Hvralii O WANT “ADS” Them In B-61111111 Only One-cent a Word Subscription, $1.UO a Year. FIFTY DOLLARS IN PRIZES Local City Beautiful Association Starts New Movement. Prizes Will go4o Best Home Improve­ ment in District LENTS. MULTNOMAH CO., OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 1915 LfNIS DOPI LIL ND GEIS IfSSON On last Friday a peculiar little woman living near Izwxar street ami Eighth I avenue. Ix-ntx, called up one of the city meaaenger services from a point down town asking for a messenger A boy was sent to her and she gave him an order from the Clark Drug Store, 72nd street and Millard avenue, on Bluineier A Frank, for fl I worth of morphine, ami accompanied the order with the Blunder’» were suspicious, money, notified the city detective office, ami traced the niewenger back to Die woman, (>lace«l lier under arreni ami They wain priM'eedcd to investigate learned that the Clark Drug Co , order was a forgery The woman proved to Is-Mr». Edith Graham and »he was re­ leased under order to rc|x>rt next day, which she failed to do, claiming illness. Bin- was hunted up by phone ami warned to Is- on hand Monday. Tlx- mere matter ot forging the Clark Drug Co.. name to the order was not considered so serious, since it involved no losses to that drm hut the question came up as to what any one could want with III of morphine unless they wen- selling it The officers were satisfied that Mrs. Graham intended to use it herself ami six- was released Mom lay with a gissl lecture. Mr». Graham lias been around Lents for several years. It has Is-en iter cus­ tom to get a small onler of pn-scription blanks printed iM-caasionally which site filled in and- signed with the name of moum - local doctor. It hasn’t been so very long since she got some ot these printed at tiie Herald office claiming her mother used tlx-m in selling a home cure for rheumatism. She is an odd little woman, dresw» in black, wears a plain soft black hat and is uoticable for her prematurely dried-up appearance. The meeting of tlx* Ix-iits City Beauti­ ful Association gave a new impetus to their work on Monday evening Altlm there was «»me misunderstanding as to the plats- of meeting ami some of the attendance went to the sclxsil house amt some of them went to the Library, but llits»- that |»-r»l»ted finally congregated at tla- Library. Tlx- sewsion was un­ usually busy. A discussion of the work of the committee on street railway ser­ vice improvement was handled with much interest. This committee was originally deh-gated to seek improve­ ment of stations ami right of way. There are few if any creditable stations in the entire city. Inexpensive yet ar- tistic stations would a«Id very materially to the ls-auty of the city ami in tiie rt. But tlx- committee has enlarged upon it» duties. It proponed tlx* promotion by tlx- association at tins time, ot a movement to get tlx- car company to put on a different class of car», i-are with comfortable seats setting crosswise of the ■ ar, inclosed, with an aisle down the center The aide seat car i» objection- aba- because it forrew tiie patrons to face tlx- windows and is hard on the eyes. If tlx- blinds are drawn they an- still objectionable. These cars are rough riiiing. ami an- especially uncomfortable ' when stopping and starting It was de­ cided to start a petition to the company asking for a change of cars ami a com­ mittee consisting of E P. Tobin, (’ L. Barter and Clyile Niger was sp)>ointi>d to draft a nuinls-r of petitions and see to their circulation. The session of the County Grange The next meeting of tlx* association that met at Gresham on Wedne-xlay received special attention. It wan de­ cided to hold the next meeting at tiie 1 was of exceptional interest. Tlx* after­ srhisilhoiinr Let that be nettled Then noon meeting wax taken up with instal­ a committee cotnpautitication contest was started when Mr. Dartiall proposed some sort of in the excellent delivery of the several M mfut elect scheme to get people to tM started aliout Oswald, a recitation by Mrs. Zimmer­ the middle of April when all homes en­ man, a recitation by Miss Mabe) Shipley, tering into the contest will I m * in»|M-cted and a slight of hand demonstration by by disinterested judge» and given a Mr. Honey. Following this there wen- standing. The same homes will again some discussions on the road question be judged in July and given another and txinding. The principal work ot the day was the standing depending on the improvement adoption of resolutions presented by W. made relative to their previous condi­ tion All persons desiring to enter this H. Dufur, providing for the issuance of contest will be required to register their non-interest-bearing bonds by the state intention to do so at the Herald office to the government, which in return before the Iftth of April. Registration should loan to the farmer»* the cash is in order now and the »miner registra­ covered by the bonds, at not over 3 per­ tion is Iw-gun the greater the stimulus cent, tor periods of ft, lt), 1ft, 20, 2ft or will lx* to encourage improvement. It 30 years, the loans to I m - based on fifty wax decided to extend the contest to per-cent of the vaaluation of the farms. property in the schisil district within A second resolution proposed by the Masters' and Ijecturers’ AssiM-iation WHS tiie city limits. also adopted for consideration. At the next meeting a permanent con­ The question of road bonding wax test committee will be appointed to have charge of this work. For the pur- opened by W. A. Young, Mr. Paquet, Mr. Welch, and Mr. Darnell, Supper jmmm - of financing the contest acommittee time prevented further discussion at the composed of Mrs. Katzky, Mr, McNeil time but out of this grew a motion to and Dr. Hells wax appointed. On looking around the Library mem­ apjKnut a standing advisory committee bers of tlx- association discovered the, on road matters which will undertake to to look after the interests of the farmers, following: SpoT- 141 D-a»t, 1,1 t*M* various questions tliat TEN COMMANDMENTS OF ; may come up. LESS TOWN which they thought so much in bar-1 Greshoin was voted a hearty vote of rnony with tlx- spirit of the meeting that thanks for their general hospitality. The tendency of tlx- pomona sessions they have Isen included as a part of the to devote too much time to parade and proceedings of the meeting. These com- | sceuic effect wax criticised from several ■nandmi-ntx an*: 1. Don’t throw anything <>n the side­ pointsand Master Johnson -tateii that walk or on the street. Find a rubbish ' there would lie an aim to give more time hereafter to the discussxion of can. 2. Don’t tear up paper anil scatter it i problems which wen- of so much impor­ tance to the agricultural interests ot the anywhere. County. 3. Don’t let piles of ashes or rub COUNTY GRANGE ENJOYS LINE SESSION bish stay in your back yani. 4. Don’t fill the ash bin or garbage can too full. ft. Don’t chalk the sidewalks, fences, buildings or pavements. 6. Don’t deface park benches, school furniture or any public property. 7. Don’t needlessly trample down de­ grass in the parkings. K. Don’t allow anything to lx- done 1 THE SNOW to injure a tree. 0. Don’t do anything that will re- ffei-i dincredit on the city when- you live. 10. Don't expect your city to become clean and perfect all at once. It will Iiecoine an ideal city only when every- Ixxly doea something every day to make things better. MAN. 1915. MORE THIEVES ROUNDED UP Vol. 13. I I No. 11 CITY ELECTION COMING EVENT With tlx- recent return of F. R. Foster ' from California came the downfall of Nine Candidates Now in Field for another duet of thieves. Walter Pitta Two Positions Held by Commis­ | and Geo. Beeney of Saginaw Heights sioners Brewster and Bigelow. I have is-i-n living for some time without Others to be Named Later. any visible means of support and it has I been a question in the minds of their The political pot is not long cool in neighbors how they managed to get Portland. With less than five months I cigarette money. Time and a family | past since the general county ami state fend disclosed the system they were election, and local conditions barely pursuing. cooled down, a city election is abmit to When Foster came back he met a develop the usual pre-election iliaturb- sister of young Pitts who informed Fos­ ance. Of course tliere are people who ter that her brother hail broken into bis think they know how to ilo tilings bet­ house. Neighbors corroborated the ter than the men who have lieen help­ statement, having seen them in the ing to direct the civic destinies of the building about the fifth of January. town of Portland for the past year. It In the meantime, Beeney, who with would make no difference how well they his wife have been living with his father- did their part, if objections were abso­ in-law, quarrel with his wife’s relatives lutely wanting, then some one would and wax arrested for assault. The ; enter the rare just because the money in general bad feeling developed lead to the job looked good to him. In fact, on I the exposure of Beeney'» habits and sus­ the surface, that looks to be about the picions were aroused as to whether he only reason for anyone’s coming for­ was not following a burglars life. The ward at this time. officer having his case in hand connected It is not probable that anyone could him up with Pitts and warrants were hold the positions with lex.-* complaint issued for both of them. When he went than have these two officers That being to get Beeney fx? was found at the Pitts I the case there is little reason for a home and wlien tlx- officer called at the ’ change. Efficiency in any work ile- front door, Beeney went by way of the pentls upon the x.kill with which it is back door, ami thereafter followed a handled. Skill comes with acquaintance chaxe that would probably have ended < and practice. Efficient officials mean otherwise had not a couple of friendly I civic economy. The men who tiave autoixtx given assistance. Beeney ran | served as commissioners for the [ia.it west from 89th street to 82d then back a ' year have not only learned from prac­ ---------- — | couple of blocks and then north to the . tice and experience, but a considerable —Cesara in New York Sun. i vicinity of Multnomah cemetery. By' portion of their time has been devoted ’ that time he was “all in” and the officer | to a study of municipal problems. A took him in charge. He was badly change in administration at this time frightened. He ww* taken to town and without Ix-tter reasons than can tie given ' given a thorougn sweating. He admit­ now will mean an absolute lose in ted breaking into seven houses and tak­ efficiency for there is not yet a candi­ ing all sorts of stuff He connected Pitts date ia the field that can offer tlx- pub­ What may develop into one of tlx- up with his work. A Herald reporter interviewed Mr. lic the same degree of preparedm-s.i for Among the things removed from the . the positions that the now active eotn- Collier of the Circuit attorney's office on most serious affairs that ever occtired in Monday. Mr. Collier says lx* will be tlx- Mt. Scott Section took place last Foster home was a lot of dishes and | missioners offer. A change means loxx ready to devote some attention to Mr. Sunday evening at the skating rink. they were traced to the Pitta home. | to the city, whoever may be “--leeted. Pitts’ sister said she had seen the dishes i Of the candidates in the field, C. V. Roetad tlx* first of next week. Rostad Just who was to blame and what the in use at the Pitta home. When Foster 1 Cooper, Frank 8. Grant, Geo. W. has been on the »treet for the past ten days, someone having gone on his bond. cause was will probably never be known and the officer went to search the house Caldwell, Wm. Adams. Ralph C. Clyde, Interest wax reawakened in his ease except to the fellow that started the mother Pitts denied all knowledge of George L. Baker, have maiie their inten­ They searched anyway, tions known. Some one got tripped up. tlx- property. Monday when it wax rejxirted that Mrs. WffT-ble. Baker has long been a Kiwtad had brought suit last Saturday to Home say it was one of the young Syrian and at once found a dish. Foster then | leading feature in municipal affairs, a compel Messrs. M G. Thorsen, C. F. men who were In attendance. Some say told her he knew all about it and if she shrewd political manager, and a busi­ Henderson. Henry Harkson. ami the it was an American boy that was tripped did not deliver the goods he would take ness man of large interests. Just how Oregon Securities Co., to recover three by a Syrian and others say that the row her to jail. She then admitted knowing he could devote his time to the duties of notes aggregating $15,77o and the title was developed by a hall drunken Amer- where tliey were, then denied it and a commissioner and manage a theatre to pnqx-rty worth SoMO.which »bedeviled I ¡can purposely running into a Syrian finally said they were under the house. and all his other connections would be a them with the understanding that Ros tad and then precipitating a fight by knock- To get at them the caiq-et had to be tak­ problem. R. C. Clyde was a member of would not I m - prosecuted for his forgeries i ing him down for it. Any way the fight en up under the bed—it had been nailed the old city council, and has been con­ while he wax cashier of the Multnomah began at this juncture, was carried to down tightly—and through a small hole siderably in the political lime light, tho State Bank. She [»leads great nervous the street, where the crowd grew. Sy­ in the floor the den was found and most just why is not clear. Grant was city Mrs. Pitts attorney for quite a while. distn-sx due to the threats made by the rians came from all directions, and the of the goods recovered. He was at­ officers of tlx- bank when they made friends of the American boys joined in knew all about it and hail been profiting torney at the time Arleta, Lenta, and their demands for the security offered to and it was soon a regular whirlwind of by the thievery of her son. But young some other portions of the city were an­ cover the losses. flying rock, dubs, fists and kicking feet. Pitta is safe. He went to some place in nexed and he was responsible for the The Syrians seem to have gotten the eastern Oregon about ten days before questionable conditions umler which : worst of it. One of them got hie front the exposure and it is not likely that he these suburbs were annexed. He wax a teeth kicked out. Another one was will be bothered as long as he stays up defeated candidate for Attorney General was kicked in the head till it swelled to there. Beeney has plead not guilty and I at the last primary. Adams is the pres­ about double sire and while yet down awaits the action of the grand jury. ent city Treasurer. Caldwell is chair­ Neighbors all around the Pitts place man of the civil service board, than he wax kicked in the side until the doc­ The meeting of Iz-nlx Grange on last tor said his riba were broken loose from have been suffering from these depreda­ which there is no other greater obstruc­ the vertebra. It looked for a time as tions. The Smith horn«- at iftth avenue tion to good public service in the whole Saturday was one of tiie beat in many a tho he rnighht die. At least two of them and S2d Streep was invaded the night be­ city system. day. The morning session was taken up were candidates for the hospital. fore Christmas and three nice geese Bexides these i-amliilate» there will al­ with tlx* initiation of one candidate and Feeling ran high for a while and there were taken. The birds hail been re­ so lie others for the office of auditor. It the presentation of a past master’s was danger of continued trouble. Sev­ served by Mrs. Smith till the time when is contemplated that the central lAbor jewell to past Master Kreuder. The eral of tlx: boy» were arrested Monday Smith should come home from Montana, may attempt to land a candidate. and were cited to appear in Court Wed­ and then they inteniled to have a goose ' Besides these there will be several initi­ presentation was made by Master W. A. nesday afternoon. The investigation re- dinner, and still have a nice dock left ative and referendum measures on the Young and it was Young's masterpiece.' rulted in a release for the entire crowd for next season. The Pitts home and | ballot and the public will undoubtedly It was one of the best things ever pre­ with a warning for the future. tlx- Beeney home served goose Chrixtmas be treated to considerable discussion of sented at the grange. When there are The general feeling around Arleta is day. The Smith home served liver. these. One of the most important ones any presentation speeches to I m - made in that the assault was provoked by the will be a measure to prohibit boycott Lents Grange in the future. Young will | Americans. It is generally asserted banners being paraded on the streets, be in demand. | that the Syrians are inclined to be or- something that ought to get every vote The afternoon session was important lerly and attend to their own business. in the city, but of course there will be in that the program wax of exceptional On the other hand there is a bunch of some small opposition to it. A new interest. Recitations were given by American boys who assume to bully _ street railway is asking to come into the little Dorothy Hexsand Ellen Anderson, alxmt everything that comes along. city; a new system of bonding will be Ijwt week was one of the busiest ever ! Alfred Nygaad gave a piano selection; considered. Sunday closing of groceries, seen among a section of the schixvls in ' Mrs. E. I. Sells and Mr-. W <> \-.h ' and the installing of water meters will sang duets; Miss Catherine Davis gave northern Clackamas. Estacada, Spring­ be taken up. two lieautiful violin selection»; Mrs. water, Garfield, George, Curransville. Ixira Little >gave a valuable talk on Eagle Creek, Douglass Ridge and Tracy “Home Sanitation.’' and Mrs. W. .1. took part in a spelling contest at Esta­ | Hawkins gave a talk on educational The regular monthly meeting of the cada a week ago Tuesday. At Sandy on work and tlx* training ot children. It Ix-nts Parent-Teachers’ Club will be 1 Wednesday, Sandy, Firwood, Kelso, ‘ was an especially valuable address and I held Friday afternoon at 2:30 at the ■ ailed forth great appreciation. schiwil auditorium. The program lias Cottrell, Dover, Bohemia. Hill Crest, i Fire wrecked the Mt. Tabor school . The question of road bonding was la-en arranged to include songs by tlx- Cherryville. Bull Run, Marmot, and building last Thursday morning. Fire , taken up and Master Young. W. J. children of Miss Everst room, a talk on Sandy Ridje, joined. On Thursday was discovered by the neighbors about McNeil, J. D. I*«', T. J. Kreuder and art study by Miss Vaughn, and an ad- schools near Boring, including Damas­ 3:30 in the morning and an alarm was others spoke on the question. : dress by Miss Wood of the Public Li­ cus. Hill View, Union and Rock Creek turned in Capt. Stevens was in charge I brary. met at Boring. The winning contest­ of the firemen who respomied and the The executive committee of the ants in the first group were Miss Bertha fire was subdued before the building was assix-iation met on Friday of last week Devore, and Miss Mary Ely; of the burnetl down, altho it is in ruins. The and sent a strong endorsement of Mr. j second, Miss Elta Beers and Mire Helen principal losses sustained were those Aiderman to the school latard. The ' Moulton; at Boring Miss Daisy Wa-ldel whieh fell to a nnmtier of typewriters in resolution was as follows: and I-eslie Oehler stood beet. Other' the building, which were tming used by Contrary to custom the park depart­ “We, the members of the executive parts of Clackamas have lieen engaged the ciminierciai department of Franklin high school. These were taken out the ment will sell refreshment concessions Ixvanl, unanimously indorse the admini­ in contests during the week. following the fire and sent to the this year for each of the parks except stration of Superintendent Aiderman Schools in the vicinity of Clackama- day repair shop. Peninsula Park. The concession» will and fully apprt-ciate his work and the met at the Stone school, including Stone, The moat notable feature of the fire fie let on bids, a 10 percent de|s>sit will advancement which the Portland Public Clackama», Evergreen, Sunnyside and oceurreii when the up,MW floor gave he required, and a bond for tlx- fulfill­ schools have shown during the past two Holcomb. Fuyoka Fnkai, n fourteen ’ away with five firemen and for a snort ment of tlx- contract. Persona desiring . years, and we, ax an organization ex- year old Japanese girl from Sunnyside tins- aiqs-arances were very unfavorable for them. They escaped with bruises to secure concessions should communi­ ' tend him our loyal support and ask that scixiol, ranked first with 108 pages of . and cuts and bum». cate with the Park Department. he lie retained in hi» position ” the speller covered before yielding. No cause roald he given for the fire SERIOUS STREEI EIGHT ROSIAD CASI SUNDAY AI ARLE IA NEARING HEARING LENTS GRANGE HAS UNUSUAL SESSION SPELLING MATCHES THE VOGUE IN CLACKAMAS LENIS PARENT-TEACH­ ERS* CLUB 10 MEET CITY PARKS WILL SEEL CONCESSIONS OLD MI. TABOR SCHOOL WRECKED BY FIRE