■ MT. SCOTT HERALD Health In The Suburbs Enterrai a» >eoond Clan Matter February IW. 1914. At poxtoffice. Lenta. Oregon, Under act of Man'll 3, 1579 Published Every Thursday at Lenta, Ore., by the M t . S cott P vbiishim » C o . H. A. DARN ALL, Forros and M akaobb . Office Phone: Home B-8U1-11U. Residence Tabor 2*13 BY LOH A G. LITTLE I An idea that ought to take hold ot dith-rviit t*> xeeu sprung by a St. Louis man. This it happen* that hn ban xiill<*n*l, then he ! genius would replace the useless Iwasta. ix inclined to doubt the etlivaey of mn-iai | birds auratow* by hi* xervuv, howetcr capable ! Berkshire and Pnlahd China, a Hereford end devoted tin* latter may In*. - ■ »u „ i no t wear very rapidlv when all use on the old wolf we call ‘Hard tive of encouraging the people .. ... ' . v “ the wild vegetation has been re- and a Holstein, a Ix-giiorn and a Houae-to-lioute work <>( any kind | Times’ when he comes prowling (and I have done a variety of kind*), I to bond themselves to the ex- move(j from them, owing to the Plymouth Rock. round your door.» all our shrewdness, we Yankees while hard work, ix extremely enter- 1 tent of ten million dollars with heavy rainfall that prevails, par- arv With still a childish and semi-barbaric taining. One tind* many int**re*tiiig THE MULTNOMAH STATE BANK which to build hard surface ticularly on the western slope of folk. When we arv full-gmwn and l**ople and meet* with all kinda ot ex- i is right handy roads. Of course Mr. Benson the Cascades. With the timber quite civilised we shall know that tlie |>erien<*- The xign " Agent and I'nller* has not mentioned the particular all gone and the soil washed of greatest tiling in life is to unite U m * anil Not Wanted” ie more frequent in Port- 9ort of roads he intends to build its food elements, these lands Beauty. To do this would la* Io trans­ land than in any other place I know. form the life of faxlay. It would make II might lx* expected that a crablwxl (“he intends to build” is used will be next to valueless. There us over and make our institutions over 1 j l.ouaelmlder dwelt behind thi* forbid- ! intentionlly 1 but it is safe to say ■ is a better way than that. Most of our present a tn use taenia would ding sign but xm-h i* not the caae; it I* that they will be bitulithic. Any There are probably 2,000,000 disanpear, and some of our tasks. The ' usually aonie 'MH* who feel* defence I«*« one who spent as much time and acres of this land covered by Zoo is not tlx* only thing to tie altered before the wile* of a ranvaxaer Of personal effort to throw the con­ marketable timber, mature and by it. nor tlie most important. But coiirxv no really experienced vnuvaaeer better begin there than not at all. herd* xuch a xign, and merely ax tracts to the bithulithic people as growing. This timber if proper­ I have seen, in England, sheep grat­ I ever an advertisement of the fraling of tlx- he did in this county, will not ly handled by the state will be a ing in the city parka. This dis|M*mws I owner it would *eem hardly worth have forgotten the same bunch greater resource than any agri-, with lawn mowers, and sheep an* an while. A bulldog on the porvli would ' : tic««! by farmer» fur ut least twenty- of constructionists when it comes cultural land that can ever be «»rraeable feature of tin* landacai» and a I lie a more effective deterrent, But a j t > Ove year*. The drawback la that po*- | *ibly the atraw might catch Ora and rather : natural and economical great muxxled bulldog, again. I* to spending the proposed ten Carved out of it. By properly burn up the poaalbllltica of a crup. handi<-ap|M>d. On th« whole, while a millions. But the people of the handling is meant that the land I rerociou* .. . and ; noisome animal*, ax an man’* houne ix hi* caatie, I think lie a > Mao th» pro*«** la profitable only when lull - * • ■hr ha* a large aniouut of straw that state will have had time to con­ should be subject to expert in- exhibition, are on a par with the vice nuxne it wtien be doea not let down the * can lie |M*rinltt«d to rot. sider by the time the proposed spection and only mature timber exhibition now paraded by certain drawbridge when lie get* a friendly | hail. bond issue is to be voted. The sold from time to time and the *rong-head*d folks, and held Io I m * : : same tactics that have been trash and underbrush kept ne,''’**arJ {or ,he reffioration of «octal • Mta-X '•-» )nera»T**-H» : NOTES OF THE HOG LOT. Î ■ j .v ’ V’irture. The grade of mind capable of Tie- hooked serven door make» a good used in this county will not be properly removed so that im- the one _ ... .. . . 7 . would be capable or trie other detenía* and at the earn« time givra a adaptable when it comes to vot- j mature and grow ing timber may ¿nd, to date, thia i» the grade of mind chance to parley. But when, in U m * . FIGHTING CA3CAGE WORMS. It’s false ecouoiuy to feed corn alone ing a bond issue on the state. It not be disturbed. A few dozen that control* in public affairs, tih * st. sulmrl«, I walk up to a t> trol the worms. It can I m * dusted ou In the young l»>ara to run with the gilts state for road building this able number of forest tenders doubtedly reached a stage of growth far seat, hurl tin* cynic's ban? powder form when cabbage* are damp until they are three or four mouths old. county will clearly be called up­ and that in a measure would off- >n advance of tbe one who iu*ld* aloof Or let me live in my liouae by Ute able of Buy pyrethntm In cloned tin rvlalm-ra. Feed a large variety of food, but on to pay about a third of what­ set the limitation put on settle- ,rom '’nraniiation* The latter in hie the road. aa It loses Its strength l>y espo-ure. avoid sudden change«—that la. do not And lie a friend to man.” This powder la not |M>bn>i>ous to human change the whble ration at any ooe ever is voted. With the memory ment for agricultural purposes. _________ _ —----------------------- beings. A third remedy b kerowne time of how they have been hoaxed The foresters would have their K ________ ______ - are looking fur work. Tlwy appear V. emulsion applied as a spray, but It han The aucreeaful breeder always gives be most worthy people, right at home it is hardly prob­ homes in the timbers they cared CHERRYVILLE the disadvantage of being required to his hogs all the clean water they will A runaway team belonging to some come In direct contact with the worms drink before he idre« them their grain able that the majority of people for and thus the state land 5---- wood dealers, Monday evening, tipped a to destroy them ration. in this county could be induced would take care of a large num­ Old Sol, the hay-maker, is on ileck. Kerosene emulsion In made of two load into tie- Carter fence on lenox The brood •ow need« a nil rail diet or seduced to vote another bond ber of people by direct employ- Summer camper» continue Co nuix* aventie. gallons of kerosene, half a pound of with plenty of food rich In protaln out and are all over the hills. whale oil soap (or one quart of soft Early maturity la Important In a profit issue for road building, when ment. The advantage of such a soap) and a gallon of water Dissolve able bog. they may be sure that the con- plan is that the state would have One could not imagine more delight­ the soap In boiling water and pour In HOOD VIEW ful summer sreatber than we are now Mrs. Grant's Retort. tract is as well as awarded be- a perpetual resource in its tor- having. the kerosene while still boiling (Take No insect pests, no frightful The Grant administration brought a Mr*. Tom Hagen of 8t. Paul, Minn., the materials away from the Are for fore the proposal is even made ests that should serve very ma­ storms nor oppressive heat. brilliant throng of military officers to and Mr*. Steve Downey of Portland this.) Agitate thoroughly by tiie capital, and the young people of te call an election for the purpose terially in reducing state taxa- Fred Beechel, who lives up near spent Thursday with Mrs. C. J. H-d doing pumping the material through a force the president's family—be had a of voting the bonds. That con- tion of agricultural or city prop- Brightwood, say» he was born and way. pump and forcing It from the noxxle daughter and several sone-- made tbe raised in Canada ami says he was per­ Mr. T. Fletcher and family are pre­ back upon Itself again. dition existed right here in this erty. White House gny. Mrs. Grant was This makes a solution and muat be paring to spend a couple of weeks with tonally acquainted with many of tlie plain In appearance, unpretentious tn county, but it was impossible to diluted from fifteen to twenty times to It has been decided at Salem Canadian regiment, known ax the I’rin- friends at Bridal Veil. manner, but genuinely hospitable and get people to see it that way un­ use on the cabbages. Paris green used cewi Pats, which regiment wax nearly Mr*. Nettie C. Taylor of St. Paul, quicker w It ted than ahe was generally that the city has no authority to at the rate of one pound to 150 gnllons til after the contracts were given credit for being. cut to pieces in the battik of the Ypre* Minn., is spending the summer with of water can I m * used safely until the Addressed In French by a young <111- awarded. We know it now. And kill a man’s dog without a just in Belgium. Of the 1654 mem tiers of her daughter, Mrs. F. M. Barrett. heads are half grown, or until within lomat at one of her receptions, she .re­ we know the motive that lies compensation. There is every this celebrated command only 154 re­ Mrs Frank Miley and her brindle about four or five weeks of harvesting. sponded In English. reason why such a ruling should sponded to roll-call,after th« l>attle and pup called on Mrs. C. J. Holwav and These are the most Important methods back of this proposition, “Ah!" said the bumptious foreigner, of controlling this pest. have similar value in Portland. I of the 24th Montreal, mostly French other friends in Hood View Friday. attempting tn I m * facetious. “Madam« make the thing doubly safe Mrs. Becker left for Seaside Monday Kanuekx, not a one of them responded does not atM*nk French? How surpris­ ap . Hence if the poundmaster Benson has already been U> roll-call as the entire regiment was for a two week’* stay. Swiss Chard. ing! In Europe all the Indies of tbe . kills your dog and sells the skin, The K w I hh chard la hardly appreclat upper class x|H*ak Fr**m h and geu«ral­ pointed on the advisory commit- killed, wounded or captured. This Progressive young læople in Hood tee, by suggestion, which will he should pay you for the dog. awful war is surely what Gen. Sherman View have built themselves a fine «<1 enough ns a producer of ample and ly two or three other languages be­ *aid it wax. One thing will grow out of tennis court and they contemplate a continuous supplies of bulky foot). A sides.’* co-operate with the state high­ row of chard thirty feet long, cultivat­ President Wilson’s policy of tlie war and that is the complete down­ lot of fin« sport this summer. "I know," said Mrs. Grant dryly, "and way commission. Then it will “regulating” big business in- fall of king-craft ami priest craft, and it Miss Erma Fish was a visitor at the ed the same as a row of lieet*. will fur- can understand why this muat l>e on a continent divided into so many small not be likely that laboring 9tead of “making war” on is ample time too as they have ruined home of Mr*. Walter Baker in kingdoms, some of them smaller than people can be misled again into business simply because it is every country where they gained the Johns last week. ! our smallest states, each speaking a complete ascendency. thinking that they are all going tearing~f ruit. Pros­ ! different language, but In our great, united country, one language only Is to get jobs, for they are observ­ perity is sweeping over the Two miaeionariex or emissaries were FIRED. ACHING MUSCLES RELIEVED spoken from end to end of IL We need in this neighborhood last week seeking ing how the several contractors country, such as has not been Hard work, over-exertion, mean stiff, no other.” converts and they surely rvt-eived but are failing to live up to promises yea^-(?) Tko abashed foreigner retired.—Ex- little encouragement. They probably sore muscles. Sloan’s Liniment lightly ' change. applied, a little quiet, ami your soreness made about the first of April. ------- ----------- were abont as feeble intellects ax were Native bom married men are There is some comfort in the ever sent forth in a doubtful enterprise. disappears like magic. “Nothing ever helped like your Sloan’s Liniment. I not having any special considers- thought that Europe will run At one place were some bright young can letter heads, envelopes, cards, bill never thank you enough,” writes ladies ont on a summer vacation where tion either, except on one line of out of cash and credit before it heads, auction notices and posters, one gratified user. Stope suffering, they were guyed unmercifully. Let no improvements, and that is on has exhausted its supplies of one call this ridiculous system a religion aches and pains. An excellent counter- dodgers, announcements, etc, at Mt. the class of construction opposed men. Hcott Pub. Co., office, Lente. ' for it is nothing but a gigantic cornora­ irritant, better and cleaner than mustard. by Benson and his friends. tion for the enrichment of the ring lead­ All Druggists, 25c. Get a bottle today. Everybody concedes that the ers like the 12 Apostles and the Bishops Penetrate* without rubbing. HUMM0N8 VMT HILE they are discussing earnest school ma’am has earned and Ehlers, all of whom are enormously In th* Circuit Court of th* State of Oregon, for Multnomah County. methods of handling the her summer leisure if she rich. There lx more Catarrh In thle aeetlon of Mathilde C. K miler, Plaintiff U m ' ountry than all other dlxeaxex put V«. Tlie < iovernor xayx tlie land in tlie S. railroad lands why not discuss chooses to permit herself to have Adrianu* Krnller, Defendart. together, and until the laat few year* i P. railroad land grant “ ought to be waa auppoaed to be Incurable For a To Adrianu* Krnller, the above named some plan for having the state it many yeara doctor* pronounced It a defendant. xoid at a reasonable valuation.” The great THBBB IB DBM ABD FOB «»IM CBABD. local dlaeaae and preaertbed local reme­ take them over and dispose of In the name of the State of Oregon you dies. and by conatantly falling to cure One interesting prospect for SuprMne Courtof the L. B. ha* Jnatde- with local treatment, pronounced It Incur­ nlah plenty of greens for a family of are hereby required to appear and niauuci as <*o to w pay , r au- land 1---- 1 mint ----- .* lie i------ «u at a » them in such ii a a manner cided that the sold 92.50 able. Selene haa proven Catarrh to be a else. As fast as the outside anawer the complaint (lied againit you ’9 that Bryan and Col. an ar acre and and no nomore ani) the |tie Attorney Atu,rni.y constitutional dlaeaae, and therefore re­ average for them. It 1 has been proposed more, and quires constitutional treatment. Hall's leaves are taken off the growth Is re­ in the above entitled *uit on or lielore * _ w—-i — wJ take the lands Roosevelt will be rivals for the General of the r. s. ha» ruled repoau*d- Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. newed, and moderate pickings may tie July 29, 1915, and if yon fail *o to ap­ that the state Cheney A Co., Toledo. Ohio, la the only pear anru**lsts. 7le Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. have beioine used to this plant for greens there Is considerable market de­ mand. Almost anywhere a demand •may tie developed by giving away a pound or ao of the leaves to customers buying other vegetabloc. Good Reply. Potatoes Under Straw. The teacher was drilling the claae In One rather «nusnal way of growing mental arithmetic. “Now, boys,” be eald, “here ta an potatoes la to lay the seed on the pre­ eaay one. A man dealring to go into pared soil and cover with straw to a buaineea borrow* 91,000,000 at 10 per depth that wig keep the seed moist cent for four year*. What** the re- The potatoes develop Just as they would If planted In the ground, and the •alt? Quick r Fifteen hands ebet up and tftoen tubers are formed above ground and under the straw. The roots strike voice* shouted in chorus: “Tbe man goes broke.“—Lento 'b« t •olving the bond* of matrimony hereto­ fore and now exiating tietween plaintiff and youraelf, and awarding tbe plaintiff the car*, cnatodv and control of William Adrian Victor Krnller, a minor child of plaintiff and youraelf, and for each other and further relief a* may be equitable in the premia«*. Service of thia *ummonx i* made up­ on you by publication ot the aama in pursuance of an order of th* Hon. Georg* N. Davis, Jud** of th* abov* •ntltled Court, made on tbe 15th day of June, 1915, directing inch publication to be made In th* Mt. Bcott Herald 2nce “ ior ,!1 '»»••cnflv* w**k*, made on June 17, 1915, and th* laat publication on July 2», 1»15. John Van Zant*, . . „ „ Attorney for Plaintiff. John Van Zante, 114 Bpaiding Bldg.