Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, April 15, 1915, Image 4

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Health In The Suburbs
Entered M Second Class Matter February IW, 19U.
At |*twrtortice. ÍA»nts, Oregon, Under act of March 3, 1879
It is important to lie able to distiii- until early cure is effect««! Thia 1« the
quish between »langcrou« dianaae symu da«« of symptoms which lend them­
H. A. DARNALL, Forma amo M anaobb .
tom* and those that are comparatively selves to the triumph of quackery.
harinlvwH Failure to recognise the for­ When the colic has liegun to empty tbe
mer costs many a life. On the other liowvla, when the nausea has emptied
Office Phone: Home B 6111-1111. Residence Tabor 2S13
hand, the fame of many a doctor and the stomach, when the fever has burned
many a patent medicine lias been built up most of the waste that caused it,
The "wise” man tries to look on mistaking simple, acute, «elf-curative any ntediciue aliorl of a deadly dose if
HERE appeared in recent
taken in a capsule of faith, will seem to
hearted when his wife ailments tor fatal disease.
dailies the story of Winni-
But don’t be
"He (or it) saved my life," declares have done tin* business.
weeks’ visit.
fred Stoner of New York City, goes for a — two
th«* patient, with proper but misplaced fooled Tin» vital forces resident in tin»
------------- —
twelve years of age. an intelec­
Some are bachelors because gratitude. "I was never so sick in all patient do all that is done. The medi­
tual prodigy. The child speaks they are unable to choose be­ my »lay«, and th«» medicine went right cine (drug) nearly always hinders, nev­
to the spot and I was soon well again." er aids.
For fifty yearn I have heard
and writes and reads eight lan­ tween beauty and intellect.
This usually means two thing*. First, this absolutely correct doctrine prearlied
She has written a
the medicine has benumbesi senaation ; and for fifty years I have nsn people
From all accounts "dry” farm­ second, the natural climax of th«» disease to whom it did not appeal go out by the
book, several magazine stories,
drug and knife mute and many are still
draws, is a musician, cooks, and ing will shortly be given its first was already near.
Medicines that relieve pain are dan­ doing it This dors not discourage me
takes part in all kinds of out trial in West Virginia.
gerous. Paralyzing senaation, they al­ The truth always wins tinally. Where
door sports. She is a student of
Why pray to be delivered from so paralyse action. Action against ob­ Dr. Trail, in the ’60’s, had a few fol­
Esperanta and has taught it in temptation and then go around struction is what causes the pain, and lowers, druglesa systems of today num­
the Carnagie institute at Pitts­ looking for it?
the action must continue and the ob- ber their adherents by millions, and a
' «traction be cleared away hefon» it is landslide is liable to come any time that
Even pleasure becomes irk- safe to enjoy relief.
shall extinguish the last ventigrs of med­
The mother says she has never
ical superstition and quackery.
punished, scolded or frightened
pain to be as necessary to our safely in
her. Her rules are very simple
disease, as is pain in the presence of
Among the form* of disease against
and are reported as follows:
contact with a hot stove. A paralynsl
which I would |uirlicularly warn arc:
"Thou «halt not administer unto thy
; member could be seriously burned with enlarged glands, abnormal growths, en­
child physical punishment.
I no warning of pain. Likewise in the cumbrance marked by l<«wt of natural
Thou «halt not scold thy chilli.
[ al»wnce of pain destructive diseas«» pro- outlines 'double chin, thick neck, etc.),
Thou ¿halt never say don’t to tbr
The next me«'ing of Mt. Scott Union ' ¿res« as unnottwi and unchecked.
headache of the lower back head, |a»r-
will be held at the borne of Mrs. Julia i . When, however, it happens that^the
Thou «halt never say “must" to thy Scott on Tuesday, April 27th. Mr«. M. ' painkiller is not taken until the curative «intent intestinal pain, ulcers that do
not heal, an inactive alslomen (not ris­
T. L. Hidden will speak on “Temper­ j process (which disease is) is advance«! ing and falling with breathing), bone
Thou «halt not give thy child occasion ance in the Social World. ! Mrs.
Scott °l°se to the point of natural recovery. disease«.
___ _____
to disrespect thee.
has recently moved from Gray» Cross- *n,aH harm may be done by it; but
A double chin may Is* a worse ail­
Thou «halt never frighten thy child. ing to First avenue, Lents. ". Tbe
house . *'ben taken before thin stage i* reached
__ ______
Thou »halt not allow thy child to say face« west and is the fourth building the result is mere temporary ceamtion ment than most of the "appendicitis"
•■a.«es. The latter could I«» cured by a
"I can’t."
south from the Mt Scott car line and Iof »TtnpTOsna with a return later of short fast, being only an olwlruction of
n»wer thy child’«
Thou shall al
bears the number 111 on t the _ porch *'-erer one«, perhaps in the form of the bowels. The double chin or pa»lded
... „ _ .
questions. ’’
pillar. W’hen the new numbering ot ' hronte maladies tending to
neck lietokens constitutional degen­
Thou shall not tease thy child.
houses »nd streets have been accepted lifelong,
and requires for a cure a long
Thou shalt make they home the most
this will be 6028, 91st street S. E.
course of right living, with persevering
attractive place thy child can find.
Mrs. E. M. Schenerman’s pleasant
The only legitimate modes of relieving use of nature’s medicines. The dis­
Perhaps the greatest influence home was tbe place of meeting this ■ pain are those which remove olwtrnc- figuring encumbrance is nothing much
upon this child’s life has been week. Mis. Fankhauser having re- tion. Drawing blood away from the in itself The condition it advertise«
turned from her trip to California, re- affected parts is one method
the subjective power of the ■umed charge of tbe devotional service, may be done by applying heat to other and the ailments it foreshadows are
mother over the child. Most of Mrs. Miller, so long in Southern Oregon parts—preferably to the extremities ; or, Headaclies in the cervliellar region
this child’s development has is again one of our workers. Mrs. ' by brief application of heat to the stir tell of dangerous nervous exhaustion
Richardson announced tbe arrival of fact» of the part affected—when this is and should never lie neglected. Stop |
been unconscious to her. Her tbe rest of Francis E. Willard buttons an internal organ—and followed by pro­ the habits producing them
mother has set her a good exam­ for those taking part in the school sil­ longed application of cold; or. by ap­ I Continuing pain in the intestine*
ple. She followed it uncon­ ver medal contest, and that tbe gold plying cold direct to an inflamed or signitieH ulceration, ami that is tune
, medal contest for tbe Lents school will j congested part. Sometimes it is relaxa­
Her mother was her take place in early May. It was decid­ tion of tense nerves that is ncoled. Thu* tends to tircome malignant, cancerous. !
Correct the diet, secure abundant sleep
companion, rather than her dis­ ed to hold an old-fashioned whirlwind may be effected in several way*: by and suitable exercise. 8luggi*h external
ciplinarian or boss. The manage­ membership contest, tbe leaders to be mental action, by skilled manipulation, U lives require similar treatment.
ment of a child depends very announced next meeting, and a com­ or again by the suitable application of An inactive sagging alslomen leads to
much on how a parent begins. mittee was appointed to carry forward heat and cold. Free water drinking a score of serious diseases. It is curable
tbe preliminary measures for a matron's will wash out some obstructions, empty-
If you cuff it around, yell at it. essay contest. There will be such a I ing stomach and bowels, and also thin­ only by training oneself in correct
make threats and treat it like an contest and any woman reading this ning the blood anti freeing blocked The Ismes do not lieeome
irresponsive brute it will surely item is liable to be put upon tbe pro­ capillaries. While in pain. fast. Food readily, and tliey are equally
come to think that is the way gram. There is no stated date for this only iner.-ase* the obstruction.
Persons (and familii
to talk when you seriously mean contest but now is a good time to begin Remember, the safe measures are the •leal honestly with their acute diseases
making notes for the work, for although ' most effective ones. Light, heat, air, NEVER have bone disease Having got
something. Children raised un­ you
may have your doubts about writ­ water, food, exercise, sleep, optimism, it, it means a lifetime of right living to
der such conditions go to school ing an essay, there is no doubt in the make up a pharmaco|s-ia .sufficient for get and keep well.
carrying the idea that unless the mind of the committee but that some­ all eases and capable of successful ♦*m* For all deep-seated disease, uncooked
ployment by any teachable person who f<M>d and the outdoor life are important.
teacher is cross and severe with thing will be doing.
take tlie trouble to master the Under the influence of these conditions,
his punishment he is weak and We are indebted to Mn. Inez will
Richardson for the splendid reports of principle« involved.
people just naturally get well. Work
indifferent to their conduct and the state and county work, As a mem­
to the limit of capacity should of course'
the chances are that when a just ber of the county executive board Mr*,
A severe colic, a high fever, extreme Is* included.
punishment is rendered it will Richardson keeps in close touch with nausea, are distressing but not necessari­
be resented. The patience re­ tbe larger activities. Tbe report last ly dangerous symptoms. By the prompt (Mrs. Little will answer question* of
quired to start a child right will week wa* appreciated by every reader use of tlie natural remedy indicated, the general interest pertaining to health
of the W. C. T. U. notes. Mrs. Richard­
and cure. Name and address of inquir-
have its reward in the ease with son, by tbe way, is moving a little near­ obstruction in either case may be quick­
which later control is maintained. er in, her new home being next the ly lessened and tbe proee» continued
Baptist Church.
VV’ITHIN the past week a Mt. Scott Union haAieen in consider­
number of prize composi­ able expense in printing a calender and
tions relative to good roads and every men her is supposed to have a
road bounds, etc., have been copy. If they have no copy they should
get one at once. On this calendar is
published in the various city printed the program for every regular
papers. Of course no intelligent meeting during the year. Persons
person was influence by these w hose names appear on thia calendar
prize essays. The “children” are expected to be present at the ap­
who wrote them were well in­ pointed time or to notify the president
in time for her to supply tbe vacancy.
formed on the questions which Members are requested, by the acting
thev were supposed to discuss president, Mrs. Sommerfeidt, to read
thro literature and suggestions their calendars, make a note of their
made no doubt by those inter­ dates and hold themselves in readiness
ested in boosting the bonds, to meet their assignments.
A most beautiful and impressive cere­
And for all that no fourteen mony
awaits the christening of the bat­
year old child in the city of tleship Arizona at the New York naval
Portland could have written a vards on June 19. Tbe bottle which
composition displaying the ma­ will be broken on tbe bow of the «hip
turity of thought of the first will be filled with the first water to
flow over the spillways of tbe Roosevelt
prize composition without hav­ reservoir, which is expected to reach
ing had some timely suggestions tbe spillways April 15. This is the first
received from over its holder. time the reservoir has been tilled, and
It is interesting to note that the use of wa:er, particularly this
no manuscript disapproving the water, marks a great industrial as well
as a great moral triumph in the state of
bonds was found worthy of con­ Arizona.
Superintendent Alderman, it is un­
derstood, has ruled that the essay con­
Oil is being towed from Cali­ test in the public schools, under the
fornia to the Atlantic coast by department of Scientific Instruction, is
way of the Panama canal. The in compliance with a state law and is
oil interests are seldom behind i therefore legal. The essay writing will •
View «tiowing «ectlon of colonnade«, Court of Abundance, Panama-I’aclfl*
proceed as formerly.
It will be re
in utilizing the most modern ! membered
that last year a Lincoln International Kxpoaltlon. Han Francisco. The lavish oriental embellishments of
•hl« court are well tsirtraycd tn this photograph.
, high school boy won the national prize,
Possibly the secret of Gen.
\ school girl won tbe national • prize.
Scott’s success in pacifying the Winning a national prise signifies tbe Rheumatism Yields Quickly to Sloan’s time brings a relief that is almost nn-
You can’t prevent an attack of Rheu­ | believable until you experience it. Get
Piute Indians is that he treats , writer has also carried off the prizes in
from coming on, bnt you can a bottle of Hloan's Liniment for 2fic. of
them as human beings.
local, county and state.
almost immediately. Sloan’s any Druggist and have it in the house
If you will take the trouble to Medford will raise a (und o( 11000 to Liniment gently applied to the sore —against Colds, Bore and Swollen
joint or muscle penetrates in a few Joints, Lumbago, Sciatica and like ail­
investigate you will discover operate a cannery.
minutes to the inflamed spot that caus­ ments. Your money back if not satis­
that popular men are the ones 115 per ton will be paid by the State es the pain. It soothes ths hot, tender, fied,
bat it does give almoet instant re­
who agree with you.
Priaon Board of Salem, for flax «traw I swollen feeling, and in a very short lief.
Published Every Thursday at Lenta, Ore., by the M t , S cott P cblisrinu C o .
Now that TAXES are out of the
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TAX TIME comes again? We pay 4
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Mt. Scott Pub. Co.
The Mt. Sbott Herald
5810 Main St. Lents, Ore.