OLD CITY HALL PHILADEL PHIA MOVES TO HINDER HUERTA TAKEN INTO WORLD’S DOINGS WASHINGTON ANY NEW REVOLTS IN MEXICO CUSTODY BY U. S. REALLY EKJOYEO OF CURRENT WEEK ÖSPUTHE ¿S ake J BERT?’ BELATED HONOR PAID TO PATRIOT Caesar Rodney to Have His Bravery Recognized by a Memorial Tablet. - , Caesar Rodney, the hero of the sign ing of th»- Declaration of Independ ence, will soon have his long ill-recog nized bravery commemorated by s tablet in the Declaration chamber at Philadelphia. The Independence hall advisory committee has announced that th« tablet has been decided upon and wit be placed soon among other pictures and relics of the fathers of the re public. While the probably unfounded story of the boy and grandfather, his cry "Ring, grandpa, ring!” is known tc every schoolchild, the noble act ol Caesar Rodney is familiar to few Americans. The tentative vote taken by th« delegates July 1, 1776, was indecisive Some of the colonies had sent a ma Jorlty of Tory delegates and the votes of Pennsylvania and South Carolina were against freeing the colonies from the British yoke. Two delegates from Delaware were tied and the third was Caesar Rodney, who lay very ill in his home near Dover. He was suffer ing from a cancer which had caused him to wear a veil over his face. On the night before the birth ol independence Thomas McKeen, whose vote for the Declaration had negatived that of George Reed, also of Delaware, dispatched a messenger to Caesar Rod­ ney, urging him to come at once. Il all the colonies did not sign the docu­ ment, he wrote there could be no ef fectlve resistance to England. The delegates were then engaged in anx ious and prolonged debate. Early In the morning the messenger reached the Rodney farm at Bayfield Delaware, ar.d delivered his message Ceasar Rodney rose from his bed His nurse and relatives told him he was going forth to death. Mckeen had calculated that if Rod ney came and cast the deciding vot< for Delaware. Pennsylvania and South Carolina would step into line an'! would swing every state for independ ence. He had posted relays of horses on the route. Rodney rode at th« limit of speed, leaving the messenger who had summoned him far behind He had to be lifted from his horse and led into the chamber. With his etrength fast ebbing he cast the vote on which the fate of America hinged. South Carolina and Pennsylvania voted in the affirmative and then, with John Hancock at tbefr head, all the delegates put their pens to the Declara, tion. Rodney did not die Just then. He recovered a little and with enormous hardihood enlisted and won a com­ mission in the Continental army. His malady, however, soon overtook him and he died In his forty-sixth year. The Caesar Rodney chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution wil pay for the tablet commemorating his memory. July 4. The United States of America la 138 years old. These be ripe years, vet the most captious critic must grant that the nation is well grown, even for its age. It is well grown in more than mere size and material wealth. This anni­ versary of its birth finds the great republic zealous for the right at home, and earnestly "trying to serve man­ kind" abroad. It presents the most unusual spectacle of a giant nation using Its strength, not as a giant, but as a friend; generously, unselfishly helping weak and wrangling neighbors to better ideals and happier conditions. The glory of this unselfish service will last far longer than the glamor of any war of conquest. Greenland’s "Big City.” The largest settlement in Greenland is Syd proven, which has a population of 766, and the smallest Is Skansen, in the north of Greenland, with 46 Inhabitants. In the drawing room of the Spen­ cers hung the portrait of an exquisite­ ly beautiful girl with powdered hair and panniered skirt. She was the famous ancestress of little Mrs. Spen­ cer. and, when Mistress Barbara Stuart, had saved two continental of­ ficers from being captured by her presence of mind and ready wit. One was her brother, the other a cousin, whom General Washington had sent to Burlington with a message to Gen­ eral Wayne. The temptation being too great to brook resistance, they stopped to seo Mistress Barbara, and while she was preparing refreshments a company of torv foragers came to the house. Mis­ tress Barbara cordially invited the unwelcome callers within the house, knowing that it was less risky than to keep them without. She ushered the tories into the dining room, then rushed to the kitchen and gave timely warning to her brother and cousin, telling them to remain perfectly quiet until she came again. Returning to the dining room with a huge tray heaped with delicacies, she spread them before the tories, talking mer­ rily, her quick tongue ever ready with a witty remark. When they were all busily engaged eating the tempting viands she softly closed the door and shot the bolt in place. Commanding her kinsmen to mount and ride away, she followed them with her eyes until they were lost to view; then she ran to the nearest house and sent the men to capture the tories, which they did. John Spencer was a stolid, adaman­ tine man, who was vice president of a bank, and when he married dainty Barbara Stuart everyone speculated as to the wisdom of his choice, for she was a butterfly creature who never gave a second glance at the se­ rious side of life. One day Barbara as tonished everyone by Joining the Sorosis club, much against the will of John, who believed that a woman's realm was bounded by the four walls of her home. In the meantime Barbara had de­ veloped into an ardent suffragist, of which John knew nothing until he read an article in the paper saying: “Tomorrow being Independence day, the Sorosis club has arranged an in­ teresting program and the mayor will preside. Mrs. John Spencer has con­ sented to speak on equal suffrage and the Constitution, and Judging by the able manner in which she handled the child-labor question at the last meet­ ing, there promts- n to be a discourse on the suffrage question worthy of many listeners." This was too much for John. His wife addressing a motley Fourth of July crowd and for the cause of equal suffrage! She was forgetting her dig­ nity, nnd he must call a halt on these unfemlnine actions or no telling where they would lead to. Barbara was not at home when he called up on the phone, so he had to nurse his ire until evening. "What does this meen?” he de­ manded. handing her the paper. "Exactly what you have read there,” she calmly answered. "I forbid you to deliver that ad­ dress tomorrow, Barbara, so you had better phone the mayor that you are indisposed." ‘Til do nothing of the sort. John. For a long time I have been waiting for an opportunity to address a mixed crowd. There are a few things I think the men ought to know. I want to in­ vite you to accompany me tomorrow; but of course, if you disapprove, you must forego that pleasure.” John's face became the hue of a boiled lobster, and he stormed and fumed, walking the floor like a caged beast while Barbara perused the paper totally oblivious of his presence. Fin­ ally he went upstairs with a parting command that she remain at home the next day. John was awakened by the explo­ sion of cannon-crackers, for which the small boy next door spent his weekly allowance to properly usher In the glorious Fourth. He found Barbara at the break- fast table already attired for the street. "I had to have breakfast earlier this morning, dear." she smilingly said, "for we women resolved to be on the platform before the crowd as­ sembled and to begin the program on the second of the time appointed." "Do you mean to say that you are going—knowing that you are doing so without my approbation?" "I am thoroughly cognizant of that fact, my dear John. Do you recall what day this is? Our forefathers de­ clared independence 137 years ago. and Barbara Stuart helped capture the enemies of liberty. I mean to do all in my power to help the women rise above the medieval tyranny of men. Good-by, John. So sorry you will not come to hear me." For an hour he sat alone on the ve^nda and sulked; then noticing the entire neighborhood moving toward the public square, he grabbed his hat and Joined the motley crowd. Tommy’s Time of Happiness That Stayed With Him for Many Days. Brief Resume of General News from All Around the Earth. Washington, D, 0. — The United States government has determined that so far as it can prevent there shall be no further revolutionary move­ ments in Mexico and that American territory, at any rale, shall not be used as a base for such expeditions. Tint, it became known officially Tuesday, led to the arreat of General Victorian» Huerta and General Pascual Orozco at El Paso, and forms the ground for strict surveillance now l>e- ing maintained by agents of the De- |>artment of Justice on Generals Felix Diaz. Mondragon, Blanquet and Felipe Angeles ami other Mexicans of promi­ nence now living in the United States. Anaistai^ Attorney General Warren conferred with Secretary Lansing, af­ ter which the intention of the govern­ ment to prosecute vigorously all vio­ lations of neutrality laws, irrespective of the prominence of the individuals or their affiliations, was revealed. According to information thus far gathered, there are at least four se|>- arate and distinct groups, a|>art from the Villa anti Carranza supporters, in the United States who are active po­ litically in the Mexican situation. Whenever such activity shall reach the point of setting on foot a military ex­ pedition from the United States, ar­ rests will follow, according to Mr. Warren, who is handling the case. The information gathered by govern­ ment agents discloses that the various groups have a common purpose in op­ posing Carranza and Villa but were working independently of each other. Inquiry is being made to learn what financial interests are aup|xirting the various factions and there are hints that citizens of one of the belligerent countries of Europe are involved in the plots. The position of the United States is that the revolutionary elements in Mexico should not be augmented and the situation further complicated by the addition of marauding armies which could hope to get in any degree of military supremacy only after pro­ longed lighting. Famine conditions and the devasta­ tions of the military factions already in the field are of such a threatening character that until the American gov­ ernment is able to see clearly what its own action should be, it is determined that no new elements be introduced into the situation. Plot to Start New Revolution in Mexico Is Charged. "Sh-a-wee; sh-a-wHl" squeaked the saw, as It gnawed its way slowly luto a knotty limb. OROZCO ARRESTED ON SAME PLAINT It was a hot day', and the saw was UNIVERSAL HAPPENINGS IN A NUTSHELL dull, and the boy was a mite of a fel­ low. “Sh-s-wee; sh-s-wse!” And all the while the thoughts of the boy were Live News Items of All Nations and Both Released Under Heavy Bond surging out to the other boys, who Pacific Northwest Condensed El Paso Deeply Stirred by Ac­ were exploding torpedoes and crackers on the village streets, and to the big for Our Busy Readers. tion of Federal Officials. parade at midday and the fireworks in the evening. As soon as this limb and three oth­ Eleven hundred Indian war veterana El Paso, Tex. — General Victoriano ers were done, he would be free to go. He looked at them critically, and cal- hold joyful cqnvention in Portland. Huerta, ex-president of Mexico, ar­ cula.-Hl how long it would take. rived here Sunday, accompanied by President Wilson deciares he sees no He would not have any torpedoes or signa of early peace in the European several well-known Mexicans. Soon crackers to explode, but he could look war. afterward he wax taken into custody at those of the other boys and listen on charges uf conspiring to incite con­ It is rejorted the last Russian line to the noise. And it would not matter spiracy against a friendly country, and in Galicia is broken by the Austro- so very much If they did laugh at his held for a time at Fort Bliss, until he clothes. Fourth of July didn't come German army. gave $15,000 bail. General Pascual Orozco was detained very often, and he could stand a little Two trains collide on high bridge Jeering for the pleasure of the holi­ near Gettysburg, Pa.,- and eight per­ with him, on the same charge, and also released later, on $7500 bail. day. sons are killed. The charges were filed by s|>ecial He did not feel any pity for himself, The American Medical association in agents of the department of Justice. or think it hard that be must go into session in San Francisco, has chosen Unit«! States officials were silent the woods every morning to gather Dr. Blue as its president. relative to future action {lending the limbs, and then spend the greater part England in note to United States receipt of instructions from Washing­ of each day cutting them into conveni­ ton. Observers, however, freely ex­ ent pieces for the stove; but he did promises to reduce delayej of shipping pressed the belief that Sunday’s action feel sorry that his mother could not by neutral countries in war zone. of the United States authorities will spare a half day from her washing and The United States government places have an imfsirtant bearing on Mexican ironing, or even time to go out with a big order for steel rails to be used in developments, if it does not effectively him to listen to the delightful snap­ construction of the Alaskan railroad. put an end to rumors of a new revolu­ ping of the torpedoes and cractfers Persistent rumors from Germany tionary movement that have been cur­ At last there wks sufficient wood for rent on the border for several months. the day. and with bounding heart but state that the kaiser will soon make a Many were inclined to see in theso shrinking form he stole along the side­ supreme effort to invade England, with events an indication that Washington walks, watching and listening eagerly, London as the objective goal. remains firm in its attitude, that Hu­ though keeping himself as much as Five severe earthquakes occurred at erta's return to Mexico would not aid possible in the background. Up and Calexico, Cal., again Friday. The first in adjusting the present difficulties down one street after another he was felt about 8:15 and the succeeding and might serve to complicate them. moved, finally pausing at a yard that four at intervals until 10:10 p. m. A public demonstration in Juarez was delightfully noisy with explosives. The American steamer Noches, about the hour Huerta's train was due The tight board fence was too high bound from Rotterdam to New York, to reach this city ended as suddenly ax to peep over without raising himself was seized by England and ordered to it began. There were hurried confer­ on tiptoes, but the gate was several London, where her cargo will be ences among Mexican leaders on both inches lower. Here he stopped and thrown into prize court. sides of the Rio Grande. Many guard­ caught his breath at sight of a boy edly admitted that Huerta’s detention A Reuter dispatch from Berne says holding a lighted match to a giant was of the utmost im|>ortance, but that Luxembourg, threatened with a cracker. none would comment on its |>oaeible shortage of bread, has appealed to The boy was Roy Green, the doctor's effort on Mexico. son, and with him were Robby and Switzerland, which has agreed to sup­ United States Would Hold Germany Americans were freer in their com­ baby Edith. He knew them all by ply the grand duchy with flour until ment. They reviewed the recent ac­ the next harvest. firmly to Terms of Treaty of 1828 sight, and bis eyes shone with admi­ tivity along the border of the adher­ ration at the cool comi>osure with Loans and discounts of the 7604 Na­ ents of the Cientifico party in Mexico, which Roy was doing his lighting. tional banks in this country reporting Washington, D. C. — By agreement including the disbursement of consider­ He had never been spoken to by to the comptroller of the currency at with the German foreign office, the able sums of money for a variety of Roy. His heart gave a sudden bound the close of business May 1 amounted State department made public Tuesday purposes, the discovery of many rifles at a cordial: "Hello, there. Tommy! to $6,643,h87,951, an increase over the txet of the note sent on June 24 by and much ammunition in an El Paso Won't you come in and help us tiro I March 4. 1915, of $143.923,346, and the United States, asking Germany to warehouse owned by a member of that over June 30, 1914, of nearly $214,- reconsider her refusal to settle by di­ party ami the appearance of General these things off?" Tommy fairly gasped at th^Jdea, 000,000. rect diplomatic negotiations instead of Ynex Salazar in Western Chihuahua. and his gaze stole rapturously to the Founding of the James J. Hill pro­ by prize court proceedings, the claim They recalled the activities of General crackers lying about the ground, and fessorship of transportation in the presented on behalf of the captain and Orozco, Caravo ami Salazar in the to rhe big box of torpedoes. Harvard Graduate School of Business owners of the American ship William anti-Mexican revolution ami their sub­ It was strange. Incomprehensible. Administration, with an endowment P. Frye, sunk with her cargo of wheat sequent service during the Huerta re­ He did not know that the night before of $125,000, was announced by Presi­ by the commerce raider Prinz Eitel gime. Doctor Green bad made out a list for dent Lowell in his address to the Har­ Friedrich. Ambassador Gerard cabled For several days there have been the parade, choosing war veterans in­ vard alumni, assembled for commence­ that he had delivered the note. fieraistent reports that June 28 had The American government declares been fixed as the date for far-resching stead of prominent men to fill the con­ ment day. that, inasmuch ax Germany has ad­ developments at Juarez in connection spicuous places, and that, he had spok- The great wineries of the Barton mitted liability for the sinking of the vineyard, at Fresno, Cal., one of the Frye, under the treaty of 1828, prize with the so-called third revolutionary largest in the world, caught fire and court proceedings are unnecessary and movement. Some observers professed « • * S'*'*' to see a close relation lie tween thia the main buildings are destroyed. The not binding upon the United States. movement ami the arrival of General loss is estimated at from $300,000 to Huerta. They expressed the opinion $500,000, or even more. More than that his detention had prevented such Italy to Declare War on Turkey 1,000,000 gallons of wine and brandy a consummation by removing the pos­ in bond were spilled. and Aid at Dardanelles, Is Report sibility of Huerta's participation in Oklahoma is said to need from 16,000 such a movement, despite his declara­ to 18,000 harvest hands, and Kansas Paris—Announcement was made at tion that he had no intention of at­ 35,000. An Oregon association has the French ministry of war that, ac­ tempting to cross into Mexico. applied for 1000 berry pickers. An cording to the Italian press, Italy has arms and ammunition plant in Con­ broken diplomatic relations with Tur­ Roumanid Said to Be Ready to necticut has asked for 300 men. Zinc Italy, it is added, will send and lead mines in Missouri need 1000 key. Enter Conflict on Side of Allies laborers. A Maryland steel company troops to the Dardanelles. has applied for 100 hands. In West Berlin, by wireless to Sayville, N. Washington, D. C.- Roumania at Virginia 2000 coal mine employes are Y.—The Italian newspapers are jubi­ last has cast her lot with the allies. wanted. lant, says the Overseas News agency, It is learned here that official advices Active work has begun on the gov­ over the announcement that Italy is to received announce that the Roumanian 11 ernment railroad in Alaska. participate in the operations against government has demanded the ceaaion Bulgarians are reported to be bar­ the Dardanelles by sending a fleet un­ by Austria-Hungary of the Auatro- der the Duke of the Abruzzi to release Hungarian territory cf Transylvania. gaining on entering the war. the larger British warships for im­ Coming at a time when the Austro- General French, commander-in-chief portant work elsewhere. "You Mustn’t Leave Us This Way.” German forces have been engaged in of the British forces, has recommend­ driving the Russian troojm out of Gal­ en of Tommy's father as being one of ed 58 women “for gallantry and dis­ Georgia Urges Reprisals. icia, this news unquestionably will the brave men who had died for the tinguished service in the field.” The Atlanta, Ga. — Resolutions urging have a depressing effect in Berlin and women were in the hospital and Red country. President Wilson to use every means in Vienna. When the crackers and torpedoes Cross service. Of greater importance, however, in were exploded, and Tommy was turn­ Harry K. Thaw’s seventh attempt to his power — “diplomatic if possible, the fact that the action of Roumania retaliatory if necessary ” — to prevent ing back toward the gate, Roy caught gain his freedom since his arrest, nine in making a demand on Autro-Hun- him protestingly by the arm. years ago for the murder of Stanford interference by Great Britain with grary to which that government cannot American commerce to neutral nations, "Look here, Tommy,” he cried; "you White, was begun in New York with agree indicates that an understanding mustn't leave us this way. We’re go­ the selection of a jury to inquire as to were adopted by both houses of the has been reached by all the Balkan Georgia legislature. Among other ing to have a game of croquet, and his sanity. If the jurors decide in his states to enter the war on the side of then mamma will have lunch for us in favor and Justice Hendrick, presiding, things the resolutions set forth that the allies. since March 1 “ Great Britain has ille ­ who has the power to reverse the ver ­ the summer house. After that we'd like to have you in our carriage in the dict, accepts it, Thaw will obtain per­ gally seized” many vessels containing Grain Crop Is Retarded. cargoes for neutral ports of Eurojie, parade. I know papa will be pleased. manent freedom. thus depriving cotton producers of a Washington, D. C.- The prospective He said your father was in his com­ According to a forecast of crop con­ pany, and that he was one of the best ditions cabled the department of Agri­ market for more than 3,000,000 hales. record-breaking crop had somewhat un­ men. It’s right that you should be culture by the International Institute favorable weather during the week just Germans Turn to Verdun. in the parade. And we’d like to hare of Agriculture in Rome, Italy’s wheat ended, the National Weather and Crop Paris — The Germans, in fighting bulletin announces. you go with us to the flreworks this yield is estimated at 202,093,000 bush­ Continued rainy evening, too. Papa has charge of them, els for 1915, as against 172,697,000 furiously at Bagatelle and in the weather in the central and northward you know, and maybe he'll let us help bushels in 1914. No yearly compar­ trenches of Catonne, are seeking to fiortionx of the principal winter wheat a little." isons are given for other grains, but it approach the strongly fortified town of belt, caused too rank growth and lodg­ So Tommy remained and played cro­ is estimated that Italy’s rye crop this Verdun, according to Lieutenant Colo- ing in some districts and heavy local quet, and bad lunch with them in the year will total 4,474,000 bushels, bar­ nel Bousset, military critic of the Petit damage occurred from hail, wind and Parisien. He beleives they are seek­ floods in portions of Kansas, Missouri summer house, and went with them in ley 9,186,000 and oats 31,003,000. ing to gain control of the railroad and Nebraska. In the corn-growing the parade. Thomas Taggert and 127 others have from Chalons to Sainte Menehuold. states the weather was generally un­ Then he hurried home and told his mother about It, but returned In time been indicted for alleged election While they are aiming at Verdun from favorable. two directions, the critic believes the to help carry the fireworks to the frauds at Indianapolis. efforts of their army will prove futile. square in front of the courthouse, and Terrific Battle Fought. Admiral Howard advises against to assist in placing skyrockets and landing American marines atGuaymaa, Paris — A terrific battle, In which Canal Tolls $4,000,000. mines and pin wheels in position for fearing it may cause trouble for Amer­ Washington, D. C.—A total of /<,- both combatants resorted to the use of firing, and to do many of those Impor­ icana at other points. hand grenades, wax fought by the 000,000 in tolls was collected for the French and Germans Monday in the tant things, which so delight the heart Official announcement was made In use of the Panama canal in the period vicinity of Quennevieres and jicar the of a boy. And his conspicuous position In the Stockholm that the German govern­ of time between the opening of the recently captured German position proceedings of the day so Impressed ment had expressed deep regret for the waterway for traffic in May last year called “the labyrinth,” according to the other boys that they ceased to Jeer attack off Christianxand on June 15 on up to June 6 last. the official statement issued by the During April the tolls for the first war department. The report adds that him from that time on, and took him the Swedish steamer Verdandi. Ger­ into their games as a comrade in many declares the attack was a mis­ time were greater than the coat of a German surprise attack on Arra- take and expressed willingness to pay operation and maintenance of the court failed, and that 20 bomba were good standing an indemnity. canal. dropped by Frenhch aviators. A a