Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, June 24, 1915, Image 1

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    WANT “ADS”
Them In B-6111-1111
Only One-cent a Word
Subscription, $1.00 a Year.
WIN $150.0« PRIZE
One of the most interesting things in
The Ladies of the six (1. A. R. Circles
A committee is at work in Arh-ta to
A woman, direct Corn the* war zone 1«
of Portland were the winner« of Um provide that startion a big Fourth of to be in I-enta on Tuesday, June 29th. Children s parade division of the recent Large Number of “Best” Young
f I jO prize for U h * moat appropriate float July celebration. The event will prob­ This is no lew a person than Miw Grace Rose Show was put on by the Wood-
People Being Considered Candi­
ably be stag«*! at the school house and
mere school. It was a suggestive pag­
in Uie |«ra<le at the R om * Carnival. Tlie adjoining grounds
List Announced Hext
W. P. Swope has
eant displaying war and its attendant
float was built and decorated at lx*nt«. been selected a* chairman of Uie move­ gated to attend the Woman's Peace Con-
evils, famine, pestilence, and crime,
Thia »• peaks volumes for the Ci. A. R. ment and a number of the trailing men grate, which convened at The Hague. the people who suffer from war includ­
of the district have been put on a com­ Miss De Grafl' has returned from The ing th« women, children, the farmers
Altho there is not a lot of noise being
With the approaching close of the , ladies.
And now as to the G. A. R. encamp­ mittee to complete arrangements. A
about it a large number of names
public schtads for tlu* summer vacation
ment at McMinnville from U m * )4th to numls-r of women will is- ad<led to tl>e
ladies have been mentioned to
many of the aehnola are presenting Ifltli. there was a large al tendance of committee and plans will lie ma<le to
The representation won so much ap­ the Herald as worthy people and likely
special program* of one sort and Lail les of tlu* G. A. R., Ijehee of the provide music and other program fea­ Europe. She has promised to be pres­
proval that the affair was staged once
another. Arieta had an exhibit of its Relief Corps and Grand Army la>ys.
tures. One motive for U>e movement is ent at the Mother's Institute to be held again last Tuesday afternoon and even­ to be interested in the content. It is
school products early in the weak inwl.
McMinnville is a nice city, has paved to popularize the new playground ap- at Um Evangelical chnreh in I*enta next ing at the schoolhouse. The school probable that Uie first list mentioned
Iz-nts gave Ito show on Friday afternoon, 1 streets ami cement walk«. Tlie riUsens paratus. The Park liepartment has
stage offered an opportunity to make will start off with thirty or more names.
ami Woodmere gave a "Peace Pagent” ; treated Uie "boys" well, also the allied united with the district in improving Tusgday.
addresses as the story pro­ The more the merrier. The larger the
and seh«s>l product show that wa« thiol order«.
U h * playground. Swings, ali<ies, rings, affair, a banket lunch being supple­ ceeded and was even more effective
in time of presentation, but it would
list of candidates the smaller will be the
Shiloh Circle wa« honored by having etc , in plentiful numbers have been ad­
hardly be safe to say it waa third in Im- 1 one of its members elected Senior Vice ded to tin* outfit anil Arieta will soon be mented by tea or coffee freely dispensed than the street parade. The whole final winning number of votes as the
was divided into several acts and each
portent», of the three schools mentioned., Impertinent President, Mm Lilia Mal­ next to none in equippment.
De Graff will lie present during the act was supplementary to that follow­ vote will be split among a larger num­
Tlie exhibit al l*enta was an improve­ lett. Mrs. Maffei is ho well known that
Tlie playground is ideal.
It is level, lunch hour and will afterward deliver ing.
ber of candidates.
ment on some of those held heretofore. «lie hardly needs an introduction. She amply large, and a part of it is shaded
her address.
Rev. Hornschuch of the
Act one introduced War, typified by a
There is every reason why the people
Anil that la some recommendation. The ih well qualified to fill Uie office ami by several lieautiful fir trees.
It is so Evangelical church and Rev. Riley of man in full armor, who announced: “1
of Mt. Scott, particularly, mould be in­
exhibit thte year covered about every- , will make a first class officer for Uiat convenient to the school buildings that a
the Friend’s church will be present in am war. All nations worship me.
thing that could be done by a taiy or ' place. Mrs. Maflett is a good organizer portion of the buildings will be used in
Uie morning and Prof. Hershner. princi­ They spend their treasure to support me. terested in this contest. It is being con­
girl of school agv and some of the pro­ >and will promote harmony wlierever connections with the grounds.
pal of tlie I>*nta school will speak to the They train their young men to serve ducted by the only paper they have to
duction« would have dwcredlted some | site go*«. We vouch for her a brilliant
The committee will get at work at moUters relative to tlie intcresta of me. I rule the world. I am war.’’ represent them in all this vast district,
very skillful cooks and carpenters of ’ record ami all tier work will I h * con- once ami in another week will is* able
scheol children. Mrs. Maud*- Darnaii,
War was was followed by the bugler including prolwbly ■’>000 homes and in
much matnrer years Cooking took an i ducted in a business ami lady like to announce Uieir program in full.
the new president of the l*enta Parent- who called the men to the ranks, and Uie neighborhood of 25,000 people. It is
important plaiv* in the exhibit. There ■ 1 manner.
Teacher Circle will «(teak on Character and each was urged to join and kill. a fact that is noticable that only on
were cakes and pies and eookiea just ns |
Building, and Mrs Mattie Sleeth will War was overthrown in Act 2 by Peace. some very special occasion in this dis­
gotsl as the treat tn rm* I out by the . It waa sph-ndidly planned and well E LIMINA IE ALL UNLIKELY
■peak from tier abundant wisdom as a The leading characters in this act were trict mentioned in any of the big city
mammae al home, and some of them <-arrie«f out by the 200 or more pupils
CHICKS FROM FLOCKS mother, wife of a Methodist minister Peace, Justice. Wisdom, and Prosper­ papers. Yet with a population larger
better. Miss Lillian Tingle, head of the who assisted. A dtacripUon of it at thia
and president of the county W. C. T. U. ity, and al) classes of tradesmen, arti­ than any other city in Oregon, outm«ie
domestic economy ilepartmeut of tie* time would not be of much value to the
Prof. Morns, the phrenologist, lias a sans, and professions. Act 3 suggested of Portland. Mt. Scott has eminent need
Portland schools passed judgment. Prof. W<MslmenWf>eople, but it must not I m *
part in the morning program, and after an international, court for the settle­ of a paper of its own to fight its muni­
Grout, Asst. 8upt. of Schools was also left unsaid that tlie make-up tor 300 ducer of f<Mxl products of any domestic
lune he will, for a small fee, which ment of differences. Act 4 showed cipal and political battles
The Herald
«een passing around sampling U m * cakes chihlren is no small job. Beside« tin* animal in proportion to its size. To
gor« tu U m * conferem-e manager, give Uncle Sam, Columbia, and the 48 has never intruded itself particularly
and judging from the cake seen stick-1 leading characters
in the "Peace get this production it is necessary that character readings of such children as
states and the final act introduced all into political or municipal affairs until
mg out of the comere of his mouth lie Pagent,” who all required considerable fowls of the best possible health and
may be presente» for that purpose. Thia the nations on earth in costume, at recently. It has discovered that its in­
must have examined some very sub­ attention in getting fitted out with suite, vigor be kept. Usually due to the lack
furnishes an opportunity for mothers to peace. The affair closed with musical fluence is not inconsiderable. If it were
stantial samples
He is no small man every stale in U h * union was represented of good scientific management in select­
secure expert a
e for the guidance of chorus.
able to reach these five thousand homes
and when tlw* cake sticks out of his in costume and sash, and most of Uie ing parent stock, batching, brooding,
Uieir children.
in Mt. Scott, the Herald wonld be able
mouth you may know the cake has suf­ l«*ading nations of Uie worl«) were re pre­ feeding, etc., some unlikely chicks of­
M uric will be - .—lure both morning by Edward Chamberlain as War; to get almost anything this section of
set! te<I by characters in native drew. ten result which make it important and afternoon.
The ladies quartette Ethel Wood as Pestilence; Cecil Laird the city wanted. The Herald offers its
Tlie champion cook waa Master Grant Most of them were so well "made up” that the poultryman practice about
will render selections. Milton Kateky as Crime; Esther Baird as Famine; columns to the people of this section for
Hadley. Grant waa present to explain that it require«! no lalsd to know who three radical cullings in hie young stock
suid CUrl Hawkins will each give violin Glen Wallace as trumpeter for Peace; the purpose of promoting their munici­
hia producta which occupied au entire was paasing before you. The chihlren before the pullets enter the laying
»elections and Sigro-d Richardson will Millie Marcelle as Justice; Arthur pal desires and social, community in­
table and which included all aorta of did their parte beautifully and the laad- houses in the fall. Two of these should
give a piano selection. Mrs. Hammer Huges, Peace; Theodore Turple, Wis­ terests' In the recent instance of im­
table sweets. He was given great credit er« in particular deserve great
be made during the growing period.
will speak upon peace from the stand­ dom; Melvin Sommerfeldt, Trumpeter provement of the Foster road the atti­
for hia work which mirpasM*d even that mendation for tlieir work.
There is a great difference in chick­ point of a Quaker mother after which for War; Fred Aru and
tude of the Herald aided very materially
of tlie girls who usuallv take the lead in
Woodinert* school will dose its work ens regarding constitutional vigor. Miss De Graff will tell her most inter-
in securing a continuation of the im­
cookery. The second in domestic honors Friday.
A fine class of lioys ami girls When chicks are very young many
provement through Lents,
In the
was little Charlotte Werner. Ellen Ander will finish tlie ninth grad«*. Tliere will weak one« can be frequently detected.’
Prof Dixon, principal of the Woodmere besides a dozen or mon* others of les­ stmggle to secure a tetter paring sur-
took first on cake. There were thirty­ be no exercises but when the reports of The weak, stunted appearing chicks
school, will deliver an address. Other ser importance, but all essential to the face for the roads of the connty the
eight pupils in Uie Ninth grade class standing art* handed out diplomas will that are inactive and droopy when 8
speakers will be Miss Edith Train, and spirit of the show
It was fine and Herald's attitude assisted in getting
Uds year and ail of them were repre­ I lie given to those who pass. This is the to 10 <lays old proliablv will never catch
Mm. Otto Kateky, twice president of the was highly commendable co the entire Foster road from the city limita east-
sented in th«- exhibit. Much of the ex­ list of graduates:
up with the stronger ones. In fact, in*nts Parent-Teacher Circle, will spea* school.
want paved with concrete.
Had it not
hibit was produced by children of the
Esther Bair«!, Pauline White. Juanita these are liable never to make profit­ upon habit forming tendencies among
put up a fight all the paving in the
lower grades. Elinor W ish )« of tiie Oth White, Beulah V Miller, Anna Kara- able chickens—lay a dozen eggs at a
county wool«! have gone bitulithic for it
grade took first in sewing.
gozian, Theodore Turple, Edgar J. profi: or be sold for meat at a profit.
This conference has been planned for
was agree«I that it should go that way.
Tlie sewing and carpentry attra<-ted a Chamlwrlain, Edwin F. Cha-nberlain, Therefore one should not hesitate to
' the mothers and others interested in
The Herald stands ready to assist in
gn*at deal of attention. Several of the Glenn Wallace, Anett Snider, Cecil R. dispose of these unlikely specimens at
children. All such are most cordially
any movement to improve this section
boys had made exceptionally goo*I pieces Laird, Wardle E. Kearns.
once an<l thus save himself a great deal invited to attend.
of the city or county and the more read­
of furniture. Chair*, tables, stools and
Arieta ls*gan its closing events a week of extra labor and expense, particularly
ers it has the better able it will be to
«lands were much in evidence as t<*sti- ago, wiUi a program and exhibit of when the price of feed is high.
The teachers employed at Ix*nta have bring about the influence that will ren­
Public Penance.
mentary of their «kill and patience.
school work.
About the time the young stock is
A qunlnt old law for the punishment mostly outlined vacations. Miss Dorothy der the desired result.
Every home in
A large nunilwr of the lM*nta children
The program in the assembly consisted put on the maturing range, at t’> weeks of petty offender* exist* to thia day tn Waugh will attend thesnmmer school at
Mt. Scott ought to have the Herald on
luive raised garden» at home this year of a chorus by the Eight and Ninth or so old, another culling should lie Middleburg, the .Ketberlauda. and any­ the Washington State University at
its table and any one in the district
and a g»**l many have grown poultry. grade girls, a piano solo by Miw Henik made. Ail chickens showing low vitali­ thing resembliug It Is uot known to ex Seattle; Miss Stella Smith, Miss Francis
should feel at liberty to send it their
The tiling« produced by U m * children and recitations by James Collins and ty and retarded growth at this time, 1st elsewhere. Owing to dampness Smith and Miss Vaughn, will attend the
news, personals, social events, and other
will add very materially to the upkeep Genevieve Spriggs. The address of the should he put into a fattening yarJ or weeds quickly spring up tn the streets summer claw* by Miss Shearer, super­
of Uie families almul town. Much of . afternoon was by Judge Cleeton on prac­ pen and prepared and sold as broilers between the paving atones, and here, visor of Primary Departments of the
The Herald doee not attempt to fol­
under the eye of a none too severe city schools; Miss Auten has been ex­
tlie garden track may lie taken to the tical juvenile work. Mr. Lock wood also as soon as possible.
low the dailies and print all tlie sensa­
public markets and sold for a sum Uiat «{Hike to tlie parents on school affairs. A
pecting to attend summer school at tional news.
The birds that make a steady de­
It is a local paper. It
will be quite welcome in meeting vaca­ large numlier of parents atten<ie«l this velopment from the time they are with a large trowel shaped knife clear­ Berkley, Calif.; Miss Meagher will go to
wonld be out of its sphere to attempt
tion expenses
hatched are the ones possessing good green. Each is provided with a wood Berkley; Miss George will visit with her such a thing. There is enough happens
The closing exercises at lM*nta school
In all the rooms of the building the vigor and will lie the profitable pro­ en stool; hence It may be Imagined parents at St. Helens; Miss Jules Burns
right out here in Mt. Scott every week
will be held at 10:39 on Friday morn­ work of the claw room was on exhibit, ducers.
Eliminate the one« that are that they are not hard driven. Here will make a trip to Rhode Island to visit to fill its pages full—full of good reli­
ing. The graduating class and several which was of interest to the )>arente.
loosely put together with slender body, *ien and women alike who have been relatives; Miss Cavana will attend the able news and substantial information.
of the upper grades will lie asHembled ' A most excellent exhibit of the work long stilted legs and thighs, long neck, convicted work tn tbia manner.
University Summer School at Seattle;
Whatever may be said atout Uie
in the auditorium and some one may of the manual training, «-ooking and long, narrow, pale and crow-like head
Miss Bchroyer will teach in summer Herald its reliability can not he ques­
make a short address. The claw will sewing departments was shown. The and beak and dull sunken eyes. These
Joy of Anticipation.
school in Portland and later go to tioned s<> far as its intention is con­
I h * given their diplomas and permitted to boys haves large collection of footstools, are some of the characteristics that in­
Tbs youngest girl of a Baltimore Seattle and Alaska; Mias Shinn will visit
cerned. It may not always have the
go. All but one or two of the class talKiurettes. library tables, umbrella dicate poor constitutional vigor. How­ family was recently mneb distressed the Exposition; Miss Evarts, Mrs.
correct information, but the Herald
have passe« I and Uiose to receive stan«ls, iMMikcaees, chairs, lam|>s and ever, if good health is in evidence and
Darnaii, Miss Moran, Miss Train, Miss never has issued a sentence with the
diplomas are:
shades, ami many other things most the bird seems liable to overcome some Ice cream for diuner.
Dickey and Miss Menzie will be at home pnrpoee of misleading its readers. News­
"Oh. papa." exclaimed the youngster
Aehley, Ixuiis F.; Allen, Arthur A.; creditably made to show for their year’s of these poor points it would lie advis­
most of the time. Miss Chapman will papers usually color their statements to
Anderson, Ellen V.; Barnhart, 1 .eslit* work in the manual room.
able to defer its elimination until the this morning that we were going to attend summer school at Berkley. suit the purpose of their managers, and
N.; Chandlers, Hazel I.; Cunningham,
In the cooking room were cakes, pies, third culling when the pullets are put
Prof. Hersh’ier will be at home most of facts are frequently sadly distorted. The
have ice cream?"
leroy E. ; Davis, Vivian A.; Ellis, bread, puddings, salads, mayonaiM, in their laving quarters.
“What difference would that have the time. He will spend some time at people are entitled to the facte, whether
Victoria A.; Ensminger, Beatrice E.; canned fruits, and biscuits of which an
the coast and in eastern Oregon.
The strong, vigorous bird is active, made?"
they are agreeable to the editor of a
Faith, Rouen L.; Hauser, Bertha; Had- | old experienced cook might well Is* with an alert carriage and at any age
“Lota." sighed the child. “I could
paper or not, and it is the purpose of
den, Harry G.; Hogan, Gladys H.; i proud. The first prize for cake was won should have a well put up hotly, bright have expected It all day."-Exchange.
A Roland For an Oliver.
the Herald to give facta or else keep
Katzky. Gertrude L.; Kearney, Frances by Minnie Hoehne of tlie 8 B class, ami plumage, prominent full eye, bright
Manager—1 say. can we get anything still. There are times when the truth is
L; Kelleher, Julia A.; Ijuidon, Zells second prize by Mary Raines of the 9 B comb and wattles and leg* well set,
dke a real doctor in thia Jay town to not publishable. But there is no oc­
A.; Littlefield. Violet P.; Mani, John class.
under the liody and rather wide apart. | A program of amusements has been attend a sick actor? Village Inhabit­ casion for distorting facta to suit the
H.; ^cKay, Joseph R.; MeMaugh,
In the sewing room was a large dis­
Besides lieing unprofitable producer-, planned for the Lente playground. Mist ant-Sure. Just go to that corner gro­ motive of a publisher.
Ruth M. ; Meyers, John E. ; Miller, play of garments made hy the girls of the fowls with weak constitutional vigor [ Jennie Higgins and H. O. Pfaender, at­ cery You'll And a man there who's
The effort of the Herald in this con­
Eva G.; Nelson, Caleb A.; Peek, Ray­ the sewing clawes, showing Isith skill are more susceptible to diseases and tendant) at the Lents Park for the sn • all right at curing hama—Baltimore
is to centralize its readers. Hence
mond C.; Pinkham, Ketnrah E.; Rethe- and good taste on the part of the girls. will lie a menace to the rest of the mer have arranged a program of activi­ American.
the idea of giving double value to all
ford, Ernest O.; Reynolds, Ruth G.;
Of great inter»*st was the exhibit and flock in spreading the germs of the ties. , Miss Higgins has arranged for
Far Apart.
subscriptions taken in this part of
Sagen, Ruth M.; Seliermerliorn, Ray­ ' sale of the producta of the children’s diseases they may contract, such as girls’ hikes to be held every Tuesday,
Mother—I hear that Harry Smith is the county. With such a centralized
mond G.; Schulenta-rg, Charlotte; Tay­ home ganlens.
Home of the finest roup an>l tuberculosis.—C. C. Lamb, beginning June 29 to continue through the worst boy tn school, and I want subscription the Herald will be a power
lor, Bertha A.; Wands. Sarah E.; lettuce, radishes, turnips, beets, cab- Extension Poultry Specialist, O. A. C. the summer. The schedule as far as you to keep as far from him as possible
lor the section of the city it reaches ami
Wamsley, Ralph; Ward, Eleanor; bagea, p»*as, carrots, onions, potatoes,
arranged will be as io lows- June 29, Tommy—I do. tua. He is always at the
with such an aim in view it ought to be
Waren, Ruth; Weber, Kditii M ; Wiley, cherries, rasptierries were put on Hoffman school ended in a score of s to larger girls to Gresham ; July 0. smaller bead of our class.— Boston Transcript
possible for every candidate that enters
Milton C. ;
sale. WiUi the exception of a little 4 for Arieta. The playground apparatus girls to Johnson Creek ; July 13, larger
this contest to make an excellent show­
This program will lie given by the lettuce, of which there was an over sup­ was over-crowded with the children not girls to Clackamas River; July 20,
Patience—Thia paper says It Is eatl ing. With this idea as a basis for reach­
Ninth gra«le in the school assembly hall: ply, these producta were all sold by the interested in the I ml I games.
smaller girls, to Mt. Tab*.r; July 27,
that the annual catch of lob ing subscribers every Candidate can go
Song, "Boating,” claas; Opportunities chihlren. The largest single collection
TI h * community lunch room was open larger girls, to Sunnyside; August 3,
out feeling that they are not only try­
of Scholars, Leroy Cunningham; l*iano was that of Vie Gral«*el, who sold $L25 for the day and over 150 men, women larger girls to Happy Hollow; August iters In the world is 125.000.000.
Patrice—You haven't caught one yet ing to win a valuable prize but that they
Duet, Gertrude Katzkv an«l Bertha worth of products. Arlington Cram had
10, larger girls to Sellwood; Angnet 17, have you. dearT—Yonkers Statesman
lunch and ice cream served by the lunch
are actually promoting something for
Hauser; “If” by Kipling, Victoria Ellis; the best collection of peas, George Bnr- room committee.
smaller g ria to Arieta; Angust 24,
their part of the city. It gives them
Piano Solo, Milton Wiley; "At Gradu­ lingham of turnips, and ln*ola Roh wer
The June graduating class consists larger girls tc Boring. The bikes will
double strength when soliciting support
ating Time,” Ellen Anderson; Violin of (Hitstoes.
start at noon and the return will be in
The time which elapse« between the from a friend, an acquaintance, a
Ora Allen, Katheryn Ball, Agnes
Holo, Rouen Faith; Song. "Primrose
On the grounds a base bali game Im- Brelmo, Ruth Carrol, Alice Chaffin, the evening. A celebration will lie bsM ' utterance of a sound and Its return
neighbor, or even a stranger.
Flower,” class.
tween Arleta's first team and the I .add John Dorcas, Frank Hathaway, Roscoe in the park July 5. league baseball ( must be more than one-twelfth of a
Wo«xiinere elamiig exercises ls*gan school team resulted in a score of 7 to 3
latter heads, envelopes, cards, bill
with the Tuesday afternoon program. for Arieta. An exhibition garni* of in­ Andrew Ranquin, Colby Sanborn, Wal­ improvement in Lente Park have *>een
ter Schultz, Donald Simmons, Genevieve
flow many people Uve on the reputa­ ‘ beads, auction notices and posters,
This was not very well attended in the door baseball was given by the girls Spriggs. Ivory St. Clair, Harry Thomas, completed. Swings and other apparatus
tion of the reputation they might have dodgers announcements, etc, at Mt.
afternoon, hut it was well worthy the from I jk I i I school and a baaelxll game IJIIian Thompson, Nettie Traxler, are in place and a new wailing pool made I—Holmaa.
‘ Heott Pub. Co . office, Lente.
has been built.
attendance of everyone in the district. between Arleta’s second team and the Homer Watkins.
Lents, Arieta, and Woodmere Have
Busy Two Weeks.
Special Pro­
grams at All Three
Diplomas Given Out Friday.