Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, July 01, 1915, Image 3

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Medals Awarded Oregon Schools.
Wool Prices are High.
Exposition Grounds, San Franc I »co .
Th« Oregon school exhibit in the Pal­
ace of Education won the gold medal
on playground» a» portrayed In the ofll-
cial pamphlet, a silver medal on indi­
vidual club work and the ailver medal
on it» exhibit a» a whole.
Thia recognition was gained in the
face of the fact that the princ||»al Ore­
gon exhibit and all Other exhibit* of
the Oregon school children are in the
Oregon »late building ami wore not
entered for award«. Two-third» of the
states have elaborate exhibit», many
■ iwndlng mh much aa $40,000 and none
ie»a than $f>000.
Oregon’» exhibit
coal th« at at« $1000.
Mi»» Stuart, of the Lux Girl»*
School, San Franciaco, aaya:
’’There 1» no exhibit of sewing on
the ground» that equal» that of the
Oregon school children in the alate
Great credit ia given E. F. Carlton
for the InNtallation.
More than half a million
¡grands of wool from Bake' am! Grant
counties were put up at the annual
wool »alea here and 418,197 pounds
were sold at price» panging from 15|
cents to 19} cents, which are among
the best prices paid in this vicinity for
some time.
Most of the wool sold was from the
John Day country, several Baker wool­
men holding their clips for »till higher
prices. Alexander Livingstone, of the
American Woolen mills, got the bulk
of the woof. There were 27 wool men
Decision May Bring Suit.
Salem — Foreign corporation» which
paid to the state about $100,000 under
a graduated tax law paaaed in 1003
and pronounced by the Supreme court
to be unconatitutionai cannot recover
the money, according to an opinion of
Attorney General Brown in reply to a
query of Corporation Commiaaioner
The attorney general
held that the paymenta were voluntar­
ily made In contemplation of the lawa
ami doc I a Iona of Oregon, and conse­
quently the companies cannot be reim­
Prior to the decision of the Supreme
court the 1913 legislature, being ad­
vised that the law probably was un­
constitutional, passed an act providing
for a flat annual license. Corporations
asking for s return of their money say
the law was void from the start, and
It ia believed that suit will be brought.
Re assessment Is Legal.
Salem — Holding that re-assessment
of property for the construction of
sewers in Riverside »ewer district,
Portland, was valid, the
court, in an opinion by Justice Harria,
affirmed the decree of Circuit Judge
Davis in the suit of Portland againat
H. R. Blue and numerous other prop­
erty holders.
The validity of an ordinance passed
in 1911 providing for the re-assessment
was attacked by the defendants, who
alleged that re-aa»cH»ment was made
under the old charter. It was contended
that the charter under the commiaaion
form of government repealed the old
charter. The Supreme court, however,
held that provisions relating to the re­
assessment were re-enacted in the new
charter, and hence the re-a»»eeament
was legal.
Woman On Eugene Board.
Eugene—C. E. Shumway, a plumber,
was elect«! member of the city council
from the Second want The election
wa» made by the council to fill the
vacancy caused by the resignation of
George Bogue. For three weeks the
have sidestepped this
issue, and the mayor finally forced a
vote when another effort was made to
Mrs. R. Me Murphey waa elected a
member of the Eugene school board for
five years.
She defeated L. E. Bean, ex-state
senator from Lane county, two to one.
Her husband was a former member of
the board.
Water Plan Formulated.
Medford — The present plan of the
Water Users’ League, recently ap­
pointed at an emergency irrigation
mass meeting, is to obtain water from
Big Butte instead of from the Rogue
River Canal company, to adopt the
modified district plan and have an irri­
gation system owned by the ranchers
themselves. According to present fig­
ures if 40,000 acres are signed, water
can be had for $35 an acre, whereas
the present price is $50 an acre.
weather following the dry season of
1914 has aroused public interest.
113,672 Acres May Go.
The Dalles — Representative N. J.
Sinnott was advised by Chief Forester
Graves that the secretary of agricul­
ture has recommend«! for elimination
approximately 113,072 acres from the
Paulina National forest. The general
land office is now engag«l in the prep­
aration of the necessary proclamation
to be submitt«! to President Wilson.
If the President approves of the rec­
ommendation it is anticipated that the
elimination will be made effective by
July 1, 1915. ________
First Wool Sale at Redmond.
Redmond—The first wool sale ever
held In Redmond occurred Friday, and
about 172,000 pounds were offiered.
The top price offered by the buyers
was 20}c a pound.
There were 10 buyers here, but the
bulk of the wool waa bought by Alex
Livingston, of the American Woolen
Mill, of Boston, and Charles H. Green,
of Portland.
Gaston Votes S8000 Bond Issue.
Gaston — The voters of the Gaston
district have voted a bond issue of
$3000 for the erection of a new school­
house in Gaston, the result of the vote
being 42 for and 3 against. The pur­
pose of the school board is to have a
one-story schoolhouse with basement,
four classrooms and a large assembly
hall. A four-year high school course
also was voted on.
and 10 buyers here. TiA- sellera, resi­
dence, buyers, quantity, and prices are
as follows:
Laycock and Bailey, Mt. Vernon,
Koshland, 10,164 pounds, 18} cents;
John McDonald, Mt. Vernon, The
Dalles Scouring mills, 18,654 pounds,
17} rents; Charles Lee, Baker, Living­
stone, 12,620 pounds, 16} cents; A. M.
Murray, Dayville, Burke and Angell,
12,854 pounds, 10 cents; James Cant,
Dayville, Livingstone, 17,053 pounds,
15 cents; Joseph King, Audrey, Liv­
6760 pounds, 17} cents;
Moore Brothers, Mt. Vernon, Burke
and Angell, 17,076 pounds, 18} cents;
C. A. Valatie, Dayville, Livingstone,
10,897 pounds, 19} cents; E. Stewart,
Dayville, Livingstone, 40,171 pounds;
18} cents; Mrs. K. F. McRae, Day­
ville, Livingstone, 90,042 pounds, 19}
cents; James Pope, Ml. Vernon, Liv­
ingstone, 18,745 pounds, 18} cents;
Gay Brothers, Dayville, Livingstone,
12,000 pounds, 19 cents; R. T. Mc-
Haley, Prairie City, Livingstone, 9P32
pounds, 18} cent»; A. J. Fletcher, Mt.
Vernon, Livingstone, 7709 pounds, 18}
cents; Mrs. E. Ashford, Canyon City,
Livingstone, 16,252 pounds, 19} cents;
J. C. Moore, Mt. Vernon, Livingstone,
14,602 pounds, 17| cents; Boyd Erick­
son, Dayville, Livingstone,
pounds. 16} cents; H. Ringsmeyer,
John Day, Livingstone, 24,206 pounds,
16 cent»; W. R. Maschall, Dayville,
Koshland, 45,398 pounds, 18} cents;
Coffey and Gale, Baker, Livingstone,
12,540 pounds, 18} cents.
:~.i —„
Wedding Brings 3 Tribes Together.
Klamath Falla—Perhaps the most
important wedding ceremony ever
performed on the Klamath Indian res­
ervation took place Friday when Elphie
Pitt was married to William Henry at
the home of the bride’s father, “Pitt
River Johnnie,” on Pitt Spring Creek,
about 35 miles north of this city.
Elphie is a Pitt River bride and Wil­
liam Henry is a Klamath.
The wed­
ding party numbered more than 200,
and consisted of Klamath, Pitt River
and Modoc Indians.
All the Indians ate at the same wed­
ding feast, and smoked the pipe of
peace together in true American abo­
rigine style. It is said this was the
first ceremony when all three peoples
were present and seated at the same
John Pitt, father of the bride, being
an Indian
of considerable means,
wished to present her with a suitable
gift in remembrance of her marriage.
The selection was an automobile,
bought the day before and paid for in
cold cash.
Mrs. Henry not only now boasts a
swain from one of the best Indian
families on the reservation, but the
distinction of being the only owner,
man or woman, white or Indian, of an
automobile on all the northern portion
of the reservation.
Mining Options Obtained.
Baker — Preparing for extensive
gold-dredging operations between Bak­
er and Sumpter within the next seven
months, W. B. Willoughby announces
that he had secured options on prac­
tically all the valley and bench land in
the Sumpter valley, between the loca­
tion of the Sumpter dredge and the
mouth of the Sumpter valley canyon,
near this city.
Some 4000 acres are
embraced in the tract.
While Mr.
Willoughby refuses to disclose the
exact particulars of the deal, he de­
clared that the land was being ob­
tain«! for the use of three well-known
mining companies.
Mine to Spend $100.000.
Baker — Improvements to cost at
least $100,090 will be made at once on
the Ben Harrison mine, one of the
best-known producers in this part of
the state. Forty men are preparing
for the improvements to be installed
so that the entire work of turning ore
into bullion can be done there.
work is expected to be finish«! this
summer and the new machinery will
greatly increase the output and will
lessen the cost.
The mine has been
running steadily until a few months
Klamath Horses Bring $60,000.
Klamath Falls — Twenty
horses were shipped this week to San
Francisco. Some time ago 300 horses
left Klamath county in one bunch, and
it is estimated that practically 500
Klamath horses have left here since
the European war began.
The aver­
age selling price has been somewhat
over $120, which would make a total
left here in exchange for local horses
of more than $60,000. This last ship­
ment of 20 averaged $135 per horse in
Portland — Wheat — Blueatem, 96c
per bushel; forty-fold, $93c; club, 93c;
red Fife, 88c; red Russian, 88c.
Millfeed -Spot prices:. Bran, $276$
27.50 ton; shorts, $2864/28.50; rolled
barley, $25.50/</,26.50.
Corn Whole, $36 ton; cracked, $37.
Hay—Eastern Oregon timothy, $15
64 16; valley timothy, $12 (ti; 12.50;
grain hay, $106412« alfalfa, $12.50 (a,
Vegetables—Cucumbers, Oregon, 40
6475c dozen; artichokes, 75c; toma­
toes, $16(2.50 box; cabbage, l}6(2fc
pound; head lettuce, $1641.15 crate;
spinach, 5c pound; rhubarb, 16(2c;
¡teas, 26/, 3c; beans, 5c; green corn,
256440c dozen; carrots, $1641.50 sack;
beets, $1.50; turnips, $1.35.
Green Fruita—Strawberries, Oregon,
$1.25641.50 crate; apples, $1.506(2.75
box; cherries, 36(7 c pound; gooseber­
ries, 2644c pound; cantaloupes, $1.75
6(2.50 crate; loganberries, 85c6($l;
raspberries, 85c 6?, $1; currants, $1 6(
1.25; apricots, $1641.25 box; peaches,
$16(1.25; watermelons, 2}6(3c pound.
Potatoes—Old, $26(2.25 sack; new,
l}6(2c pound.
Onions — Yellow, $1601.50; white,
$1.75; red, $1.75.
Eggs—Oregon ranch, buying prices:
No. 1, 19} 64 20c dozen; No. 2, 16 64
No. 3, 13 64 13}c.
prices: No, 1, 21c dozen; No. 2, 19c.
Poultry — Hens, 11 6( 12c pound;
broilers, 18 64 22c; turkeys, dressed,
Scene tn a London street during one of the recent auti-German riots.
226425c; live, 186420c; ducks, old, 8 stables was one of a mob that had wrecked German sh«ps.
649c; young, 156418c; geese, 86(9c.
Butter — Creamery, prints, extras,
27c pound; cubes, ordinary, 226(23c;
fancy, 24c.
Veal—Fancy, 106(10}c pound.
Pork—Block, 106(10}c pound.
Hops—1914 cop, 106412c; contracts,
Wool —Eastern Oregon, medium, 25
6/,27c; Eastern Oregon, fine, 1M6/20}«;
valley, 266(30c; mohair, new clip, 30
Cascara bark—Old and new, 46(4}c
Grain bags—In car lota, 8|6(8}c; in
less than car lota, about }c more.
Cattle—Best steers, $76(7.40; good,
$6.7561.7; medium, $6.506/ 6.75; choice
cows, $66(6.25; good, $5.756(6; heif­
ers, $4.75 6( 6.75; bulls, $3.50 (q) 5;
stags, $56(6.50.
Hogs—Light, $7.50 6( 7.85; heavy,
Sheep—Wethers, $5 64 5.75; ewes,
$36(4.75; lambs, $5.506(7.25.
The woman in custody of the two con­
New Apples on Market.
This photograph, taken at Pola, Austria's naval base in the Adriatic, shows boatloads of marines, supplies and
Tacoma — Nice yellow transparent ammunition being hurried aboard the battleships and transports.
apples, the first shipment of the new
crop to be received here this season,
rolled in on the local produce market.
The old apples are gone and dealers
say the new fruit will have no trouble
in finding a ready market and supply­
ing the demand.
The transparent» are of good size
and a perfect eating apple, say dealers.
They sell in peach boxes at 75 cents.
Commission men say the new crop
will not be as large as last season’s,
but better prices will be obtaind on
this account. Last year’s apples nev­
er sold better. The season began as if
there would be thousands of boxes
wasted, but when the season drew to
a close there were hardly any left.
Middle West, Eastern and Southern
states took the surplus that usually
goes into cold storage and gave healthy
Flour Prices Take Tumble.
Portland — There was a 20-cent de­
cline in flour price this week, which
brought the price of patents down to
$5 a barrel. Straights will be quoted
at $3.40 to $5.60. No change was an­
nounced in the price of whole wheat or
graham flour. The wheat market is at
about the same level as early in the
month, when the last flour reduction
occurred, and there is a firmer feeling,
yet in the long run the tendency of
wheat values appears to be downward.
It is evident that the flour market is
settling down to »¡new crop basis.
Oregon Grains Declared Fine.
Cottage Grove, Or.—J. E. Kuni, of
Minnesota, who visited Finley Whipps
This is Max Gould of Paterson. N. J., and his pet lioness cub Queenie. to
during the past week, declared that which Max's neighbors have raised objection, appealing to the health board.
never before had he seen such grain as Max says Queenie is as harmless as a kitten.
that on the Whipps Mosby Creek place.
He walked through oats that were as
high as his head, rye that was much
higher, with wheat, barley and other
grain in proportion. He said that was
the finest grain he had seen in Oregon
Miss Ida Miller Taylor, daughter of
and that he had never seen any finer
Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Taylor of New
than that of Oregon.
Rochelle. N. Y.. recently journeyed to
China to be married, and in the Pro-
Apple Yield Is Less.
| Cathedral at Shanghai she beoaine the
Walla Walla — District Fruit In­
i wife of Rev. Francis J. M. Cotter.
spector C. W. Gilbreath estimates
formerly of New York. For their hon­
Walla Walla county’s apple yield this
eymoon trip they went up the Yangtse
year at 60 per cent of last year; the
river to Kultng. where they will spend
peach crop at 75 per cent, pears at 50
the summer studying the Chinese lan­
per cent, cherries at 65 per cent,
guage. In the autumn they will re-
plums, prunes and potatoes at slightly
1 turn to Wuchang, where Mr. Cotter is
in charge of St. Michael’s church.
Grain dealers estimate that 100,000
bushels of last year’s wheat crop are
An Easy Choice.
still in the valley.
Of this about 40,-
Bishop Sanford Olmsted said at a
000 are club and 60,000 turkey red and
dinner party:
’’The charge that the church Is gov­
erned by mercenary motives Is an
Wallowa Horse Market Good.
insidious one. I think the charge
Wallowa, Or. — Tne Horse market
was best answered by the prison chap­
continues to be good in Wallowa
county. This week A. B. Hall shipped
*'A chaplain was addressing a con­
out three cars of cavalry horses to the
gregation of prisoners, many of whom
St. Louis market, and M. L. Marks
had given more than one proof that
has loaded out four cars, mostly large
they were profiting by his visits. But
horses for the Omaha market. On
there was a certain rough, brutal-look
June 29-30 the third big horse sale of
ing fellow who always scofTed and
this seasn will be held and it is pre­
sneered. And today this fellow, When
dicted that at least 500 head will be
ths chaplain greeted him, said:
sold and shipped to the Eastern mar­
“ ‘No. I don’t want to shake hands
with you, parson. You only preach
Early Alfalfa Crop Retarded.
for money.’
"‘Very good, my friend; have It
Pendleton, Or. — Reports from the
so,’ the chaplain answered. 1 preach
west end of the county indicate that
the recent cold rains and wind have re­
Russian soldier taking his daily "grog," which is nonalcoholic since the for money. You steal for mosey. Let
tarded the early alfalfa crop.
God choose between us.”
issuance of the czar's decree asainst vodka.