Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, July 15, 1915, Image 5

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Dr. Hitchcock has investe«! in a new
Rev. Spriggs and family will spend
F. A. Alvord went to Ridgefield, visiting friends in Mt. Scott and will
Ford runabout.
their vacation at Mt. Rainer Park Washington last Thursday on a visit to preach next Sunday.
Tltey will be gone four weeks.
Jay Gould. While there he captured a
nice mese of lewis River trout
J. H. Robson haw ranoened s tailor­
i Mr and Mrs Payne. Dr. Lock wool,
ing shop at Tremont. He formerly had
Arleta Artisana had a full night Mon­
Dr. Boone, Mr. and .Mrs. Chamblesa
Mrs. Frank Crum baa gone to Airlie, a shop there liut lias lieen away for day night, installation, initiation, ban­
Rev. Duncan MacPhacI of Bellingham, and Mr. and Mrs. Howard attendo I
Or«., to visit her brother.
some time.
quet and datier.
formerly of the Arleta Baptist church, is Chautauqua Sunday.
At The Churches
Ariete lldpllst Church
:45 a. tn. HI bln School.
11 *. hi . Preaching servlet».
7 :30 p. tn. Evening eervices.
H :1ft ii. in. B. Y. I*. Ü. meeting.
7:45 Prayer meeting.
Everylexly welcome to any and all of
these eervices.
S hl. Ill
Millard Avenue Presbyterian Church
10 a. in. Habtalh Hehool.
11 a. tn. Morning worship.
8:45 p. in. Y. P. H. O. £.
7 :.3O p. m. Evening worship.
7 :8i) p. in. Thurstlsy. midweek service. I
8 p. in. Thursday, choir practice.
Itev. Win. H. Amos, Pastor.
The Mt. Scott Herald will give to the Boy’s and Girls
Grand Prize Subscription Vote Contest
Seventh Day Adventist Church
10 a. m. Saturday Habhath Hehool.
11 a. m. Saturday preaching.
in. Wednesday, Praver meeting.
7:46 p. in. Hnnday preaching.
German tvanqeiical Reformed Church
1<> a. in. Hunday Hehool.
10 a. m. Saturday, German school.
8 p. m. W’edneeilay. Y. P. H.
11 a. m. Hunday worahip.
Th. Hchildknecht, Pastor. !
Corner 89 th Ht. and 4rtth Ave. H. E.
10 a. in. Bible Hehool.
11 a in. and 8 p. m. preaching service.
7 p. in. C-hristain Endeavor.
H p. m. Thursday, mid-week prayer
8:46 p. m. Thursday, Bible Htudy
A cordial welcome to all wbo will at-
tend any all services.
R. Tibbs Maxey, Minister.
The Pacific Iron Work- of Portland
will build at Lebanon a steel bridge for
g IS,383.
Nature’s Handiwork.
The down upon the peach or plum la
so delicate and so thickly set that one
cannot touch the fruit with a needle's
point without breaking the tender
stalk, and yet the dew of the night
covers the whole surface of the fruit
and disappears in the morning, leav­
ing the gossamer growth more orderly
and beautiful than before. The dew
covers every leaf of the giant oak, and
the mighty tree drinks in the refresh­
ing moisture to its thirsty heart
through millions of pores, and the iron
trunk that has withstood a thousand
storms is made stronger by the gentle
strength of the dew. The silent fall of
the dew is caused and controlled by
agencies of the most tremendous pow­
er. The same power which shakes a
whole continent with its subterranean
thunder is the same aa that which en­
circles the finest filament of thistle­
down with a coronet of dewy gema so
small that they do not bend the deli­
cate stalks with their weight.—London
First Grand Prize, an exceptionally fine ma­
hogany case $400.00 Piano
Beautiful in tone and workmanship. Best value ever put
up as a prize in this section of the county. On exhibit
this week at the Holt Piano Company Store. 333 Morri­
son Street.
Four District Prizes
Two absolutely free trips to the Fair at ’Frisco
and necessary expenses paid. First class pas­
sage on a Palace of the Pacific, the Great
Northern or the Northern Pacific.
St. Pauls t plscopal Church
One block couth o( Woodmere station.
Holy Communion the first Hunday of
each month at 8 p. in,
No other s«r-
vices that day.
Every other Hunday the regular ser­
vices will tie as usual.
Evening Prayer and sermon at 4 p. m.
Hunday Hehool meets al 3 p.lm.
Boatwright, Hupt., 1.. Maflett, Hoc.
Rev. O. W. Tavlor, Rector.
An opportunity to take an ideal trip on the finest Ocean
going Aessels of the Mighty Pacific at the most delightful
season of the entire year, August or September.
Cash Prizes
Two $25.00 Gold Pieces
Lents LvanqeUcdl Church
Hermon by tbs Pastor, 11 a. tn. and I
7 :46 p. m
Hunday Hehool®:46 a. tn., C. H. Brad- j
ford, Huperintendent.
Y. P. A. 6:46 p. m. Eva Bischoff, I
Prayer meeting Thureday 8 p. m.
A cordial welcome to all.
T. R. Hornechucb, Pastor.
MT. Scott Center of Truth.
Meeting every Hunday evening at 8 :O0
p. m. Three doors east of 82d Ht.,
Grays Crossing, Portland. Ore.
Pert Arthur's Downfall.
One of the most dramatic surrenders
In military history was that of Port
Arthur during the Russo-Japanese war.
For five months the Russians, under
General Stoessel. defended the city into
which they had been forced by the
fierce onslaughts of the Japanese. It
was expected that the exar's troops,
25,000 strong and well provisioned,
would safely hold Port Arthur until
relief came. After twenty weeks of
siege, however, Stoessel raised the
white flag and the Japanese marched
into the city. General Stoessel was
tried for treason in connection with the
surrender, and be was sentenced to
death, for it was stated that the Rus­
sians had sufficient food and ammuni­
tion in Port Arthur to have continued
their defense for some time. The csar
commuted the sentence on Stoessel to
one of ten years' imprisonment, but
the disgrace broke his health and he
died, paralysed and dumb.
Send for information. Get your name on the nomination list at once and begin at the beginning. See Nominating Cou­
pon. Subscription Blanks will be issued next Monday. Send for sample copies of the Herald to give your friends. Don’t lose
time. This will be a short contest and every moment will mean votes. Read the announcement on page one and either take
hold of the matter at once yourself or send us the name of some young lady who might be interested in taking one of these
liberal prizes.
You need not wait for the nomination to appear in the paper to begin work. Begin rounding up your friends today.
Address all Communications to “Herald”
Mt. Scott Publishing Company
Lents friend’s Church
9:45 a. m. Bible Hehool, Clifford Bar- ,
ker Huporiutendent.
11 :O0 a. m Preaching services.
11:26 p. m. Christian Endeavor.
7:30 p. m. Preaching Hervices.
8:00 p. m. Thureday,
prayer meeting.
A cordial welcome to all these ser­
John Riley, Paetor.
Lents Baptist Church
Ixird’e Day. July IB, Bible Hehool !
0:45 a. m.
Morning worship, 11 a. m.
Elmo Heights Hunday School, 3:30
p. in.
B Y. P. IL, H:30 p m.
Evening worahip, 7:30 p. in.
A cordial welcome to these services.
J. M. Nelson, Pastor.
Lents M. E. Church
Preaching 10:45. and 8 p. m.
Hunday Hehool 9:45.
Hervices at Bennett Chapel at 3 p. m.
Praymeeting Thursday 8 p. m.
Epworth league 7 p. m.
W. Boyd Moore, Paetor.
One or two Dr. King’s New Life Pills
with a tumbler of water at night.
had, nauseating taste; no belching gas.
Go right to bed. Wake up in the morn­
ing, enjoy a free, easy bowel movement,
and feel fine all day.
Dr. King’s New
Life Pills are sold by all Druggist«, 36
in an original package, for 25c.
Get a
bottle today—enjoy this easy, pleasant
Tli« Herald $1.00 Per Year
1. Any young man or woman is eligible to enter this contest these rules the explanation of the manager of the contest shall
be final.
and compete for prizes except as noted below.
2. An employee or immediate relative of an employee of
this firm will not be permitted to enter the contest.
14. The Grand Prize shall be awarded to that person having
3. Conditions may arise wherein the contest manager may not
largest number of votes in the entire territory participating
deem it advisable for a candidate to participate in the contest.
4. No candidate shall receive special favors from the man­
15. The territory shall be divided into two districts, 82nd
agement, but °ach and al’ will be assisted and advised alike.
5. An effort on the part of any candidate to intimidate or Street or Oregon City Road being the dividing line. District
discourage any other candidate, or to create an impression that 1 will be east sf 82nd Street and District 2 will be west of 82nd
would be detrimental to the success of the contest will be ’ Street.
16. Of the contestants remaining after the awarding of the
deemed sufficient cause for excluding the person charged with
Grand Prize, that person having the highest number of votes
such conduct from the benefits of the contest.
6. No person can take a prize in this contest without se­ ir. each district shall be awarded the First District prize, and
the person receiving the next highest number of votes will re­
curing a minimum of 150,000 votes.
7. All votes taken on subscriptions in the Mt Scott district ceive the Second district Prize.
between 45th St, and Division St, eastward to, and Sycamore
............................. $ .25............. 600
Station, within Multnomah County SHALL COUNT DOUBLE
$ .50............. 1500
8. Candidates are permitted to secure subscriptions any­
Twe Year’s Subscription................................ $2.00.............. 12000
where, but advance payments are necessary to secure votes.
Subscriptions within the district mentioned in Rule Seven
9. All subscription orders must be turned into the office on
will count double votes.
or before Wednesday following acceptance.
18. For every dollar in advertising or job work received at
10. Typographical errors in the publishing of votes will be
our office, through the solicitation of contestants, coupons of
corrected in the following issue.
2000 votes will be issued.
11. No contestant can win more than one prize.
19. Orders for advertising or job work must be cashed be­
12. Ballots not deposited at the Herald Office by 9 o’clock fore votes are issued, unless accepted as satisfactory.
p. m. of the day designated for closing the contest, shall be
The management reserves the right to amend these rules
declared void.
should necessity arise but it is hoped there will be no cause
13. Should any question arise as to the interpretation of ! for changes.
Prize Awards™Districts
The person that nominates the candidate that wins the first prixe
will get FIVE DOLLARS. Should two persons name the sum«- candi­
date the first nomination will receive credit. Any one may make a
When properly filled in and receive«! at thia office this blank will
be counte«i as 4000 votes for the person nominated. Only one blank
can be credited to each candidate. Void after July 21
This coupon when neatly clipped and filled in with
the name of the Candidate you wish to vote for will be
counted as 500 votes.
This coupon will be void after July 21.
Local 2011
I wish to nominate.............................................................................................
Address of Candidate..............................................................
of (Address)............................................................... ..........................................
Diseases of Women and Children
a Specialty
Mrs. F. J. Mansfield, a representative
of the International Order of “King’s
Daughters and Sons,’’ will a»ldrese a
meeting at the Millard Avenue Presby­
terian Church, 55th Ave., near 7?d St.,
S. E., Sunday, July 25that ,3 p. m. Mrs.
Mansfield is a very interesting speaker
and would ask all interested in the work
to come and hear her.
The Committe.
Beginning Monday, June 21, and Continuing Six Weeks, Ending
Wednesday Evening, Sept. 1, at 8 o’clock P. M.
Kern Park Chrlstaln Church
Pacific Tabor .3214
Reports from the concert at the Chris­
tian Church, held last Tuesday evening,
indicate that it was an especially suc-
cental affair. Mrs. Short had the musi­
cal direction of the chorus. There was a
fine attendance and the music rendered
by the chorus was greatly enjoyed by
of Southeast Portland an opportunity to secure five
handsome prizes in our
#SI. Peter’s Catholic Church
8 a. in. Ix>w Maae.
10:30 a. in. High Maaa.
8:30 a. tn. Hunday School.
12 M. Chlor rvhearaal.
Week days; Maas at H a. m.
Stated communication of Palestine
Ixxige No. 141 A. F. A A. M.
Wednesday evening July 21st at Wood­
men hall, Arleta. Visiting brethren in­
Ge«». T. Ho wan I, See.
Mrs. Hubbard of 43rd Avenue wee
buried Bunday at Riverside Cemetery.
Her death occured on Friday
Nominated by......................................................................................................
Magnolia Cassp No. «m meets regular. Second
and Fourth Thursday! ol each month at I.
O O. F. Ball. Second Thureday social meet­
Neighbor» bring your families snd
friend». Fourth Thursday, business. All
Neighbor» requested to come. By order of
the Camp.
Date and hour received.................. -...............................................................
Name of Candidate..................................................................
An Unimposing Genius.
Thoee who imagine there is some
necessary connection between literary
genius and inches will have to explain
away the case of Alexander Pope.
Pope was exactly four feet six Inches
high. He was humpbacked and de­
formed. According to one of Lord Ox­
ford's servants, be was “so weak as
to stand in perpetual need of female
attendance; extremely sensible of cold,
so that be wore a kind of fur doub­
let under a skirt of very coarse, warm
linen, with fine sleeves. When he rose
he was la vested In a bodice made of
stiff canvas, being hardly able to stand
erect till it was laced. and be then put
on a flannel walatcoeL One side was
contracted. His legs were so slender
that he enlarged their bulk with three
pairs of stockings, which were drawn
on and off by the maid, for be was
not able to dress or undress himself."—
London Chronicle.
An Easy Choioe.
Bishop Sanford Olmsted sa<d at a
dinner party in Denver:
“The charge that the church Is gov­
erned by mercenary motives is an In­
sidious one. I think this charge was
best answered by the prison chaplain.
“A chaplain was addressing a con­
gregation of prisoners, many of whom
bad given more than one proof that
they were profiting by his visits. But
there was a certain rough, brutal look­
ing fellow, wbo always scoffed and
sneered. And today this fellow, when
the chaplain greeted him. said:
“ ’No, I don’t want to shake hands
with you. parson. You only preach
for money.'
•“Very good, my friend; have ft so.’
the chaplain answered. 'I preach for
money. Ton steel for money. Let God
' chooao between us.’” — Washington
Laboring toward distant alma seta
the mind tn a higher key and puts on
at our beat—Parkhurst.
District No.?...................
Cut out on line border and send unrolled or folded
Knowledge la proud that be haa team­
ed so much. WtoUaaa to bumble that