Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, July 22, 1915, Image 5

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    At The Churches
Arietd Baptist Church
:46 a. in. B i I i I h Hcbool.
11 a. ii >. Preaching service.
7:30 p. m. Evening services.
fl:NVp. in. B. Y. I’. U. meeting.
7 :4ft Prayer niMtiug.
Evarylwxly welcome tn any and al) of
tilt«»« service».
Millard Avenue Presbyterian Church
lb a. in. Habliath Hchool.
11 a. tn. Morning worship.
«:«p. ni. Y. P. H. C. E.
7:30 p. ni. Evening worship.
7 :3o p. in. Thursday. midweek servite. :
M p. tn. Thursday, choir practice.
Rev. Win. H. Amos, Pastor.
St. Peter's Catholic Church
M a. in. Ix>w Mean.
10:80 a. ui. High Maas.
8:30 a. in. Hunday School.
12 M. Chlor rehearsal.
Week daya; Mas« at H a. m.
Seventh Day Adventist Church
10 a. ni. Saturday Habtmlh School.
11 a. tu. Saturday preaching.
7 :30 p. m. Wednesday, Prayer meeting.
7:4ft p. in. Hunday preaching.
German tvanqelkdl Keformed Church
10 a. tn. Sunday Schoo).
10 a. in. Saturday, German school.
h p. ni. Wednesday. Y. P. S.
11 a. in. Hunday worabip.
Th. Hchildknechl. Paator.
Roy Taylor and Mian Ida Wolfe of
Rev. Spriggs and wife are s|>eiiding
Earl Cone and wife of M2d street have
John R. Leach and wife leave thia
Oregon City, »|ient Bunday with C. W. their vacation at Rainey Park.
gone to I .one Rock, Ore., where he will »wk for an outing, on Roaring river.
Cone and wife.
lie employ«! in his father’s mill
Cap. Canuto returned the 15th from
Mie» Estiier McGuire has gon«- to San
Mr». Gm. W. Dykstra of Ifeppener is his vacation, sjwnt in Beattie and Ta-
Mr. Rodgers is recovering from a fall Franciso to visit tiie fair and relatives.
Jay Gould of Ridgefield, Wash., visiting her son, W. C. Smith, of 84th coma,
While in Tacoma he was a which be sustained tlie first of the
visited friend» in Arlela Wednesday
' spectator of tiie auto race».
Mrs. F. E. Crum lias returned from a
visit at tier brother’s at Airlie, Oregon.
[To Be Given Away
The Mt. Scott Herald will give to the Boy’s and Girls
of Southeast Portland an opportunity to secure five
handsome prizes in our
Grand Prize Subscription. Vote Contest
Beginning Monday, June 21, and Continuing Six Weeks, Ending
Wednesday Evening, Sept. 1, at 8 o’clock P. M.
Kern Park Chrlstaln Church
First Grand Prize, an exceptionally fine ma­
hogany case $400.00 Piano
Corner 09th St. and 401b Ave. H. E.
10 a. m. Bible School.
11 a ui. and H p. tn. prearhingservice.
7 p. m. Chriatain Endeavor.
8 p. m. Thursday, mid-week prayer
8:46 p.m. Thursday, Bible Study
A cordial welcome to all who will at­
tend any all services.
R. Tibbs Masey, Minister.
Beautiful in tone and workmanship. Best value ever put
up as a prize in this section of the county. On exhibit
this week at the Holt Piano Company Store, 333 Morri­
son Street.
Four District Prizes
St. Pauls tplscopal Church
Two absolutely free trips to the Fair at ’Frisco
and necessary expenses paid. First class pas­
sage on a Palace of the Pacific, the Great
Northern or the Northern Pacific.
One block south ol Woodmere station. '
Holy Communion the flrat Hunday of
each month at 8 p. m. No other ser­
vices that day.
Every other Sunday the regular ser­
vices will lie as usual.
Evening Prayer and sermon at 4 p. m.
Hunday School meets at 3 p.'m.
B. I
Boatwright, Hupt , L. Maflett, Sec. i
Rev. O. W. Tavior, Rector.
An opportunity to take an ideal trip on the finest Ocean
going Aessels of the Mighty Pacific at the most delightful
season of the entire year, August or September.
Cash Prizes
Two $25.00 Gold Pieces
Lents Lvanqelkal Church
Sermon by the Pastor, 11 a. m. and
7 :4A p. m
Sunday School 9:4ft a. tn., C. 8. Brad­
ford, Superintendent.
Y. P. A. 6:46 p. m. Eva Bischoff,
Prayer meeting Thursday 8 p. m.
A cordial welcome to all.
T. R. Ilornschuch, Pastor, i
MT. Scott Center of Truth.
Meeting every Sunday evening at 8 :<M)
p. m. Three doors esat of H2d St., I
Grays Crossing, Portland. Ore.
Lents friend's Church
9:46 a. m. Bible School, Clifford Bar­
ker Superintendent.
11:00 a. m Preaching services.
H:3S p. m. Christian Endeavor.
7:30 p. in. Preaching Services.
8:00 p. m.
mid week
prayer meeting.
A cordial welcome to all these ser­
John Riley, Pastor.
Lents Baptist Church
Ixird'a Day, July 25, Bible School
046 a. m.
Morning worahip, 11 a. ni
Elmo Heights Sunday School, 2:30
p. in.
B Y P. U., 0:30 p m.
Evening worship, 7:30 p. ni.
A cordial welcome to these services.
J. M. Nelson, Paetor.
Lents M. E. Church
Preaching 11:00. and H p. tn.
Hunday School 9:46.
Services st Bennett Chapel at 3 p. m.
Praymeeting Thursday 8 p. m.
Epworth League 7 p. m.
The morning subject will be an­
nounced from the pulpit. There will be
Evangelistic services in the evening.
W. Boyd Moore, Pastor.
One or two Dr. King’s New Life Pills
with a tumbler of water at night. No
bad, nauseating taste; no belching gas.
Go right to bed. Wake up in the morn­
ing, enjoy a free, easy bowel movement,
and feel tine all day.
Dr. King’s New
Life Pills are sold by all Druggists, 30
in an original package, for 28c.
Get a
bottle today—enjoy this easy, pleasant j
Tin Herald $1,00 Pei Year
Diseases of Women and Children
a Specialty
Pacific Tabor 3814
Send for information. Get your name on the nomination list at once and begin at the beginning. See Nominating Cou-
Subscription Blanks will be issued next Monday. Send for sample copies of the Herald to give your friends. Don’t lose
time. This will be a short contest and every moment will mean votes. Read the announcement on page one and either take
hold of the matter at once yourself or send us the name of some young lady who might be interested in taking one of these
liberal prizes.
You need not wait for the nomination to appear in the paper to begin work. Begin rounding up your friends today.
Address all Communications to “Herald”
Mt. Scott Publishing Company
1. Any young man or woman is eligible to enter this contest
and compete for prizes except as noted below.
2. An employee or immediate relative of an employee of
this firm will not be permitted to enter the contest.
3. Conditions may arise wherein the contest manager may not
deem it advisable for a candidate to participate in the contest.
4. No candidate shall receive special favors from the man­
agement, but each and all will be assisted and advised alike.
5. An effort on the part of any candidate to intimidate or
discourage any other candidate, or to create an impression that
would be detrimental to the success of the contest will be
deemed sufficient cause for excluding the person charged with
such conduct from the benefits of the contest.
6. No person can take a prize in this contest without se­
curing a minimum of 150,000 votes.
7. All votes taken on subscriptions in the Mt Scott district
between 45th St., and Division St, eastward to, and Sycamore
Station, within Multnomah County SHALL COUNT DOUBLE
8. Candidates are permitted to secure subscriptions any­
where, but advance payments are necessary to secure votes.
9. All subscription orders must be turned into the office on
or before Wednesday following acceptance.
10. Typographical errors in the publishing of votes will be
corrected in the following issue.
11. No contestant can win more than one prize.
12. Ballots not deposited at the Herald Office by 9 o’clock
p. m. of the day designated for closing the contest, shall be
declared void.
13. Should any question arise as to the interpretation of
these rules the explanation of the manager of the contest shall
be final.
Prize Awards—Districts
14. The Grand Prize shall be awarded to that person having
the largest number of votes in the entire territory participating
in the contest.
15. The territory shall be divided into two districts, 82nd
Street or Oregon City Road being the dividing line. District
1 will be east sf 82nd Street and District 2 will be west of 82nd
16. Of the contestants remaining after the awarding of the
Grand Prize, that person having the highest number of votes
in each district shall be awarded the First District prize, and
the person receiving the next highest number of votes will re­
ceive the Second district Prize.
Three Months Subscription............................. $ .25............. 600
Six Months Subscription................................. $ .50............. 1500
One Year’s Subscription................................... $1.00
Twe Year’s Subscription................................. $2.00.............. 12000
Subscriptions within the district mentioned in Rule Seven
will count double votes.
18. For every dollar in advertising or job work received at
our office, through the solicitation of contestants, coupons of
2000 votes will be issued.
19. Orders for advertising or job work must be cashed be­
fore votes are issued, unless accepted as satisfactory.
The management reserves the right to amend these rules
should necessity arise but it is hoped there will be no cause
for changes.
Mm. Percy Naah leave» for Loe
Angles Saturday t»y boat to visit tier
: »on.
Mrs. Bernice Cone-Pollard left for
’ Nebraska Sunday
morning after a
1 lengthy visit with relative».
Charlie Holberg is moving his market
i to 4040.07th street, the old
I market.
Mr. and Mrs. Chamblee» gave a re­
Iception Wedn««day to Rev. D. M.
McPhil and wife.
Willamette Campfire girls of Arleta
school went to Milwaukee this morning
to camp nntil Saturday.
Mis» Lottie Grow, sister of A. E.
Grow of Dawson, Minn., is visiting her
I brotiier who is still very sick.
Arthur and Charles Wilson will visit
I the fair next week with the Oregon
Naval Militia.
F. G. Stearns and wife of The Dalles
I visited W. L. Wilson and family of 413»
I 04th «treet this week.
Arlela Women of Woodcraft will
give an ice cream social at Mrs. Scott's
home at 4309 tibth street Tuesday even-
\ ing.
Mrs. Ralph Wylde of 0916, 46th
avenue gave a silver tea to city Poet­
men, Wednesday afternoon, the pro-
! deeds to be tamed over to Postmen's
Rev. D. M. McPhail, former pastor of
the Arleta Baptist Church, 84th street
and 48th avenue, will occupy the pulpit
both morning and evening next Sun­
A fire on Monday evening burned the
roof off of a story and a half house at
82<i street and 70th avenue, belonging
to W. C. Smith. The fire started around
the chimney. Most of the furniture was
saved. The house was insured for
Property at $127, 52d avenue, belong­
ing to John P. Sharkey, was injured by
fire last Sunday evening. The house
was vacant and evidently set on fire. It
is made of concrete block, and wood.
Ileses were about 3600.
Mr. Sharkey
expected to move into it soon.
Ch inMs
Messrs. Hlraysma and Ogura have
published In the proceedings of the
Tokyo Mathematico-pbysical society
the results of their attempts to fix the
dates of some early eclipses recorded
In Chinese literature.
The earliest Is mentioned In one of
the books of the Shu Ching, where It Is
recorded that In the region of Chung
K'ang, the fourth emperor of the Hsia
dynasty, there occurred an eclipse of
the sun which had not been pred' *ed
by the astronomers, who were alleged
to have been drunk and to have
neglected their duties. Hence the cus-
I tomary rites for delivering the sun.
which should have l>een arranged in
advance and superintended by the as­
tronomers. were in the emergency per­
formed by other officials without
proper preparation. The emperor ac­
cordingly ordered the army to punish
the astronomers.
A later document makes it possible
to fix the date of this event as Oct. 13.
2127 B. C. (Julian calendar)—the earli­
est recorded eclipse in the world. Cal­
culation shows that there actually was
a solar eclipse on that date, but prob­
ably not In China, though the elements
of the motions of the sun and moon
are not accurate enough to indicate
certainly the path of so remote an
eclipse. The authors are tnclined to
think that the information fixing the
date of the eclipse is due to Chinese
astronomers of a later age. who cal­
culated that an eclipse occurred on
that date and erroneously supposed
that it was visible in China.
Not Quite.
Higgs—Crooke is a criminal lawyer.
Isn’t he? Digg»—He's a lawyer, but as
to his being criminal, I think he’s too
careful to quite overstep the line.—
New York Globe.
Took Her Part.
“Oh. Tommy, that was too bad of you
to eat your sister's share of the cakef”
“Why, mamma, didn't you always
tell me to take her part?”—Exchange.
Local 2011
Magnolia Gamp No. «OSS meats tegular. Beoond
aad Fourth Thursdays ol each month at I.
O. O. F. Hall. Second Thursday social meet­
Neighbors bring your families and
friends. Fourth Thursday, business
Neighbors requested to come. By order of
the Camp,
Astronomers Wars Punished
For Not Predicting It.
Chinese Sugar Cane.
One variety of Chinese sugar cane la
raised for chewing tn Its natural state
and is kept tn good condition for months
by being burled In tlx ground.
An equal has not power over an
equal -Uw Maxim
J instoM