M T. SCOTT H E R A LI) Entered an Second Claie Matter February IP, 1914. At postottoe, Lent», Oregon. Underact of March 3, 1N79 Published Every Thursday at lenta, Ore., by the M t . S cott Pvauaniaa Co. H. A. DARN ALL, E dito « Office Phone: Home B-6111-11U. and M anadbs . Residence; Tabor £*13 even tho the bank officials might FiAriwrt Eav«*« i« the natiM* id lli« now i blacktntiUt who Mwmmto A. ('ampta-ll not prosecute him. he then en­ | of tWth «tn-i-t tered suit to recover even that Th«* »trwt «prinkh-r ha« mad«- it« ap- which he had returned. There |H-*rani*«* on Foster road. It 1« irport«-«l is no disposition on the part of Dial on May latour vtni'te will la- oihal. the court to be lenient witn him. Mr«. Woolery of 6725, 46th av«nu«, particularly when they find the who ha« lx*«n in Nt. Vincwul’« hcapital report he has repaid his credi­ for many month« i« now at bom«. tors is false. MI m Thompson** room, third grade, In the meantime District At­ torney Evans is busy. He is very much of the opinion that the patented pavement is of doubtful legal standing and has been looking up its record. He is also inclined to think it exacts an outrageous royalty for the privilege of doing what anyone can do. He says the county is justified in going ahead on a con­ tract of this size, lay its own pavement and take chances on having to defend itself against the patents, provided that an as­ phaltic surface is used. The county might save from $100,000 to $300,000 and it could afford a contest i -I o «« h I laat month with a l»n*tntage of 97 pervvut. th« bighcat in the building. Mi«a AI vena Howard «pend« the «wk «mi with horn« (olka, and will re­ turn to F oi - m I Orow to «chool early next week. People Delay the opening of a Bank Account when they could have been building up a fortune in reserve without feeling the Kinall weekly portion they might have witheld from their caraleaa ex­ penditures. HE visit of the county com­ mentioned he asserted stoutly missioners to points in that that was simply mentioned Th« Parent-Tench«r Circl« of th« Such an account once begun is watched with as much Washington where systematic to make a basis for calculating Hoffman achool will go iu a body to ac­ the probable cost of road improv- enthusiasm as the growth of a beautiful flower, or the de­ road building has been in pro­ cept Arleta'« invitation, Friday after­ velopment of an idolized child. The pleasure one get« in cess during the past three years, ment, and did not mean that noon. Warrenite would necessarily be watching such a a resource gradually enlarge is not an un­ this last week, is the most com­ The tin* taiya at Engine 31 have gon»* worthy one. It ensures you of comfort and safety in ma- mendable event connected with used. back to tlie aoil. A nice garden plot He later denied that he had turer years, and is as commendable a resource as a home, the entire road propaganda, up north of the engine houae «how« that they can turn their hand« at (arming a« to this date. The commissioners ever expressed any preference beautiful grounds, or domestic animals. well an lighting tin*. have had a chance to see all sorts f or any pavement, yet while at­ FUR SALE—1910 Overland car; 4 Come in and let us tell you how to begin. Every - of roads, and they have collected tending the session of the Legis­ Paaxenger, 4 cylinder, ruu lea« tbau lature last February as a lobby ­ enough data to make them au­ wage earner should build up this insurance against future 10,000 miiea, ecveral part« new, good thority on road surfacing mater­ ist against the Bingham Bill he uncertainties and want. tire«. Price |25Ocaab. IL E. Potter said in an interview as published 5323, 7>i St. 8. E Tabor 24*3. ial. THE MULTNOMAH STATE BANK Asphaltic, brick, concrete, and in the Telegram on Feb. 9, that After a month’« vacation with home folka, Rev. J. J. Hanilaaker, baa re­ wood block roads all came in for he would quit the job as road­ LENTO, OREGON investigation and all sorts of master unless the commissioners The Herald is not expecting to turned to hia work aa Field Secretary ot Home Miaaiou«, in Eaalern Washing­ samples have been seen. Of adopted the patented pavement take a very active part in the ton. for road improvement in this one thing we may be sure. They The mauv friend« ot Mr«. Johuaon, both worth going a long way« to hear. Ui exix-llent program consiailtig of vo- learned that the material used 'county. Over a year ago. ac­ , approaching city election but who not long ago reaided io Kern Park, Th« Young Men'« Chorus gave two tine -•al ami instrumrntal iniuuc, recilatioii« did not insure perfection in con­ cording to a letter in file in the with the present line up of can­ will regret to know that the ia very ill ■election« anti Mr«. Mallett «ang, by re- land rrading« Mudi credit is due Miss Edita Bcrke. wtm lia-l charge of tiu* struction. They learned that al­ records of the county commis­ didates it canrot express itself at her borne at 35tb and Hawthorne. ------ quest, her tM-autiful «olo, “The Chilib ! yoiing pvople a hall hour Two candì* Mr«. Jotinaou ia the mother of M«* ran." most any material properly sioners. he advised the court other than to say that for com­ > date« si-n- iiiitiated in thè lliir-l sud F red Alvord o( tt9A)-4dtli avenue. Mr« Goodwin of 6*»4-45th avenue en- ; (mirili ik-grcva of lite urder handled, made as nearly a per­ that Warrenite was the proper missioners at the coming election fect road as could be desired, thing to place on the Base Line it is our present expectation to The Greenleaf Furniture and Art tertained the Nwa«tika Club at her Beware of Ointments for« Store haa moved to »1715 Foeter roa** home April 27th. Twelve ladiea «at and that some materials that road. With all these contradic- show proper appreciation of the where they have found larger quarter« Catarrh That Contain Mercury down to a nioat delicious luncheon. The have been represented as being tory statements to face is it sur- men who have held the positions for their increasing bumneaa. In Mr«. decoration« m mercury will surely iU«troy »he wnw were in purple and white of «nivll ami completely ilsranav th« failures were not only highly prising that a good many people the past year and give them our Greenleaf« Art Department »he ia kept The purple and white lilac« being u«e I whole «y«tem when rnlrrin« Il through the mucous surface« Hu. h article« should satisfactory, but they were very who have been investigating the support for another term. They buay aix day» in tlie week teaching the and the pretty old-faehioned purple and never be u«r. remains no record of either Mr. Bigelow or Friday afternoon at 3 31) o’clock: Piano br««a candlestick and Mr«, t'hriatian mercury, and is taken Internally, acting cut down the cost of road build- ------- llrectly upon the blood and mucous sur­ ing on the 70 miles to be sur- The Commissioners by this Mr. Brewster will bear the •olo, Mr«. Doran; Nong, Fern and Nor­ won the second paiae, a nice bon-bon face« of the «ystem. In buying Hall • ?atarrh be sure you get the genu- faced, over a hundred thousand time are undoubtedly qualified to closest scrutiny without reason man .Mahon; Vocal Nolo, Miaa Holme»; dish. The guest« were Mesdamea Long, ne It Is Cure taken Internally and made In roledo. Ohio, by F. J. Cheney A Co. Tv»- Add re««, "Vacation Problem«, ” T. J. Willibjr. Chri«ti«n, Graff, Drnyfti«, dollars. If that is true we sug- voice their own opinions and it is for legitimate complaint Imonlals free Gary, Prin. Brooklyn School; General Potter, Morrison, Benvie, McKinley, gold by T»ruggtsts Price 14c per bottla gest tha^ the commissioners go tQ hoped they wH| gQ Take HaU'e ramllr rule tor eeest l yUoa Diacnaaion. Hummer, and Henale. Mrs. Fred Mc- TREMONT, KERN again and spend a whole week The teacher» of the Hoffman acbiwl Kinley of Woodmere, a datigliler of about it conscientiously and ex­ NOTtC! O1 FINAL 4CCOI WT completing investigations. were happily «urprieed on returning to Mrs. Goodwin assisted her mother >n In ilu- Comity Court »»I the Ntau- of ercise their own judgment re­ PARK, ARLETA it is probable that they are prac­ their room« after Eaater vacation to entertaining. Orrg-m for Multnomah County In tlie matter of the i-etale of Henry E. tically as well informed as if gardless of the influence of Mr. A new dance floor in being laid at U m * tind the floor« and wood-work beauti­ l*es«r. deceased No. |]SW fully oiled and ibming. The work wa« they had given a more lengthy Yeon or Mr. Benson, who have Tremont Park. Notice ia lu-n-by given, that the under- both shown so much diplomacy L. S. Hobson of Portland han tought dooe by tb« «upei intendent ot proper­ A Sluqqish Liver Needs Attention sigtMwi, ad tn i ii intra lor of the Estate of investigation. l«t your Liver get torpid and you are Henry E. Pease, Ihw-aeed. ha« AI» h | hi« tie« and haa the grateful thanka of trying to get this question set ­ the Tremont market. The only people in Portland Everybody tinal re|s>rt and to-count and pwtltinn for teacher« and parent« for the improve­ in for a apell of miaery. who feel bad about this visit is tled their own way without the Mr. Eddy han sold hi« wood buaineen ment. get« an attack now and then. Thou«- dinchargi- a- administrator with U m - County Clerk (or Multnomah County. the patent pavement booster. voice of the people. It is clear to B L. Wilcox. The Itaurelwood Epworth league i« and« of people k»*ep their Livera active I Oregon, and that the above court has to anyone that they are unduly A. E. Grow ia on the nick lint thia He is feeling decidedly blue. now in a contest to secure 2>>i member« and healthy by using Dr. Kiur*« New art the same for hearing and examina­ tion on Monday, the 3l«t day of May. prejudiced in favor of one kind <»*k in Bve Sunday«. The league haa tak­ Life Pilla. Fine for the Stomach, too. 1915, at the hour of 9 3o o’clock a m. Mr. «ml Mrs. Gao. Howard will cele ­ Ntop the Dlxzlneaa, Constipation, Among the interesting fea­ of material. The Commissioners brate their cbina wedding anniversary en on new apirit and life in the l««t few Biliousness and liulige»tii>u. Clear the of «aid dale, at its court riniiu in the County Court llouw in th»- City of Port­ we«k». The meeting« are held in the have seen enough to know there tures of this investigation is the are other forms of road material Friday evening. land. «aid county and state. church baaement every Sunday evening blood. Only 25c at your Druggist. Any and all piwaoM interertisl are Mr. Monroe hae «old hi« intemt in at 6 20. The topic for thia Sunday ia attitude of Roadmaster Yeon and just as good or better, and that hereby notitted to flic objection«, if any. PLEASANT VALLEY the Frinceea theatre to E. 8. McKuin "The Promise ot Peraonal Holin»*«''* ’ bi said Anal account al or la-fore said Mr. Benson. Mr. Yeon refused it has been laid quite as eco- and Mr. Hodck Rev. Willing« ia leader. All young K-------------------------------------- « hour of liraring. absolutely to waste any time nomically as this so-called pat- Mis« Mildred Boon ha« been very ill people are welcome. I. !.. PEASE Mr. Proaaero of Portland wa» out Administrator <>( the Ertate of Henry looking over Washington roads. ented mixture. the p«at week with inflamatory rbeu- Those who were unable tn attend the Tuesday looking for a location for a E. I’ease, Deceased. mat i«m. Datili April 24th, 1915 Mr. Benson at first said he lecture given at the luturelwood Meth­ borne in the Valley. Kallie-h ZoUtmger A McDowall, at­ odist church, Tuesday evening waa in­ There will lie an entertainment at the Mr. and Mr«. J. H. Nolta entertained would go, and at the last mo­ E are interested in a re­ torney« for administrator. The public demon­ a number of city friends at their home Date of tirrt publication April 21*. Hoffman «cbixil, Friday evening. Ad- deed unfortunate. ment backed down. Mr. Yeon mark that has . come to mi«sion free. Home-made candiee will stration ol Patent Meiiicinea given by last Sunday. Date of last publication May 27. said he would recommend War- our hearing. Certain persons he «old. Every body come. A tine Dr. Lockwood and the talk on Medical Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Robinson and son NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE renite and brick to the county who read the Herald complain program will be given, Temperance by Mrs. Mary Mallet were Leater of Brooklyn, came out and »[«nt In the Circuit Court of the Stab- of commissioners, and Mr. Benson that the Herald is too outspoken. Oregon lor Multnomah County Nnnday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. II N'aati. Plaintiff, vs. J. Crick and said he also wanted Warrenite In other words the Herald puts Will Richey. Rachel Crick, husltand and wife, and brick. Of course they are the truth, so far as it is able, in Mr. and Mr«. T. P. Campbell are Frank E Mason, Estacada Townsite both very much dissapointed to plain language, and there are making preparation« to motor to Cali­ Company, a i'or|H>ration, and Estacada Rank, a cor|H>ralion. Defendants. fornia in their new Hudaon car. They Stale think that they are not doing all some people who think the truth E. 1«O3 And expect to lie gone two month« and will JU, Nash, Plaintiff, vs. J. Crick the thinking for the commis­ is an unattainable ideal to be BY LORA C. LITTLE attend the expoaition«. and Rachel Crick, husband and wife, sioners. Mr. Yeon took advant­ held in veneration, yet never to Rev. A. J. Ware of Gresham occupied Frank E Mason, Estacada Townsit* age of the opportunity to say be put into actual practice, So A new book with an old title is (by having too great variety at a meal) the pulpit at the chorch laat Sunday. Company, a corporation, and Estacada Stan- Bank, n corporation, Defendants. that there would be open specifi­ long as the writer is editor of “Health and Efficiency,” by R. L. invariably overeat. . . . The habit J. F. Wing and Godfrey Gasser of E Iflo5 And cations and competition, that any the Herald we expect to deal in Alsaker, M. D. I subjoin a few quota- of eating bread, potatoes and meat in I^nta were looking after business inter­ .1 II. Nash, Plaintiff, vs. J. Crick and Rachel Crick, husband and wife. Frank one could bid on Warrenite. that the truth and we expect, too, tions as the beet thing I have to offer the same meal in very common and est in the Valley one dry recently. E Mason, Estacada Town«ite Company, every contractor might do so. that some people are going to thia week. Pleasant Valley flrange met in all dav a corporation, and Estacada State Bank, causes much disease. «corporation, Defendants. E. ltkst But he considers that “open Complain about it. There are a “Excemoi fat is a burden. It reptac»* Preserves, Jellies and jama are open to •«««ion last Saturday. The usual pro­ By virtue of an execution, judgment gram for the lecture hour waa ren ­ order, decree and order of sale issued Mr. Benson lot of people in the world, and other tissue« and weaken» the muscles objection. Tlwy cause an abnormal de­ specifications.” dered. Rural credit« were diicuseed. out of tlie above entitled court in the made a joke of himself by quite few of them right here in 11 overcrowd« the abdominal and sire for food. Therefore they should be Mrs. Edd Long and daughter Florence above entitled cause, to me dint tail and the 20th -lay of April, 1915, upon saying the adoption of cement uregon, Oregon wno who ciaim claim co to be resne-*- breaUj thor“'c ghort and |he th,u working ‘ ">•**"* “><* used seldom and very sparingly. No of Portland, visited with Mr. and Mr- dated De respe. of the • judgment rendered and entered in would send $350,000 out of the table people, who are ready to |1Hart more difficult, also producing a liyig a.« apples, orangee, figs, dates, W. U. Moore Nnnday. said Court on the loth day of April, raisins, «weet prune« and various otlier state to buy that product in complain because public matters tendency to protapniut of the various sh­ fruits can be hail, there is no excuse for Mr. and Mr«. W. G. Rogers enter­ 11*15. in favor of J. II. Nash, plaintiff; tained Mrs Koger'« mother, Mrs. El­ Estacada State Bank, a corporation, De­ Seattle. He did not mention are not handled on the square, dominal organa. the consumption of great quantities of fendant and Cross-complainant, and and Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Heck- against J. (’rick and Rachel Crick, hit«- that the laying of Warrenite and yet who are too politic to People make the mistake of thinking the heavily sugared concoctions now so wood, bert and Mr. L. II. Tarpley, all of Port­ band and wife, and Frank E. Mason, t would necessitate sending a like make open opposition, and who, ntoiitnewn indicate« health. It indicate« popular. . . land, last Sunday. Defendants, for the sum of $7327.H6 sum to California, for the D- perhaps, were they to make the ■ lineaae. Going into weight ia going into simplicity and naturalness are great A. G. Hager of Ix-nte came out Satur­ with interest at the rate of 7 per cent ... Aa a rule aioundM are added to The skin ia neglected and abused. . . at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. P. per cent |M-r annum from the Sth day of April, 11*15. and for the further sum of I it life will be materially shortened. . . average person has a skin that shows Campbell. ding on open specifications. $<145 costa and diabtirw ments. com­ that officer’s influence. This A healthy body ia self-regulating and The laek of care. Fortunately, but little Mr. McCormick of Irvington wa« a manding tne to make sale of the fol­ fact alone causes all malfeasance will b<* «» heavy as it ought to be. is needed. (After discussing bath­ Valley visitor one day recently. lowing «leacrilied real property, to-wit: Mr. Yeon has changed his in the execution of public trust. Vigorous adult« are often the victims care Lota Five (5). Six (6) and Seven (7), ing—) No matter what one’s* ideas on Mies Esther Revell of Estacada «|>ent in Block Five (5), Howe's Addition to views on what open specifica­ We cannot hope to raise in moral oi pneumonia, typhoid fever and tuber­ bathing, there can be but one opinion the day recently with her friend, Mr«. the City of Portland, Multnomah Coun­ tions consist of. At a meeting and intellectual citizenship until cuk*i"- Overesting is chiefly to blame, regarding the application of dry friction W G Roger«. ty, Oregon. Those who have noted its __ _ > __ • x not the bacteria which are given aa the to the skin. Now therefor»-, by virtue of said exe­ held in Lents he asserted that I i _™i* Among Pleasant Valley Oddfellows people are ready to appreciate ... excellent effects feel that it should he a who attended the ninty-eixth annivers­ cution. judgment order, decrei* and or­ , , , , principal cause. all kinds of pavement would be . the truth and honor and support Rheumatism, kidney diaeue and daily routine. It Bhotild be practiced ary of the organization of that magnifi­ der of sale and in compliance with th»- commands of said writ, I will, on Mon­ given consideration by the coun­ the citizen who trys to live up to diseases that manifest in hardening of either morning or evening or both. cent order were : T. P. Campbell, W. L. day, the 24th day of May, 1915, at 10 ty commissioners, and that they his ideals. the various timne«, al) being forma of From five to ten minutes «[Mint thus Rhoad, Nam Kennitzer, G, N. SaglT, o clock a. m., at the front door of the County Courthouse in Portland, Mult­ would undoubtedly award the --------- ■■ degeneration, are quite common. Again, daily will pay high dividend« in health. and their wive«. nomah County, Oregon, sell at public A vigorous nibbing 1« not only exercise contract to the best offer. At a SOMEBODY started the report th* principal cause i« overeating. . . . Pleasant Valley Grange held a splen- auction (subject to r»«l»-mption,) to the for tlie skin, hut for nearly every muscle Ia8t week thaf ex-Cashier The average American eats fully twice meeting of the County Grange did meeting last Saturday, this lieing highest bidder for cash in hand, all the in the body, It keeps the circulation their regular meeting day. There were right, title and interest which the with­ Committee in the East Side Li­ Rostad of the Bank had made “lmuchi . . . - . , - and imp to advantage. Many eat three vigorous and helps to preserve health about thirty-five members present and a in named defendants, (or either of them) hail on the IHth day of February, brary he declared that all kinds good his forgeries, and a plea for an() ,O(ir tirnM much................ an