INTEREST IN POULTRY *V0ID AVOIDINDIGESTION lather and Mother—not Angy and Sam'l tew dew busluoas They picked I Why rather and Mother? A out my clothes between them ylat'day 1 Abe! arternoon deowu ter Injun village, In i year ag» uo one could have foreseen Usually Caused by Moisture Exhaled the Emporium. Ilaow yew like 'em? ! tho fortune, nor have prophesied th« by Fowls and Can Be Got Rid of Splendid, eh? See my yaller silk hand possession of the room by another el It in u nun1 enemy to health, Only by Ventilation. No Visible Sign of Over Supply kerchlaf, taw ? We jest dropped In ter f deriy couple. utrvngth and happincKS. It in Products. git" bur thlnga We thought mebbe > Angy drew near to Abe. and Abe to Often the poultry man finds hit Angy. They locked arms and stood robs you of your apjictite, yaw'd want ter slick up the room an' poultry house covered with frost lo­ liHiklng at th« pillows He saw, and git ready fer the new—" tide and aa the sun conies up and th« cause* constipation, bilious He was allowed to aay no more The i she saw. the going back to tho old bed Farmers' Wives Study Details of Busi­ louse warms It melts and makes th« apella and u general rundown ■Istera, who had been kissing and hug­ room In the old home across the wood» whole building damp, uncomfortablo ness and Are Eager to Learn of ging Atigy one by one, uow swooped and over tho field the going back md unhealthful. In many case« the condition. You can help Better Ways to Car« for upon him. Ho was hugged, too. wtth And In sharp contrast they each re iwner tries to prevent this by mak- Fowls—Conditions Chang«. Nature conquer it by the warm, generous congratulation, hie called the first time that they had ng the house warmer and cutting hands were both shaken until they stepped beneath that roof nearly hall timely aid of lown th« ventilation. In most cases (By J WEI-DER.) ached, and his clothes and Angy's si­ u century ago—the first homecoiutni The farmer's Ideas of poultry-rale- Ulla is just the opposite of what should lently admired But no one said a . —when her mother-heart and his tug have changed considerably from >e done. By word, for not one of the sisters was father-heart had been filled with ths This dampness Is usually caused by what they were a few years ago. LOUISE FORSSLUND able to speak. Angy, thinking that hope of children—children to bless Everywhere on the farms a mor« In­ Jie moisture exhaled by the birds and »he divined a touch of jealousy, has- their marriage, children to complets telligent interest la being taken in san be got rid of only by thorough tened to throw off her wrap and dis their home, children to love, children rentllatlon. This means that a certain the subject play the familiar old worn silk gown to feed them with love In return. unount of fresh air must constantly The farmer at last has realized It will help you bring buck beneath. "Ltet's adopt some leetle folks," said that the poultry is a good source ot »nter the house and pass out again. “ 1 told Abe I jest wouldn't Angy, half In a whisper. "I'm afeard Clt a the appetite, aid digestion Income, and Is willing to take some To permit this without causing a new silk until you each had one made the old place'll seem lonesome with Copyrixht by Tba Century Cut, trouble and spend a little money to iraft, an opening in the south side of und promote health in u gen­ U tew. Bloaay sent tor the samples. out—’’ make It even more so. instead of :he house should be covered with cot­ CHAPTER XX—Continued. eral way. For over 60 years Bloasy — “ "Might better adopt the sisters;” hr This will not make the leaving the womenfolks to struggle ton cloth "All I need's a shroud," Interrupted spoke almost gruffly. ” 1 allers did temperature of the house much lower, It has enjoyed public confi­ along with the fowls as best they His face lightened. The weight of think young 'uno would be the moal may. without any help or conven­ »nd It will make the house more com­ the shock passed. He threw off the Aunt Nancy grimly. dence. Angy and Abe both stared at her. comfort tow yew after they growed fortable and the hens more profitable. aw» of the glad news. He sullied the iences up." She did look gray this morning Sho Try it Todess than he. Yet they had come by. A sufficiently liberal rate Is al- woman In need of a good m<-dicino I Much depends upon the early train­ ference In the way farms are kept. Do here loss, gals, '11 be the death o’ me! practically with nothing -and com- lowed, but even in golng past at the highly praise Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg- Ing ot the colt, Teach a rapid walk you ever notice this when you drive Naow, mark my words!" * pared with that nothing, what they rate of 20 a minute, 1,200 an hour, etabl<* Com pound. ’’ — Mrs. F rank the first thing when the colt is put along the road7 Then followed a consultation among carried now seemed much. Angy hesl- during the entire year, the reviewer C lark , 3146 N. Tulip SL, Richmond,Pa. tn harness the younger sisters, the result of which tated over the pillow-shams. Did they at his post would have seen only the Women Have Been Telling Women • • • was that they met Abe in the morning belong to them or to the new couple to sixth part of the infantile host. Value of Milk. for forty years how Lydia E. Pinkham’s In the cold parts of the country, One hundred pounds of separator- with a unanimous petition. They could come? Abe gazed at the shams too. In other words, the babe that had Vegetable Comjiound has restored th.dr every window should have a tight skimmed milk Is worth about as much neither ask nor expect him to remain; They had been given to him and Angy to be carried when the tramp began health when suffering with female ills. board shutter to close over the win as a haff-bushel of corn for feeding that was Impossible, but— last Christmas by all the sisters. They would be able to walk when but a This accounts for the enorm.otgi J^igiand dow on cold nights "Hip, hooray! Hip, hip, hooray!” were white muslin with white cambric mere fraction of Its comrades had for it from coast to coast. If you are Pig« • • • cried Abe, waving an Imaginary flag frills, and In their centers was embroi­ reached the reviewer's post, and when troubled with any ailment peculiar to as he entered. "Sam'l dropped us at dered in turkey-red cotton, "Mother." the year's supply of babies was draw women why don’t you try Lydia E. Prof A A McDowell of Wisconsin Bad Practice. says it 18 easily possible for farmers Breeding from immature stock ha* the gate. Him an' Bloasy went on ter on one pillow, "Father," on the oth«r. Ing to a eclose there would be a Pinkham's Vegetable Compound? It to double or even treble their crops a tendency to weaken the race, no see Holmes tew dicker erbout buyin’ Every sister In the Home had takes at rear guard, not of Infanta, but of will pay you to do so. Lydia E. Pink­ BV better milHr***— back the old place. Takes BI omv an’ least one stitch tn the name«. diversifying. matter what It may be. barn Medicine Co., Lynn, Maaa romping ala-year-old boys and glrla dampness in houses Old Lady Number ■31‘ HOSTETTER’S Stomach Bitters WOMAN WOULD NOT GIVE UP ^GENERAL M^MNOTES