Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, April 15, 1915, Image 7

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Latest Talking-Machine Sensation
Power to Be Utilized Without
Affecting Beauty.
The equal in tone-quality of any $200 model
í°r S88()
Engineers Have Worked Out Schama
Which It Is Believed Will Give
Reeulte Without Neceselty of
Destroying the Faile.
“The Car that Carrie« You Safely.”
A Car of absolute dependability, consistent in daily perform­
ance. economical in furl and upkrrp; refined, improved and priced
low because ItEO purchasing power and manufacturing con-
ditiona make low price possible.
Always ready to take the road, be It smooth or rough alert,
eager with an excess of reserve power to meet any contingency.
Visit with the nearest lUo dealer, or write to ua for full, free
Information about this wonderful car.
The Keo Four $1050.
The Reo Six $1385
F. O. B. Factory.
Iteo Service covers every mile of the way from the Canadian
border to Mexico
Distributors for Pacific Northwest.
F. W. VOGLER. President
Broadway at l^ouch '■ St., Portland, Oregon.
at th» I m »1 aquIppMl. DMMlt up-tu-data anti only
trarttral Automobile Hrh«-t4 In th» Northwaat.
.AM Aulu lUpair Cu..
IU w A wm A h . fwisU. th
I’Hrwa Wh/ pay
to 110
i ran nt yuur
1 flrwt quality !•«*•«*• In a
flllrwl frani» a» low aa ll.&D? <na». W ( hmm I-
tnan. /•’t» Murri»<m St.. Portland. Or, Glaaam hi­
tad by mail. Writ« fur particular«.
A guaranteed remedy for Colds and
La Gripjie. Price Sic of your druggist.
It’s good. Take nothing else. Adv.
14th and Washiaviow Uta . Portland. Ora.
Ruuma with bath. 11 fib par day
Houma without
bath. II.Ul' par day.
All Otfcidc
R oods ■-Fireproof G>nstrt>ct»n
H|MM*ial llatdNi for partnanant |tuvata
Russ« Flnrxvjfan Mgr.
Victor Brandt, Prop
Thr only strictly Ifir ye!® Salear<«>m ami Ra­
pair Fhop in Portland
Pri«*a lial on applica­
tion. Writ® U* 13th Kt.. Cortwr Washington.
One Penalty of Fams.
The Victim "Ptomaine poisoning
eh? Weil, I surely was a blame fool
to eat the stuff.” The Doctor—"But.
my dear air, you can't establish your
self us a recognized epicure without u
touch of ptomulno now and then."—
r’lcveland Plain Dealer.
Fur Hat of American firma employing AMERICAN
LABOR in HOHTH AMERICA «end 11 00 Houli
American Her ring Co.. H7. Han Franciaco, Cat
Niagara falls Is to b« put to work
without affecting the sceolc beauty
of one of the world's wonders, a plan
having been worked out to save and
utilize from 75 to 80 per cent of the
power now going to waste without
outraging the artistic sensibilities of
nature lovers. Two of the most Im­
portant features of the fall, In a scenlo
way, are the deflection of light
through the water as It curves over
the crest, and the rising spray from
the impact of the water at the base
of the cliff, and both of these features
•re to be preserved This is to be ac­
complished by an Ingenious arrange­
ment of penstocks by which a por­
tion of the water Is caught as It falls
from the crest. Is led through the
turbines, and Is then discharged Into
the falling sheet of water at the foot
of the cliff, care being taken not to di­
vert enough of the water through the
penstocks to Impair the beauty of the
falling sheet.
The plan Involves the building of a
permanent concrete crest for the falls,
& F. 8WAGGART. Prop.
"John L Sullivan”
a 3-yr ar-ok! Jack
raiaod on thia farm.
Braedeni of
Jacka; Thoroughbred
Haddla. Relay and
Running Iloraaa;
llerkahlra 11 off«.
Ix*xington, Oregon.
To lie closed out at
Actual Cost
W® ar® going out of th» Blcyrle Rtml-
n»»» an«i will »»II at Retail all our High
Grade Iver Johnetm H hcrli nl th® follow­
ing prices.*
Ladle«' Roadster, M<«!»l 1487-L. complete
with CoMtar Brake. Mudguarda and
Tiree. Regular >35 Wheels, at
Mens' Roadster. Model 1487, equipped aa
above, regular $35. at
Heavy Senice Wheel. Model 14W-S. fully
equipped. The Fine it Wheel in America.
regular >50.
Special, $40.00.
Thia will l»e your only opportunity to get
th® Highed Grade Wheel manufactured
at actual coat. All wheel® fully guaranteed.
110 Third St., Portland, Ore.
$17.50 Per Ton
f. o. b. Warehouse
Full information furnished upon
418 Corbett Bldg.,
Phone East 6912. Portland, Or.
P. N. U.
No. 16, 1816
And net only do we offer theee aplendld new Inetru-
ments at the low price of 111 10. but wo Include with
each, abaolutoly without further chargee, a collection of
li rocorda, three of them single diacs and the balance
double discs.
They Include eeleotlone by Cenetantlno,
Carueo, Melba !!ohumai>-Heink and other world-famous
¡*rnl*h a liberal supply of now needles
Oils and Greases
are the
and ha v*» your mouth examined
| u-e lh. very
at ianuHc '
painUaa natht-k
l*R- A. W. KEENE.
>$m Waahington Hi., Portland.
Oib od Cream for STEAM ENGINES.
Oil come® in 1. 5, 15. 32 and 55 g J. pkffs.
Grease come« in 1. 2H, 5, 10. 15, 21 It) and up
Write ub for prices and particulars.
Ft* I m AM 121«.
gives absolute com
fort and many rum psym»nta 11 week, will
mon.y-l.srk susrsnte.
Write for FKKK l.adc
Jay W Wllaoti. W2 Commercial Club Building
Portland, Oregon.
M F—* St.
Business gives work to labor’s
countless bands; business wipes the
tears from the eye* of widows and or­
phans; business dimples with joy the
cheek of sorrow; business puts a roof
above the beads of the homeless; busi­
ness covers the land with happy
homes; business will feed the hungry,
clothe the naked, educate the ignor­
ant, enrich the world with art—fill the
air with song.—Ingersoll.
Too Witty for the Lawyers.
A man was excused from a jury on
his plea that he was a pharmacist The
next man asking to be excused said he
had a similar reason, for he was a
"farm assistant” He was not excused,
but he got to hear no cases. The law­
yers were afraid of him. He was too
gond—,,;ooj s oit a.M’I -«OJ
)| kuofs Xpiedojd Xnq t.trso noX mou
pus XSMqiiiq enqotuojns us ojuj >|
paujnt pus dpjs sqi uj paauaj jsnf «M
-jou ssank I ¿paSainoosip 9.» aja.a jnq
Ueqio eqi oj japjoq euo tuojj epiw
Acid-Proof Corks.
•liw a qisd v
pus JvaX issi »ms
Soak the corks In hot paraffin. This
jno uo papuaosap sjaddoqssaik aqi„ will prevent the acids from eating
’jamooq ujaisaM eqi pjns ,.‘dax„
away the corks.
pauioog sjaddoqsssJO
Dally Thought.
Testing Hrecious stones.
It is not wealth or ancestry but hon-
The science of optics has in the last '
year or so given much aid to jewelers srable conduct and a noble disposition
In making tests that are said to be ab- ' that make men great—Ovid.
HO’lKll K FCKTilg - Uaw ...*
II 1-..4-.1I* Colorado.
Hporuuou .lorn: Gold
Sll.r, Imd. S> U..I L «11'0. Mr. Gold Mir Zla.
or < «>ve*r tl M.lli.r r...lopm . .4 full pries Ila
■rut on *j i*l lost ion. fVmirol and t'mnlr. work ao
ilollarL I«ot«>r.o,w. Ci.ri-.o-l« National Hank
insult to ths Bee.
An Insult to the bee Is to nea the
name to denote a crazy or erratic per­
son, as the bee la possibly the most
methodical of all Insects, with ths
possible exception of the ant. There­
fore the expression "He has bees In
his bonnet" is an offensive phrase ex­
cept that It may mean a buzzing In
the bead, such as president and other
political aspirants are said to be af­
flicted with. "She's whiles crack
brained and has a bee In her head"
was not worthv of Walter Scott,
though *
G»fn hud beea vu - vital at het
Several days after
’ for disobedience, her mother said to
' her, "Sometimes, when little girls are
naughty, their mothers give them
away.” Little Gwen looked troubled
then suddenly, with a bright smile
said, "Well, mother. If you are going
to give ms sway, please give me tc
kcmk I b of QUALITY.
Oib aW Grmes l«r AUT0B0E1ES.
Tasrhss th. Trwl. S Wwks. Scalp. AL
Far. Massas, a Specialty. Tools Fr«a.
Position. Gusrsntosd.
ni Madlm.» HL.
I’.rtlaad. Orrson
Free Trial
Writ« for actual photographs cf this and other new models.
Naw ansi Haroml-hand Agmta for Thor and Excel
Mur. Write for < atalovue« anti Second-hand orla
LiaU. AfU MOCU U. 124 121 I2A Tl. FardaaA Onga
Delivered, everywhere
tho state,
Portland, Oregon
solutely conclusive as to the nature
of a gem. The refractive index, or the
power of bending light rays, is deter­
mined as to precious stones tn the
sama way as that of the spectacle
lenses which the opticians sell.
V. .
offer created especially for those who know the mn-
value of a talking machine In the home, bat who
heretofore hast la tag about parlag
for a Brat-
• talking machine that combines all of the
eeaentlal featuree of the 1109 machine, that Is eorreetly
oeelgned end beautifully flniahed and tJiat is In every
way the equal In tone quality of any 1106 machine made
The Water Is Caught by the Pen­
stocks Below the Crest of the Falls,
Led Through the Turbines, and
Then Discharged at the Foot of
the Cliff.
Yova own nsLGoisr will tfll you
Tr.v Muntne Eye Keiuedy for Red. Weak, Watery
Eyes and Granulated Eyelids; No Smarting—
luttUKye Comfort. Write for Book of ¡.he Eye
by mail Free. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago.
Mor* Dire Threat.
There was trouble in the back yard
Slx-year-old Billy had thrown a stone
at a boy in the next yard, who was
to prevent future erosion, as well as making vociferous threats. "If you
the construction of a tunnel across throw another stone,” he yelled. "I’ll :
the river back of the face of the cliff. sick my dog on you!” "Huh!” replied :
To divert the water from successive Billy. “If you come into my yard I’ll
Old English Public School.
sections so that this work can be
Hsrrow. the famous English publie done, dams are to be made by build­ sick my mother on you!”—Youth's 1
school, was founded by John Lynn tn ing cribs In the river above the falls, Companion.
and then floating them down to a
The Real American.
point near the crest and sinking them.
America Is the land of labor and by
After the work Is completed, these no means what the English call Lub­
dams are to be removed by blasting, berland and the French Pays de Co-
or by unloading the cribs and float­ cagne, where the streets are said to le
ing them to a new site.—From Popu­ paved with half peck loaves, the
lar Mechanics.
houses tiled with pancakes and where
the fowls fly about ready roasted, cry '
•ng, "Come, eat me.”—Franklin.
British Military Etiquette.
Wholesale enlistment In England Is
The Aurora.
responsible for some Gllbertian situa­
The Northern Lights, or Aurora ■
tions. For Instance, a woman writes Borealis, are caused by the flow of |
to a newspaper to know what is the positive electricity, off from the earth J
proper thing to do under the follow­
through the icy mists or clouds that
ing curious circumstances:
float above the poles, toward the plan
She has two sons in Lord Kitchen­
etary spaces. There is a close causaJ
er’s army—one an officer, the other a
connection between the aurora and th«
private. On one occasion she want­
"sun spots.”
ed them to take her to a theater, but
military etiquette does not permit of
First In Resurrection.
officers and privates being seen to­
In some districts of India the east-
gether in public. Again, the brothers e.n parts of cemeteries are regarded
For Young and Old
cannot meet their mother's guests at as the most desirable. The choice is
the dinner table for the same reason. based on the belief that the dead In
The acute agonizing pain of
rheumatism is soothed at once
Socially, when in mufti, they rank the eastern section will be the first
by Sloan's Liniment. Do not
alike, but nowadays uniform is obliga­ to leap from their graves, brush the
rub—it penetrates l<> the sore
tory on all occasions. Hence the tan­ dust from their bones and proclaim
snot, bringing a comfort not
their readiness to ascend.
nreamed of uutil tried. Get a
bottle today.
To Train for War
Information Desired.
Crawl through the trenches of an
Wonder who loses all the fault ev­
Here What Others Say :
unfinished sewer excavation tn the erybody seems to find.—Philadelphia
•’I highly recommend your Liniment
as the brut remedy for rheumatism I ever
Blush and cutting wind of a sleet Ledger.
ueed. Before using it I spent largo sums
storm. Touch off a few sticks of dy­
of money trying to get relief of the misery
and pains in limbs and body, so I tried
namite from time to time to keep you
your Liniment both internal and external
and 1 found quick relief, and now am
unaware of the lack of regular meals,
well and strong again.”—(7so. Curtis, fW
and have an obliging policeman empty
N. Ulh Hl., Springfield, ILL
Here's Proof
When you know physicians have
eral direction.
Four of Ove early prescribed resinol for 20 years in the
•‘T wish to write and tell you about a
fall I had down fourteen Strpe, and bruised
morning hours of this will make you treatment of eczema and other itching. I
niv iw - k niul hip very bad.
I could not
forevermore a real neutral.—Collier's burning, unsightly skin eruptions, and
sleep nt all. I sent my wife for a 25 cent
bottle of your l iniment anti in two days’
have written thousands of reports say­
tim® I wan on my f®et again.”— Charles
Hyde, 1393^ Prairie Aee., St. Louie, Mo.
ing: “It is my regular prescription
for itching,” “Resinol has produced
In the Newest Modes.
And those rippling skirts are even brillant results,’ "The result It gave
was marvelous in one of the worst
shorter than the tight skirts of the cases of eczema,” etc., etc., doesn’t It
last few months, thereby disclosing Mi­ make you feel that “this is the treat­
lady's feet and ankles. From five to ment I can rely on for MY skin­
eight Inches from the ground hang trouble?”
for neuralgia, sciatica, sprains and
the flowing skirts, while Innumerable
BtyDs may be followed in fashioning touches itching skins, the itching
All Dnit.lata, 28e.
tho remainder of the costume. The «tops and healing begins. With the
Send four cents in stamps for a
cossack overdress Is especially up-to- «id of resinol soap, it almost always
clears away every trace of eczema,
date, and In this the straight, plain ringworm, pimples, or other torment­
Dr. Earl S. Sloan, Inc.
lines are emphasized, some gowns be­ ing eruptions quickly, leaving the skin
Dept. B.
Philadelphia, Pa.
ing devoid of trimming
cleaF and healthy. Sold by all drug­
Keep Kids Kleen
The mo* practical, bnltbful, playtime
firme’it* ever invented for childrea 1
to 8 year» of are. Made in one picre
vub drop back, fauly «lipped oa or
Easily washed.
No tirtec
elastic bands to »op circulation
Made io blue denim, and U«e and
white hickory st. ipes for all the
year round.
Also ¡ifbier weirbt
material for summer wear. AD
garments trimmed with fast red or
blue galatea. Made ia Dutch nerfc
with elbow sleeves aik*.'. high
neck and Long ale errs.
75c the suit
Keeps Butter Sweet.
Housekeepers who get butter by the
jar or tub will find that a little char*
coal pieced in a paper bag and then
put Into the tub or jar will keep the
butter sweet
—In the Expectant Period
Before the coming of the little one—women need to be pos­
sessed of all their natural strength. Instead of being harassed
by forebodings and ■weakened by nausea, sleeplessness,
or nervousness—if you will bring to your aid
Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription
you will find that most of the suffer­
ing will not make its appearance.
Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription is the result of a life study of
ailments, disorders and irregularities peculiar to women. Its continued
supremacy in its particular field for more than forty years is your
assurance of the benefit to be derived from its use.
Neither narcotics nor alcohol will be found in this vegetable prescrip­
tion, in liquid or tablet form. Sold by druggists or a trial box will be
•ent you by mail on receipt of 50 one-cent stamps.
Address Dr. Pierce’s Invalids Hotel. Buffalo. N. T.
Dr. Plsres’s Pleasant Pellets recúlate liver and bowzln
Wonderful Blood Remedy
That Works in the Tissues
The Very Latest Theory About How and Why the
Blood is Disordered.
s. S. S. Means Pure Blood Which Insures Long Lifo and Health.
The great experts in Chemistry and
Physiology now declare what has all
•long been contended by the Swift Lab­
oratory that the germs of blood disorders
And lodgment In the interstices of the tls.
And herein is where S. 8. 8. goes to
work rapidly, effectively and with won­
derfully noticeable results.
This famous blood purifier contains
medicinal components Just as vital and
essential to healthy blood as the nutritive
elements of wheat, roast beef, and fats
and the sugars that make up our daily
Aa a matter of fact there Is one ingre­
dient in 8. 8. 8. which serves the active
purpose of stimulating each cellular part
of the body to the healthy and judicious
selection of Its own essential nutriment.
That Is why It regenerates the blood sup.
ply; why It has such a tremendous in­
fluence In overcoming eczema, rash, pim­
ples. and all akin afflictions.
And In regenerating the tissues 8. S. 8.
has a rapid and positive antidotal effect
upon all those Irritating Influences that
cause rheumatism,
soro throat, weak
eyes, loss of weight, thin pale cheeks, and
that weariness of muscle and nerve that
is generally experienced, by all sufferers
with poisoned blood.
Get a bottle of 8. S. 8. at any drug
store, and In a few days you will not osly
feel bright, and energetic, but you will b«
the picture of new life.
8. 8. 8. Is prepared only In the labora­
tory of the Swift Specific Co.. 201 Swift
Bldg. Atlanta, Ga. Who maintain a very
efficient Medical Department, where all
who have any blood disorder of a stub*
born nature may write freely for advloa.
8. 8. S. is sold everywhere by all draff
Beware of all attempts to sell yo<s
something "Just as good."
Insist upon
3. 8. 3.
To expel stoma, h and intestinal worms from colts, as
well as older horses, use a remedy that will not "physic them
to death.” but will act as a tonic. In this respect SPOHN’«
Is unequaled. Full Instructions In booklet with every botils.
All druggists or manufacturers.
SPOHN MEDICAL CO., Goshen, Ind., U. S. A.