HAI.EMMAN tuli <»ur fruit. un»«»MiHl1âl nuruurf •lurk, r—, »I liberal ■ tab u>lvui>r« w««k|y on ontani, fra aitflt. Yak I in« A Columbia Kiva* Nur—ry Co.« North Y ah Ima. Waab YOI'NG MAN. IIK A RAKHKH. Ixarn a Trade. Re lnd*’p«iMÌ«ril I rada taught In <>tght w«*«kN; tuoi« free. I i>inmlMW>iii paid while Irarnlny; B Millon» •*-. uml Wr1U> lur free hane. KZJV Main A**.. Meattie. Kl<* Main ML CENTRAI COMMERCIAL (Oi l EGE. “A Mixirm liuaiiivaa 11 Minina M< bool " Th<'mugli, graatoal «•■pairl. iwiiablM New building large, well lighted ruuui*. iviiipbl» uwnitrii equipmenL Write (ut Cree ln««>n In Hook keeping and Short* baud. («Mirai Hu lidi eg. Portland, Ora. BEGINNERS WITH BEES Healthful, Interesting and Profit* able Occupation. Selection of Site for Apiary of Muct Importance—Experimente Have Proved That Low Stand Io Always Preferable. I ARM HELP SUPPLIED Deekeep'ng may be conducted •a ftanrhe« llvp Yard« Marr» »nd Fruit Ferma. profitably when managed carefully by Mdbeia land . Uarwra anti wood« hopper« an »hurt­ eel «*•a and Mnahe fiver simple, la peculiarly adapted to th« •ointe. 1er fen Kt lXa k lei MalnhH business. Use nothing but a modern WiU—rii« *sJ I «Nab«» Kj.r, I««iaf la. IV'i—d hive; one that you may open from time to time, permitting a study of the lessrs »umir fui vin tei l>* t.«fiar • aiaatl»« rm» Lew* condition of the bees. |-rt.»lta. inrlutiing 4 t<* b «rar ulti GaMinga. bred for Saddler« and fta mg Will uunanUr trade in » h< ei> land Furtv brad of *wtr« large Janneta With an elegant Ju«k fof herd h« wlrr A Bargain for a Short Time Cauae for »ailing la th* hrrtf law In Morrow roupty. anti th« tranafurming uf mv Mikl atre •tuck farm into a wheal held I muât rl*MM« out thl» aturk. Will cunakiter trade What ba*e you got? il F. SW AGG AKT. Prop Lexington, Oregon FACE COVERtD WIIH PIMPLLS All MLR lllf Nov. 23, 1914 —"All my Ilf.- my fare * m covered completely with a max. of plmplva, blu< hht-aiiH an K Hl HTON <—•<«, •». |^ mm I*4I<>. <*«»|or*«l>>. H|*e* lumn prh«w Hobt, glltrer I a ».4. I» Roy. N Y. Coaling Barge Mixes Fuel. Economy of fuel consumption in steamships often requires the mixing of two or more kinds of coal and an Englishman has invented a coaling barge that mixea coal as it delivers it into a bunker. Better to Have Tried. "Failure after long perseverance Is much grander than never to have a striving good enough to be called a failure."—George Eliot. Uncle Eben. "De man dat gives advice." said Uncle Eben. "Is generally tryin’ to show off how much be knows instead of bein' any real help." BaaubA» aujaxa« aw a«».. Brooklyn. ■. Chinese Salt Welts. Salt wells in China have been oper ated for hundreds of years, and io the Tzelinching district, especially, have built up a prosperous commo nity. In some cases the wells are 3M feet deep. The salt is obtained in th« form of brine, which is raised In bat» boo tubes by meanB of crude derrick* the motive power for which la fu» nished by water buffaloes. Have Haalthy, Strong. Banntirnl Styen Oculist« »nd Physicians nsed Marine Ky< Remedy «natiy years* before it was offered aa • LX*meuiic K*« Medicine. Murine la Still Co— p..tiQd««1 by Our Ftiy«*iciaoa and guaranteed by tbero «a a Keliahle Relief for Eyes that Neea Care Try H h . y*»*«r £>e« and in Baby’sKyea— N*> Smarting Just Ky« Comfort. Buy Marias of your i»*Tigg1«t - accept no Substitute, and * inter*«ted write for B»»ok of the Eye Fle e MLklM K*K KEMKUK CO., CHlCAWd Habit Is internal Principle. More Joshua Buslneaa. Habit is an internal principle.which Master (retiring)—Wake me u« leads us to do easily, naturally, and with growing certainty, what we do at daylight, Tompkins—but see that the blamed sun doesn’t rise too early. often.—Webster The Secret of »Health is Elimination of Waste Every business man knows bow difficult it is to keep the pigeon holes and drawers of bis desk free from the accumulation of uaeletu papers. Every hoaaewife knows how difficult it is tn keep her home free from the accumulation of all manner of uaeleaa things. So it is with the body. It is difficult to keep it free from the accumulation uf waste matter. Unless the waste is promptly eliminated the machin­ ery of the body soon becomes clogged. Thia ia the beginning of u*ut»l human ilia. DR PIFRCF’S GOLDEN MEDICAL DISCOVERY Un TabUt or L kiuk I Form) Assists the stomach in the proper digestion of food, which is turned into health­ sustaining blood and all poisonous waste matter is speedily disposed of through Nature's channels. It makes men a- 1 women clear-headed and able-bodied—restores to them the health and strength of youth Now is the time for your rejuvenation. Send 50 cents for a trial box of thia medicine. Send 31 onex-wnt »tamp« for Dr. Pierc«*» Common Sen— Medicai A¿