Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, May 13, 1915, Image 4

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Health In The Suburbs
Enterrd as xecoo*! liase Matter February 1», I»! t
At poetoffice, Lenta, Oregon. Un.ier act nt March t. 1*79
One of tboee great wars of defense Renner, living on Alpine street Renner
Published Every Thursday at Leota, Ore., by the Mr. • x . vtt IT bubsimo C o .
that are rooductcd without bloodshed ha«l been vaccinate«! M-veral y«-ar» lie­
H. A. DARN ALL, F. mtob xan Mimait.
is tiw war against vaccination.
>ince lore. being then in «*»»! h.alth ami
1SS3 when vaccination was matte com ««irking hard every day a» an expreaa- |
pulrory tn England down to tbe present I man. While tlie virus was working in
Office Phone: Home B-8111-llll. Reaaience Tabor 2»13
lime the strife lor freedom has ,«*en hi» »y«4cni he derehmoi a high lever
Jealousy of personal liberty and placed hiniarlf iih*l.*r molical care
marked a trait of the English In «pile of all tlie doctor» could do, and
NE of the most commend­
has ma<i«* tlie tight there fiercer than lie had the best Boston afforded ami
able little papers that comes 6*«"» by Which They May Ba Leoated anywiiere else on the giot* Tie* slack­ went to nanilariums for treatment, he
Men are wishing today that they had started a bank account
to any office in the sute comes
Erase an Aaraplana.
ness with which vaccination laws are grew worer, went cioar to 'tenth's door
ten years ago. A bank account started ten years ago would
from the State Penitentiary- It Is answer to a corrvapoudeot wbo enforced in the United Mates has had and was left with stiff and ever stiffen­
asks to wbat extent a man tn an aero­
mean a substantial fortune today when property values are
is the “Lend a Hand.” and is plane can watch tbe movementa of a something to do with the causnal man­
ulterlyhelplee« in a reclining chair, his
a minimum. Almost any bank account could be traded
gotten up now in a way that is submerged submarine bout tbe ficieo ner ol waging the struggle here.
But thing» are doing
An able de­ jaw» immovable, ami unable to so much
highly commendable to prisoner tific American reptiee:
for a good sized farm now.
as move a finger, «lying in fact by
"We bare consulted a naval aero­ fender of litwrty of oortartence has arisen
&43S. There is a kx of good nautic
expert on the visibility of sub­ tn a semi-monthly paper. The Truth- inch»» Such a case make» many anti-
But there will be other chances, if you have the bank
sense in it and die sort of fel­ marines from an aeroplane. He states Teller, edited by a medical man and vatxinators out of th<»M* who are unable
account. Begin in a small way now and as times improve,
lowship that does the boys good. that If tbe surface of tAe water is published in Battle Creek. Mu-mgan. A to gra»i> a principle, but are readied
“Whaleoever a
aaxKWh and tbe water U fairly clear late issue tells of tht Zion City smallpox by ocular eri'len«^*
increase your savings. A few years will swell your reserve
Perhaps he is just a little too a submarine can ordinarily be observed
outbreak last winter, where without man soweth that «hall he also nap.“ 1«
into a substantial fortune.
critical at times about the prison vksuaxly from an aeroplane at any \a.YinwUon an epidemic t smallpox gi**d enough authority for «ome of us
system and its resulta, but he
Dr Charles Fiwnden Nichol» of II*»- '
was well handled, leaving in its wake no
which is usually not over 10U feet
ton i« anotlier distinguished medical
will have to acknowledge that Experiment»
bare been made at Guan
whatex «r the failure of manage­ tanamo. Cuba, and Annapolis. Md.. and we.1» of consumption and cancer to de­
I away
Dr Nichole Hired in a suburb
ment may be. the aim in the m
**«er case the submarine« were velop later, as would have Iwen the case
acr*«> U m * road troin Th««»lore Parker»'«
with general vaccination
main is for the betterment of
to g muddT
; old church
I remember • happy
the man temporarily detained at aviator» aooo learned to pick them oat
Fourth ol July spent at hie home. in
In i >regon it is proposed to take ad- which he gave me personal reniini»«vnee»
the SUte’fl expense. At least by some sign. such, n* example, as ew
vantage of tbe initiative law and let the ot Oliver Wendell Holmes, whom he
that is the intention, and as long
^X^/ od the subject th* -
Some forms ot Kheunwtlsm ( urdble
' [vople tbemwlvea. for tbe first tin»* in
haughty and
ot th« tt riandai couiillon ol
as politics influences the man- Scientific Amenoso mjb tbit Wbea the tbe history of this country, paw* on the tocratic ami not altogether agreeable,
Rheui.atisiu 1« a diM*aee rharactarized
' by pala« ih thè joints and in lite musei»«.
afzement of institutions of this
** «•<*
duncoit quewion of compulsory vaccination. ami of Julia Ward Howe and many
to discern a submarine. Tbe captain Tbe law prohibiting <-ompuMon i« ex­
class we must expect to find of
other historic jierwotiagi-s of historic •l lonta. In the MUI« of (»ergon, at (hr rlo«« Tlie tuo«t coniimm (orma are:
a warship can watch tbe course of a
pected to be place«! on tlie hallot at th«- Boston. Dr Nichoh w rote a book on <>f taMteM May I. ItU.
ami Chronlc Rheumatiam, Rheumalie
some of the evils that predomi­ submarine by tbe bubbles It sends to next State election in November l&lti
Heailache», Hclatic Rheumatism and
nate in all such institutions. We tbe surface when tbe sea is smooth, It will not interfere with any citizen i vaccinatiou, “A Blunder in Poisons.'* ■
All of ttir«e tyi*« can he
but these bubbles are scarcely discern
Since my labors, in tlie Flast in thi* Loan* and dlrounl«
n l.umbago
shall all hope for a time when a Ible when the sea la choppy. Tbe dis­ wbo wiaiiee to be vaccinatol He may caure several other distinguished medi­ □vm*raft* »«cored and unaecured
bel|*ed abeolutely by applying aome
good llniment that penetrate«.
An ap­
non-partisan board will have the turbed surface Inevitably makes it more get vaccinated thrve time» a day if he cal antivaccinator» have died. Dr. Wai-i Bonds and warrant»
Furniture and fixture»
management of such institutions
; ter M. James of Philadelphia moat re­ Other real eaute owned
plane to •e* vrbat la going oo below
vaccination will afford him all tlie pro- cently. ami Dr. Frederic Preston of I t>ue from approved reaerre banka
thre» tini»« a day to thè affaci»«! peri
and when the man who makes
t«*ction vira.« can give. If his own vacci­ I Philaikiphta and Dr. Zachary T. Miller I Check» and other cash Item»
will giva iu«tant re Ilei.
Hloan'« Uni*
good in effecting some new sys­
M meni i« good for pam. and eepeeially
nation does not proctect him, neither I of Pittsburgh within two year.s Tlw*y I <‘aih on hand
tem of improving prisión condi­
... .
would be be protected by tbe vaccina­ i were three giant» in tlie homeopathic
Khrumatlc Pam. becaua» It |»raetrate«
to ti » «rat of Ih» troubl», eoothee thè
tions and morals will not be be­ Ge n eral Hugo and His Meeting With a tion of tlie entire community. So there world. Dr. Preston I knew lie»t and
Wvunoed M m «
I n.uuu no «iliictetl p.irt an I draws thè p«in.
1« no goo«i groun«i for rompulmon. though not famous nationally he was a CapiUl »lock paid In
headed on the whim of one man General Hugo,
Burplua fund........... . ......................
I.&ÜU '®
fatber of that literary Those wle> insist on forcing o U hts tn
“Hloan'« Uniment le all medicine.”
and hia motive perhaps political. genius. Victor Hugo, was a daring sol­ sulrnnt to their favorite nostrum m«-reiy bigger man than many who are.
Undivided protlta lea»eapenae» and
Gel a 2-'*c. Dotile now.
Keep it handy
Uses paid
“Lend a Hand” just now is dier and officer. He served brilliantly have an itch for meddling.
in raea ot emergeacy.
I>r. Chari«*» E. Page of Boston
FoaUi »aving» depoalt»
We Pay I per cent on
very much interested in promot-
ing greater freedom for the boy s
in the matter of receiving and
sending mail. In Oregon married
prisoners are allowed to write
a letter each Sunday; other
prisoners are allowed to write
once a month. Ia there any
reason why a prisoner should not
write as often as he chooses, so
long as he furnishes hia own
The action of the Republican
County Central Committee in at­
tempting to influence the result
of the city election by commend­
ing “only stand-pat Repub­
licans” is hardly interesting.
How can any organization lead
by men of the calibre of its chair­
man and secretary can hope to
improve civic conditions is be­
yond the understanding of people
qualified to judge. If the city is
to be run for the “fixers” it is
attracting the interest of the
right leaders.
But to the fair
minded citizen the less partisan­
ship we have in city administra­
tion the better it will be for all
of us.
Punch and Judy.
Turkey Is far from being tbe only
oriental land In which a performance
very like the English Punch and Judy
can be found. Travelers bare describ­
ed entertainments of tbe kind tn Per­
sia. Japan Kamchatka. India. Egypt.
Syria. Nubia. Siam. Pegu. Ara. Cochin-
China. China anu Tartary.
Mr. Vil­
liers Stuart observed tbe Egyptian
Punch flooring tbe mamcur (chief mag­
istrate! and bls cav asses quite In the
style of the British Punch’s conduct
toward beadles and policemen, though
tn the Egyptian version tbe play ended
morally wltb the hanging of Punch.
The hero belongs to all ages as well
aa to most lands. Some have traced
him to tbe Atellan farces of early
Italy, and be has even been recognised
In ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics.—
London Standard.
‘ Before taking a partner for
life, nee who her mother is, ad-
vises Dr. Youngson. Many a
man, who has seen her mother,
has reconsidered.’’—This little
piece of philosophy clipped from
a contemporary has so much of
truth in it that every young man
ought to frame it for hia dreaser
ornament The trouble ia he
would forget to look at it when
he saw the girl. But then the
girl ia likely to be as good aa the
boy anyway, ao whats the use?
Quite a number of papers
around the country are getting
ready to back a big row with
Goodwin’s Weekly pro­
poses the following little roast as
a starter:
"Your ultimatum served upon China,
as reported by cable, is a violation of
the entire spirit of the agreement of the
power», ami its attempted enfori-ement
will tie looked upon a» an act of war by
tbe United State».
By the President,
W. J. Bryan, Hec.”
Chanak- Kslssi.
Cbanak-KalesL tbe straggling town
near the “narrows’' of the Dardanelles,
means "earthenware castle" In Turk­
ish and is so called from a celebrated
pottery on tbe Astatic side of tbe strait
An agent from this pottery used to be
always on tbe lookout for a wander­
ing European and booked on to every
passing ship
Ills boatload of gaudy
crockery was generally more remarka­
ble for gilding and tawdry color than
for taste. But the forms of tbe vessels
were often graceful, even classical, and
specimens of tbe tall water jugs be
sella, or once sold, can tie seen through
out the Levs nt. though seldom in I aid
don.—London Chronicle.
A Swiss Philanthropy.
The custom still obtnins in Switzer
land, though not ao generally as for­
merly, of newly married coup'ea mak
Ing a »mall gift of money Immediately
after tbe wedding ceremony to the
school funds aa a sort of tbankaglvlng
for their education
These funds are
used to provide shoes and clothing for
poor pupils wbo would otherwise tie
unable to attend school.
The Herald is in receipt of a
very instructive letter from Mr.,
M. Roy Thompson, Supt. of
Highways of Washington, which
it will give its readers next
week. It is a very instructive
article and will be read by all
with mierest
dlettnguished Himself tn putting down
bandits and ruerrtllaa That be waa a
man aa magnanlmoua as be was brare
la attested by a little Incident of bis
career that his too narrated. General
Hugo, accompanied by a single trusted
busBar orderly, bad occasion, at the
close of a day of fighting, to ride across
a portion of tbe battlefield as dusk was
beginning to fall
"He beard a feeble soand In tbe shad­
ows." wrote Victor Hugo
“it was a
soldier of the Spanish army, who drag­
ged himself along the roadway, pale,
bleeding, gasping and wbo cried. 'A
drink, a drink, in tbe name of pity"
"My fatber, touched, banded bls can
teen to bis faithful hussar, and said.
Here, give a drink to that poor, wound­
ed fellow.
Suddenly, as tbe hussar,
stooping, leaned over bim. tbe man. a
Moor of some sort, snatched tbe pistol
he carried and fired it at my father's
bead, crying. ‘Caramtn!’ Tbe bullet
passed so close that tbe bat fell, and
tbe charger reared wildly backward
“ 'Give him the drink all tbe same,
said my father.’’—Youth's Companion
On Her Brew,
we married you promise«)
and brooches and beads to
that the on!/
Dr. J. W Hodge of Niagara Falls arc
to check
..............................I M.m
penalise« still wielding vigorous pen« against the hrtnand certifi« «m ot «IwpCMtt i.m il
health. It says, if you keep yvtir sys- “grotesque supersitioo” as English Dr. UertlAe<l check» ................... ..
»«* »
♦m clean and vigorous so that smallpox j Creighton styles it. Here on the Pacific <*aahi«y heck» outstanding
cannot get you, theti you must be given coast
are > many, im-lmiing Dr.
.1___ ____
___ _ then-
i •->
I Time DrpcMlU ... .
another disease by order of tbe State. Tenison M I team* nt San Francisco and
| Note« and bills radiaeounied
«.710 00
Professor Francis W. Newman, brother Dr. Adaline Keeney of The Dalle». The Othar Ilablllllea
’ ll» l»l
of Cardinal Newman, said on this sub­ late Dr. Cannon of Eugene waa one ot
I ri U« M
total ............
Mtat« of Oregon,
three men who initiated the movement
County of Multnomah.
“To forbid perfect health is tyrannical in Minnesota which culminated in IlkKI
1, H. E. Bioyd, Acting Cashier of the above
wickedness, as much aa to forbid 1 in th»- repeal of the compulsory vaccina* named bank, do solemnly swear that the above
statement is true to the best of my know
chastity or sobriety; no lawgiver can tion law as applied to schools.
have the right. The law is an unendur-1
Here in Portland. M. D.’s who are ledge and belief.
H E. Bioyd, Acting Cashier
able usurpation ami create« the nglit ot opposed to vaccination include Dr« P
C. F H«*ndricksen,
1 L. McKenzie, Frank F Casneday, Flora
Bert Wiiborg,
Professor Newman is not the only Brown Caeaeday, Hila K. Dearborn, A.
great and learned man who haa serve«! W Vincent and W. F. Pruden. Doubt­
Hubscribed and sworn to before me this lith
in the anlivaccination army.
W. E lens there are many mon* who an* keep- day of May, 1WU
W. E Klineman,
Gladstone and John Bright were antis. . ing quiet It takes uncommon courage
Notary Public.
Gladstone said, “A man haa as much aa well as independence ol thought to
right to »elect his own doctor as hia take a stand against thia favorite pres-
shoemaker, since he is Ur-profit or suffer criplion of modern medicine.
It means
by the choice.’’
If one'« medical ad- for him who dares a measure of pro­
vider is opposed to vaccination one must feesional ostracism and persecution.
A Multnomah County Institut« will
tie able to follow his advice regard lees of
The »pint of medicine toward heretics
tbe opinion of other doctors.
Professor Alfred Kunsel Wallace,
' dean of English scientist»,’’ for year»
before his death which occurred a year
or two ago, callol “vaccination a die-
astrons delusion and its |>enal enforce-
He went thoroughly
ment a crime.”
into the subject tiecoming an authority
on the statistics of vaccination and
smallpox. His book “The Wonderful
Century“ has 175 page« devoted to Vac­
Great Britain and the continent of
Europe have bail many great men in
anti-vaccination ranks, and America
not a few.
Among the latter, Elbert
Hubbard was one,
The pages of his
magazines were open to opponent» of
vaccination, an«i he himself frequently
took a whack at it, though his father
was a doctor and a faithful tieliever in
the practi««. On one occasion I spoke
to tbe Roycrofters on Vaccination at the
invitation of Hubbard, and he contrib-
ute«l to a hind I wae at the time raising
to bring to this country for a lecture
tour J. H. Bonner lecturer of the
British antivaccination society.
Bonner came, spending six months in
work on the Atlantic seaboard.
Tom L. Johnson, late Mayor of Cleve­
land, was an opponent of vaccination,
and it was during his first term that he
caused his health officer, Dr. Friedrich,
to stop vaccinating and instead l«»>k
carefully after quarantine an«l sanita­
tion. This worked well, hut the local
medical society were losing money on it
and they got busy and forced a return
to compulsory vaccination.
“Johnson is an antivaccinationist who
doe« not work at it," was the way Ed
mund Vanse C«x>k the poet «iescrilied
him to me. (kxike is another anti, an«l
tlie poet, Ham Walter Foes was another.
When in B«Mton in 190H I went to
Homerville to meet and shake hands
with the author of “The Calf Path,”
“Omfessions of a Lunkhead," and
other poems with point to them.
was then public librarian at Hommer-
ville. He was a plain, fartner-like man,
who gave you an imprereion of < o « m I
sense and latent p«river.
(Alaa he haa
since gone to his death under the knife
of the surgeon!)
He directed me to
call on a sufferer from vaccinsti«wi in
Homerville, and I hunted up August
of this claas may he gue»se<l from the re­
mark made tbe other day by a Ht.
Helens doctor to the lecturer of a
Grange. This lecturer had arranged for
! a lecture on vaccination to lie given in
tier grange, and she was inviting her
family doctor to lie prewnl
He said : “What are you doing that
The Grange has no businem to
waste its time listening to such stuff. No,
I shall not come.
I won't get into any
controvery on the snbjecl.”
That is the policy, a conspiracy of
silence. But it is a silence that is going
to lie broken by a heavy thud shortly,
when compulsory vaccination is thrown
down hard at the polls by a people who
like to think they own the blood in
their veins and feel it is their business
what goes into it.
How’s This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars
Reward ____
for ______________
any case of __________
that cannot be cured by Hall’s
Catarrh Cure.
F J CHENET A CO.. Tol«dO, O.
We. the undersigned, have known F. J.
<'heney for the laet II rears, and believe
him perfectly honorable In all bu«ln»«e
traneactlon« and financially able to carry
out any obligation« made by hl« firm
Toledo, O.
Hall’s Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally,
««-ting directly upon the blood and mu-
< ous surfaces of the system. Testimonials
»«nt free. Price 75 cento per bottle. Sold
by all Druggists.
Tska Hall e ramlly Fillo tor eonotlpaUo»-
The Liver is a blood purifier. It was
thought at one time it was the seat of
the psasions.
The trouble with most
people is that their Liver becomes black
because of impurities in the blood due
to t«d physical states, esusing Bilious­
ness, Headache, Dixziness and Constipa­
Dr. King’s New Life Pills will
clean up the Liver, and give you new
life. 2ftc. at your Druggist.
Mr. E. William«, Hamilton, Ohio,
writes: “Our whole family depend on
Maybe someone in
your family han a severe Cold—perhaps
it ia tbe baby. The original Dr. Bell's
Pine-Tar-Honey la an ever ready house­
hold remedy—it gives immediate relief.
Pine-Tar-Honey penetrates the linings
of the Throat and Lungs, destroys the
germ«, and allow« Nature to act.
yoar Druggist. 26c.
In tie* County Conrt ot the Htaie of
Oregon for Miillnotnali County.
In the matter of U h * <-«iat« •>( Henry F?
IVnse, dts-cascd. No. 1131*.
Notice is hereby given, that tlie under­
signed. administrator <>( the Estate of
Ifcnry E Pease. Ihxvased, has fih»l his
final re[»irt and account am! petition for
discharge aa administrator with U m *
C«*unty Clerk for Multnomah County.
< >n*gon, and that Ui* above court ha«
net the name for bearing ami examina­
tion mi Monday, the .list day of May,
1915. at the hour of V So o’clock a m.
of said date, at it» rourt room in U m *
('«Minty Court Hom»* in the City of Port­
land, «ai<l county and »tab*.
Any ami all |H*rw>n« int«*r*-st<-d are
hereby notifi«*«l Pi file objection», if any.
to said final account at or liefore aahi
hour of hearing.
Administrator of th«* E-tate of Henry
E. Pease, Deceased.
Dated April 24th, 1915.
Kalloch Zollenaer A McDowall, at­
torneys for adminintrator.
Dale of first puldication April 29.
Date of last publication May 27.
lie held on Thursday, May 29, at the
Baptist Italian Mission, corner IMth
In the Circuit Court of the Stair of
and Tibl«ta strreta.
The «ong service
Oregon (or Multnomah County.
I in th« morning will be led by M rs J. II. Nreh. Plaintiff, vs. J. Crick and
Rachel Crick, hnsliand and wife,
Mallet and Miss Fannie Gotahall will
Frank F. Mason, Estacada Townaite
speak upon legislation and l,a* En- Company, a corporation, and Fataiada
State Hank, a coriHiralion, Drfrndanta.
' forcement. In the afternoon Mrs. Mal- E. 1803. And
let and others will s,>eak and children
J. H. Nash. Plaintiff, v«. J. Crick
an<l K iu 'I h '1 Crick, huahand ami wife,
ot the mission will sing.
The home ol Mrs. Ward Hwope was Frank E. Maaon, F.«taca<la Townsitr
Company, a corporation, and Estacada
made the assemblying place of a num­
Bank, a corporation, Defendants.
ber of Uniona on May 11th, as tne E Hio5
J. II. Nash, Plaintiff, vs. J. Crick and
guests ot the Arleta Union.
sentative« of Roee City Park. Mary A. Rachel Crick, husband and wile, Frank
t. Ma*in, Ertacada Townsite Company,
Mallet, Brooklyn, Woodstock ami Mt
a corporation,and Enacada Stat* Bank,
Bcott Unions participated in the pro­ acoiqKiration, Defendants. E. 1808.
By virtue of an execution, judgment
Tlie Arleta people are expert«
in the art of preparing goo«l things to order, decree ami order ol sale treued
out of tbe ataive entitled court in the
eat and moat lavish in serving them , al»ive entitled cauae, to me directed aud
The state president, Mrs. Jennie Kemp, daLe.1 the 2OUi lay of April, 1»15, u|Min
was present and spoke words nf en­ a judgment rendered and entered in
»aid Court on th«* 10th day of April,
couragement ami hope.
Hllft. ill favor of J. If. Na»h, plaintiff;
There is to be a meeting at Central b.Mtacada State Bank. ■ corporation, De­
library, 10th and Yamhill streets, Fri­ fendant and Croan-i'omplainant, and
day evening of this week to consider against J. Orick and Rachel Crick, hus­
the candi'iatee and matters pertaining band ami wife, and Frank E. Mason,
Defsndants, for the »utn of 67327.86
to the coming city election.
with intereat at the rate of 7 tier cent
As a culmination of the work of tlie tier annum from the Hth day of April.
past two years a gold medal contest 11)15, and for th« further some of I'Jfl.OO
cost« ami diabursement«, ami the costs
took place at the Lent« «chool during
of and upon this writ; the further sum
their May (estival. The winners of the of $2222 4« with intenvrt at the rah* of 7
•ix silver medals each presented their per cent tier annum from the Hth day of
abilities in so splendid a manner as to April, 11115, and for the further sum of
make the work of the judges most pi 4ft coats ami disburwmenta, com-
manding me to make sale of the foi-
Miss Winnifred Hmith, the lowing di-scriU><l real property, to-wit:
winner ot the first medal offered to the
Ixita Five (ft). Six («) ami Seven (7),
school last year, was awsrdetl the gold in Block Five (ft), Howe’s Addition to
the City of Portland, Multnomah Coun­
ty, Oregon.
The next meeting of Mt. Scott Union
Now therefore, by virtue of »aid exe­
will be held in the Friends church on cution, judgment order, <li*cree and or­
der of sale and in compliance with the
May 25.
command» of said writ, I will, on Mon­
day, the 24th day of May, 191ft, at 10
a. m.. at the front door of the
County Courthouse in Portland, Mult­
nomah County, Oregon, nell at public
auction (subject to redemption,) to the
He haa abaolute faith in hia medicine highest bidder for cash in hand, all the
—he know« when he taken it for certain right, title an«l intertwt which the with­
ailmenta he (eta relief. People who take in named defendanta, (or either of
them) had on the 18th day of February,
Dr. King’» New Discovery for an irritat­
1918, the date of the three mortgagee
ing Cold are optimists—they know thia herein forecloaed, or since that date had
cough remedy will penetrate the lining» in and to the above <leacrihe«l property
of the throat, kill the germa, and open or any part thereof, to satisfy sai«i exe­
cution, judgment order and decree, in­
the way for Nature to act.
You can’t
terest, costa and accruing costs.
deatroy a Cold by auperflcial treatment
Hheril! ot Multnomah County, Oregon.
—you muat go to the cauae ot the
day of April, 1915.
trouble. Be an optimiet. Gat a bottle
First issue, April 22, 1911.
<4 Dr. King’« New Diacovery today.
Last issue, May 20. 191*.