Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, July 01, 1915, Image 5

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Mr» J. 8. Whitney of |j»urelw<exf has
W. E. Grow is still very sick. He School graduation last Friday evening.
i Ix-eir 111 with tonsilitis this week.
seems to ire afflicted with tome sort of The affair wae reported to have been
heart trouble.
very fine and wae deeply appreciated
by the young people.
Miss Zeids Hamilton of Woodmere
Msud A' vok I is expecting » summer will attend tjbe Eugene summer school
Maud Alvord, Muriel .Smith, Zelda
vacation »< on. Sh will prid>al>ly go to | ami prepare herself lor teaching next Hamilton, and Randolph Bundy were
Arleta Library, in common with other
' fall.
some beseh resort.
Mt. Scott repre««ntative» in the Trale public libraries, will allow persona
At The Churches
Arletd Baptist ( hurch
:4ft a. tu Bible School.
II a. in. Pleaching service.
7:80 p. in. Evening services.
8:15 n in. H. Y. P. Ü. meeting.
7 :4ft Prayer meeting.
Everybody welcome tn any and all of
thee« aervices.
10 a. in. Habbath Hchool.
11 a. ru. Morning worship.
H :45 p. in. Y. P.
I". H. C. E.
7 :.'lo p. m. Evening worship.
7 :8o p. m. Thursday, midweek servite
M p. in. Thursday, choir practice.
Key. Win. H. Amos, Pastor
The Mt. Scott Herald will give to the Boy’s and Girls
of Southeast Portland an opportunity to secure five
handsome prizes in our
St. Peter's Catholic (hun h
8 a. m. Low Maes.
10:30 a. m. High Mass.
8:30 a. m. Sundry School.
12 M. Chlor rehearsal.
Week days: Mass al * a. tn.
Grand Prize Subscription Vote Contest
Seventh Day Adventist ( hurch
10 a. m. Saturday Sabbath School.
11 a. m. Saturday preaching,
7 :3I) p m. Wednesday. Prayer meeting
7:45 p. in. Sunday preaching.
Beginning Monday, June 21, and Continuing Six Weeks, Ending
2, at 8 o’clock P. M.
(yerman tvdnqelical Reformed Church
10 a. nt. Sunday School.
10 a. m. Saturday, German school.
H p. in. Wednesday. V. P. 8.
11 a. in. Sunday worship.
Th Nhlidknecht, Pastor.
Kern Park Chrlstdin ( hurch
First Grand Prize, arr exceptionally fine ma
hogany case $400.00 Piano
Corner Outii Kt. and 4<ith Ave. H E.
Ill a. in. Bible School.
¡1 a in. and 8 p in. preaching wrvice.
7 p. in. Chrielain Endeavor.
8 p. m. Thursday, mid-week prayer
8:45 p.m. Thursday, Bible Study
< 'lane.
A cordial welcome to all who will at- !
tend any all ss<rvicea.
R. Tibbs Maxey, Minister, j
Beautiful in tone and workmanship. Best value ever put
up as a prize in this section of the county. On exhibit
this week at the Holt Piano Company Store, 333 Morri­
son Street.
Four District Prizes
St. Pauls fplscopal Church
One block south of Woodmere station.
Holy Communion the first Sunday of
each month at 8 p. in, No other ser-
vices that day.
Every other Sunday the regular ser
vices will Ire as usual.
Evening Prayer anil sermon at 4 p. in.
Sunday School meets al 3 P. in. B.
Boatwright, Snpt , L. Msffett. Sec.
. Rev. O. W. Tavior, Rector.
Two absolutely free trips to the Fair at ’Frisco
and necessary expenses paid. First class pas­
sage on a Palace of the Pacific, the Great
Northern or the Northern Pacific.
An opportunity to take an ideal trip on the finest Ocean
going Aessels of the Mighty Pacific at the most delightful
season of the entire year. August or September.
Cash Prizes
Two $25.00 Gold Pieces
Lents Tvdnqellcdl (hurih
Sermon^by the Pastor, 11 a. m. and
7 :45 p. ni*
Sunday School 9:45 a tn., C. S. Brad­
ford, Superintendent.
Y. P. A. 0:45 p. m. Eva Bischoff,
Prayer meeting Thursday 8 p. m.
A cordial welcome Io all.
T. R. Hornschuch, Pastor.
Meeting every Sunday evening at 8:<O
p. tn. Three doors east of H2d St.,
Grays Crowing, Portland. Ore.
Send for information. Get your name on the nomination list at once and begin at the beginning. See Nominating Cou­
pon. Subscription Blanks will be issued next Monday. Send for sample copies of the Herald to give your friends. Don’t lose
time. This will be a short contest and every moment will mean votes. Read the announcement on page one and either take
hold of the matter at once yourself or send us the name of some young lady who might be interested in taking one of these
liberal prizes.
You need not wait for the nomination to appear in the paper to begin work. Begin rounding up your friends today.
Address all Communications to “herald’’
Lents friend's Church
Mt. Scott Publishing Company
MT. Scott (enter of Truth.
9:45 a.m. Bible Hchool, Clifford Bar­
ker Superintendent.
11 :(10 a. m Preaching services.
»4:26 p. tn. Christian Endeavor.
7 :3O p. n>. Preaching Services.
8:00 p. m. Thursday,
mid week
prayer meeting.
A cordial welcome to all the«« ser­
John Riley, Pastor.
Lents Baptist (hurch
Ixiril’» Day, July 4, Bible School
9.45 a. ni.
Morning worship, 11 a. m.
Elmo Height» Sunday School, 2:30
p. ni
B Y P. I’., <1:30 n tn.
Evening worship, 7:30 p. in
A cordial welcome to the*» services.
J. M. Nelson, Pastor.
Lents M. t. Church
Preaching 10:45. and 8 p. m.
Sunday School 9:45.
Services st Bennett t'hspel st 3 p. m.
Praymeeting Thursday 8 p. nr.
Epworth league 7 p. m.
Bring vour neighbors an I friends.
The subject of the morning service is,
•‘Walking With God.” Evangelistic ser­
vice in the evening.
W. Boyd Moore, Pastor.
One or two Dr. King’« New Life Pills
with a tumbler of water at night. No
had, nauseating taete; no belching gas.
Go right to bed. Wake up in the morn­
ing, enjoy a free, easy bowel movement,
aud feel fine all «lay. Dr. King's New
Lie Pille ere »old by all Druggists, 30
in an original package, for 25c. Get a
bottle today—enjoy thia easy, pleasant
The Herald $1.00 Per Year
Diseases of Women and Children
a Specialty
Pacific Talior 3214
Ixtcal 2011
1. Any younir man or woman is eligible to enter this contest
and compete for prizes except as noted below.
2. An employee or immediate relative of an employee of
this firm will not be permitted to enter the contest.
3. Conditions may arise wherein the contest manager may not
deem it advisable for a candidate to participate in the contest.
4. No candidate shall receive special favors from the man­
agement, but each and all will be assisted and advised alike.
5. An effort on the part of any candidate to intimidate or
discourage any other candidate, or to create an impression that
would be detrimental to the success of the contest will be
deemed sufficient cause for excluding the person charged with
such conduct from the benefits of the contest.
6. No person can take a prize in this contest without se­
curing a minimum of 150,000 votes.
7. All votes taken on subscriptions in the Mt. Scott district
between 45th St., and Division St., eastward to, and Sycamore
Station, within Multnomah County SHALL COUNT DOUBLE
8. Candidates are permitted to secure subscriptions any­
where, but advance payments are necessary to secure votes.
9. All subscription orders must be turned into the office on
or before Wednesday following acceptance.
10. Typographical errors in the publishing of votes will be
corrected in the following issue.
11. No contestant can win more than one prize.
12. Ballots not deposited at the Herald Office by 9 o’clock
p. m. of the day designated for closing the contest, shall be
declared void.
13. Should any question arise as to the interpretation of
The person that nominates the candidate that wins the first prize
will get FIVE DOLLARS. Should two persons name the same candi­
date the first nomination will receive credit. Any one may make a
When properly filled in and received at this office this blank will
be counted as 4000 votes for the person nominated. Only one blank
can t>e credited to each candidate. Void after July 8
I wish to nominate...........................................................................................
these rules the explanation of the manager of the contest shall
be final.
Prize Awards™Districts
14. The Grand Prize shall be awarded to that person having
the largest number of votes in the entire territory participating
in the contest.
15. The territory shall be divided into two districts, 82nd
Street or Oregon City Road being the dividing line. District
1 will be east sf 82nd Street and District 2 will be west of 82nd
16. Of the contestants remaining after the awarding of the
Grand Prize, that person having the highest number of votes
in each district shall be awarded the First District prize, and
the person receiving the next highest number of votes will re­
ceive the Second district Prize.
Three Months Subscription........................... $ .25 ............ 600
Six Months Subscription.............................. $ .50............ 1500
One Year’s Subscription. ............................ $1.00
Twe Year's Subscription.............................. $2.00.............12000
Subscriptions within the district mentioned in Rule Seven
will count double votes.
18. For every dollar in advertising or job work received at
our office, through the solicitation of contestants, coupons of
2000 votes will be issued.
19. Orders for advertising or job work must be cashed be­
fore votes are issued unless accepted as satisfactory.
The management reserves the right to amend these rules
should necessity arise but it is hoped there will be no cause
for changes.
This coupon when neatly clipped and filled in with
the name of the Candidate you wish to vote for will be
counted as 500 votes.
This coupon will be void after July 8.
Name of Candidate.............................................................
Address of Candidate
(A i I i I hwii )
Nominated by.................
Magnolia Camp No. «MB meets regular Seoond
and Fourth Thursdays of each month at I.
O. O. F. Hall. Second Thursday social meet­
Neighbors bring your families and
friend! Fourth Thursday, bualnaaa. All
Neighbora req nested to coms
By order of
the Camp
Capt. Inskeep and wife are parents of
son born Monday evening.
¡To Be Given Away
Millard Avenue Presbyterian ( hurch
going out of town ou vacations to draw
out four volumes of fiction and six of
other works, which may be kept out
till Oct. 1.
Date and hour received
District No.
Cut out on line border and send unrolled or folded
Mn. Miriam Woodberry addressed
the member« of the Congregational
Church on Tuesday afternoon on home
Tbe members ol the Christian Church
will give a musicals at Woodmen ball
on the 13tb of July, which promiaea to
be of exceptional merit.
The musically inclined of tbe Metho­
dist Church gave a very acceptable
musical program ou Wednesday even­
ing of tbis week.
Residences at 67th Ave., and 87th
St., 8. E. were destroyed by fire Tues­
day afternoon. The fire started in a
kitchen stove in the home of Mrs. V. A.
i Stoftan. Her bouse and contents, valued
at 11350 were destroyed. The next
, house was also burned to the ground.
Several other bouses were in danger
but the arrival of Engine 31 saved
them. Tbe property is outside the city
' limits.
The W. H. Newman home at 5034
70th St., 8. E. has been «old to W. B.
Hager of Idaho. It was a cash sale
bandied by J. H. Dorman and suggests
and improvement in business condi­
Mrs. D. Wool worth gave a recital at
her borne on Tuesday afternoon, about
twenty of her pnpils participating. An
j excellent program wae rendered. Fol­
lowing the program refreshments were
served aud a very happy time is re-
j ported.
S------------------------------------------------ S
5-------- - -------------------------------------- a
Longest days in tbe year.
Life is one grand sweet song in the
' mountains now.
Get ready for the Fourth!
More cause than ever to celebrate that
we are living in the good old U. 8. A.
Mr. Jas. Gibson, who lives three
miles from Eagle Creek, has a cherry
tree on his place that sprang up from
the root of a cherry tree stump more
than 40 years ago. This tree has borne
excellent fruit for nearly 30 years and
never failed to bear a good crop every
year. This Is known as the Gibson
Cherry and Mr. Gibson says be has
sold as high as |60 worth of cherries
from it in a single year.
A Multnomah county farm, a half
mile north of Cottrell, belonging to
Mrs. L. T. Lusted. operated by E. E.
Quay, took tbe first world's prise at
Frisco on the quality of cream it pro­
duces. That is about the best country
in the world so we are not surprised.
Appraisers were busy one day last
week adjusting the value of different
portions of the Rock place 1 mile west
of town, consisting of 300 acres, The
parents are both dead and the five
children inherit this place and a fine
home at Sunnyside near Clackamas
Tbe big strip of land consisting of over
2,300,000 acres running the entire length
of the state that has been in litigation
so long and held out of use has been
finally given over to the defendant rail­
road company with the ruling that they
must sell it as stipulated in the original
contract for $2.50 an acre, but that con­
gress must decide in six months time as
I bow tbe land shall be disposed of. This,
is a barren victory for the railroad as
the back taxes and the cost of litigation
will eat this up. Tbe railroad is not at
i the end of their rope yet as they have a
full bag of tricks left to bamboozle the
people out of the land by some kind of
Everybody’s Magazine says there are
' 184 Wood-Preserving Companies in this
country who are—figuratively speak­
ing—tearing their hair because they
can no longer get creosote from Europe.
In the meantime there is millions of
gallons of it in every direction here and
the people who will engage in the manu­
factory of it can get enormously rich at
making it as the raw material—these
second growth fir trees and the stubs,
stumps and logs—are full of it. By the
same token our banks are full of idle
money and our streets are full of idle
men. What do you know about that?
Oh you Portland Chamber of Commerce!
8------------------------------------ &
Mrs. L. Van Duyne, who has been
staying with Mrs. M. V. Bristow since
the first of January returned to Cali­
fornia, taking the steamship route, Mon­
day, the 28th. Mrs. H. Harger, who
has been the guest of Mrs. J. L. John­
son since last Fehurary went with her
It reminds one of the old saying, ‘‘two
is company.” Best wishes to both.
The son of Mr. Henry Haygarthe, a
boy of about 11 years, has been missing
since the evening of the 28th. Last
seen lie was at G. Wm. Porter’s lit|le
store, corner of Foster road and Lenox
avenue. Many wild reports are abroad.
Many are hunting and watching.
We all have heard of “the mnila that
won’t come off.” J. Lenox has one.
He is grandpa now. Congratulations
to not only him but Mr. and Mrs. A.
Blanch ford. We understand all are
doing nicely.