Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, June 24, 1915, Image 3

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    A. E. Grow ha* been
the past week.
At The Churches
feeling indis-
Mia* Hilda Turple of fiftth Ave . and
71st fit , ha« Irren ill the past week.
Bert Wil erg made a
trip to Tne I
Dalle* Thursday.
Mr. and Mr*. Languiti of 45th Ave.,
will celebrate their gold» wedding nest
■ Tu-eday night.
Harry Clapp, Charlie Mowrey and
Mr* Bernice Pollard and her parents
Vieta Baptist Church
Bert Wilberg and wife have been en­
Mrs. Jay Gould, fotm»r|v of 67th St.,
Huth Durboraw, vlrtlio <d her cr ted Wife and mother, and wife'« sister, aud of .’»let Ave,, S|wnt the evening with C. tertaining Mr. ani Mis* Johnson of
;4ft a. ni. Bible He bool.
writes from Ridgefield, Wash., where
father tail Wadnesdiiy, Is «aid to have Str Ranoltin and wife are preparing to W. Cone and wife at their home on 6th Minnesota, relatives of Mr*. Wilberg,
11 a, in. Preaching service.
they are enjoying farm life.
take an out in/on Roaring river.
Ave., Tue»day.
7 :J*O p tn. Evening *ervlcs*.
a fair chance to recover.
this week.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------- - 1 J__ L!
fl :1ft p. in. 11. Y. P. U. meeting.
7 :4ft Prayer Hireling.
bon’t forget to read the contest ad­
Everylkaly welcome to any and all of
vertisement on page 5 of this issue.
these service*.
Winton, the butcher at 67th St., i*
preparing to move to 72<1 St., near
Millard- Avenue Presbyterian Church
16 a. tn. Nabbath Hchool.
1) a. m. Morning worship.
Mrs. Stcldigerd has assumed charge
fl:4ftp. m. Y. P.B. C. K.
of the barbaro* baby, left hotnelesa-by
7180 p. in. Evening worship.
7:30 p. in. Thursday, midweek service.
the insanity of the father.
/ .'< .
H p. in. Thursday, choir practice.
Rev. Win. II. Amos, Pastor.
J. K. Chamber* of 52.1 Ave , was
taken to the hospital Tuesday. He baa
SI. Peter’s Catholic Church
been indisposed for some time.
K a. in. Ixiw Maa*.
Don't forget to reati th« eonteet ad­
10:30 a. in. High Maas.
vertisement on page 5 of this issue.
8:30 a. m. Munday School.
12 M. Chlor rehearsal.
Mr* Alvord i* enjoying a viali from
Week day*: Mass al 8 a. m.
ber sister and eon of Great Faile, Mont.
They will spend several month*'ta
Seventh Day Adventist Church
10 a. m. Maturday Nabbath School.
11 *. m. Maturday preaching.
7 :30 p. in. Wednesday, Praver meeting.
The G. C. E. Club met Thursday
7 :4ft p. m. Munday preaching.
• itb Mr*. McCord of 82-1 St. The Club
received * letter fro® Mr*. Sander*
1? Yifftific in Valley Fall*, Kaoeu.
German hanqehcal Reformed Church
They meet T*lh M**. P.â*mü.ren of 82d
io a. tn. Hnnday Hchool.
10 a.m. Haturday, German school.
St., this week.
8 p. tn. Wednesday, Y. P. H.
11 a. m. Munday worship.
Th. Hrhlldknechl, Pastor.
Don’t forget to read the contest ad­
vertisement on page 5 of this issue.
To Be Given Away
The Mt. Scott Herald will give to the Boy’s and Girls
of Southeast Portland an opportunity to secure five
handsome prizes in our
Grand Prize Subscription Vote Contest
Beginning Monday, June 21, and Continuing Six Weeks, Ending
Monday Evening, August 2, at 8 o’clock P. M.
Kern Park Chrlstdln Church
Corner tMlth Mt. and 46th Ave. M. h.
10 a. m. Bible Hcliool.
11 a m. and H p m. preaching service.
7 p. tn. Christain Endeavor.
8 p. tn. Thsnday, mid-week prayer
8:4ft p. tn. Thursday, Bible Study
A cordial welcome to *11 who will at-
land any all service*.
R. Tibbs Maxey, Minister.
First Grand Prize, an exceptionally fine ma
hogany case $400.00 Piano
Beautiful in tone and workmanship. Best value ever put
up as a prize in this section of the county. On exhibit
this week at the Holt Piano Company • Store, 333 Morri­
son Street.
Four District Prizes
St. Pauls Episcopal Church
One block south of Woodmere station.
Holy Communion the first Munday of
each month at 8 p. m. No other *er-
vice* that day.
Every other Munday the regular Bar-
view* will l>e aa usual.
Evening Prayer and sermon at 4 p. m.
Munday School meets at 3
Boatwright, Hu pt , L. Maffett, Mac.
Rev. O. W. Tavlor, Rector.
MT. Scott Center of Truth.
Meeting every Munday evening at 8 :<>0
r>. m. Three door* east of H'Jd St.,
Gray* Croaalng, Portland. Ore.
Cash Prizes
Two $25.00 Gold Pieces
Send for information. Get your name on the nomination list at once and begin at the beginning. See Nominating Cou-
pon. Subscription Blanks will be issued next Monday. Send for sample copies of the Herald to give your friends. Don’t lose
time. This will be a short contest and every moment will mean votes. Read the announcement on page one and either take
hold of the matter at once yourself or send us the name of some young lady who might be interested in taking one of these
liberal prizes.
You need not wait for the nomination to appear in the paper to begin work. Begin rounding up your friends today.
Address all Communications to “Herald”
Mt. Scott Publishing Company
Lents Friend's Church
9:46 a. m. Bible School, Clifford Bar­
ker Superintendent.
11:00 a. m Preaching service*.
6:26 p. tn. Christian Endeavor.
7:30p. m. Preaching Services.
8:00 p. m. Thursday,
prayer meeting.
A cordial welcome to all these ser­
John Riley, Pastor.
1. Any young man or woman is eligible to enter this contest
and compete for prizes except as noted below.
2. An employee or immediate relative of an employee of
this firm will not be permitted to enter the contest.
3. Conditions may arise wherein the contest manager may not
deem it advisable for a candidate to participate in the contest.
4. No candidate shall receive special favors from the man­
agement, but each and all will be assisted and advised alike.
5. An effort on the part of any candidate to intimidate or
discourage any other candidate, or to create an impression that
would be detrimental to the success of the contest will be
deemed sufficient cause for excluding the person charged with
such conduct from the benefits of the contest.
6. No person can take a prize in this contest without se­
curing a minimum of 150,000 votes.
7. All votes taken on subscriptions in the Mt Scott district
between 45th St., and Division St., eastward to, and Sycamore
Station, within Multnomah County SHALL COUNT DOUBLE
8. Candidates are permitted to secure subscriptions any­
where, but advance payments are necessary to secure votes.
9. All subscription orders must be turned into the office on
or before Wednesday following acceptance.
10. Typographical errors in the publishing of votes will be
corrected in the following issue.
11. No contestant can win more than one prize.
12. Ballots not deposited at the Herald Office by 9 o’clock
p. m. of the day designated for closing the contest, shall be
declared void.
13. Should any question arise as to the interpretation of
Lents Baptist Church
Ixird’s Day, June 27, Bible School
1* 46 a. m.
Morning worship, 11 a. m.
Elmo Height* Sunday School, 2:30
p. in.
B Y. P. U., 6:30 p m.
Evening worship, 7 :'M) p. m.
A cordial welcome to these service*.
J. M. Nelson, Pastor.
t. Church
Preaching 10:45. and 8p.m.
Sunday School 9:46.
Services at Bennett Chapel at 3 p. m.
Praymeeting Thursday 8 p. m.
Epworth l-eagne 7 p. tn.
Bring your neighbors an 1 friend*.
The subject of the morning service is,
"Tjie Family and Home Life of the
Jew.” Evangelistic service in the even­
W. Boyd Moore, Pastor.
Thirty-Six For 25 Cents
Dr. King’s New Life Pill* are now
supplied in well-corked glass bottles,
containing 36 sugar coated white pill*,
for 26c. One pill with a glass of water
before retiring 1* an average doe*. Easy
and pleasant to take.
Effective and
positive in results. Cheap and economi­
cal to use. Get a bottle today, take a
do*e tonight--your Constipation will be
relieved in the morning. 36 fur 26c., at
all Druggists.
Diseases of Women and Children
a Specialty
Pacific Tabor 3214
Local 2011
An opportunity to take an idea) trip on the finest Ocean
going Aessels of the Mighty Pacific at the most delightful
season of the entire year, August or September.
Lents EvanqeHcdl Church
Sermon by the Pastor, 11 a. m. and I
7 :45 p. m.
Bunday School 9:44 a. m, C. H. Brad- j
tool, Superintendent.
Y. P. A. 6 4ft p. tn. Eva Bischoff.!
Prayer meeting Thursday 8 p. m.
A cordial welcome to all.
T. R. Hornscbuch. Pastor.
Two absolutely free trips to the Fair at ’Frisco
and necessary expenses paid. First class pas­
sage on a Palace of the Pacific, the Great
Northern or the Northern Pacific.
these rules the explanation of the manager of the contest shall
be final.
Prize Awards—-Districts
14. The Grand Prize shall be awarded to that person having
the largest number of votes in the entire territory participating
in the contest.
15. The territory shall be divided into two districts, 82nd
Street or Oregon City Road being the dividing line. District
1 will be east sf 82nd Street and District 2 will be west of 82nd
16. Of the contestants remaining after the awarding of the
Grand Prize, that person having the highest number of votes
ir. each district shall be awarded the First District prize, and
the person receiving the next highest number of votes will re­
ceive the Second district Prize.
Three Months Subscription............................. $ .25 ............. 600
Six Months Subscription................................. $ .50............. 1500
One Year’s Subscription................................... $1.00............. 4000
Twe Year’s Subscription................................. $2.00........... 12000
Subscriptions within the district mentioned in Rule Seven
will count double votes.
18. For every dollar in advertising or job work received at
our office, through the solicitation of contestants, coupons of
2000 votes will be issued.
19. Orders for advertising or job work must be cashed be­
fore votes are issued, unless accepted as satisfactory.
The management reserves the right to amend these rules
should necessity arise but it is hoped there will be no cause
for changes.
The person that nominates the candidate that win* the first print*
will get FIVE DOLLARS. Should two persons name the sttne candi­
date the first nomination will receive credit. Any one may make a
When properly filled in and received at thi* office this blank will
be counted as 4000 vote* for the person nominated. Only one blank
can be credited to each candidate. Void after July first.
This coupon when neatly clipped and filled in with
the name of the Candidate you wish to vote for will be
counted as 500 votes.
This coupon will be void after June 30.
I wish to nominate
Address of Candidate
Name of Candidate
Nominated by..................
Magnolia <'»e>P No. *01* meet* regular. Second
and Fourth Thursday* of each month at I.
OOF. Hall. Second Thursday acetal meet
Neighbors bring your families and
friend*. Fourth Thursday, btwlnaaa. All
Neighbor* requested to come. By order of
the Camp.
bate and hour received
District No,
Cut out on line border and send unrolled or folded
fred Foote and company returned
from Eagle Creek Wednesday. He car­
ried • nice basket of fish.
He ebowed
evidefica* of strenuous activity, bat
whether in catching the fisb of getting
away is not known.
Turning th* Enemy** Flank* and Roll­
ing Up th* Entire Lin*.
Those not familiar with military tac­
tics have a vary vague idea as to how
an army is surrounded. It is generally
believed that a commander who
schemes to encircle his enemy with an
impenetrable ring of guns and men
must conceive some method of maneu­
vering bis troops round to the rear of
his opponent’s army. It Is possible,
however, for a general well versed in
field tactics to cleverly “roll up’’ a large
body of troops by frontal attack alone
This is accomplished by means of flank­
ing movements.
For purposes of example let us imag­
ine two annies facing one another
. drawn up in two long lines. Behiud
one of the battle lines a body of re­
serve troops stealthily make their way
over to the right Their purpose is to
make a sudden onslaught on one end of
the enemy’s line. At exactly the right
moment when the artillery Ore is at Its
fiercest, the reserve troops violently at­
tack the forces situated at the extreme
left of the enemy's front. The attack­
ing force, owing to It* overwhelming
numbers. bends back the end of the
assailed army. “It refuses Its right.“
as military men say.
At the opposite end of the line a simi­
lar attack Is launched, which has the
effect of forcing back the enemy’s
right An army which “refuses” al­
most at the same time its “left” and
“right” wing* is doomed. Unless a
very speedy retreat is carried out the
whole force Is “rolled up,” as both its
flanks are forced back.
As the right and left flanks of the
enemy give ground the attacking
troops slowly force their way to the
rear of the assailed army, closing in
the while. The result Is that within a
few hours the defeated force is entirely
surrounded, although in the first in­
stance It was attacked from Its front
alone.—Pearson's Weekly.
The Most Deadly of All Specie* of
Poisonous Mushroom*.
The two most feared and deadly
poisonous mushrooms the world over
are the death cap (Amanita phalloïdes)
and the fly cap (Amanita muscaria).
These two species in the same genus
bare destroyed several emperors, a
pope and probably average 500 death*
annually In various parts of the world,
to say nothing of Innumerable mam­
mals, bird*, reptile* and Insects, th«
latter being almost wholly destroyed
by poisonous fungi.
Of the two deadly species, muscaria
Is most easily detected by the layman,
ft Is a large, showy mushroom, orange
yellow tn color, with what looks like
warts over the cap.
Ton see them
In dooryards, where evergreens are
growing, sometimes thousands of them,
standing up, tall and splendid In the
grass. Keep your hens in the hen­
yard and your cow in the barn while
these fellows are up, with their tempt­
ing appearance.
The species Amanita phalloïdes can
readily be avoided. Whatever the color
of the cap. white or gray, the under
side of It. the gills, are pure white. The
cap may or may not be covered with
warty protuberance. The stem ter­
minates tn a bulb, usually wholly or
partially beneath the soil. If a large,
deep chunk of earth Is taken out
■round, the bulb Invariably will be
found setting In a cup.
Handle a
poisonous mushroom a* freely as you
like, but do not experiment with one
at the table. Tbete are other specie*,
both in the amanita genus and that of
leplota. that closely reaemble It and
which may be deliciously edible. You
cannot learn these difference* from th*
books. Only an expert with th« sev­
eral fresh species tn hand, can teach
**u such dlfferMCSS.—Naw lock Press.