XI T. SCC )'ÍT HERALD Health In The Suburbs Kntawvta a* wnm1 <* mm * M m U»*» b'wbmæy (g MM*i A* ,z*nWod«*- IzenU* evyw OtHtar wM rt tlw -tturit oitedieiHw w> iw iiuOerlrttig latta le)e-tirl Blain anti intuita. iiMut -Hat grow Tie jttvwrt mot .aw .» tie- law >rt ar AU otirer aw» au<1 nthe d * i a*fl life r.liat naw any 'itta u> tar saltati taw «U- nwmoy Itprcitiv w limited oxirmaturn» 1 * " rt» tie- Law «I I'm ** __ ______ . ___________ ' ntiMP NT BRT'ifW - rppuawd u> it ew taw of mie «nU>m- •«WVT dtilgruee .aatt u w ■all att-uar aud tai» a’"' * irirxtuuditig >' the aw. without anew p -lB Kern PaHf FiW 'ermr-- potata I io Hw .«<*«wuot>y >wa Miae A • •«»uta tallitili«" perty hi she tig the '»»•*■ ti> 'Aw OMMtIMH* Mta tur Mt Seott diatnet They mnd ptaetug .« ta >• m ." i w * ndmak ■H*f a HUMi w*ta> uMc«** a rt »*** at tlwar xpwi«* «i» (jMMlta »* .-Mlhta Spoil w> tbe «motta the f«MB cellar t*> garget and make* wee uf cite xenMifi tmr a •v»pr»r' of uie oand«tiona he ttafon* ;owtditig die tfart -nv s-wr il» find»* chtngv at** ’*d /«rkiunti Metteirwi ueMiziatatta Mwynr rhe •veai’i’ Separtmant and rhe Ciivtay zPta n warK 'lie JO* »ie*v>’wio»» Me eo-operau» n improv ng uattwta 'he ’ne> Ltiww’v Itae»*' auO «ta tliwt tie iH>pe Old Xay*»» «ta '1« ■MtiUzmitt.y with a .ong-i»t««taiug eliMAee s>>mennw*s ■jtltt Are upon- .'Utazut 1 taaet 'heer tiM)W Ml The «- tareotaey They feetjumtly oon- .»ta anti ‘if IhMtaMi Ixx»t»*w ortwy 1 'jnn '»u*vhes and ■nwe nibt.Ming «MnevMly ■rum tini irt*«* A m * tuliagr ap at • Item start Arwe Old CrOChe* p«n* -ia hw twe 'll»» n d j*a»v rtiail 'brown agamta Auas freouentiy ns»4«we '.lie leartul .tat-untata *«• of ww 4«y atta ota itafow* Apr i •r»w rttail ¡*art Area «ve atle'ieta to tuU gr*»wlx‘ l, 'twe tm- Then filthy cellars are fiaeaae putita* «rii I xpeug iM«> :ife *rtw«v now .reedbrs They reek n Mune SHMUtn* liai taeuM* •ft taM**mtuetit* awd mould and derayng a‘w*.**He Pwp-Mwiu *oiat Mwy 'Iw ‘m-wt F*»iw»- fji *|l tiau- root* and timber «sta »«tita® tiw dwv «rtwti tiw «pzrtt of fc * oe*o w> nave txa*' -Oiexwn'ie 'rMaemity end •ttrUzu* **ptane cyjmdmg* even if yoo t •iw • taod->wt Az«» •••xtay iHUfW ;«w*i want to or caught dirty MMOg 'he w*r*-i,g : ah » fWBRJE >• » unu tar d«> you gnMty rlw f- aw Such an account mo bugun ta watched »’th aa much •mthuaiaaan aa the growth of a 'Mtauuful flower, or the de- vruopment of an idolized ehtid. The pteanura me gwta in watching Much a a "eauum* gradually «miarge ;• nx an im- taurthy me It enaurm you of ocanfart and anfery n aia- tsimr yaara. and ta aa dommenilabir a teaouree aa a name, heaunful gmunda ar 'torneane animai* Evary fiEare THE MlXTNOMAH STATE BANK LENTS OBRiUTW t -i«**. ®f eotn- nib«y>f rha "jed ” »>f*>ve- -»rar» dMkt rt jeo»r< on on ft iiotad PowtMi Vattoy. wtai. •» be a Stti* w*y to <*»»- >M»r yef < «tatafy exdcd li ke a ‘ittforf'> However a gzxZ <>f w U go a xx-g *ay 'ZtaraHtt h*>i< fwar me bow trww «WX Talk «*a-M wz-M-hcr A'cH tfe* «.«tier n»ar> at dbw eed *)f c«e aert ee *zee» ewteog rp aome »piear x»anz» For HMkaoee yezttariay aMeemg w « m r+ze rbermoww»»w atzxrt 72 at tvzz» A «r>4 «» midiHgfet f/ *KXi« ume *♦ Hz* «»Te legtatat'ire try ng tr, Arid 'Xrt wb«' *n im»zr«f pl«y ie The Birth of « natKW ' « «peetar-i «r moving pw’*z»>- r’.ow i« ríe- dwt'irtiiny «-mee» «n«i trrxz kn»rw» brie wi-at it ft tn trw ‘w«m*»nt,*4 moral «tmoeptwre tr>»' ra«M»rt ewh a terrifi* zlr-zp H» th* o*zz»w Tim law-**’ new» if'm té» greet W'^'tan « r<'iffr»ta 1 «•* pe.gr. 'hat .-« tn >f tin- trtrnrrtng !*»e ar*- aim < g '/> e«x. -r’ ’«>► zO>rer« and IzanFer» Wave you f-eerd 'd tie K» ■ p» zn X *«' vff »»• aerzdiny r-i' Uz tiff- ‘fl nzm -••*z«y«- -♦a’/-» tar tiw fa- rrzz/ze May htf dr-rnt^^ra’ft^,, Th* cu-a •zriy*r.«'7-d with M — Agz**« Ry an. wirtrzr '/ th* W'zma».- « /bvrnal. May let 'd ttzw year wax the taatwtl* mni- vereary «X tfi* rzz«rr age 'zf f/re-y rttori* arzd Wer.ry B Blazkweli lier.»* rh* rek- bratt'zn F» irzzverr/zr F'z*- hex jumped 'tfdft tn- water wagob ‘ *f tf<* j«zgi- e«l '-«ridid»»* for goz<-r« n«z* h '.g rnazie zp »rtd if r ittttrr «ayx righ». títere . *,<„,.**... / d»e ng let* i nd th» zv-z-rz»-» W> «bali a»xzn we gg-gonreenov F'gw 4*»-lar»e z*m ft’ ■••■■■ ’(if that tie whol* "*••'.*ry >x gz, ' z dry « ■ *♦.« •*’ À » Pweipir Etaiiry rhe »owning of a iiana Azm-nunt wham tiwry 'mid Mt* ’wwm building -U> a fortum» a naaer x w'.thuut 'owiing •2w> «maul wanteiy jorUac :J m » v miglH flaw withadd front their *ar*i«iM ant- pamditur*« ft.- «'xzr element, e/znrzM-ted or raft -* oz/a- z >y ta '/ppzr"- pro’. "on 'f * - -»>* <■ 'zid arg züwrzte are z«e«f her* that were t/nn in d:ffd- in the '"egzzrz '»zrzpatgn 71.» Agi'* '« «"^ <•* 4*-»e4'z,ztrwrit win fn- rd Iff atfd Iff Xzxzze *zf my friend« trill r»tn-rnlr-r haw r-arnf^lf I have azfz'xaled an in d'Mtrial taireau >d rmh'rntl w/rfif tr the tw«t -»rlutl'i'l 'zf thn ilfif-frlfflfrff'l frfih lern Hz, it g*e~ without -ayitig that it 1« with great inh ru^ I H'dr the plan •* »m*«xn ’M aiiphoc flour xifixta ***** or aay flntay p«>w- tar*ta nxmtzxl ei' -»az.w r* »• ■ww. ap­ plied B» • f Mr.iy xeea rFta an apply aa nvh z>» a* h'lta ae he ng perte tliet attack aueh err/pe *< beam let»*»»* r/Wr* • frd w, .ari. " «eid Fr'Xrawz» fzzvett An appi«»’ «.'>■/ pr*eex JMiz tfrfdi in tie iMUDtK GwMiTr "Botonur/,” at Bedie Theatre, lizifi tf'Mft th* leaf eater« Uz r* wed in Kry 10-11-12. oMtnwetkm with the pzzwdrr w tie .*e 'zf trap z r-zpe // m plarztmg team f'rt The farr/z-xt Ari.erwar. eetzz» J'zhn brew and hie «pierzdid euppzzrtirzg zzzmpany, inahafi/v, a f»w tzilla 'if trinarti are plant­ will pr*«er.c tiff fi.ftrn.inr roman'ftrnarif, taw*.ary, al Th- Heilig Theatre ed were *zf r»e -z.re* may le al/zwed U> Br'zazlwsy et Taytar •'»•»♦«* fzzr % n.z’ FzegtMklng M'mday. May JO A «pecial t>-»r frail while rAfer* are eft t»n- prize marin»* will t* g. zen Wwineeday xprayed or onp'z«'1*r»-d ta attract tfe peer* fie fzewa zr,zz»e at/rrt frteiy fr'ztri piare 'zi piare and «imply killing 'iff 'rr J ri ring away a xir./w infeera'.'zti zfrzea n»zt «eewre immoriity frrztn fortter at­ tar k l’r>>fr-rtf'/ri eau te «erorwl 'ifilj bf re,e«'ed m*ae-irea How’ff 'f hU? Wn offer (Jn* Hty hzznzzrabfe In «II taztaz.-e» lz«o««z i|*in« «nil Arian* l«llr «Me 'o z-e"/ ■ inf ‘.»zl|<«'f«'i» rnnde tz/ hl, fli NArt'iMAf, I ' 'Kddr.l Hall'e catarrh ' u»e la taken Intar “i* zt|r»zlj/ tizz'zn I he M*x • . i» - ,zf«>»« z.f th* ayatem 7 •*nl free Prf*e H centa p-f t*y «II br.iagl«'« ■ ••• H,iT, gaznli» rill« fee ",»»«le«»l*m. f MAN IAMS HIS OWN Ml IMI INI IS AN OP I IMIS I lie he« atrtolute laltli in hl« medicine he know« wh*n he take» Il lor certain ailment« he gote relief Peziple who fab* br. King’« New bimovery l*ir an irritai in* (*ril*l are optlmlat« they know thia | rough remedy will |>enetrat* th» lining, of the throat, kill th* germa, and open the way hir Nature ta art You eaa’t >le«troy a (lobi by autMtrflclal treat ment yon rnnat go to tha t-auee ol tha trouble He an optlmlel Gota fiottio *4 Itr Klrig'e Now IMeeovery tmloy, I AeoR iMt «tan at Oar smm A mw , grw Uod wtw watt th* smgbbnr »ad ’r-irad afflurtcd al Mrw Hiddae *w« te Twraowt Mrw. ■'*io«n • -mu -.** *nr 'r*ar rw»rw >wn th* '»*tb- •art a X*e tai •aerrtarr al M< AeoR Taina. in *■•»■ *rf ’T*t»p*»anr* .a tb* Aortal » irtd’ wb * th* «or"«n at th* atairw* by Mrw. H.- ■wi Land '’ Mre 9;■ thrtr adhwranr* tn that whirh •o* mawtarwd m o» fi>n*1am*atai ia r*- W»o*M '.iwigíit Mr» UMartU* aa*i Mr» Hirhard- w.r. bew b*a»i ma.i* captai na at th* mamhwrar.;p mataat to h* taken ap by Mt. Aentt Cama Arraagr’**ota na»* n*m ma>i* with ita» 5*l«z.a >f th* Lmta Hapiiat rtmrrb. in tali»«r • wr on z»a '•onda» oh •ariane* ’ Tv* p«*tor» of th* diff*r*at r.hnrrbaw ar* to bw aak*d to mak* tbia tnp»e tha «nb¡*rt of a «pana* awrtnoo na tz.m* »talad •■toda» ta-l »»•»» mamtatr ft Mt. Arzgt Cr.ma who <-»n poawtbiy 4o «r. i» irg*«i u> ti* pr«w«at at that par­ ticular rhnrrh aa that oecaaion. An- NOTICE < >F 8HER1FT8 HALF. nonnrwwiaot of th« data* Will be da'y Ia th* Circuit 1’ourt of tb* *t«ke of i lyegon tar Multnomah l'**unty mad* pahlic J. H Naeb. Plaintiff, v, J. Cnek and A mnwzi¡dation of th* program« d Rachel Crick, hortzand and wife. th« two tr.«wiing» ia May baa bwan , Frank E Mazem. __ __ ____ »vwnmr T*’Wnaite ~___ 2. 3 FAlaz-azla nrza-1* and th* mmbiiMd program will ''oofwny ^a corporation, and l«W»l»U* Fatacada ______ _ •»•»•• fea givan at th« Frutad’« Charrh o® -tatr Bank, a corporal!*«. Ivtan.ianta. E. lflfC An<1 Tacada*, May 2f>. Th» arrangement J H Naah. Plaintiff, va J Crick »u mazta Uf permit of th« acceptance ami Rachel Crick, hu»t>an>i and wifc*. .*rp*>rati *n. Iu-frndant* Th* o*it m*etzng of Mt. Krott 1 atan y; lrlaWz E !-H5 And will b* at th« bom« of Mr*. Ward _ J IL Naeh. Plaintiff, va. J Crick and Mwop« la Arteta aa May lltb. Thia ia Ra*^**"* Cnck. hu«tuu>*l and wife. Frank th* data and placa of th* regular meet­ E. Maaon, F>tai-ada Townritr ('otupany, ing of th« Arleta Cntan of which Mr« a corporation, anti FXacada State Bank, • corporation, ltafen*lrnta E 1*M Pialla Wilaon ia th* preaident. Mr«. By virtue of an execution, judgment Wilerzn and Mr«. Hwope have joined in order. *lrcrv* an*I order ol «ata uenieti ectanding an invitation to Mt Hogt out of tbr absc entitivzi court in the above entitled . caww, . _.— , to ... nit* ■*•*- directed uinMri and ana (.'mon to bold • /zint meeting, which . «iatol the J<>tti _> — of * — - -— 191ft. upon day April, ". , h»ir » judgment rvnilered an.i entenxl in invitatirzn l.a* been acceptad. z aai*i Court on the lflth day of April, part in th« [-rogram Mt. Beoti t Union mon ju|6. in favor of J, II Naah. plaintiff will nan« a newspaper, tb* different de­ E«ta> ada State Bank, a corporation, 1N*- •rent dw- _____ « “'ij.’.zuon, 1*- *'----- partment« being «applied by tb« „ warel several fim.l«"' lendant and Crnee-complninant, and member«. againrt J Cnck and R« c I h *I Crick, hna- i t>an