& WANT“ADS” Them In 11-61111111 Only One-rent a Word ¿HL ^rott lirralù Subscription, $1.00 a Year. LENTS, MULTNOMAH CO., OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 17, 1915 Vol. 13. No. 24 COUNTY MULCTED OUT OF QUARTER MILLION DOLLARS SCHOOL ELECTION HERALD OFEtRS NEXThlGtVENT VACATION JOB TIME TO WAKE UP. MR. YEON REPORTS SERIOUS CRIME EOR BITHULITIC DISCOVERED FRIDAY Saturday the 18,1 to 8 d . m. the Handsome Prizes for Vacation Work- Date. Taxpayers Only Eligible ers Who Need Employment Priz­ Voters. Owning Property in es Worth Any Effort They May Partnership Qualifies. Attract. Anticipated Position of Roadmaster Residents oi ML Scott Admit Dis- Shown in Matter of Recommen­ position of Illegitimate Child, dations. Bids Strongly Favor­ Bom May 9th, Died of Neglect able to Concrete Turned Down. and Probably Murdered. This may, in one sense, be an inop­ The next event ol the season in the Annual school election. It I* unfor- portune time to start a subscription ,lunate that no many election« deplete I contest but it should also be the le-st the treasuries an often, but there are ar­ many attractive summer jobs that it is gument* on the other aide of the ques­ tion. The present day school election not difficult to get connected up with dale i» general throughout the state, something that will be profitable. But and consequently cannot accord with this summer It may be different so the town elections which vary in time, de­ Herald is doing a good service to any pending on the incor|>oratton of the 'one who is looking for a chance to make several municipalities. Then the set­ ting of the school election indejiendent a few dollars. It is offering handsome ol other elections was supposed to pro­ prizes that will far exceed in value tect it from partisanship ami political what any one who undertake* to secure intliK'uoea It was hoped that school them would he likely to earn if they elections would be more prominent If were to work at mere day wage. There are always people who want a the election of school officers were made the only Issue, instead of making tbeir good piano. Even if you did not want election a minor part of some larger I it yourself a piano is something that can l>e converted into cash and a four event. hundred dollar piano for six weeks work About the moat important feature of would be exceedingly good pay for a the present election date is the qualifi­ summer’s work. It would exceed in cation of voters, and in cities of the first class, the additional duties that I value returns anything likely to lie have been added to the office ot di­ earned by any young person in the county, in double or quadruple the rector. The last legislature passed a time. This pisno is one of the finest law that eliminates the annual lax levy­ the Herald has ever offered. Indeed ing meeting, heretofore held in Port­ we think it is the very best, fine land in December. The meeting had mahogany case, excellent tone, and ot a grown to lie a failure owing to the un- style that will tit into any parlor and weildy sire of the attendance. In help to make the home attractive. It choosing a director this time the people is on exhibit at the home of the Holt chooee a man to whom will be delegat­ Piano Company, 333 Morrison street, ed the authority to levy ths annual and if you are interested you matlcall school tai, at least be will be one of there and see it. It will be on exflbit the Ove who will decide on that assess- at the Herald office after July tirstM mWtlt. • As second prizes the Herald will offer As to the qualification of voters, it is two free tripe to the Panama Pacific to tie regretted that Oregon still clings Exhibition, at Frisco, sufficient to make to a property qualification of voters at a week's stay at a reasonable priced school elections. If your name does note!. Or if the wintier prefers >50 in not appear on the tax roll, or if you gold they may have their choice. c^iuot show that it should, by owning The third prizes will be >25 in gold. property or being a partner in taxable Lull details of the plan of procedure, values you are disqualified to vote. The nomination blanks, rules, etc., will be mere fact that a woman is wife to a seen on the Hlh page of this issue of the property owner does not qualify her; or Herald. Don’t fail to read the expla­ that a man's wife has property in her nation all over in full and if you want name does not qualify him as a voter. i to enter into it send us word at once. The records must show that the deed is If you know of some one who would in the name of both. lie a good nominee for the contest send Persons claiming property on con­ in the name and that will count 40<0 votes tract cannot vole, unless the contract is as a starter. Don't neglect this as a recorded and the property is assessed to little delay might mean a lot to your the person paying on it. In fact ac­ favored candidate. Begin today and cording to the law the deed does not you will not regret the effort. have anything to do with it, the whole question involving about your status on the tax roll. Psrhape you have your property held jointly and you pay the tax in your own name. Better call the Assessor up and see if both man and wife are credited with the property John H. Montonye, a young man who on the assessment roll, if you want to baa been staying at his father's place vote. Thus this will be an annual election. near Sycamore got himself into trouble The candidates for dirsctors are Dr. Monday morning. He wanted to go to Sommers, the present incumbent, and Portland and asked his father for some Mr. 8. P. Lockwood, a prominent busi­ money. The father was suspicous of ness man of the town and a man of ex­ i his son and declined to assist him. The cellent standing. The substantial dif­ son started off threatening to get it any ference in the two candidates as to views way. He met two neighbors on the relative to school matters is that Mr. road and asked them both for a quarter Lockwood favor* strong support for the , each and got it. and then he approached city superintendent, and large powers a man by the name of Braswell near He first questioned for his office. Dr. Sommer's attitude jjenne Station. ba* iieeri of a negative nature. Roth Bramwell about having money, and candidates agree on the »election of a when he admitted having some he drew highly qualified men for the office of a revolver and ordered him to band it city superintendent but they disagree as over. Braswell had an umbrella handy to hie duties in selection of teachers. * and struck Montonye and a struggle The difference in views seems to be ensued during which the revolver w « b distinct and there should lie no mistake discharged and Braswell's son, 17 years on the part of any one who attemps to | of age, was shot in the leg. Montonye went on to the county hospital and re­ inform themselves. ported that the Braswells attacked him with the umbrella, driving him away, and the shot was fired while he was After almost a week of work on the ? What is believed to be one of the moet bids for the propoted road improve­ serious crimes ever committed in South­ ments the hundred or more bids have eastern Portland was discovered last been tabulated and that Commissioners Friday when information which has and Roadmaster and District At orney been in |H>aseseion of the authorities, held a conference Tuesday afternoon was substantiated by the finding of the and went over the various offers. Some exceptionally good offers have been ■ lexly of the child in a shallow grave in made. By far the cheapest paving ever a raspberry patch near the home of Mrs. offeiWi in this counly have lieen made Beseie L. Fowle. 3411 54th St. S. E. The and there is no question that the county child is said to be the grandchild of Mrs. has it in its reach to save all tne way Fowle by her daughter Harriett, and from >2< 0,000 to $250,0o0 and perhaps Don Duffield of 59th avenue and 59th more on the work. street S. E. All the persons named, Two main companies bid on practical­ ly the entire job, the Warren Construc­ Mrs. Fowle, Harriett Fowle, Don Duf­ tion Company and the Montague- field and Mr. and Mrs. A darn Wolfe, O’Riellv. In spite of the advantage son-in-law and daughter of Mrs. Fowle, offered by the Montague-O’Rielly Com- have been taken into custody and are j pany of >140,000 on concrete as laid in held in jail for want of bail, charged Washington, and an additional saving with murder in the second degree. Pend­ : of about >40,280,000 on non-patented of concealing a death was placed against i bithulitic, Roadmaster Yeon has them. Later Mrs. Fowle admitted the —Bartholomew in Minneapolis Journal. j recommended to the commissioners that disposition of the child and other mem­ the entire job except a small section on bers of the family were implicated. It the Columbia Highway, which he sug­ is probable that Wolfe *nd his wife had gests be laid in brick and about a mile nothing to do with thg crime but their of the Capita) Hill road be concrete, knowledge of its having been committed be let to the Warren Construction Com­ will involve them in a£ninor way. pany. That would mean about 60 miles Dr. Robt. G. Hat! performed an of Warrenite, a mile of brick, a mile of autopsy on the child ¿Saturday and came concrete, some wood block, and other to the conclusion (hat the child died The awarding of road contracts was made Thursday morning. i things in an experimental way. from etrangulation^everal hours after Altho the Commissioners knew that a big delegation of people from It is a safe bet that the awarding of ita. birth. the country were coming in to support concrete they hurried their the contract to the Warren Construc­ Mrs. Fowl« ga^Aas her reasons for decisions and made the awards before the very people who came tion Company will cause one of the disposing of the cbjki that she could not to present their wishes. They werit *uusy all night Wednesday biggest stinks that have ever been take care of it. The is the mother of stirred up in the county. If it goes to children and is a poor woman. She night making final decisions and then changed some of them before them it will be because of the frame-up ten has been conducting a small confection­ making the awards. Reports were circulated that Powell Valley, that has long been believed to exist be­ ery at 4121 Fiftieth street. Her hus­ Foster, Capitol Hill and Canyon Road were to go concrete. The tween Roadmaster Yeon, Mr. Holman, band, Wm. Fowle, has been conducting commissioners excuse themselves for the change by saying that a a number of the financiers of the county a store at Friday, Washington. He who hope to break even for the time came Saturday to look after the family. petition from the Gresham City Council changed their views on ' they spent in getting this piece of work Their home on 54th street has been Powell Valley. Benson probably changed their views on Canyon. before the people. There is evidence under mortgage until a couple of weeks By the awards the County is roundly beaten out of $240,000 and enough loose around the county to ago when it was paid off. They seem probably more. .Just as good a pavement could have been laid for show that the Warren people have felt to be a hard working family and the a sum approximately $248;000 less money and the only thing the for some time that they had everything father is greatly depressed on account of just their way. They would not the affair. Shortly after the officers commissioners could offer in opposition to the award was that the eeming have expressed themselves as they took the family in charge the home Warren Construction Company threatened to sue on account of have unless they had had an under- caught fire and was completely des­ their claimed patents. The District Attorney has on file over derstanding with some of the officials troyed. No explanation can be given thirty similar cases where the Warrens have withdrawn their suits. I in regard to results. The only question for this. Two of the children were As to the guarantees given, the county pays additional 2 1-2 cents that they have had in mind about caret! for by the officers of the juvenile they would get tne contract court. a square yard for maintenance for ten years. The county pays the whether was the one of raising the funds. When Mr. and Mrs. Wolfe have lieen re­ maintenance and it could have easily saved $60,000 on this by the bonds were voted they were very leased on >500 bond. taking the lower bid and providing its own maintenance. safe as to results and they would have had little trouble if the farming people of the county, urged by the Herald, had not done a little first hand investigat­ ing. It did not take much to discover that the thing might be done better and cheaper in some other way. But the Lents was visited by anotlier fire last People in the vicinity of 6923 Fifty­ Tom Cowing—our Tom—is getting to farmers who have given the matter ninth Ave., 8. E. were aroused at 0:30 be some sleuth. Tom was out to the any thought have very decided views Friday evening. This time a small house at 9617 belonging to the Bright Wednesday morning with the cries of county farm Monday morning and in opposition to asphaltic pavements on Realty Co., was the sufferer, being account of tbeir being soft and heavy distress from the home of Chas. I.. when on the wav back was hailed by « in the warm season, and hard and slip­ burned to the ground. The loss was Duboraw, a carpenter and painter. It couple of fellows near Fairview. They pery when the roads are cool or wet or about >275. A fire at 3624 east 49th street the was discovered that Duboraw had offered him fifty cents to go back to the frosty. same evening destroyed the house of struck his wife with a hammer, hie Rose City car line where they claimed Mrs. Chas. Pleiter. Her house caught youngest child, and had then tried to to have a car waiting. When they got from an adjacent building which was kill himself by cutting his throat with burned down. Mrs. Pleiter thinks the a razor. The police department was to the end of the line they proposed to other bouse was set on tire. She says notified and the wounded people were go on into town. When they reached there was indication of coal oil being all hurried to the hospital. Mr- 28th street they passed a saloon and used ami that »tie saw a man leave th«* Dulioraw wan found not seriously proposed to stop. They paid Tom in The afternoon session of Lents Grange premises. These fires occurred during wounded. The daughter was in the dimes and nickels and gave him a tip worst condition, while the man has a besides. The appearance of so many was devoted principally to a musical se- the time of the parad«*s down town on good chance to recover. nickels made Tom suspicious. He con­ letion, a couple of drills by school child­ Frifay evening, when many of the local The affair seems to have developed nected up the peculiar conduct of the ren under the direction of Mies Chap­ people were away. from the man’s inability to secure men and grew doubly sure he 1 ad made man and a lengthy dissuasion of various work. lie has lieen greatlv worried a strike so he reported the men to processes of canning fruit by Prof. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Rotan returned about it and as a consequence it is Deputy McCullough and lleputy Griffin from the Agricultural College. Wednesday night from Bkamokama, proliable that his mind was affected. It Nicholson. The men were found in a This discussion was devoted larirely to Wash., where thev attended the funer­ seems, too, that he has been having Grand avenue rooming house and ar­ developing an interest in canning clubs al of their relative, Mr. E. 8 Hampeon. some domestic troubles, probably due rested and are being held'for trial. and was a disappointment to many of The funeral which was well attended, to the nerve recking experience of being There is reason to believe they are the those present as they expected to hear was held in the Skanrmkana M. E. so nearly destitute. He seems to have men who robbed an Oregon City elec­ a pointed talk on methode of canning. Church and was in charge of the Mr. Lockwood was present and by in­ Grange at that place. Mr. Hampson been afraid of his own conduct and tric train Sunday evening. If it is tried last night when visiting his proven they are the men Tom will take troduction by Dr. Hess was invited to was well and favorably known, being a mother to get her to go home with him all his friends for a free trip over fhe talk for a short time and he gave a con­ prominent dairyman and president of but she did not go. It is raid that he Columbia Highway for the job will net cise statement of his views on the duties the Skamokama creamery. first struck his wife with his haud and him about >6o. It is peculiar about of a school director. Mr. Darnal) gave a brief review of the that he then hit her with a hammer. Tom's luck. The West Coast Life Insurance Com­ month’s progress on the road improve­ She dodged anil by so doing probably pany has opened up local offices in the ment questions. saved her life. That he did not attack A. D. Kenworthy and wife rejoice in Yott Building. The company recently the other child seems a mystery. the birth of an eight pound daughter. absorbed the San Francisco Life in­ Friday the 11th. Mr. Kenworthy al­ Daily Mails surance Company. The local branch Three (mints bandy from which alarms ready begins to wear the worn physiog­ Mails at the Lents postoffice arrive will be in charge of Mr. Jobu E. Devine, may be given for fires have been located nomy of an ancestor. He says be is not and depart daily, except Sunday, as fol­ who has had extensive experience in in l.enta. The alarm may lie given to be claaied with the ‘boys’ any longer. lows : insurance business. L«nts is fortunate from the Oddfellows building near the Evidently Miss Kenworthy tho name­ Arrive in securing the offices ot the company. Depart apparatus room, from the police box at less is not noiseless, as the “old gent’’ 6:00 A. M. 7:30 A.M. Several men will be employed and the car station, and from the telephone complains about losing considerable 12:60 P. M. 12 30P. M. already good business will «levelop to station. sleep. 3:30 P. M. 5:30 P. M. the full limit. GOMMISSISNERS, ROAD MASTER, BIG INTERESTS JOIN IN LOOTING TREASURY SYCAMORE WOULD-BE TREMONT CARPENTER I TOM COWING ROBBER CAUGHT TRIES SUICIDE SOME SLEUTH FOUR III Of JULY AT LENTS PLAYGROUND “Î22L There will be a Prohibition meeting Altho no formal celebration will be in the Friends' Church next Sunday staged at Lents this year, plan* are be­ | evening, June 20th at 8:00 o'clock. The ing laid to make the Fourth interesting speaker will be J. Sanger Fox, execu­ to the younger element at Lente. The tive secretary of the Oregon Prohibi­ playgrounds will be open throughout the tion Stare Committee. There will lie day and a program ot athletic features ' special mnsic. It is hoped that all dry is being worked up by the park attend­ voters will make a special effort to at- ants that will interest all the boys and ; tend at this time. girls of the community. There has l>een a considerable amount of new ma­ Miss Jennie Huggins and Mr. II. O. terial added for the playgrounds and the Pfaender have lieen appointed attend­ wading pool will be in shape for opera­ ants at the lente playgrounds for the tion. That will furnish oodles of fun summer. Both these young people for many ot the children. There will were connected with the playground be shade enough for some picnicing and work last season and their reappoint­ ment meets with public appronal. plenty ol water to supply the crowd. TIRE DESTROYS BRIGHT PROPERTY LENTS GRANGE HEARS CANNING EXPERT