Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, July 01, 1915, Image 8

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Mrs J Inland and daughter, Mrs. I
Lewis R*ed, vieited friends in Portland j All ehureh, Mwleiy. p. no nt I an<l local nvwt
not published tor profit, tret; nolle*« ot «a-
rev« ral days recently.
ttrtainmriiu. conducted tor profit, published
Mr. Geo. G. Smith of Winterset», at a Jfic minlmun. ot
Iowa, who has been the guests of rela­ m.nt* and card of thank«, «ame rat* Adver­
tives at Ferndals Place the past three tising rates quoted on request
▼ewk« varied on bis return trip home
Mis» Maud Strack entertained the
up Club’’ Friday evening.
Mr. Adrian Gwen was a recent visitor
of his sister, Mrs Geo. H. Chamlwrlain.
Mr. Kellogg of Second avenue ha» re­
Mrs. Cbauncy Clark and haby visited
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. l^etsinger ttimeli from a trip to California.
last week.
Mise l.aura Reed was shopping in
LOST—Bunch Keva.
Portland Tuesday.
Herald ottica and get reward.
Mrs. Effie D. Sprague of Lake County
is the guest ot Mrs. Clara Smith.
Fred Petereon has gone to The Palles
Miss Bees Ewing of Cincinnati,Ohio, where he is employed as timekeeper for
was a recent visitor of Mise Helen Henry Cromer.
Coulter, at the home of Mrs. Clara
Mr*. Sarah Coon* of 5th avenue was
Mrs. Roy, who was taken from the
called to McMinnville Saturday by the
home of R. M. Hodson to a Portland
death of her eieter.
hospital several days ago, died Monday
E. R. Colgan Las’ gone to Eastern
Mrs. Tollifson is enjoying a visit with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nesbit, and Oregon and will be employed by Henry
on his work near The Palles.
brother, who came in their touring car Cromer
from Olympia, Wash., the last of the
Ethel Jeffries and mother have sold
The funeral of Mrs. Geneva J. Saylor, I their 5th avenue property and moved to
who passed away Sunday, June 13, after 48th street.
a lingering illness, was held from the
Christian church, Tues lay p. m, Rev.
LEAVE Your Hau to lie cleaned and
Reeder speaking words of comfort to blocked.
- -
’ - s Sanitary
the bereaved relatives. A large congre- . shop. Agents,
gation of friends and old neighbors
gathered at the church to pay their last
Mrs Liliali V._.:.
Ma riet .. t . attended
a ban-
respects and the many floral
I qu^'^vi by PeUr A. Porter "cirele at
told more plainly than words could ex- , ,-niver81|y Park Wednesday evening,
pres« tie high eeteem in which the de-
ceased was held. The remain« were
, ..
a . :
Mrs. David btanbndgv will be taken
laid to rest in Mountain \ lew cemetery
v ...
. .
. .
a «
a n to the hospital Wednesday lor a venous
beside her hustand who died in April,
Geneva J. Saylor was born March 1, ,
TRADE—Slightly used
1865. at Auburn, Baker Countv,Oregon.
u . u
. zx , • n c i
gas range. John Backmann, K. J, Box
She was married to Orlando P. Saylor, “ . „ .
■ .. ,- iv
-. 12lt A. Gresham. Ore.
in 1891, with whom she lived happily
until his death. She was the second
House for sale. Cost $6IX) to
daughter of A. F. Johnson of Hurlbert, I 4 *• Room
Oregon, who died in 1906, and grand-! build, . Move it away for I’JOO. R. W.
daughter of the late Rev. Neil Johnson Larsen, S. JE corner 68th Ave., and
j 90th St., S. E.
a pioneer of 1851.
Lewis Reed and wife made a flying
trip to Washougal Saturday, They re- i R. M. Allen reports the succeestul
’ capturing of a job at Astoria for the
ported both weather and water fine.
___ ,-----------------------
He will take his family to j
Mies Helen Coulter, assistant
princi- summer.
pal of the Corbett Union high school. Columubia beach and be able to spend
has started for her home in Oxford, O., j the week end with them.
to spend her vacation with friends and
Tbe Rose
Kose Bud Jitney seems
eeemi to have
The first year of our high school th>e inside on the passenger business
came to a close Saturday.
from Lents. Its regularity of service
There was a social dance at the has made it a favorite with bus riders
Grange Hall Saturday evening. The from
“ part - of - the
- city.
weather was fine. Every one seemed
to enjoy themselves.
Mrs. Frank Coffman has been visiting
Riding on the Colombia Highway
her sister. Mrs. Irwin, at Seaside. Bert
was not one unalloyed delight on Satur­
Lowe and family were also down at the
day, according to all reports.
same time.
They returned home
Automobiles are all right some times,.
but many of our automobilists have had
to revert to the good old-fashioned horse.
A L. iK-aton and family leave for a
Mr. Knight is to give a housewarm­
ing dance in his new store building six weeks trip tn California points on
Saturday evening, July 3. Every one is Friday. They expect to see the fairs at
Frisco and San Diego, and all the
cordially invited.
The C. E. is to give a plavette in the **nery in the state,
west basement of the high school build-
ing Saturday evening. Ice cream and
H. A. White, formerly of Cail well I
cake will be on sale afterwards. Ad- acres, and for the past year a resident |
mission 2J cents
Ice cream to the of Long Beach. Calif., has returned to j
limit of your pocketbook or constitu- Lents. He reports business condition-
in California as being very bad.
Mr. Knight’s new store is rapidly
nearing completion. The report is that
Claude Coffman, now superintendent
the ice cream parlor wdl be in com of a mill at McCormack, Washington,
mission July 4, and it will not be long
married Wednesday to a Belling-
before the entire building will be open ham school teacher. Claude has the
to the general public. He has also pur- best wishes of a host of Lent« relatives
chased a Studebaker truck for general an(j friends who recall bis residence in
nee in connection with bis merchantile our midst,
Mies Ruby Rasmussen is home for
Mise Alta May Wood and Mr. Lowell
the summer. She has been attending E. Neal were married Wednesday even­
the Normal at Monmouth the past two ing at the home ot the paetor, W. Boyd
Moore. Thev will make their home in
Card of Thanks
We wish to thank the many ln
friends for their help and sympathy be­
stowed during the illness and death of
our beloved father.
Also for the
beantifnl flowers, the songs, and the
comforting words of the minister.
Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Hogue.
N. W. Hogue.
He Got IL
Lente for the present. Their friends
with them much happineee.
C. H. Holway was the recipient ot a
surprise on last Thursday evening, the i
I occasion being his birthday.
About '
thirty of his neighbors came in and j
helped to make things merry for him.
While son. -what surprised at the affair |
he was highly pleased, and all the com-1
| pany report a delightful time.
On Saturday, Miss Blanche Hershner,
Eva—Aa we strolled along be wager­ second daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
ed a box of chocolates that I couldn't
*ay the word “klsa.” Belinda—And A. F. Hershner of Woodmere, liecame
did you try? Eva—Yes. but be took the bride of Percy Hen<lereonof Madras.
Miss Hershner has been one of the
the word from my very lips.
.¡teachers in our city schools, having
I taught in the Woodmere school for the
Per«« vers.
Her popularity was
Make the best of everything, think i M two years.
the best of every one. hope the best for shown on Friday when the teachers of
yourself, do as I have done—persevere. that school gave a banquet and shower
—George Stephenson.
in her honor' She Nbeived many use­
ful and dainty gifts. Mr. Henderson
Trost men and they will be true to operates a 3000 acre farm near Madras
you. Treat them greatly and they will and is quite prominent in that section.
»how themselves great.—Emerson.
He is a member of the Board of Educa­
tion of that city. They will make their
future home in Madras.
The liest
wisites of their many friends go with
The mint makes it and under the them.
terms of the CONTINENTAL MORT­
GAGE COMPANY you can secure it at
6 per cent for any legal purpose on ap­
Domestio Bliss.
proved real estate. Terms easy, tell ns
Madame—I don't know where onr
your wants and we will co-operate with
son geta all bla faults from. I'm sure
he doesn't get them from me. Mon­
sieur—No, you’re right tbera; you
513 Denham Bldg.
Denver, Colo. haven’t lost any of yonrs.
East Side Bicycle Exchange
Bicvcles, Tires and Sundries
Double Bar Bicycle Regular
$30.00. this week $20.00
Special Single Bar $24.00
All Kinds Bicycle “d Motorcycle Repairing
421 Hawthorne Ave., Near Grand
How About Your Spring Suit?
Now is the Time to Order It!
Come in and see the new line of Spring and Summer Mtxiels.
We Guarantee Quality, Fit, and Style.
No Place Like Home
Are trying to build up Lents by selling New
and Second Hand Furniture and Hardware
as cheap as any place in Portland. Call and
s u
everything the moat particular taate
would require in footwear for men
and women, is our shoe department.
We have just received a large and com­
plete asaurtment of Brown’s ’’White House'*
«hors, the moet fashionable Wylcs of oxfords
in all the exclusive shapes and nrwert
leathers. Every foot can be correctly titled.
Main Street, Lents
The Place to See
The Emporium
5S27-3I 92nd or Main St.. Lents Ore.
Tabor 3267
-Aliforme.c A¿^n,NJA
IN ¿ tamps sAutO-IOurj^'i.UJ AflùùM
Company CAUiWmA
Sash and Doors
Interior Finish
Nothing hut the Best
of Quality and Service
Phone Orders Promytly Filled
labor 619
Investment Co.
Did You Like
The Band?
6924 Foster Road Near 7<>th Street
Learn to Play
This Summer
Hay, Feed and Grain
Washed Gravel, Sand
Phone Tabor 2284
Reaideace 211 N. Mala St. Leatfi, Ore.
Edward Mills
Ratea Reasonable
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Lowell C. Bradford
Tabor 4!40
Patriotic Jam.«.
In some ocbool not located -locate It
to please yourself — the teacher was
bearing the history lesson. Turning to
one of the scholars, she asked:
“James, what wan Wanhlngton’s
farewell address?’’
The new bOy rose with a prompti­
tude that promised well for bla an­
“Heaven, ma'am.’’ he said.—Current
Old English Customs.
The ladies of Edward IV.’a time
dined at 11 ln the morning and were
In bed shortly after 8 at night Per­
haps none of the old English customs
has undergone sueb a change as the
number of meals taken a day and the
times of retiring to rest
Mt. Scott, Leal« and Portland
1 Block Eart of Main St. on Pouter Rord
Phonre Tabor 968 ; Home 3113
Baggage and General Hauling,
Trunks 50c Each
Eggiman’s Market
The Market witb the Big Business and the Small Profits
I .eave Baggage Check and Address I
at Plummer Drug Store.
Third and Madison St.
Hams, Bacon, Sausage, Lard Pickles.
Fresh Meats Daily. Beef, Pork. Mutton,
Veal. Eggs, Bottled Pickles and Sauces
J. P. Finley & Son
Funeral Directors
Montgomery and Fifth Ht
One Place of Biisineaa Only
Experienced Woman
in Attendance
Poisonous Fish.
Poisonous fish are rare here, but
common in the tropica. A Japanese
fish, fugu, bes deadly poisonous roe.
Roe of pike and meat of sturgeons are
poisonoun when spawning. The bile and
liver of many fish are poisonous. But
most flab poison is due to decay
Cement, Brick, Lime, Wall and Land Plaster
Main Office
Phone Main 9
A fine line of home grown garden produce, Berries and small
fruits in season.
EGGIMAN BROS., Lents, Oregon