for
children’s midsummer wear deserve a
good word always.
Worn without
stockings, they help out the youngsters
that are denied the pleasure of running
barefoot, and are so easy to put off
and on that the little people can In­
dulge In the joy of getting their feet
on the ground occasionally.
Braid In Millinery,
Rervlceable, adaptable braid has
been called upon for trimming the
newest tailored hats, and some very
unique effects have been obtained
from Its artistic use. A large chou or
rose of folded white silk braid effect­
ively trims a flno white leghorn. A
three cornered dark brown mllan has
dangling at one side a red apple of
soutache braid alluring enough to
tempt any modern daughter of Eve.
Wide cotton braid with colored bor­
ders band the sports hats of panasna,
silk and peanut straw. Watch tho
braid counters for choice bits if you
wish a new hat trimming.