Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, June 24, 1915, Image 2

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I WILL GIVE $1000 tmt
«Nf tfaft ■ BOM
Wittest KÉf IM
Matt Greenslade, Foster Road
befare It POISONS
lakml a» Second Claw Matter February 19, 19U.
At poatortiçe, Lent». Oregon, Underact of March 3, 1879
Published Every Thursday at
Ko X Hay or other ill
■ wIndio. An (»land JI k CURFD
plant niakiwthi-. uroM
SOKE on iho lip. tace^^BM
or body long la
CANCER; U never
i < -
Ore., by the M t . S cott P c aus hino C o .
H. A. DARNALL. E dito « and M anaukk .
Office Phone: Home B-flll 1-1111.
umiliala. «tItisMWCX
Residence Tabor 2S13
REGON breaks into maga­
zine print in Popular Me­ si------------------------------------
chanics two times this month. The lhh of last April the el.ieet sister
One of these is a whole page of Mrs. R. Rindle, Mrs. Ix>ui»a Jacobe,
cauie from North Freedom. Wis., to
story with cuts, of the Celilo visit and regain her health. She ap-
canal. The other is an illustrated pekred to make improvement for a
notice about the fine lighting on time but was suddenly taken ill and
died the 11th of June. Her farewell to
Third street. And both of these earth and friends was the conclusion of
are deserving. Of course Thirc a noble life and tier death was marked
with peace and trust in God.
street is not to be compared to Mrs. Rindle mourn« for the oldeet sister
Celilo, from a business stand­ it is not without a well-grounded hope
point yet it will undoubtedly be of meeting again Another sister, Mrs.
Roxie Furuuni. whose home is also in
commented upon a hundred times Wisconsin and who has been stay­
to Celilo’s once. It attracts the ing with Mrs. Rindle. returned to her
home, leaving Portland Wednesday of
tourists and casual attention, this week. Since she has been here she
while neither of these people see has won the respect and love of all w ho
knew her. The kindly good will of Mrs.
or think about the Canal.
Rindle'« friends will be with her many
Then Technical World devotes day«.
two whole pages in the July is­ Mrs. Mayliee. who has been sick is
sue to Oregon Logan Berry busi­ School District No. 45 held a meeting
ness. It is one of the best ad­ Monday for election of officers, but de­
vertisements for Oregon fruit cided to retain ail the old ones as they
were best posted in the work.
that ever went into print.
mechanics on the building remain un­
Besides this not the least by paid to this date.
any way is the fact that Oregon
is taking more of the prizes on |
horticultural products at the s------------------------------------ a
Panama Pacific Fair than any Geo. Flynn of Cherryville visited with
other state, which is bound to N. D. Kesterson a few days last week.
A. G. Sager and family of Lents were
get some publicity and help Sunday
visitors at tbe home of G. N.
boost the agricultural and horti­ Sager.
cultural interests of the state.
G. H. Ricbey of Corvallis is spending
a fev days in tbe Valley calling on
friends and relatives.
Mr. and Mrs.
Richey and son Lester are making pre­
parations to spend a few months travel­
line id California this summer.
B. W. Stewart of Portland was a Val­
ley visitor Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Smith of Port­
land. who have tbe Uhlig place leased,
were out Tuesday.
Mrs. Park Combs of Clatskanie is
spending a few weeks with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Kesterson.
Mrs. W. H. Crawford returned Mon­
day from a trip to Molalla where she
has been visiting at tbe home of her
brother, W. N. Cbilcote.
Mr. Aleen has invested in a new Ford
Mrs. B. W. Matthews of Gresham
visited over Sunday at tl.e home of ber
mother, Mrs. Henry Trage.
TTHE proposition advanced by
■ certain cold-blooded hygenic
extremists to eliminate the most
approved osculatory expression
of sentiment and divine passion
will not be popular in Oregon. It
is doubtful if it will be popular
anywhere in the West, but in
Oregon, never. Evidence seems
to indicate that Oregon girls,
particularly, will oppose any
such limitations being placed
upon their right to press their
regards home. Mt. Scott girls
are no more expressive than
other Oregon girls, yet we know
quite a few. who, if we are to
judge from their previous atti­
tude on the subject, will
vigorously oppose any social or TO REMOVE TARNISH
hygenic reform that excludes
the kiss from their collection of Since the extensive introduction of
attractions. And they are right. aluminum ware, the housewife has con­
The Herald has received sever­
al complimentary remarks on the
truthful and outspoken stand it
has taken in regard to the let­
ting of the paving contracts.
The letting of over a million of
dollars in contracts at a loss to
the county of nearly $250,000
will not be forgotten at once, and
the dissatisfaction of the people
who must travel over some of
these roads will not be improved
when they have suffered several
dangerous accidents due to the
defects in the material.
We want to say just one thing
for the “Oregon Voter.” Altho
C. C. is undoubtedly an ally of
the bithulitic promoters, it
played the fairest hand of any
of the Portland publications ex­
cept the Labor Press, that par­
ticipated in the recent road sur­
facing argument. Chapman has
got the brains to run a mighty
helpful paper if he will, but can
he run one that is strictly on the
square? We doubt it, if it is to
run in Portland.
signed the silver polishing kit of grand­
mother’s to the scrap heap, having
found that silver is more easily whitened
by boiling the ware in an aluminum
As the brightening does not take
place in pure water, it is necessary to
add a small amount of salt or soda to
the water used. The removing of the
tarnish is a chemical process and re-
suit« from galvanic action.
Before cleaning, the silver and al-
uminum must tie thoroughly cleansed
of grease by tbe use of warm soap suds.
A small amount of aluminum is dis­
solved during tbe process and the ves­
sel will be darkened, tbo this coloration
is easily removed by scouring, or by
cooking fruit in the vessel.
This method of whitening si.verware
is accompanied by no lose of silver and
is therefore preferable to tbe silver
polish method which should never be
u>-ed on plated ware.
Many polishes
contain material detrimental to silver
and scouring will not brighten the in­
dentations, engraving, etc., which when
free from grease, will be thoroughly
whitened by this process.
Equally a« good results may be ob­
tained by boiling the silver with a
piece of zinc in dilute «alt water using
any available container, tbe only pre­
caution necessary is that the silver
must be in contact with tbe zinc, as is
also necessary when aluminum is used.
For this reason, a piece of sheet zinc
large enough to nearly cover the bot­
tom of tbe containing vessel is desir­
The size of article cleaner! is limited
only by the depth of water.
whitening, the silver may be brightened
by rubbing with a suitable clotb.—Roy
G. Coffin.
One of the glaring samples of
bitulithic pavement may be seen
any day on Council Crest Drive.
Here is a street that has had
practically no wear, put down in
1912, and yet is actually porus
with holes.
If it lasts another
Daily Mails
two years it will be a wonder.
Mails at the Lenta poetoffice arrive
It cost about $1.85 to put it and depart daily, except Sunday, ae fol­
down and it will be in ruins long lows:
before the assessments are paid. Arrive
8:00 A. M.
12:50 P.M.
8:30 P. M.
7:30 A.M.
12:30P. M.
5 :30 P. M.
aitata ft
Wagon Repairing and General
k O ■ M Í* E D •"«! alwaya peleona deep arm.
•> U ANU tN pit «landa and KALI OUKKLY
On« woman hi every 7 dh»i of cancer— U.S, report
We refute many who wait U h » long As tnuat die
Poor cured al bait price if cancer U yal small
Dr. & Mrs. Dr. CHAMLEY A CO. SMirreN
■ Strictly R»¿¡aMa. Snataat Cascar Saecutiit llwaa'
An Effective tough treatment
Men are wishing today that they had started a bank account
ten years ago. A bank account started ten years ago would
mean a substantial fortune today when property values are
at a minimum. Almost any bank account could be traded
for a good sized farm now.
But there will be other chances,—if you have the bank
account. Begin in a small way now and as times improve,
increase your savings. A few years will swell your reserve
capital into a substantial fortune.
Plastering Sand
One-fourth to one teAspoonful of Dr.
(•t »« »"V-
Washed Graded Gravel
4340 S 436E Valencia St, Sanhascteto Cal
Tabor 3614
82nd St. and 45th Ave.
Phone Tabor 2063
King's New Discovery, taken a* needed,
will soothe and check Coughs, Colds
and the more dangerous Bronchial and
Lung Ailments.
You can't afford' to
J. F. Heytin'g
We Pay 4 per cent on Time Deposits
take the risk of serious illness, when io
cheap and simple a remedy
King's New
Discovery is obtainable
Go to your Druggist today, get a bottle
of Dr. King's New Discovery, start the
treatment at once. You will lie grati­
fied for the relief and cure obtained.
How’s This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars
Reward for any case of Catarrh
that cannot be cured by Hall’s
Catarrh Cure.
J. P. Fi n ley & Son
Funeral Directors
East Side Bicycle Exchange
Montgomery and Fifth St
Bicycles, Tires and Sundries
Oce Place of Business Only
F. J. CHENEY & CO.. ToMo. O.
We. the undersigned. have known F. J.
Cl.eiwy for the last IS year», and believe
hfm perfectly honorable In all bualnrsa
•ran»» lions and financially able to carry
■ ' a-T- obligation., made by hta flrm.
Toledo. Q.
"'atnrrh Cure Is taken internally.
dire.-tly upon the blood and mu-
i surfac« - of the system. Testimonials
Trice TS cents per bottle. Sold
by all I ■ruaci«ts.
Take llali a Family Ptlla for eonstlpatloa.
Double Bar Bicycle Regular
$30.00, this week $24.00
Special Single Bar $24.00
Experienced Woman
In Attendance
Main Office
Phone Main 9
All Kinds Bicycle u<* Motorcycle Repairing
421 Hawthorne Ave., Near Grand
Most Children Have Worms
And neither Parent or Child knew It,
yet it explains why your child is ner­
vous. pale, feverish, backward. Often
children have thousands of Worms.
Think of how dangerous this is to your
child. Don't take any risk.
Get an
original 25c. box of Kickapoo Worm
Killer, a candy lozenge.
Worm Killer will positively kill and re*
move the Worms.
Relieves Constipa
tion, regulates Stomach ami Bowels
Your child will grow and learn so much
better. Get a box today.
In the Circnit Coart of the State of
Oregon, for Multnomah County.
Mathilde C. Kruller,
Plaintiff vs.
Adrianas Kruller, Defender!.
To Adrianua Kraller, tbe above named
' defendant.
In tbe name of the State of Oregon you
are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint tiled againat yon
in tbe above entitled anit on or bclore
July 29, 1915, and if you fail so to ap­
pear and answer plaintiff will apply to
eaid Court for the relief prayed for in
eaid complaint, towit: a decree die­
solving the bonds of matrimony hereto­
fore and now existing tietween plaintiff
and yourself, and awarding tbe plaintiff
the care, custody and control of William
Adrian Victor Kraller, a minor child of
plaintiff and yourself, »nd for such
other and further relief as may be
equitable in the premises
Service of thia summon* is made up­
on you by publication of the same in
pursuance of an order of the Hon.
George N. Davie, Judge of the above
entitled Court, made on the 15th day of
June, 1915, directing such publication
to be made in the Mt. Scott Herald
once a week for six consecutive weeks,
first publication being made on June
17, 1915, and the last publication on
July 29, 1915.
John Van Zante,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
John Van Zante, 314 Spalding Bldg.
Ph or labor 22»4
Hay, Feed and Grain
ReaMcacc ZÌI N. Main St. I.rats. Ore.
Edward Mills
Washed Gravel, Sand
Mt. Scott, Leal» and Portland
Baggage and General Hauling,
Trunks 50c Each
Cement, Brick, Lime, Wall and Land Plaster
Ignave Ba^gag«- Check and Address
at Plummer Drug Store.
Third and Madiaon St.
For Business
& bundy
1 Block East of Main St. on Foster Ro rd
Phones Tatwir 968; Home 3112
The Cash Shoe Repair
Shop and Shining Parlor
Come and
See Us
Sash and Doors
6009 Main St., next to
Wiley & Allen, Lents Sta.
Interior Finish
Nothing but the Best
of Quality and Service
Eggiman’s Market
Phone Orders Promytly Filled
Tabor 619
The Market with the Big Business and the Small Profits
Investment Co.
Hams, Bacon, Sausage, Lard Pickles.
Fresh Meats Daily. Beef, Pork, Mutton,
Veal. Eggs, Bottled Pickles and Sauces
6924 Foster Road Near 70th Street
A fine line of home grown garden produce, Berries and small
fruits in season.
JI. D. Ken worthy
- and Co.
- —
EGGIMAN BROS., Lents, Oregon
Funeral Directors, Embalmers
How About
Now is the Time to Order It!
Come in and see the new line of Spring and Summer Models.
We Guarantee Quality, Fit, and Style.
Main Street, Lents