Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, July 15, 1915, Image 1

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    WANT "ADS”
Them In
Only One-cent a Word
Subscription, $1.00 a Year.
Vol. 13.
No. 28
A few simple precautions will aid th*,
In accord with a statement made by :
in keeping meat untainted in
Judge Gatens last Haturday at Lenta i City Reporters Got Gilbert Station
County Grange Planning Big Far­
Grange, he has paroled Mm. Elizabeth 1
mer's Picnic For the Twenty- hot weather. Il Is, of course, common
Japanese Incident Badly Twisted.
Fowle of Creston, and her (laughter .
Fourth. Free to All.
Love ATTair Far Fetched Fake.
Harriet. The judge said Haturday that
peraturs, the quicker meat will spoil,
he did not think Mrs. Fowle understood
but the family's supplies ars not abso­
the nature of her offense. Had she been
Nobody was more surprised over the
(■resham will ba tlie Mecca of about
lutely at the mercy of the thermometer.
a better’informed woman she would trouble Ixrtween Matsuda and Y.
two thousand farmers. their friend«, Ice and cleanliness are two great
have known better tlian do aa six* did. Ynakashirna as told in last week’s
couaina, aunts and uncles on tlw 24th weapons of defense.
She was humiliated with the approach­
of tins month. Tlie County Eair Groumla
For many families a refrigerator is
ing disgrace and she took the only papers, than the girl in the family of
have been planed al tlx* disposal of the obviously out of the question, but it is
means she could think of to protect Ynakashima, who was supposed to have
the good name of tier family from public been the cause of the whole affair. The
Grange authorities and tlx* day will be perhaps belter to have no refrigerator
given over to a picnic and Ila attendant at all than a neglected one. Merely to
Herald made an effort to get the matter
In court Monday morning the Judge straight hot was unable at the time to
pleasures Tlx* program will tiegin at vaeh It out occasionally does little
good; it should bo throughly scalded at
remlered decision and paroled the two
10:8o in Uie morning with a chorus of
frequent intervals, in particular the
women. He turned Mrs. Fowle over to get any further information.
seventy-five voices.
Ynakashirna has for the past two years
Then tiiere will be an ad«<re>w of wel­ drain. This, it overlooked, is apt to
her husband and suspended sentence on
tlx* girl until the father of the child is been a renter on the farm of Donald
come by Mr. G mi . Hlapietou, Mayor of harbor fungous growths, which may
located. The judge has an opinion as Furey, a mile east of I-ents on the Gil­
Gresham, which will lie followed by spread to the food. On one occasion a
to wlx> this is but as yet no definite ac­ bert rood. Quite contrary to represen­
oilier addresses by Slate Master HpOOCS man applied to the department because
tion has been taken.
Among other tations Mr. Furey says that Ynakashirna
and Governor Wlthycombe. Tlie Chorus he bad found that a joint of beet placed
things tlie judge said in rendering sen­ is a very easy man to get along with
wlU render several selections and the in bis refrigerator han turned a peculiar
and is a man of excellent intentions.
Pleasant Homa Band will assist in tilling red. t.'pon examination it was ascer­
tained that the meat was covered with
"The crime is one such as is com­ He says the whole trouble wax with the
tlie air with melody.
mitted daily by many of the respectably quality of liquor the men were using in
Along about noon tiiere will lie a a peculiar fungous growth due entirely
married people of the country, usually their celebration on the day of the
lunch Isudu-l skirmish sAd in which to the condition of the refrigerator.
for no other reason than a wish to avoid Fourth. The girl was not in the case at
several Granger* will Is- retire.I with a Growths of this kind do not always ad­
tlx* responsibity and burden of rearing a alL
charge of ph* and cake and otiier rural vertise themselves so prominently and
large family.
I usuries.
There will probably be there may be much evil in an ice box
The giri, Chiyo, (Sheo) is a neice of
‘ 'The mother of this unfortunate girl Matsuda and so there were no reasons
amunition enough of this sort to retire that the eye can not decect.
H the relrigerator drain is not
had other children to bring up, whom, for the statement that he had any no­
the entire force and tiicn after a brief
aa she has said, ‘would have to endure tion of marrying her, or that lier father
rest the fun of tlie day will begin, thoroughly cleaned, moreover, it is like­
the sneers and jeers of society,' and, had ever made an agreement whereby
Every Grange in the county is expected ly to become choked, the water is not
half crazed by the thought of the dis­ Matsuda was to give $1000 for her, or
to 1» represented in some sort of comic carried off quickly enough and little
grace which the birth of the child ma*t that he had ever paid over $600 and
stunt. There will Is- some stunning pools are left standing in the interior.
bnng to the innocent members of her that the row was over the balance. As
stunts no doubt as tlie committees ap- Dampness is one of the conditions most
family if made public, she, in her ignor­ a matter of fact Matsuda has not been
pointed to prepare these lectures are favorable to bacterial growth. An ice
ance and desperation, thought to save living in this part of the country for
busy now getting tilings fixed up for box in this state will not protect food
long. It is, in fact, a wise precaution
them, and committed this awful deed.” some time, having been employed about
ths event.
wipe the interior of a refrigerator
Judge Gatens centured the "doable some logging camp for the part year.
Following this tiiere will lie a «■'ore of
standard of morals which blames the He was in Portland tlie ilay before tiie
races all becked with worthy prises. every day with a dry cloth.
The temperature of the average re­
woman and allows the man to go free.” day before the Fourth and young
The fat man's race and the fat woman's
is higher thgp most persons
“Bring these men into court,” he Ynakashirna, brother of the giri, who is
race will have their part in the pro­
said, “and make them stand trial with employed driving a truck, asked him to
gram. Tlien there will be boys' races suppose, and in those households where
Photo by American Press Association.
the girls upon whom they have brought come out home with him. After they
and girls' races, sack race**, potato a regular supply of ice is not obtain­
People of the West who have never had an opportunity to visit Philadelphia
races, barrel races, a pillow fight, three- able a cool cellar, a spring bouse, or appreciate the favor shown by that city when it voted an appropriation of $75,000 or helped to bring disgrace, and soon got out here Matsuda and Ynakashirna
legged races and a lot of otiier races that the depths of a well may serve some­ to bring the famous Liberty Bell to the Pacific Coast. It arrived in Portland at we shall put an end to this sort of got a little too much of several kinds of
tonic and for some reason grew quarrel­
have not yet Ixxin named
It is prob­ what the same purpose. On farms 6:30 this morning and was shown before the Courthouse in Portland during tlie thing.”
Mrs. Fowle, who is 52 years old, is some. Matsuda struck his brotber-in-
able that tiiere will be a (toys’ pony where there is an ice house the meat
may be placed in some form of closed forenoon. Thousands of people passe* 1 up the street to view it. Probably no ocher the mother of 10 children.
law with a club and Ynakashirna pro­
attraction ever brought to Portland ever was shown more homage tlian this vener­
ceeded to carve him withja heavy knife,
AU the program features of tlie day retainer and buried in the ice. In any
ated memorial of Revolutionary times.
not unlike a machete or cleaver. The re­
will be free but there will be |x*anuts event, the meat must be carefully
It left Philadelphia at three o'clock on the afternoon of July 5th, making over
and |>o,M-om lor sale, and proliably ice screened from flies. The danger from fifty »to;» in the tour it has taken and will be (teen by millions of the American chief, who will now put the service in sult was that both men were disabled.
By the time the officers arrived the men
cream anil candy, hot coffer, and sink­ infection from these pests has been
shape for war. Thia is wise.
people. It will appear in Kan Francisco tomorrow at six in tlie afternoon.
were so wild in drunken excitement
ers, and hot dog. and a few other pointed out many times, but familiarity
The Oregon Society of the Sons of the Revolution has prepared the following
In an emergency the much abuaed that they said everything they could
luxuries that go to make picnic life a breeds contempt and they still persist.
historical statement concerning the bell:
automobile is a bleseing even to the think of and mixed it badly at that. The
blissful song.
"Liberty Bell was cast in I»ndon in 1752. It reached Philadelphia in August person who does not own one.
Contrary to the piswible notion that good, but it may readily deposit upon
result was that they were adjuged bad
of that year, and was twice recast in Philadelphia under the direction of Isaac
men and the sheriff’s office is expecting
some may get, the grangers will not con-
to see both men indicted for murderous
tine their picnic to members of the turn by the meat into the human
day on October 31, 1765, when the Stamp Act was put in operation and again on
the onler. All farmers, particularly, system. Some flies will deposit their
intent, whereas they will be found to be
June 1, 1774, when tlie Port of Boston was dosed by act of Parliament. On tlie
will Is* invited to attend, and anyone
entirely peacable when their jag wears
27th of Decemlier, 1773, it summoned the people of Philadelphia to a public meet­
rise that might want to couie will be time will become maggots, and the
ing. which refused to permit the ship ‘Polly’ to land its cargo of tea, and on the
Candidates in the contest are just be­
It is ho;x*d that everyone
\ nakashima was formerly a cook in a
Much sickness that is popularly 25th of April, 1775, it called a meeting which ratified the action of Massachusetts ginning to wake up. The week has not Seattle Hotel and has been steward on
will feel perfectly free to attend and en­
ascribed to ptomaine poisoning or to in offering armed resistance at Islington and Concord. It rang to assemble each been all that it should have been but some of the Bound boats. He has been
joy themselves to the limit.
that has not been altogether the fault of living in this country for a long time.
lied food in general is really caused in session of the Continental Congress.
“It liearw an inscription from Leviticus 25:10: “Proclaim liberty throughout the contestants. It haa been impossible
some such way as this, the food, in it­
He lived at Hillsdale before coming to
Kebekahas Install.
self perfectly wholesome, acting merely the land unto all the inhabitants thereof.* The Beil fulfilled this commission in to see all the contestants and they do Gilbert, and has always enjoyed a good
Arleta Kcls-kahas installed officers on as a mechanical carrier for the "germ»'* July, 1776. When John Nixon read the Declaration of Independence to the not have a very definite idea of the plan reputation. The girl speaks English
Some of people assembled in Independence Square, old Andrew McNair rang the Bell, and of the contest, but within the next two excellently, writes a fine hand and is
Saturday evening.
Tlie work was which cause the trouble.
handled iiy the union city degree team these sorts come from the human intes­ its peals led in the first demonstration of Americans rejoicing over the inde- or three days it is hoped that every can­ quite a pretty girl. Her brother is in
ami was done in an exceptionally tine tine, and their presence is a sure indi­ dence of their country. The Bell has always been venerated because of this cir­ didate may he seen and started into the the second year in high school in Port­
manner. The installation was carried cation that filth is present, even if too cumstance. It was removed from Philadelphia to Bethlehem after tlie battle of work.
Ynakashirna dues not write
It should discourage no one that some English.
through without an error. Mrs. Shoe­ small to be seen. Filth of this kind the Brandywine, and during the British occupation of Philadelphia it was hid be­
time has elajised since the first announce­
maker was installed N. G.; Mrs. Oder, may be carried from dust, but it more
Both men are getting along nicely at
It was cracked on the ment. There is ample time to see every
V. G.; Mias Peters. Hee.; Mrs. P. Lar­ often comes from soiled hands. One evacuated the city tlx* Bell was taken back to its shrine.
the county jail and will be able to leave
sen, Trees.; Mrs. Sarah Alford, (kind.; might wish that every kitchen could Sth of July, 1835, while toiling at the funeral of John Marshal), the great Chief one in the entire Mt. Scott district, and the jail, well, soon, unless held for the
a good many outside that. Owing to grand jury. Ynakashirna says he don’t
Mrs. Everman, R. H. N. G.; Mrs. have the sign found in some well- Justice who transformed tlie Federal Constitution from paper into power.”
in getting started it has been de­ want any more liquor.
Montgomery; L. 8. N. G., Mrs. Fitz­
Rev. J. R. Knodell Passes
Sycamore Boy Indicted
cided to extend the time for the contest
gerald; R. S. V. G. Mrs. Orendorf, L. 8. leave the room tor any purpose, wash
John Montoyne, who undertook to
Rev. J. R. Knodell, former pastor of till Se^itemher first. It is hoped that a
V. G. Mrs. Chaiiamaw; Chaplain; War­ your hands before you return to work.”
Garden Hints
"Germs” which grow in foods and rob E. C. Braswell ami eon Boyd, re­ tlie Laurelwood Congregational church further extension of time will not be
den, Mrs. Myrtle < .rdfith, I <■.. Mrs.
of cabbage and cauli­
cause illness grow very rapidly, par­ cently. near Jenne station, was in­
Halloway; O. G., A. J. Oder.
Tlx* mere fact that several have made flower may be checked by applying
ticularly if the food is a little warm, dicted for robltery and assault by the H. Meyer of 6715, Forty fourth avenue,
southeast. The funeral will be held some start should discourage none of equal parts of powdered alum and air
and are not destroyed unless the food is Grand jury last Saturday afternoon.
Its the hot weather that does it.
Friday at three o’clock at the Thin! the candidates. It is protiable that over slaked lime around the roots. Tobacco
well cooked before serving.
Beaverton votes $23,600 bonds for "warming up” is not enough, as «»>
Congregational Church, the Rev. Luther a million votes will be necessary to win juice is good. A spoonful of ground
high school.
the first prize in the contest. The few saltpetre in a bucket of water, applied
Dyott giving tlie address.
found in a case of Illness recently re­
Corbett Boy Hurt
As diplomata the Berlin authorities ported after eating some warmed up
Rev. Knodell came to Laurel wood in already won is a mere start and there twice* a day is said to be good for wire
Otto Knierien of Corbett, ten years
are great military men.
creamed vegetable. Certain kinds of of age. fell in front of a moving mowing 1910 after a lengthy service with the is ample time to get in and make a good worms.
Eugene is laying plans for a $<M>>> foods—creamed cldcken, or cuetard, or machine Saturday an*I was severely cut Anti-saloon league in California, and race.
wanned vegetables for example—are in a leg.
potato starch factory.
He was taken to a Portland subsequently superintended the same
Card of Thanks
work in Oregon. This work injured his Fay Klineman.........................
A pessimist is one who believes that excellent culture mediums for bacteria hospital.
Printed words will but poorly express
health and he took a lengthy rest and Clara ('lark . ...........................
which may have l>een introduced into
all eggs come from cold storage.
tlie gratitude we feel for our neighbors
12000 and friends for all they have done to
them by accident. For this reason it is perature to such an extent that the re-entered the ministry at Lanrelwood. Hilda McTaggart..................
Switzerland has become a place of
.6600 aid and comfort us during the sickness
a safe rule to have as short a time as whole process biomes worthless With From here he went to Spokane but the Erma Fish............................. .
refuge instead of a summer resort.
5500 and death of our wife, mother and
possible intervene between the prepara­ such meats as veal or pork, which are work there was too arduous and lie re­ Lena Johnson .........................
The first national bank building of tion of fixai and its consumption. Broth always—or ought to lx*—thoroughly turned to Arleta last April, very much Della Pitts.............................
sister. But we wish to thus publicly
Portland will use Oregon-made steel.
...5000 thank eaeh and every one for the ten­
Cora Valentine .......................
is another excellent medium and in done, the precaution can lie carried broken in health.
Work started on 0. W. R. A N. Co's consequence should lx* drained off if it further and the joints partially cooked
Rev. Knodell leave sa widow and two Opal Wood worth...................
.4500 der, pitying care, they took of her
terminals at Pilot Rock, to cost $250,< MX. is intended to keep the meat for any tie ore being stored away. Care should sisters. His loss will be regret ted by a Lilah Clark.........................
.. 4500 whom we mourn.
Also for the floral
...4500 tributes of love and respect so freely
"Shirtlees, sleeveless ami stocking­ length of time before serving. If the be taken, however, to see that the re­ host of friends, in and out of his church, Luzelle Kearney....................
both in Oregon and Washington.
Marjory Kellogg...................
...4500 given.
less” is the description of the latest broth is used also it should be boiled cooking is thoroughly done.
Volney J. Martin and Family.
I*ettie Gibson........................
seaside bather. No wonder sharks are thoroughly first. All food, cooked or j Hot weather also calls for additional
Mrs. D. Z. Penney.
uncooked, should be kept in a clean, precautions on the part of the house­
Eva Burdick..........................
cool place tn order to reduce the danger wife in regard to canned products.
The submarine challenges the »afety
Advertised Letters
The Ramblers is the name of a girls’ Millie Marvell........................
Once these have been opened and ex­
of infection to a minimum.
of everything in sight, even while its
Advertised letters for week ending
When meat most for any reason be j posed to the air they spoil as quickly, society in the vicinity of Grays Cross­ Stella Wilson...........................
own right to exist is in question.
Anderson, H.; Chit­
..... .6000
6000 July 10. 1915:
kept for unusually long periods of time i if not more quickly, than fresh food ing. The members gave a picnic at Sarah Buel
It must lie admitted that the German or when the conditions are unusually The contents of a can should therefore The Oaks Saturday and of the members I Ida Arnett
...... 5500 wood, Harry; Clay to*, May; Cramer,
government is more tactful in outlining unfavorable scaldirg may be resorted to be disposed of wi'hont delay. In no Misses Freida Mnellhupt, Margaret, I Gladnes Murray .
...... ..5500
5500 Mrs.
its position than Dr. Dernburg was.
..... 4500
4500 Eckstein, Mrs. Anna; Embrie, Miss
Dropping the meat event should they be left in the can Freida and Ruth Schmidt, Norma Beulah Miller
tx*rg . .
4500 Hazel; Johnson, C. F.; Mattocks, H.
into boiling water for a lew minutes after it has been opened, but should be Schildknecht, Ruth Gessel, Pearl Smith, Nettie Datil
4500 J.; Watson, J. C.
will not seriously affect its flavor when
Daily Mails
lier friend Miss Julia Marking from
Geo. W. Spring, Postmaster.
Mails at the I-enta postoflice a* rive it ultimately appears upon the table, , wishes to "air” the canned material,
and depart daily, except Sunday, as fol- and it will put it in a much better con­
4 hose of us who did not get in on the
dition for keeping
It is important is done, the can conleuts should be port a most excellent time.
sent to Belgium can participate in
Kalena Hatter toilet article manu­
the feeding of Mexico, which will be
7:30 A.M body of boiling water. If only a small dish and put awav for an hour or two
6:00 A. M.
4000 one of the good deeds that illuminate a
12:3OP. M amount of water is used, the introduc­ in a cool place where dust, will not facturing company has removed from Cleone Tucker...
* P. M.
Jessie Hoggin«
Pendleton to Portland.
4000 naughty world.____________
6 30 P. M tion of the meat will lower the tem- 1 reach it.
8:80 P. M.
Standing of Contestants