Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, April 15, 1915, Image 2

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Resume of World’s Important
Events Told in Brief.
Both French and Belgians report
gains against the Germans.
Italy has prevented the Germans
from penetrating into Abyssinia.
Russia continues to report successes
in the Carpathian mountain passes.
Special reports of bank examiners
show a nation-wide business revival.
The British collier Lena is anchors«!
outside the three-mile limit off San
Diego harbor. Cal.
The knee joint of a mammoth esti­
mated to be 250,000 years old was un­
earthed in Southern California.
French troops from Africa are rest­
ing at Alexandria, Egypt, ready to
proceed to help the British expedition­
ary forces against Turkey.
The well known American wish for
docks in Chinese ports ia believed to
be one of the main reasons for the de­
mands being made upon China by
A thief cut the hair from the tails
of 160 horses which were awaiting
ahipment in Spokane. He got about
80 pounds of hair, which brings 8
cents a pound.
General Huerta to Stay
in United States
Naw York - General Victoriano Hu­
erta, former provisional president of
Mexico, who for nearly a year has
been an exile in Spain, arrived here
Tuesday on the Spanish steamship An-
toni\Lopez from Cadiz.
General Huerta was passed by Uni­
ted States immigration officials as a
transit alien, after he had declared un­
der oath that he would do nothing that
would involve the neutrality of the
United States.
The ex-president said that he had
come to the United States partly for
pleasure and partly to attend to some
personal business connected with fam­
ily matters. He swore that he had no
intention of going to Mexico or to
Cuba. The length of his stay here, he
said, was indefinite, but he would re­
turn to Spain, possibly sailing from
New York early in May.
General Huerta was met at quaran­
tine by representatives of the press
and by an array of photographers.
submitting to being photo­
graphed in every deaired pose, he de­
clined to say anything as to his mis­
sion—agreeing to meet newspapermen
at his hotel here at a later date.
Regarding this appointment he said:
“1 understand that my presence in
this country creates in you the desire
to know my views about the affairs of
Mexico and I promise to satisfy your
wishes to the best of my ability. I
beg you. gentlemen, to remember that
no interview with me should be con­
sidered as authentic unless it carries
my personal signature.”
General Huerta was accompanied by
General Jose C. Delgardo, who has
been hie private secretary for 10 years,
and by Abraham Ratner, a personal
friend of the general, who declared
himself as an American citizen, giving
his residence as New York.
Grants Pass Farmers
Form Own Water Co.
Grant* Pass — The farmers in that
portion of Rogue River Valley just
west of Grants Pass have organized
a co-operative irrigation corporation.
Owners of approximately 1000 acres of
land have signed up, and nearly two
miles of irrigation ditches have been
The ditches are five feet wide at the
bottom and six feet at the top, and are
capable of carrying 10,000 gallons of
water a minute. The water is to be
pumped from the Rogue River by s
centrifugal pump driven by an electric
motor. It will be forced first to a
knoll, and then piped across the valley
to a high line ditch, and from the ditch
diverted on the 1000 or more acres of
The coat of installing the plant will
be $5 an acre. A 100-horse power
electric motor and a 12-inch centrifu
gal pump have been purchased and will
be installed prior to June 1 in order to
give water to these lands on and after
that date.
A reservoir 100 feet wide by 800
feet long will be dug six feet deep on
the top of the knoll.
From there it
will be taken by gravity through a 24-
inch pipe and carried acrons the valley
to the foothills on the north.
The farmers are preparing their
lands by leveling and more than 500
acres of alfalfa will bo planted this
The most of the land will bo
planted to corn thia season, and after
the harvesting of this crop will be
sown to alfalfa.
The ditch digging is being carried
on under the direction of Joe Russell,
and the ditching io being done at a
few cents leas than $1 a rod.
digging of this kind usually coots not
leas than 2.50 a rod, it is said.
Alex Hood, owner of one of the
largest parcels of land to be irrigated
by the system, is directing work on
the project. Hie ranch comprises 176
H. C. Newell, owner of the l.ace
House laundry, of Portland, has a
ranch of more than 600 acres, a por­
tion of which will come under this
ditch. He is improving bis ranch, ami
has one of the show places in the
Rogue River valley. The«Lathrop ami
Muller properties are among those
which also will come under the project.
State Highway Fund Is
Divided by Oregon Board
Portland — Wheat — Blueetem, bid,
$1.28; forty-fold,: $1.26; club, $1.27;
red Russian, $1.22; red fife, $1.22.
Millfved -Spot prices: Bran,*$26.50
ton; shorts, $28.50; rolled barley, $31
Corn—Whole, $35 ton; cracked, $36.
Hay — Eastern Oregon timothy, $14
6( 15; valley timothy, $12 Q( 12.50;
grain hay, $106(12; alfalfa, $l2.5O<a
Indiana Mayor Gets Six
Years tor Election Fraud
Road Fund.
....... $ 20,000
........ 50,000
........ 50,000
........ 35.000
........ 50,000 , «
........ 20,000 :
Central Potato Depot
Suggested by Bulletin
Telegraphers Are Declared
Underpaid by Employer
Kronprinz Wilhelm Slips by Foe
Into Newport News.
Sinks N Merchantmen in Kight
Months' Cruise in Southern
Atlantic Ocean.
Vegetables — Cucumbers, hothouse,
$1.60 dozen; peppers, 3O((35c pound;
artichokes, 76<i(85c dozen; tomatoes,
$5 crate; cabbage, lf(<t,3c pound; cel­
ery, $4.50 crate; cauliflower, 75c6($l
dozen; head lettuce, $2.25 crate; hot­
house lettuce. 75ct<($l box; spinach, 5
«l6c pound; rhubarb, l)6(3c (>ound;
asparagus, white, $l.25<t(L75 box;
green, 9u(10c pound; eggplant, 80c
pound; peas, 116(12$c pound.
Green fruits — Strawberries, $4.50
crate, apples, 50cq($1.50 box; cran­
berries, $11 q (12 barrel.
Potatoes—Oregon, $1.256(1.50 sack;
Washington. $1.25<<C1.5O; new pota­
toes, 10c pounds, sweet potatoes, 3jc
Onions—Oregon, selling price, 75c
sack, country points.
Carrots, $1.50 sack; beets, $1.50;
parsnips, $1.25; turnips, $1.75.
Eggs — Fresh Oregon ranch, ease
count, 186(18c|c; candled, 19c dozen.
Poultry — Hens, |$|’x-; broilers,
256(27$c; fryers, 18q(20c; turkeys,
dressed, 22<d23c; live, 166(19; ducks.
12(<(15c; geese, 86(9c.
Butter — Creamery, prints, extras,
29jc pound in case lota; Jc more in
loss than case lota, cubes, 236(25c.
Hope— 1914 crop, nominal; con­
tracts, nominal.
Wool— Eastern Oregon, coarse, 22h(
25c; Eastern Oregon, fine, 18g$t0e;
vailey, 24(t(27c; mohair, new clip, 29
Cascara bark — Old ami new, 4jc
Cattle — Best steers, $7.256(7.75;
choice, $76(7.25; medium, $6.75
choice cows, $6(<(6.70; medium, $561,
5.75; heifers, $5'(£6.25; bulla, $3.506(
6; stags, $56(6.50.
Hogs — Light, $5.506(7.55; heavy,
Sheep— Wethers, $76(8.25; ewes,
$66(7; lambs, $7.506(9.25.
Newport News, Va.- The German
converted cruiser Kronprlns Wilhelm,
the elusive raider of commerce In the
South Atlantic, slipped into the port
Monday and asked for fuel and provis­
ions. Many limes reported destroyed,
the former North Gorman Lloyd liner
had evaded hostile warships for eight
months while she sent 14 merchantmen
to the bottom. Her officers said she
was forced to steal her way past four
allied cruisers off the Virginia capos to
roach this refuge.
“We got in without being seen by
the enemy and wo can get out the
same way.” declared hor commander.
Lieutenant-Captain Paul Tholrfolder,
formerly navigating officer of the Ger­
man cruiser Karlsruhe.
When she dropped anchor, the Kron-
prinx Wilhelm had leas than 25 tons of
coal ami scanty provisions for the crew
of 600 men and 61 prisoners from
British merchant ships sunk In the
South Atlantic.
Of 14 ships that the 15,000-ton
cruiser sank, nine were British, four
French and one Norwegian.
The value of these ships and their
cargoes, officers of the Wilhelm ostl-
naiad «t $7,080,000.
When the Kronprinx Wilhelm ar­
rived off Himble Shoals, after passing
in the Virginia capes, early in the day,
two United States submarines, the G-l
and D-2, met her. The appearance of
the submarinee caused considerable
surprise among the crew, but there
was no demonstration, as the little
vessels convoyed the German raider to
quarantine, where Dr. MacUafferty,
United States
boarded her.
Commander Theirfelder reported 66
of the crew and prisoners were ill with
beri beri and requested that they be
taken to a hospital.
The Kronprinx Wilhelm followed in
the wake of the interned Prinz Eitel
Friedrich, which arrived here a month
ago, after thrilling and effective opera­
Wheat, Blueetem, $1.28; tions for the German arms.
In her raid of the seas since she
forty-fold, $1.26; flfe, $1.24; red Rus­
sian, $1.20; barley, $25 ton. Car re­ slipped out of New York harbor Au­
ceipts: Wheat, 1H, oats, 8; barley, 2; gust 3 last as a German merchant and
| [Xsaenger steamer, the Kronprinx Wil­
hay, 15;* flour, 10.
helm never touched land and took 960
Tacoma—Apples -Cooking, 7561.90c; prisoners from various. vessels des­
Winesaps, $1.256(1.35 a box; local, troyed.
Most of these were sent to South
Vegetables — Cabbage, Flat Dutch, American ports at different times on
2jc; carrota, $1.506(1.65; beets, borne Gcrmsn ships, which met the raider in
grown. $1.25 sack; potatoes, Yakima. I response to wireless calls.
County Judge Clark, of Columbia
county, and J. H. Johnson, represent­
ing the Consolidated Contract com­
A prisoner who had recently escaped
pany, requested the board to have the
from the chain gang in Loe Angeles
engineer make estimates of the work
hired an auto truck and proceeded to
by the company in that county,
a Presbyterian church in that city and
so the County court could make certain
stole a baby grand piano.
Under the law the pay­
Persistent rumors that Germany is
ments cannot be made until the esti­
about to invade Holland are current in
mates are famished. State Treasurer
It is well known that Hol­
Kay called attention to the fact that
land is ready to repel any such in­
H. L. Bowlby, ex-state highway en­
vasion to the best of her ability.
Salem — At a meeting^of^the State gineer, had made the estimates, but
Indianapolis, Ind.—Four men con­
Two men and a woman have been victed in the Terre Haute election Highway commission, apportionment had not furnished a copy to the county
arrested near 3aker Or., charged with fraud trial were sentenced by Judge of the state highway fund for the year, judge. Mr. Cantine was instructed to
the holdup of a stage recently in which Anderson to the Federal penitentiary which, it is believed, with receipts do thia. Mr. Johnson said after the
meeting that the estimates of Major
$7000 worth of gold bullion was stolen. at Fort Leavenworth. Kan.
from delinquent taxes, will approxi­ Bowlby were not satisfactory to the
The bullion was found concealed in a
The other 16, including Donn M.
mate $237,231, was made, seven coun­ company and would not be accepted.
badger hole.
Roberts, mayor, who received prison
ties receiving substantial funds.
He declared that under them the com­
Both the Villa and Carranza factions
The largest amounts, $50,000 each, pany would lose about $60,000, and
in Mexico are preparing to use aero­
go to Columbia. Jackson and Hood that,
if satisfactory arrangements
planes in their warfare against each from one day to six months in the local River counties, the board adhering to could not be made with the county,
American aviators will man jail, are in jail here. It was said the its original policy of aiding counties litigation would result.
the machines, and steel darts as well 16 will have two or three days in that have bonded themselves to build
A delegation from Yamhill county,
which to obtain their appeal bonds,
as bombs will be used.
roads. Of the $50,000 awarded to which asked for state aid, was in­
which were fixed by Judge Anderson
It is estimated that it will cost at $10,000 for each year the men were Jackson county, $10,000 was owed formed by the board that it probably
$200,000 to repair the turbine engine sentenced. Edward Holler, the former from last year and the balance was would be helped next year, but not
of the Coast liner Great Northern, and chief of police, who pleaded guilty, provided for in a law passed at the re­ this one, because of a lack of funds.
cent session of the legislature. The The spokesman said Tillamook and
it will be at least 30 days before she also received prison sentence.
commission set aside $20,000 for office Yamhill counties each had raised $15,-
can resume her run between San
The four who withdrew from the
000 for use on the Grand Ronde road
Francisco and Portland.
appeal are: John M. Messelink, city
John H. Albert, of Salem, and S. and suggested that the state provide a
An diplomatic report from Rome de­ sealer of weights and measures and Benson, of Portland, members of the similar sum.
clares that Austria is seeking a separ­ former member of the state legisla­ advisory committee recently appoint­
The apportinment of the state fund
ate peace from Germany, and the ru­ ture; Arthur Gillis, Progressive elec­ ed, met with the board and partici­ suggested by Major Bowlby
mor stirs Italy greatly, as such a tion official; Joseph Strauss, liquor pated in making the apportionments. follows:
move would preclude any possibility of salesman, and George Sovem, gam­ It also was announced that the com­
Clatsop county, $40,000; Douglas
her gaining territorial accessions from bler. Each had been sentenced to a mittee would advise with State High­ county, $2$»000; Columbia county,
way Engineer Cantine frequently re­ $60,000; Hood River county, 160,000;
fine of $100.
garding road work. The other mem­ Jackson county, $40,000; miscellane­ $32 ton; Idaho, $286130; sweets, $3.50
Under a treaty between the United
To obtain liberty pending his ap­
cwt.; Early Rose seed. $50; tomatoes,
ous. $20,000.
States and Prussia, made in 1828, peal, Mayor Roberts, who was sen­ ber is Leslie Butler.
$6 case; Onions, green, 20c dozen;
Germany has announced that she will tenced to six years and to pay a fine
pay in full for the sinking of the of $2000, the severest sentence given,
southern markets if the duty remains Walla Walla, $1.75 box; Oregon yel­
American ship William P. Frye by the will have to furnish a bond of $60,000.
off potatoes as at present.
The Ger­ low Danvers, $1.75; Yakima, $1.50;
German auxiliary cruiser ~
Prinz Eitel If all secure bonds it will mean a total
man with his cheap labor, cheap fer­ garlic, 30c pound; radishes, local, 20c
How co-operation might be worked tilizers and water transportation can dozen bunches; parsley, 3c
of $420,000.
bunches; lettuce, head, $2.25 crate;
Railroads of the Middle West have
district so as to eliminate what the er on even terms in the south or ex­ spinach, 5c pound; cucumbers, $2.25
called upon employment agents for
dozen; celery, $4 6( 4.50; rutabagas,
compiler terms “the financial disaster treme east.
10,000 laborers, to be put to work by
$1.85 sacks; cauliflower, $2.25 crate;
the end of April. The roads are pre­
White Pine Mill Returnee.
Oregon, $3 crate; artichokes,
by the vast majority of Oregon farm­
paring to put their roadbeds in the
Baker — Because of large orders, dozen; Brussels sprouts, 8c pound;
Chicago—President Newcomb Carl­ ers for the past three years,” is ex­
best of condition to care for the heavy ton, of the Western Union Telegraph
the Baker White Pine com;>any started rhubarb, local, 4c; asparagus, Walla
tourist travel which is expected to the company, and S. J. Konenkamp, presi­ plained in the concluding paragraph of its mill at White Pine with about 160 Walla, $1.55 a box; green ftess, 12c
Coast during the summer.
The resumption was due to pound.
dent of the Commercial Telegraphers’ by the University of Oregon.
testified from bulletin is called “Markets for Pota­ lumber orders which Manager Frank
Fresh Meats — Steers,
12 6( 12jc
“Drys” succeed in voting out 100 Union of America,
saloons in Illinois at the recent elec­ their repective viewpoints before the toes,” makes a general survey of the Gardiner believes will keep the plant pound; cows, 12c; heifers, 12«(12jc;
The wethers, 14jc; dressed hogs, ll$c;
United States commission on Indus­ potato situation, and may be had on running all summer at least.
South Baker mill also is running full trimmed sides, 15)e; combinations,
trial relations Tuesday as to wages
Butte, Mont., ousts its entire So­ and working conditions of the commer­ application to the extension division at capacity and will continue to do so in­
15c; Diamond T. C., 16$c; yearlings,
cialist set of officers and electa Demo­ cial telegraphers.
15c; ewes, 13c.
The paragraph in question ia:
The company recently purchased
Mr. Carlton caused a mild sensation
Poultry—Ducks, live, 106(12c; hens,
“It might be adviaable to establish a
Twenty-seven Terre Haute, Ind., when, replying to a question from central depot at a convenient shipping more than 1,000,000 feet of timber, dressed, 16 6( 18c; live, 10 6(14c;
officials are
convicted of election Frank P. Walsh, chairman of the com­ plant readily accessible to the growers and with the large number of orders springs, dressed, 22c; live, 146(16c;
mission, as to whether telegraphers of the district in which the association from the East it expects to be able to squabs, live, $2.50 dozen; dressed, $6;
were adequately compensated, replied: is formed. To this depot all the grow­ keep its 250 men busy all summer, and turkeys, live, 18c; dressed, 286(30c;
Chicago electa an entire Republican
geese, 20c.
“I believe that the telegraphers are ers would ship all their potatoes, probably longer.
ticket, including mayor, the first in
“The outlook is good,” said Mr.
Butter—Washington creamery, 196i;
where they would be inspected and
many years.
"We have all the orders 30c pound; Oregon and California, 28c.
“Overpaid!” exclaimed Mr. Walsh. sorted. Only those of the very highest Gardiner.
The steam schooner Speedwell is
“No, underpaid. I think they ought quality in every respect would be mar­ we can handle and expect to keep
Eggs -Fresh ranch, 186(21c.
stranded on the spit off the Oregon to make more money than they do. So
keted for seed and for table use, and
coast near Bandon.
far as I can ascertain, wages have in­ these carefully packed and sold under
Spokane—Cattle—Prime steers, $6
Sheep Shearing It Begun.
6(7 cwt.; heifers, and cows $56(6.
An Italian senator declares that un­
a name or brand that would establish
Ten years ago a Morse tele­ their reputation. If this high quality
Sheep — Wethers, $6 o( 7; ewes, $5
Arlington—The annual sheep shear­
less all naitons disarm anarchy will years.
$18; it is now $23. was rigidly maintained and the reputa-I ing at this point is now in full swing, 6(6; lambs, $66(7.
prevail universally.
It was $13.50 for women and now it is
Hogs—Heavy live hogs, $6.25 cwt.;
An Austro-German force capture $18. My own view is that a first- tion fully earned and justified (as has with about 15,000 sheep in town and light, $7.25.
40,000 at the large Smythe Bros.’
7500 Russians of a mountain line on class telegrapher should be able to
Wheat—$46 ton, delivered In city.
certain districts) a premium price plant near here. There will probably
the Hungarian border.
earn at least $5 a day of nine hours.
Oats—$35 ton, whole, $36 rolled, de­
above the prevailing market could be j be 500,000 pounds of wool marketed
Some of our employes, under the so-
livered in city.
demanded and depended upon.”
A Zeppelin balloon appeared over
I through Arlington during the month.
called premium plan, are making close
Bran — $25 ton; shorts, $32; bran
Dunkirk Wednesday night, coming
I The first shipment left upon the Inland
to that”
ami shorts, $27.
Croud Out Oregon Spuds.
from the direction of the sea. The
Empire for the Portland wool ware­
The witness said his company has
Hay—Timothy, $16 ton; $15 ton in
University of Oregon, Eugene — house Wednesday.
dirigible apparently intended to bom­
The quality in all
one of the best pension and relief or­ “The rise of potato growing as an in­
carloads; alfalfa, $15 ton delivered in
bard the shipping in the harbor, but
cases is better than last year, with
ganizations in the country, and it costs dustry in Idaho and Colorado is one
city; $14 ton in carloads.
being sighted by the torpedo boats
much cleaner fleeces and better staple.
the men nothing. Half a million dol­ great cause.of the potato depression in
Corn—$37 ton; cracked, $38.
retreated to the German lines.
There has been a strong tendency
lars was expended on it last year, he Oregon, because the crops of these two
Barley—Rolled, $35 ton.
toward improving the grade ewes.
The arrival at San Remo of the said.
states have taken the southern mar­
American ambassador, Thomas Nelson
Contract for 1,900,000 Boxes.
Two Mil It Begin Work.
ket,” says H. B. Miller, director of
Airman Killed by Fall.
Page, occasioned the rumor that he
the department of comntercial and in­
North Yakima — Contracts for the
La Pine—The J. N. Matsen Lumber
had gone to Italy to meet foreign
Washington, D. C.—Cecil Malcolm dustrial survey of the university of company started work at its big mill foumiahing of 1,900,000 fruit boxes,
diplomats for the discussion of peace Peoli, an aviator, was killed at College Oregon school of commerce. Formerly Wednesday. The Pringle Falls mill
and more at the same prices if needed,
The ambassador, how­
perhaps 40 per cent of Oregon’s potato started work last week.
Both are
ever, denied that his presence was in Park, Md., near here, while making a exports went below the Mason and working at full capacity on big con­ for use by members of the Yakima
Valley Fruit Growers’ association thia
any way connected with the interna­ test flight in an aeroplane of his own Dixon line.
tracts. The Pringle Falls mill is turn­ season were awarded Saturday to the
tional situation. He explained that he invention and in which he had planned
Mr. Miller thinks German competi­ ing out stuff for the power company,
flights from Washington to New York
Cascade Lumber company, of this city.
was seeking a few days' rest.
and from New York to St.L ouis. The tion will ultimately be a big factor in and the Mas ten mill is working on The association declined to state the
flume material, presumably for the price, but Manager Huebner, of the
French government declares that the machine fell 300 feet and Peoli’s skull
Moore syndicate. The I ji Pine Lum­ company, said it was considerably
Suit Over Water Argued.
“ammunition crisis” is past-and“ die was fractured. The cause of the acci­
Oregon City—The injunction suit of ber company expects to start its mill lower than last year. Delivery of 1,-
allies, including Serbia and Belgium, dent has not been determined. Peoli
was the first man to fly across the the Milwaukie Water company against in a few days.
will have all the shells they need.
000,000 apple boxes, 700,000 peach
Andes mountains in South America. the city of Milwaukie was argued be­
boxes and 200,000 pear boxes are
Klamath Land to Open.
The Willard-Johnson fight films are The wrecked machine is said to have
fore Circuit Judge Campbell and was
Klamath Falls—Several lots of land called for.
barred from the United States by a been the largest in this country.
taken under advisement by the court. in townships 37 and 38 south, range 8
Federal statute, which expressly for­
Buys 200 Head of Cattle.
However, Judge Campbell decided that east, Klamath county, have just been
bids interstate transportation of fight
Belgium to Hear Concert.
the temporary injunction granted by released from withdrawal under the
Walla Walla -Grant Copeland who
Berlin — The famous Philharmonic County Judge Anderson no longer could first form in connection with the Kla- is feeding 1200 cattle on hie Hooper,
At the government investigation of Orchestra of Berlin is preparing to prevent the laying of pipe from the math irrigation project, and will be- Wash., ranch was here thia week from
Pullman porters' salaries, it is shown make a concert tour of Belgium early Bull Run mains of the city of Portlsnd come subject to homestead settlement Spokane arranging for the transporta­
that they receive $27.50 per month, in May, according to announcement by to the Clackamas county town. The under the public land laws of the tion of 200 head of cattle from the
but the “tips” exacted from the trav- the Overseas News Agency.
Felix city has signed a contract with Port- . United States.
The aggregate acre­ Hudson Bay country to the Hooper
elingjpublic amount to an average of Weingarten will conduct and the musi­ land for a supply of Bull Run water age released by this order is about 100 ranch. The cattle were bought from
$75 per month.
cians will play twice in Brussels.
and is preparing to install mains.
Thomas Copeland.
Apportionment State
Douglas county...........
Hood River county ...
: Columbia county.......
Clatsop county . ..........
Jackson county...........
Josephine county ....
: Miscellaneous.............
Rex-Tigardville road
Germany Sends Sharp
Answer to America
Washington. D. C.—Count von Bern-
storff, the German ambassador, made
public Sunday the text of the note he
recently presented to the Slate depart­
ment, declaring that "if the American
people desire to observe thorough neu­
trality they will find means to stop the
exclusive exportation of arms to one
side, or at least, to use this export
trade as a means to uphold the legiti­
mate trade with Germany, especially
the trade in foodstuffs.”
The memorandum was prepared at
the German embassy, and while it dose
not call for a reply, the State depart­
ment already has drafted one which will
l>e delivered probably within a few
The ambassador, in his complaint, in­
forms the United States that, contrary
to the real spirit of neutrality, an
enormous new industry of war ma­
terial of every kind ia being built up
in this country, and that this is “sup­
plying only Germany's enemies, a fact
which ia in no way modified by the
purely theoretical willingness to fur­
nish Germany as well, if it were possi­
Packing Plant Wrecked.
Kansaa^City—An explosion wrecked
the seven-story cooling building of the
Cudahy Packing company's plant here
Sunday night.
The loss ia estimated at $750,000.
Two men were employed in the build­
ing at the time were injured.
Investigation develo;>ed no trace of
an exploaive.
Company officials as­
serted there was no gas in the building
and that the cooling pipes contained
no ammonia or other material that
might explode.
future Peace Discussed.
The Hague, via 1-ondon—For three
days there has been a private discus­
sion of peace hereby a conference con­
sisting of about 80 delegates from the
United States, Holtland, Germany,
Austria-Hungary, Sweden.
England, Belgium ami Switzerland.
Only a short record of the work of the
conference, which ended Saturday, has
been issued, as follows: “The object
of the meeting was not to suggest
steps to bring the present war to an
end, but to consider by what principles
future peace would best be gained.”
•Ve.rimns 7n.r Americans.
San Antonio, Tex.—Taxes aggregat­
ing $1,000,000 have been imposed on
mineowners In the state of Oaxaca,
Mexico, according to private advices
reachinig here from the city of Oax­
aca, the state capital.
per cent of the mincowners are for­
eigners and 60 per cent Americana.