1UL WANT “ADS” Them In B-6111-1111 Only One-cent a Word LENTS. MULTNOMAH CO., OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 25, 1915. Subscription, $1.00 a Year. POTATO SEEDING NOW PROGRAM ïîeralù i JITNEY BUSINESS RISKY INVESTMENT Vol. 13 No. 12 G0UN1Y GRANGE HIGHSCHOOL SIUD- COMMI HEES NAMED' |[s T() C0NT|NUE In th* discussion of the problems The first duty of tlie master of tlie i —— i reaKd by the advent ol the |>as«enger- lonnty Grange ha* b«« completed and 5^3^ Commercial Branches to be Preparations lor Sterilizing Tuber­ I parti«» concerned will consider this as ous Seed, Economical and Easily carrymg motor vehicles in ami around a Önal Dotiere. This is the appoint- ■ Continued in Each School and an 1»« Angi-lea (see Xnnset Msgaxme for Applied But Highly Advantageous. merit of several standing committees and ' Additional Central Commercial January, page 47) it was |>i«dicted that those named are as follows: High School May be Added. Executive Committee: John Wellies, I "This Iwing the time when many the "jitney bus'* and Its problems would Iwlor« long ride triumphantly up P. Bliss, ami Mrs. Anna Anderson. growers arc especially interested the ami down the full length of the Pacific , Due to a rumor that the commercial Finance: W. A. Young, W. H. following recommendations art* submit­ Coast. Now the prediction has come 1 - ■ . ■ C, . 1 rtt tin- Dufur, .Mrs. Mary Gebhart. ted in answer to queries that are con­ true From Heattie to San IMego the I several high schools of tlie city and Woman's Work: Mrs. papers in cities targe ami small are stantly recurring unite«! under one faculty in tbe Shat- mer. Mrs. Otto Katzky, E. till««! with almost hysterical discussions "IHwaM-s that can I m - controlled en­ Anderson. 1 tuck school building a delegation from of th« new transportation problem, Resolution: R. W. Gill. F. H. Crane, ( the vicinity of the Jefferson high school, tirely or largely by proper treating and city councils are wrestling with it, pub­ Mrs. Ursula Blent. lns|Mal trouble for way Company; a company operating a Rowen, H. A. Daniall. T. J. Kreuder, Kennedy’s inquiry. He said it was not which serti is to ta< treated, it will la- ■ingle line connecting two small town W. A. Young, H. W. .-mashall, H. E- the intention of any member of the quite satisfactory to usi* the formalde­ in California reported to ths Railroad Davis, Theo. B nigger. M. Multhauf, F. board to discontinue tlie instruction in hyde treatment. Commission that jitney bu« competi­ H. Crane, John Richmond, R P. Ras­ any of tlie commercial branches in any "One pint formalin in M) gallons tion had cut its earnings below the bond mussen, P. Anderson, Rae Evans, J. P. of the high school« but rather to supple­ water, soaking mattle the advent of Hager, J. Well»». R. W. Gill, J. W. ever, if it is dtwiraliie to start sprout« be­ the jitney bus cause*I the city council to was at present idle. By virtue of the Black, W. H. H. Dufur, E. Palmer, form of this classes in commercial work, it ha-l tieen "A substance that is more satisfactory the Pacific Coast have seen their earn-; county. than formalin in that it is effective ings shriuk by »H.iMki a day since the I under consideration. Work has been well liegnn on im- against rhisoctonia as well as scab is advent of the jitney bus is not at ail | Aliout thirty of tlie gayer element of As the answer made by Mr. 8-xnmer mercuric chloride (corriadve sublimate.) exaggerated. *eart«-ni Multnomah County were caught i provement of Foster Road, at Anabel was satisfactory to all those in attend- Mary Ann Lightfoot Station. It will be picked up and re­ This poisonous sulaitance may be se­ pajr. i ance, the Mt. Scott representative« did j in tlie act of conducting cock fights, at­ But tbe jitney business, despite Mary Ann Cry« wu born near cund in lite form of white crystals from mush-room growth, will neither kill the tending the same, and betting gotxl surf aeil to a width of 20 feet. Just how not advance any statements. It was far out the improvement will extend is mount, Madison County, Indiana, May not considered advisable to make any the large drug companies, the smaller street car companies nor will it cripple ■tor» generally carrying it only in tab­ them, for the simple reason that the money thereon, last Sunday, on tlie mx certain but it will be as far as 72nr«*sent con­ 1 Osman pla«v aliout a half mile north of street, possibly to tbe city limits. This and in 1856 was married to Francis the Franklin high school will be provid­ to 1000 dilution or about 4 ounces in 30 ducted does not pay, iGrMham. Tlie place was formerly means that there will be no hard sur- Marion Lighifoot. To this union six ed with all the equipment for the con­ facing of Foster road within the next gallons of water where the crystals are Tbe lact of the matter is that touring used as a driving park by Fred Merrill, two years, within tbecity limits and what children were born, five of whom are tinuance in the study of theee branches used. If U m * tablets are used U hi direc­ cars are not built to provide the owner and tho Fred lias tieen disconnected may be done 'outside the city no one still living. One son, James, preceded I when it shall have been ready for use. tions should lie followed. In making with revenue. It is almost certain that ___________________ there for tlie oast three or four yean it knows Time can tell that. But her to the great beyond. In 1868 the this up for usi* tlie amount to I m - used specially built light busses will appear still I «ears the attnospliere of the sports­ tills improvement of Foster Road will family removed to Fairchild, Wiscon - Home Industries Versus Steel Trust should Im carefully weighed out and dis­ on the streets to compete with the solved in a small quanity of hot water. electric cars. They will have » far man, as evidenee-,1 by this latest expos­ make it again one of the most popular sin, where they resided until in July, I In awarding bids for the construction i of the intersta e bridge at Vancouver, This must lie done in a clean wcxxien ur larger seating cai*acity than the tour­ ure. The garni- birds and tlie men were drives around Portland and in a meas­ all taken to the county jail and held ure will stimulate business throughout 1913. At that time they came to there was a fight made for tbe home in- porcelain container and after diluting it ing-car jitm-y. 8nch vehicles, though, j -lustriee on the largest item of expendi­ Oregon and settled as Lenta. for trial Several of the birds were dead its length. must be handled in tin* same way, sture will require a heavy capital outlay. . when th«* arrest was made. They were ture—the steel work. The husband and father died last it reacts with metals. The ln*atment This tyi>e of conveyance will be far less The bridge proper across the Colum­ May and since that time Mrs. Light­ genuine game binla, and were armed from this point is tlie saune as with for- fiopular than the jitney because it will with steel spurs to add spice to tin* con- bia river was awarded to tbe American foot has failed. On Jan. 26, 1915. she maldeliyile, except that tubers should lie of necessity be slower and give a less teets that wen* lieing staged. Bets were was stricken with paralysis which ren­ Bridge Company of Pittsburg, alias soaked 1H hours. It should also be frequent service. An t it is the frequent running from ten dollars an up, and dered ber right side helpless. Although United Steel Product C-»., of New York, borne in mind that this substance is A. W. Peters will build a 00 ton silo she showed unusual endurance and alias the Pittsburg Steel Trust. service of the jitneys that has made going pretty lively at that. Several of poisonous so should be kept away from them fiopnlar. Tbe fate of an attempt the men will tie Iield for trial at the at Hood River. This award was made on a difference fortitude and wal cared for- with the small children or stock. to operate motor bus» with a large meeting of the grand jury, and the of $80 as against the Northwest Steel icouerest love and devotion, the shock "Either solution may lie used several seating capacity in competition with birds too, such of them as an* alive will The Eugene council buys garbage was too much for her feeble frame and Co., of Portland and Vancouver, Wash., time« (niXtoexi'cd four.) The formal­ electric urban and interurban lines is also be held. Tlie dead birds will have cane made in that city. after nearly two months of untold suf­ and the local company was given the dehyde lonme strength on standing and fore-sbadowed by the career of a con­ to be put on cold storage for their pree- fering she passed away March 18, 1915, bridge across tbe slough. tbe anercurtc ehoride gradually deterior­ cern which operated one hundred and ence in court will be necessary. The big contract takes »417,216.20 to at the age of 76 years, 10 months and ate« when it lu-come« dirty. A gas Tbe 8. P. Co., will erect a new depot I forty of these vehicles in Los Angel» the east tor fabricated steel work that 9 days. treatment with formalin may be used at Cottage Grove. and San Francisco. It went into the Mrs. Lightfoot joined the Christian | could have been made at home, and where large quantities of potato«-* are to Portland votes April 14 on $1,360,000 hands of a receiver six months after it Church in early life and has ever lived gives the home concern »89,14 ) 50 for a I m ? treats«! but requires sp«sioner* seemed to have an idea that building at Corliett. ( From the Dailv Marshfield Record ) G. A. R., gave a most delightful tea on tbe recommendation* of tbe Kansaeu in loving remembrance. The United States Supreme Court has The Connor Creek mine in Baker Friday, March 12th, at tbe home of -City engineering firm was «acred. I.. M. Is Hue of Salem will move the County bar been leased and will be Mrs. Lillah Maffei. A number of com­ banded down a decision bo ding what This wae a test case, where publij Another futile -effort was made last 1 step-ladder factory to Eugene. 1 is known as tbe Kansas "Coercion ’ ’ operated. rades of Reuben Wilson Post were nigtn to establish a line of Jitneys, run­ official* had the right to reject awy and ■ ........ " present, as well as many other friends statute to be unconstitutional. It con­ ning from 180th street in ever the Lin­ all bids, had the right to group bids, firms the constitutional right of em ­ West Park and Tenth streets, Port­ ot the Circle' Mrs. Maffet gave some Si usi aw will get »112,900 from Con­ coln read to the city. Quite a number ami in *ome. «as*» »«ardt -1 bide to high­ ployer* to require employees to re ­ land, is to have a »40,000 bachelor instrumental music, after which all greve for harbor work. of tlie |«>ople met at Holway’s stove, er bkxkers.'bm sent the big payroll east present joined in sinking some of the nounce their union sffilliatiou as a con­ apartment. and waited patMWitly tor more than art on a Imgatetle of *80. dition of employment. The substantial old-time songs. All who enjoyed Mrs. a t ( hour, for a cewjile of gentlemen, who Three new buildings are planned 4 Maffet’s hospitality expressed t tieni­ paragraph of the majority opinion is: 1 The construction of Hermiston- of 1 were tn meet tlwvn there, but who «u-ver Hover the state university by the board "Just as labor organizations have an U matilia highway, partly hart! surface, selves as having had a very good ti me. came. This thing of «Muring tran-«- regents. Clover may lie'broadcasts ) in March, inherent and constitutional right to I has begun. ' portaCion for shoee wh«> live upon •’the preferably before th«* 15tb of the month, deny membership to any man who will Daily Mails not agree that, during such member Frank Linn of McCoy, will build a I liH!" seems to be one of the impossible if it 1« to be Heed«*) ove- winter again - I St. Helens considers paving her main things to obtain. It do«*« seem to a fair any time in March if il ia to be seeded Mails at the tents postoffice arrive ship, he will accept or retain employ­ »500» barn. streets. observer that it is a gtvat hardship bo with spring «ate. Clever sewied with and depart daily, except Sunday, as fol- ment in company with non union men, ; force those peopl«- to wade through ikii I barley may be seeded somewhat later and just as a union man has a right to , lows: A vein of good burning coal has been , aixl shwh to grt to the ear line. They during April. Barley is really prtfer- New laws require publication of bnd- Depart decline proffered employment unless Arrive found three miles from Klamath Falls. I pay taxes and an* entitled to some wf able to oats as a nurse crop for clover as tax-levying bodie«. 7:» A.M. the employer will agree not to employ K«1 fl:0b A. M. tlie benefits of sjuiek and mfort«Me it does not shade the young clover 12:»)P. M. any non-union man, so the employer 12:6OP. M. After a long struggle. Main street at j transportation. Bids opened Saturday for a 5:30 P. M. has the constitutional right to insist plant *0 much. Not over one ami ana- 3:30 P. M. Oregon City will be paved with that the employee shall relain from school house at Warrenton. half bushel* of either oats or barley oer bitnlithic two-inch wearing surface on Htniiation with the union during the The State Highway beard has re­ acre should he used a* a nurse crop. If a concrete base Advertised Letters ceived l«ids to authorise the construc­ the clover land has been pio*«*l early term ot emp.oyment. The Roseburg merchant* are en­ Advertised letters for week ending tion of eae mile of Columbia highway arid the s.*«*d bed kept thoroughly culti­ couraging Kendall Bros., to erect a A county that lets a cannery die in Hood ifiver county, to out $56,«AM. vated, clover may be -eeded with rape March 21), 1915: Backstrom, Gus; Mary counties are protest.ng against «•»•"*<' « P1*«1* with ,0«in» r**d creates the office of fruit inspector. Bamme, Carl; Lannoo, Gratton; suecessfnllv as late as May. timber. Myers, Mrs. Hadi»; Polaove, Joseph; the extravagance oi the State Highway : I The cvmbiaiug ni city aw