Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, June 24, 1915, Image 4

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T he H istory O f T he T rade
Shanahan Now Presents his Biggest Sale of the Season* a Large Quantity of
off the Steamship Pennsylvania, secured by us at a great loss to the Insurance Co. and to be placed on sale here Friday at the lowest price ever known for goods of equal
value. Positively no burned goods, only slightly soiled by water and handling, and such staple merchandise as Sheetings, Muslins, Underwear, Gingham, Dress Goode,
Etc. The supreme bargain event of this Great Bargain Giving Store.
2500 yards of Bleached Lons­
dale muslin, a full yard wide
regular price 10c
at only.................
heavy and strong
reg. 30c grade at.
Limit 20 yards to a customer
Limit 15 yards to a customer
3C yd.
3000 yards of 9-4 Bleached
Utica Mills Sheeting, extra
A j ¿2**
Men’s Fumisnings
2000 yards of the genuine Ren­
frow’ Devonshire Cloth abso­
lutely perfect, usually sold as
1000 yards Fancy Plaid wool
finish Dress Goods 32 inches
wide, a varied assortment of
patterns and colors regular
high as 20c yard
during this sale
X v“lu"
Qp «J
Men’s Elast ic Suspenders. 1 JJp
* wU
25c values
Men’s assorted color 4-in- 1 Q«
Hand Silk Ties* ........
Men's Heavy Work Shirts, big
assortment, all size*. 5oc OQ a
value*......... ...........................
Men’s light Color Soft Shirts,
plain or military collar, all
Men’s fine I»ree» Shirts, big 4tEz»
variety of patterns................. vwv
ltW rolls of fine Tissue Toilet Paper, roll
Ladies' Whit«* Neckwear, roll collar, with
embroidered edges..................
Lace Ruffling, ecru or white, value» to 25c
a yard, at.................................................... Ik
Men’s Athletic I'mlerwear. bro­
ken sizes, values to 50c, 1 £/» Apron Ginghams, blue ami white checks,
|>er yard ...................................................
choice......................................... AOV
White (luting Flannel, full width, good
and fleecy, per yard...................................... Sc
Men'» fine Balbriggan Under­ Full 36-inch Bleached Muslin, per yard .... Sc
wear. shirts or draw- QE/» Boys’ Blue with White 8 tripe Ofreralls, pr. 2k
er*. at
0ÖC ladies' Bnuwiere Corset Covers.................. Ik
infants' Crib Blankets, blue or pink, only Ik
Men’s Athletic and Mesh I’nion Brass Extension Curtain Rods only, each
Antiseptic Tooth Brushes, 15c. 25c value«.. 10c
Suita, value* to 81.00, for
10c I>re»e Ginghams, checks and »tripes, yd Sc
Ladies’ Hemstitched Handkerchiefs ......... Ic
Men’s fine White Ribbed Closed Ink Writing Tablets, good quality linen
paper, values to 10c................................... 2c
Crotch Union Suita now at
Ladins' Silk Mull Automobile Veils, regu­
lar 25c values .............................................. Ik
i i Men’s Pure Linen Collars, the 10c and 15c
Men’s and Boy’s Wool Cape, good
grade, each................................................... Sc
styles and patterns, for
Silk Moire and Fancy Stripe Ribbons, 4
only..... .............................
inches wide, yard ...................................... ISc
White llnck Towels, with colored border,
sise 17x34, limit one dosen to a |w>r*>n
each .............................................................. k
l<argv Crimped and Plain Shell Hair Pins
two for.......................................................... Sc
Bamboo Lunch Baskets at only .................. Ik
Ladies* well made Corsets at ................. Jk
I “a p.-r Napkins, per hundred, only.. ........
Fine grade Tissue Toilet Paper, lUUO-stieet roll Sc
Indies’ Fancy Roman Stripe Flartictiirdle
Belta, 50c vaiura, at............................... ZSc
Ladies’ Leather Handbags, specialtl, valix* Hi I
Assortment of Vai. and Torchon Laces and
Insertings only, yard ............................. Ic
Boy’s Windsor Tie», blue, red, black or
white, at only............................................ k
Children’s White Muslin Drawers, pair..,. Ik
Smail lot of Children’s Straw ready-to-wear
Hats, only
Black Brocaded Velvet RI bixin, 3 inches
wide, par yard
Ladies Gauze Vests at only.............................. Sc
Ladies’ Black Cotton Medium Weight Haw
double be»*) and toe. all -iz«~. l'c
xaine at
All church, society, personal and local new*
not publiahed for profit, free; noticw of en­
tertainment«, conducted for profit, publiahed
at a 25c minitnun, of So word». Announce­
ment» and card of thank», «»me rate. Adver­
tising rates quoted on request.
LOST—Bunch Keys.
Herald office and get reward.
Attention is called to the article in Stanford Mocre.
6 on page one of this issue.
Geo. Dilworth of Portland made this
Jay Bundy has gone to hie farm at
pan of the city a visit the first of the
Mrs. Spencer of Foster road has been Pbilomotb, and Mrs. Bundy and the
suffering this week with a felon caused family will join liim in a couple of
by a thorn.
LEAVE Your Hats to be cleaned and
Chester Lyon, founder of the Big
The Mt. Scott Drug Co., is showing a
Chester’s Sanitary Bar tier
tine display oi house paint* this week. Brother farm of Lebanon, was in I-enta
Shop, Agents.
i Wednesday afternoon. He has one or
Attention i» called to an article on I two Lents boys under his care.
The Evangelical Y. P. A. members column 6 on page one ot thie issue.
will go by auto to the Clackamas river
The Boy Scout* of the M. E. Church
for their 4th of July picnic.
had a very enjoyable gathering Wednes­
day evening.
The Ladies of the G. A. R. wish to
A Mutual Masterpiece. Will Posi­
Miss Vera Kimber of Seattie bas been
thank those who a*eiste»l them in pre­
tively be Shown at the Yeager
paring their float for the Rose Festival visiting her many friends in l>enta the
Theatre June 29 and 30.
past week.
Attention is called to the article in
The Allied Young People's Societies column 6 on page one of this i»*ue.
are to celebrate the I-abor Day picnic as
The Kelly Clan is preparing for their
a full organization
The place has not
annual reunion. They meet this Satur­
been picked but presumably Clackamas
ât Mt. Tabor Park and have a picnic
or Estacada.
dinner at five o’clock.
Mrs. Goetz gave a musicale in the
Oddfellow* hall Saturday evening, June
19. The musicale was given by a class
she has in Lents in piano and violin. It
was one of the best given in Lents.
was a good recommendation for Mrs.
Goetz as a teacher.
Clarence W. Clark has passe« 1 a favor­
able examination as «-andidate for the
Portland Police force. Mr. Clark is a
non-commissioned officer ot the O. N. G.
He was appoint«*») sp»*<*ial patrolman by
Mayor Albee and recommended by the
Lents Civic Federation.
The Sunday preaching hour at the
Lenta Evangelical church was given over
to a religious musical concert last Sun­
day night. The church was filled and
those who ventured into the church for
the first time will no doubt come often
after so rich a treat.
C. G. Retherford of South Main street
sold their Packard Motor Truck to W.
W. Taylor and F. Taylor, who operate
as Brofhers in the contracting business.
It is understood that Harold Rether­
ford’» service* will be retained by the
Taylor' Brother* because of the aplendid
»-are he has taken of the truck.
Doeia Dale, a Kentucky heiress, h as
been imprisoned in Dr. Protbero'« pri-
vate asylum bv her uncle and guardian.
The uncle has squandered bis ward's
fortune and realizing he must soon give
an accounting, he hires Dr. Ptothero
to assist him in making away with
Attention is called to the article in Dosia. The unfortunate girl i» locked
column 6 on page one of this issue.
in an upper room, but she manages to
Mr. McGrew and sons are training for drop a note from one of the windows
the annual Cedar horse shoe throwing
contest. They are hard to beat. It is
good to “ee the gam«* of throwing shoe»
revived become it is entirely wholesome.
Dr. Hees, A. D. Kenworthy, Ralph
Stanz, Arthur Geisler, Marvin Hedge
and Will Darnel) made an early morn­
ing trip to the Sandy near Bull Run
Wednesday, returning with a nice catch
of trout.
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Nordberg, living
near Grays Crowing, were surprised on
Wednesday evening by about thirty
friends in honor of the first anniversary
of their marriage.
Refreshments and
games made the evening delightful.
Many gifts were received and good wish­
es without number.
Infants* Half tha-ks, tan,
white, pink, blue, pair
On Friday evening, June 18. the
T. J. F. Club entertaine«! in honor of
the thirty-eight member» of the gradu­
ating claw* at the home of Miss Bertha
Hauser, a prominent member of the
A delightful evening was »pent
in music and games after which refresh­
ments were served.
{ Ladi««’ V«wt», tine cotton riblwd,
high or low tuck, long or 1C.,
short sleeve*
144-146 Third St
Between Aide, and Morrison
No Place Like Home
Arc trying tn build up Lents by selling New
and Second Hand Furniture and Hardware
as cheap as any place in Portland. Call and
I f r
Tabor 5267
J /
The Place to See
everything the most particular taste
would require in footwear for men
and women, is our shoe department.
mint makes it and under the
terms of the CONTINENTAL MORT­
GAGECOMPANY you can secure it at
0 per cent for any legal purpose on ap­
proved real estate. Terms easy, tell us
your wants and we will co-operate with
Neuralgia Pains Stopped
Ladies* l.ilk Boot H om , black or Iauileo’ Pants, tine cotton, l>an>l
white, double sole, high 'JC.. or draw string top. lace or
spliced I m *I, pair
............... «—
tight knee, ankle length
You don’t need to suffer those agon­
izing nerve pains in the face, head, arm
shoulder», chest and hack.
Just apply
a few drops of soothing Sloan's Lini-
masterpicture .
ment; lie quietly a few minutes,
will get such relief and comfort!
Produced by Majestic.
■nd the world will look brighter,
The missive fall* into the hands of Ford
a bottle today. 3 ounces for 36c., at all
a young reporter, who starts an investi­ Druggists. Penetrates wilhont rub
gation. He wire* Dosia*« home and bing.
I J». I ie*’ tin»' Cotton SltwveleM
Vesta, plain or lac.* yokes, I
extra value
fl nr
Advertised letters for week ending
Jons I'». r»i.',
Baxter, Wilson R ;
Johnson, Mr», Charles T.; Jone», Mr»
G. W.; Hall, Mrs. L. A.; Houghton,
Mr». E. M. ; Kurr, Arthur R. E«|.;
Ijirson, Aifrod; Porter, Mr. and Mrs ;
Rope, Milo; Hchimer, Harvey; Hteplien-
Mr. II. C.; 9417, 59 Ave. 8. E.
Geo. W. Spring, Postmaster.
Denver, Colo.
Boy*’ Wash I nion Suita, high
neck, short sleeve», kite.
length, all star»
Girla* fine Riblier silk Idsle
in black or tan. all rises,
regular 85c, special.
Advertised Letters
513 Denham Bldg.
Limit 6 sheets to a customer
Boys' Heavy Ribbed (lotton II»*»’ i Girl's flue Ribbed Cotton I’nion
—double het. all siasa, pair 'ifZ., Saits, low neck, »l<*»*vele»» 'IE.,
Ific, 2 pair» for
Z«Jv and huee length
learns she is travelling with her uncle
Realizing the girl’s danger. Ford sets
out to find the house in which she is
held a prisoner. He hires a hand or­
gan and wanders up and down the
street in which the note wax found sing­
ing southern melodies.
While he is
singing "My Old Kentucky Home ’ a
glove drops from an up|>er window and
he knows the *’Ix»t House” is found.
Having instructed his friend Cuthbert
to bring the police if he is not out of
the house by a certain hour, he gain»
admission to the asylum by pretemlitig
to be a naval afficer suffering from a
nervous breakdown. He at once Io
cates Dosia but is discovere«i by her
uncle and Protbero. Ford and the girl
barricade themselves in a room and the
siege begins.
The police come to their aid and a
terrific battle ensue», ■« the conspira­
tors are armed with high-power rifles.
Finally, the militia are called out. The
house catches on fire, but Ford and
Dosia er .ave to the roof. Dr. Prothero
and the uncle are killed ; Ford and the
girl are rescued by the fire department
and the final picture is one <f
triumphant over peril and death.
iJulies' Black Cotton Hiss*, with 'Girls’ Vests. low neck, sleevel«*«»
while feet, all si«»*s, medium I iL. or abort sleeves, priced I A..
w ight, per pair ..................... ■ Dv «1 only
Mis* Auten, teacher in the Lent*
Otto Katzky rides in a new Case auto
since Tuesday.
schools was called home th* latter part
of the week to mourn the death of her
Don’t forget to rea«l the contest ad­ mother.
vertisement on page 5 of this issue.
Eugene Locke is spending a week in
E. L. Thorpe of Gresham paid Lents the hospital where he went to undergo
a visit on Wednesday.
He it
an operation for appendicitis,
Otto Hampson of Skamokawa. Wash., recovering nicely.
was a visitor this week at the home of, Mrs. W. Boyd Moore went to Willa­
E. B. Rutan.
mina Wednesday to visit her »on, J.
100 dozen Seam les« Bleached
Bed Sheets^ 1-4 wide by 2 1-2
yards long, made of an extra
strong heavy sheeting and
absolute 90c value
Hosiery and Underwear
Many Items From Our Regular Stock in This Sale
Men's Cotton Socks, black, tan. I Men'» Balbriggan
pumle, gray, black with OEp shirts or drawers, in all
sizes, at ....................
white feet. 3 pairs..
Men’s Fiber Silk Sock*. 1 Ep
black, white and tan
‘10c yd.
200 dozen Indies fleece lined
underwear, shirts or Pants
also Childrens Union Suits 50c
to 65c values, buy them now
for next winter and save over
26c garment
We have Just received a large and com­
plete assortment of Brown'* "White House'*
■hoes, the most fashionable style* of oxford*
In all the exclusive shape* and newest
leathers. Every foot «.an be correctly fitted.
The Emporium
.5027-31 92nd or Main St.. Lents Ore
Ä m »
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