Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, July 22, 1915, Image 3

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Only Really Sanitary Way to Dis
pose of Dead Poultry.
Red Book Says Rules of War Protest Is Made Against U. S.
Course on Munitions.
Are Materially Violated.
To Throw Bodie* on Manure Heap la
to Invite Spread of Dlseaae—
Small Crematory I* Within
Reach of Poultry Man.
(By R. PEARL.)
On every poultry plant and around
every farm there I* bound to occur
from time to time a greater or leea
number of death* of chicks and adult
fowls from disease or other natural
Malicious Punishment, Neglect and Great Volume of Munitions Held To
The disposal of these dead bodies
Warrant Embargo, but Easier
Atrocious Assaults, Also Abuse
offer* a problem to the poultryman,
Remedy Also Suggested.
the correct solution of which may in
of Consuls, Is Charged.
many cases become a very important
matter. This Is especially true in the
cases of death from contagious dis­
Washington, I). C.—Austria-Hun­
eases. The method usually practiced
gary'* Indictment of th« method* of. dam dispatch, news has been received
by the farmer and poultryman for the
warfare of her enemiea, giving »core* from Vienna that the Austro-Hungar­
disposition of dead carcasses is sani­
tary in the extreme. To throw the
of in*tancea of "barbarous treatment" ian minister of foreign affairs sent a
note to the American ambassador at
dead bodies on the manure pile is to
of national* and prisoners and breach­
Vienna on June 29, drawing attention
Invite the spread of the disease. Bury­
es of international law, wai made pub­ to the fact that commercial business in
ing is far from being a satisfactory
lic Monday in a "Red Book" issued by war material on a great scale is pro­
way of dealing with the matter. Un­
the Auatro-Hungarian
ministry of ceeding between the United State* and
less buried deeply, there Is likelihood
that dogs or other marauding animals
foreign affair* through it* embassy Great Britain and her allie*, while Aus­
The famous old American submarine Holland No. 9 was sent to the junk heap the other day, being utterly
tria-Hungary and Germany are com­
will dig out the carcasses and scat­
The publication I* called a
pletely cut off from the American mar­
ter parts of them on the top of the
"Collection of Evidence."
"The first two parta, " *aya a pref­
It is set forth in the note that this
The only really sanitary method of
atory not«, "contain evidence concern­ subject ha* occupied the government
dealing with dead bodies 1* to inciner­
ing the treatment of Auatro-Hungar­ of the dual monarchy from the begin­
ate them. The difficulty of following
ian diplomatic and consular officer* by ning, and although the government is
this plan is that the farmer usually
the government officer* of the hoetile convinced that tho American attitude
does not have any suitable source
The case* adduced deal arises from no other intention than to
of heat ready at band at all times.
with the violation* of the moat ele­ ceberve the strictest neutrality and in­
To meet this requirement there has
mentary rules of the right of hospital­ ternational agreement, "yet the ques­
recently been devised by the experi­
ity. Never before have ao many cases tion arise* whether condition* a* they
ment station of an eastern state a
of the violations of this right been in- j
have developed during the course of
small crematory, which in point of
the war, certainly independent of the
cost is within the reach of every poul­
"The third part containa evidence of wish of the American government, are
tryman or farmer.
the treatment to which Austrian and not of such a kind a* in their effect to
This crematory is very simple in
Hungarian citizen* have been subject- |
turn the intention* of the Washington
construction. It consists of a cement
ed in most cases before the opening cabinet in a contrary direction.
base or fire box, bearing on its top
of hostilities in hostile countries. I
"If this question is answered in the
Even if it be conceded that the pre- I
affirmative, and it* affirmation cannot
vention of the enemy's nationals from i be doubted," according to the opinion
joining the war is to a certain extent of the Auatro-Hungarian government,
justifiable, the mehods employed by , "then the question follow* whether it
the hostile countries, and especially I doe* not seem possible or even neces­
the arrest and the incarceration of j sary that appropriate measures should
aged men, *ick persona, women and be taken to make fully respected the
children, are contrary to the elementary i wish of the American government to
usages of humanity.
remain a strictly impartial vis-a-vis of
"The fourth part comprises proof* both belligerent parties."
of violation* of the law* of warfare.
The note continues:
To the numerous cases of disregard of
"A neutral government cannot be
the regulation* concerning the use of allowed to trade in contraband unhin­
prohibited projectile* contained in The I dered, if it take the form or dimen­
Hague agreement and the Geneva con­ sion* whereby the neutrality of the
The academic procession at the Yale commencement. Behind the mace bearer are ex-Presldent Timothy
vention, must be added the unspeaka­ country will be endangered. The Ameri­
Dwight and President Hadley. At the right of the picture are Supreme Court Justice Charles E Hughes, who
ble outrages of which the Serbian and can government, therefore, is undoubt­
Crematory for Dead Poultry.
received the degree of doctor of laws, and Prof. William Howard Taft, former president of the United States
Montenegrin troops have been guilty. edly entitled to prohibit the export of
Thia ruthleasly illegal way of conduct­ war material.
a series of grate bars which are in
ing war operation* and the cruel and I
HEADS ADVERTISING CLUBS turn covered by a cremating box or
"Regarding the possible objection*
treacherous participation of the entire that American industry is willing to
oven in which the material to be in­
population in act* of war certify once supply Austria-Hungary and Germany,
cinerated is placed.
more the lapse from civilisation which which, however, is im|>oeaible, owing
In building this, place in the exca­
the people of these countries have un­ to the war situation, it may be pointed
vation for the base a quantity of
dergone. "
loose stones, and gravel to insure ade­
out that the American government is
quate drainage below the cement. The
in a position to redress this state of
inside dimens.ons of the fire box base
It would be quite sufficient to
flood Damage $2,000,000; 5 Dead. things.
are 2 feet, 3 inches by 1 foot, 9 Mi
advise the enemies of Austria-Hungary
Inches by 1 foot, 4 inches. The out­
and Germany that the supply of food­
side dimensions—3 feet, 4 inches by
Columbus, O.—Five dead, scores in­ stuffs and war material would be sus­
2 feet, 6 inches. While the cement is
jured and more than $2,000,000 worth pended if legitimate trade in these ar­
still soft, place across the top some
of property damage were the toll* of ticles between American and neutral
old grate bars, which form the grate
flood* which Saturday night resulted countries were not permitted.”
on which the material to be burned is
from torrential rain* throughout Cen­
In conclusion the Austro-Hungarian
placed. The incinerating chamber is
tral Ohio. Hundreds of acre* of land government appeals to the United
made of galvanized iron—length, 2
are under water and vast areas im­ States, calling attention to the unin­
feet, 2 inches; width, 1 foot, 10 inches;
periled by weak levee* and embank­ terrupted good relations and friendship
height, 1 foot, 6 inches. In the top
between that country and the dual
In several [daces in Ohio the dis­ monarchy, to take the present note
is cut a round hole protected by a
astrous flood of March, 1918, was ex­ under careful consideration.
hinged cover. The galvanized box
ceeded, but most of
the swollen
has no bottom, but is placed on top
streams are stationary and fears of
of the grate bars and held firmly in
further damage were allayed by favor­ New York Jury Quickly Decides
place while the cement is worked up
able weather predictions.
around its lower edges. In the back
At Lima, where three lives were
of this box is an opening for a piece
loot, more than 300 homes submerged
of stove pipe. When not in use this
and a large area flooded, the Ottawa
New York — Harry Kendall Thaw
pipe may be removed and stored in­
river began to rise again, and the city Thursday was declared sane by a jury
side the box. A large wooden box
faces unprecedented flood conditions. which for nearly three weeks listened
should be kept over the galvanized
Mayor Standish issued a proclamation to testimony given in the Supremo
box, when the crematory is not in use,
saying that while the property damage court here before Justice Hendrick.
to protect it from the weather.
there would exceed $500,000, no out­ Forty-eight minutes were consumed
side aid in relief work would be asked. and two ballots were taken in reaching
a verdict.
Kansas City—The Missouri river
Justice Hendrick will announce on
had reached the 27.3 foot stage here Friday whether the commitment on
Not Advisable to Have Second Plant­
Saturday, the highest in tho history of which Thaw was incarcerated in the
ing of Same Crop Follow the
the local bureau, excepting in the dis­ state hospital for the criminal insane
First—Keep Land Busy.
astrous flood years 1903 and 1908.
at Matteawan shall be vacated, there­
In planning the location of crops,
by giving to the slayer of Stanford
Limit Put on Lawmaking.
White the libery for which he has
consideration should be given to the
matter of succession, in order that
Superior, Wi*.—The initiative and fought in the court* for nine years.
Herbert S. Houston, vice-president the land may be occupied as large a
referendum cannot be legally adopted
of Doubleday. Page & Co., who was
dresses by counsel and the charge of
part of the time as possible. It is
in Wisconsin, Minnesota, Illinois, In­ the justice that the jury retired. While
elected president of the Associated
not advisable to have a second plant­
diana and Michigan, the five states the 12 men were deliberating the
Advertising Clubs of the World at the ing of the same crop or a closely re­
formet! out of the original Northwest­ crowd in the courtroom and about the
recent convention in Chicago.
lated crop follow the first. Cabbage
ern Territory, lawyers attending the courthouse was augmented by scores
Houston was born in Illinois and has
should not follow cauliflower, brus-
annual convention of the Wisconsin of people who believed that a verdict
been tn ne' sr ¿per and magazine work
sels sprouts, mustard, or kale, for
Bar Association were told Saturday by would be found quickly.
Genevieve Clark, daughter of Speaker Clark, who was married on June all his busi..'_ss life.
many of the same diseases and Insects
Addison C. Harris, of Indianapolis.
80 to James M. Thomson of New Orleans, photographed in her wedding
affect all of these crops. Tomatoes,
He took the position that Virginia, in
Alaska Suffer* From He«t Wav*.
Egg-plants and peppers should not fol­
Censor Requires Interpretation.
turning the territory over to the
In some sections
The mysterious German word “Zu­ low each other.
Union, provided that the area disposed
gel" recently produced trouble in a three or four crops can be grown on
of always should have a "strict Repub­ Southeastern Alaska has been suffer­
family residing In Coethen, says a the same land each year, while in oth­
lican form of government.”
ing from excessive heat.
The sun
Hamburg dispatch. A son serving in er sections two crops are all that can
shines at this time of year 20 hours,
German army wrote his parents be grown to advantage. When a crop
Austria Regulates Price*.
the heat continues 24, and the absence
that he was returning home on a leave is harvested early in the season and
Zurich, via London — The Austrian of the usual southwest winds has
of absence. He added that he would it is not practicable to plant another
government has fixed the following caused weather conditions hitherto un­
stop over in Brussels and asked for vegetable for two or three months, the
prices of grain until the harvest of known to the oldest white or native in­
money to enable him to return to Ger land may be planted to cowpeas or
1916 per 220 pounds:
Wheat, 84 habitants. The weather bureau ther­
many. A few days later the family crimson clover. For example, after a
crowns (a crown I* 244 cents); rye mometer has registered as high as 90
a telegram: "Send 100 marks crop of early cabbage it may not be
and malting barley, 28 crowns; other in the shade and 100 has been reached
to Victoria hotel. Zugel." The par desirable to plant another vegetable
in the business section of Juneau.
barley and oats, 26 crowns.
ents hesitated to send the money, as crop until late summer or autumn. In
These prices are midway between Glacier* in this section have been dis­
this was not their name. They made this case it would be desirable to sow
the war and the normal ante-war charging ice at an extraordinary rate.
Inquiries at the office of military offi­ cowpeas or crimson clover, to be
prices. The government also promises
cials. The answer came: "Zugel no turned under In preparation for the
shortly to permit the sale of pure
Price of Coal Limited.
bunko steerer. You can safely send fall crop.
wheat flour and rye meal.
London — The text of the price of
the money. Zugel is an abbreviation
coal limitations, which was issued
added by the censor, meaning ’zuge
Rhode Island Strike Over.
Deficient Calf Ration.
Thursday, specifies that coal may not
lassen' (passed).”
Many of the calves in the West are
Providence, R. I.—The strike of be sold at. the pit mouth at a price ex­
fed a ration consisting of corn stover,
2400 employes of the Rhode Island ceeding 4 shillings a ton more than the
Hi* Alm.
prairie hay and sometimes some corn
company was definitely settled Satur­ price at which the same kind of coal
"On the cattle ship on which my is a grain ration. Such a ration is de­
day. Practically all the trolley lines was sold during the 12 months ended
friend worked an ox get loose on ficient In protein, and the animal* will
in the state hail been tied up two days. June 80, 1914. The meaure was intro­
This big hydroaeroplane of a new type was tested recently on the Poto- the voyage and roamed about before
not do well on IL But if good clover
The settlement was reached at a duced in the house of commons by Wal­
mao, near Washington, oy A. S. Richardson (left). Its Inventor, and A. C. they could capture It.”
hay is substituted for some of the
lengthy conference between President ter Runciman, the president of the
Richardson (right), It* builder. It is capable of carrying 20 passengers and
"Maybe the ox was looking for th* roughage la this ration, the animal*
Potter, of the company, and represen­ board of trade. Violators are liable
haa four plane*, two slx-cyllader engine* and two pontoon*.
to a fine not exceeding $2500.
arm make good gains at a lee* coeL
tatives of the strikers.