Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, February 25, 1915, Image 7

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¡tu fAGKS. HY MAU. 7S<
!>•*•» IlfHMlcm. Prop.
II. II. Thor«nmi. Mvr
Thur<»*ii(hly n»<»l«rn. ¡01 IG mhik of comfort. M<«l
•rat« I’rlcM. Three minute«* walk from Union
|>epo<. Write fur rates. H N MH hMTlANl) M
llulitor Htampt fur Fruit Bona. Malt on short­
est nolle.. Writ.
WMIfl IT»*« A IUI CO.,
_________________ Mona “o A ims Bsanaw mimn
TtSthtS <bo I'r.le h Weak», Scalp,
Fan Massage a Specialty. Tool. Fra.,
ro.HU.nt Guaranteed.
Riiahieer man want« oequalnUMW»« of la<ly Ice
(worn 3» ami 30. matrimonially inrlincd. 7 ni» i»
al«<>lute)y I»»na Ode an«I conndvnliai.
Hua ►&».
Portland. Oregon.
hnprov**nirnt In bualnaaa ainre depraa-
«lon reached low Ude aavaral month» ago
haa been giudual
Confidence line been
reatorcd nnd unleaa nil eigne fail, the
country la arheduled for u boom ulmoet
In order to overcome the depreeaion
that nttu< ka a portion In poor health It la
neceaaary that particular attention be
paid to the WtonuKh, Liver and Bowdi.
Thea« organa are the controlling power
In nil mattsra pertaining to health and
there la nuthlng will make you feel **ao
blue” and dlacouraged aa to l»e without
•appetite- to be subject to apdla of head-
ache, indlgmtlon, dyeprpaia and bilious«
naaa—or to have coriNtlpat<*d bowda.
Nature never Intended anyone to be In
■u< h a condition and the only way to Im­
prove mutter» la to give neceaaary aid
promptly. This auggeuta a trial of Ho»-
tetter'e Htoma« h lllttera. because It has
an eatabllahed reputation a» u tonic and
appetiser, and will be found very helpful
in any Htorriach. Liver or Bowel ailment.
It la well known m a real “flrat aid,"
and for over Co years has held a perma-
nent place lq thousands of homes
will make n<» mistake In purchaulng a
bottle today, but bn <*Mi«fui to see that
the Private Stamp over the neck Is un­
it okrn.
This Is your protection against
ÄSS<M’IATE1) INVESTMENT CO. ------------------------------------------------
U» |MM> puts you In |MNMMwBi«,ri uf g««sl paying
•tors, making real m«»»o»y. Alan • farm wanted.
|>rsfsishiy un«»nrutiil«rr««l. In eschsngw fur a No.
I nlumina houw. Hnmsmlwr our listings ar« guar-
gn««ww| by bank refsrwnre». Ws have been estab*
lia I mm I 2J yvara. Okl eat real eat ate company In
Portland. Send us your listing».
We have the
esali buyer. Spianti Y«un HUlg., Portland. Ore.
10.000 offered f<»r certain
n rent I «»ns. |b*«>k “How t«» Obtain
» i .•. «»r* a i w het in Invent**
•ent free. Send
sketch f«»r free
report as to pet«
• •
i Mente «4-
Vertlaed fur aalo al «>ur cipeneo lu Mau*
tj far turerà* Journal«.
10341. U. Wmkmatmi.O. <L
* truthfully prê­
tent» and
the moat
vanetie» of
the Notihwert. The be*
wedi for
of e-very-
dung lot tbs toaikri m bom. yard«». the
farm. lb. orchard. tb. poultrytaaa and the
boo-keeper. A r»Labh uid m I. gurde to
your pun haaat aa I • rUsteocs book which
thvuld be in tho hawk of trery ,o»e
A A lor catalog No.
Enlarged Tonsils and Adenoids.
Before operating to remove ade­
noids and tonsils the health of the
child should always be built up. If
there Is an exlatlng cold this must bo
treated und cured. If tbo teeth are
decayed they must bo filled. Treating
the teeth and the practicing of deep
breathing exercises will be all that Is
needed to cure tonsil disease If It Is
strictly local, and not the expression
of a systematic condition or some re-
cent liift-i tlon.
Each -Rape’s Dlapepsln” Digests 3009
grains food, ending all stomach
misery In five minutes.
Time It
In five minutes all stom­
ach distress will go. No Indigestion,
heartburn, sourness or belching of gas,
acid, or erudtatlons of undigested food,
no dizziness, bloating, foul breath or
l’apo's Dlapepsln is noted for Its
speed In regulating upeet stomachs.
It Is the surest, quickest stomach rem-
• di In tin- w Ill'll- world and bStMd it
¡Is harmless. Put an end to stomach
trouble forever by getting a large
flfty-cent case of Pape's Dlapepsln
from any drug store. You realize in
five minutes how needless I* Is to suf­
fer from Indigestion, dyspepsia or any
Htoiiiach disorder. It's the quickest,
surest srid most harmless stomach
doctor in the world.
Greatest Poets.
Homer. Lucretius, Dante, Shake­
speare. t’.oethe. Milton. Shelley, Ilyron.
Tennyson. Browning. Perhaps others
might be added. It Is largely a mat­
ter of taste and temperament—al­
though there is but little room for ar-
gument about the first six names.
Dr. Pierce’s Pellets, small, sugsr-
coHted. easy to take as candy, regulat*
and invigorate stomach, liver and bow-
! els. Do not gripe.
Horse Chestnut Tree In Bottle.
Catarrh of Kidneys
Cured By Percna
*‘I had Ca­
tarrh of the
Kidneys and
Bladder. I
Am Very
For Peruna.
I Feel Well,
My tongue
is clear, I
have no bitter taste in my
mouth. I am glad to say I
do not need Peruna any
longer, 1 am perfectly well.
I have Peruna in the house
all the time. When 1 have
a cold or when I do not feel
well I take Peruna.
were all sick with the grip
last winter. We look Peru­
na and it helped us. Peruna
is the best medicine for grip
or colds.”
Mr«. Go.. IT. Carlo«*». Dot 901. Or-
tonvllle. Mino.
Bualneae VS. Idleness.
The Importunities anil perplexities
of business are softness anil luxury
compared with the incessant cravings
of vacancy and the unsatisfactory ex­
pedients of Idleness.—Doctor Johnson.
Horse chestnuts can be grown in a
Ibottl* Of water. Pse a bottle with a
neck wide enough to bold the chest­
nut. adding water to just touch the nut
anil stand It In a window. Roots will
forni, followed by a stem and leaves.
If the water Is constantly supplied the
tree can grow for years in the bottle.
Wonderful Cuban Caves.
The wonderful caves of Bellamar,
Cuba, to the east of Havana, attract
| the attention of the ambitious tourist,
i They are on a plateau as level as a
l table top, which presents no signs of
the existence of such caves. After
, descending into the earth, however, a
picture unfolds itself. Then come
. many passages, and at last the great
, ''Gothic temple,” 250 feet long and 80
I feet wide.
Invented In 1589.
The knitting frame was invented in
| 158!) by William I a - s , a graduate of
Cambridge university and a native of
i Woodborough, near Nottingham, Eng-
j land. So perfect was the invention in
' every detail that to this day the essen­
tial features of the machine continue
In use for the class of work to which
Lee applied It.
Fireproof Wood.
Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser, page 45). In tho liver, kidneys anil
skin, the blood is purified of Its waste materials—these organs act
as human Altars, leaving the blood pure and dear—unless liver,
iligeetive tract aud kidneys are clogged.
Dr. Pierce’s Golden
Medical Discovery
■« ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■
is a stomach, liver and kidney tonic—by assisting
the stomach to assimilate, the liver to filter, the
kidneys to act—the poisons are removed, the red blood
corpuscles are increased nnd one feels light, fresh and active
instead of logy, dull and heavy. The ’’Discovery” stimu­
lates the stomach, increases action of heart and arter­
ies nnd is a most satisfactory alterative in blood-taint of any character.
*ho refreshing influence of this extract of native medicinal plants has
been favorably known for over forty years. Everywhere some neighbor
can tell you of the good it has done.
Sol J by all madicina dtaltn in liquid or tablet form/ or rmdSO ono-cont
with an outfit of 12 records (24 pieces)
—cash or at the same cash price on $5
monthly payments, No extras. Al! sub-
ject to your approval. Send for one now.
Improvements In tho Popular Tit-Bit
Known as the “Club” Have Been
Made—Oyetere Ueed In Place
of Chicken.
Tea rooms in the big city shopping
districts are serving some new vari­
eties of the always popular club sand­
wich. While the principal ingredi­
ents remain the same each style of
club sandwich differs from its fellows
in some detail which makes it dis­
What Is known as a French club
sandwich Is served with a toasted
English muffln substituted for the
usual slices of toasted bread. It is
set down before one garnished with a
few sprays of parsley pressed deep
into the yielding surface of the half
muffin which tops the substantial All­
ing of chicken, bacon, mayonnaise, let­
tuce and sliced tomato. Watercress
Is used In similar fashion, the spray
of green In either case being embedded
tn the toasted muffln so flrmly that It
seems to be a little flower holder.
Two halves of crumpet are used for a
similar sandwich and filled with the
same combination, making a sand­
wich still more hearty.
Where toasted bread Is used vari­
ety Is given to the club sandwich by
reason of some other meat or fish be­
ing substituted for the usual founda­
tion layer of breast of chicken Thin­
ly sliced duck Is delicious with the
bacon and other Ingredients, and tur­
key Is also another good substitute.
Strips of rare beef, either cold or
freshly cut from a hot roast and
moistened with horseradish may also
be used, and strips of rare steak are
equally appropriate.
An oyster club sandwich has for
Its distinctive feature two or three
large fried oysters. These are laid
on tho under slice of toast, sprinkled
with lemon juice nnd then topped with
two strips of bacon, two lettuce
leaves, a spoonful of mayonnaise and
then the second slice cf toast
For those who do not care for fried
oysters the oyster club sandwich
comes In still a differ-«nt form, the
oysters being poached in their own
liquor until the gills c rl, when they
are drained of moisture and used for
the foundation of .he sandwich. If
preferred oyster club i ndwiches may
be served with Russia! dressing In­
stead of mayonnaise, ns the addition
of the tomato flavor in he chili sauce
is particularly agrees! - with oysters,
either fried or poached.
Sardine club sandwich is made
of large boned sardin s sprinkled with
lemon juice and arranged as usual
and finely cut lobsti r. either hot or
cold, offers still another variety.
The egg club sandwich is usually
served with a basis of an egg fried on
both sides, and seasoned well with
salt, pepper and paprika before the
other materials for the sandwich are
added. Hard-boiled- eggs, sliced or
chopped, result in a sandwich less
rich. In both cases the eggs should
be served hot
It’s the “Favorite”—the first Grafonola ever
offered at its price or anywhere near it. We
believe it is the best that can be constructed and sold at the
price, or near it -the first instrument of the enclosed type
offered at anything like its price, and capable of all the
tonal quality of the $200 Instruments.
HE 24 «rlection« on the 12 doob'e-disc ree-
urda includ« the famou« "Rijroletto”
Quartette and also the splendid ‘Lucia’*
Sextette, for which two «elections alone
many talkinr machine owner« have had to
pay $13. Or your own selection of records
will be supplied.
No othter instrument has built up for it­
self the tremendous voiruo of the “Favor-
it».'* The cabinet work is of the highest
poasib e craftsmanship—the wocsd used be­
ing either selected grain quartered golden
oak. fumed oak. Early English oak. or
strongly marked genuine mahogany, hand
A guarantee slip goes with every in­
Bk^r-The Whole outfit subject to three days’ approval and your money
back if you do not find the “Favorite” all that we claim for it.
D ui/ding
□roadway at Aider Ot
AH The Makes And All The Records All The Time.
“If I were a fanner boy, or a boy wit!z-
»nt capital, and wanted an early compe
tency. I'd atart right out growing Pota-
toe»,* 1’ said Henry Schroeder, the Potato
king of the Red River Valley, whose story
in the John A. Salzer Seed Co.’s Catalogue
reads stranger than a romance.
That advice of Mr. Schroeder’», the self-
made Potato king, comes from a warm
heart, a level head, an active hand, and
above all, a successful Potato grower!
Mail Orders Given Special Attention
Economy Helps.
In most households greater economy
of time and energy can be practiced
by cooking larger amounts of food at
one time, and this means a saving in
the fuel bills as welL
Enough mayonnaise dressing for all
the salads you will make In a week
can be made on one day. It is just as
easy to cook a kettleful of potatoes
that will last two days as it Is to pre­
pare only enough for the midday
There Is hardly a vegetable one can
think of that cannot be cooked in
large quantities to advantage and that
will not lend itself readily to warming
over in a variety of ways, ^nd on
those days when the oven Is being
used for baked dishes in which ths
vegetables play an important part
double portions of puddings should
be baked.
What is not required that day can
be served a few days later, steamed
over the vegetable pot. and It will be
just as appetizing, if not more so, as
if freshly made.
I cannot call riches better than the
For Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, baggage of virtue; the Roman word la
Sluggish Liver and Bowele—They
better, impedimenta; for as the ba*
work while you sleep.
gage is to an army, so is riches to
Furred Tongue, Bad Taste, Indiges­ virtue; it cannot be spared nor left
tion, Sallow Skin and Miserable Head­ behind, but it hindereth the march;
aches come from a torpid liver and yea, and the care- of it sometime*
clogged bowels, which cause your loseth or disturbeth the victory; ot
stomach to become filled with undi­ great riches there is no real use, ex-
gested food, which sours and ferments 1 cept It be in the distribution; the rest
like garbage in a swill barrel. That's is but conceit.—Bacon.
the first step to untold misery—indi­
gestion, foul gases. Lad breath, yellow
skin, mental fears, everything that is
horrible and nauseating. A Cascaret
tonight will give your constipated
bowels a thorough cleansing and
straighten you out by morning. They
work while you sleep—a 10-cent box
from your druggist will keep you feel­ A Function Greatly Assisted
ing good for months.
Helping Kidneys
By Clearing Blood
Dressy Collegians.
To make wood fireproof, slack a
small quantity of fresh lime and add
VBtSF until it has the BMBlBtBM) of
cream; stir well and add one pound
of alum. 12 ounces of commercial
potash and about one'pound of salt.
Fruit Cream.
Stir again and apply while hot. Two
Cook the Juice of three lemons and
or three coats will keep wood fire­
three oranges with two cupfuls of
proof for many months.
sugar, set aside to cool. Soften two
tablespoonfuls of gelatin with milk,
Fast on the Wing.
Homing pigeons In calm weather then beat over hot water until dis­
can travel at a speed of 1,200 yards a solved Whip two cupfuls of cream,
minute. With a brisk wind prevail­ add the fruit Juice and gelatin, stir
ing and blowing in the direction of its until well blended, then pile high in
flight, a pigeon has been known to a deep dish or mold If preferred.
make 1,900, yards a minute.
ths food roaches the stomach It Is subjected to a peculiar^
churning movement by the muscular walla of the stomach’*—(3**^
TAr ¡’iiiron'ii Mmlii'al Ailaisor nao-n Af.k In the*
A complete modem disc Grafonola
Do You Know, Mr. Farmer,
there is more money in five acres of Pota­
toes year in and year out than in anything
you can grow on your farm, and the grow­
ing of Putatoes now, with present machin­
ery’. etc., is easy. It’s regular Fourth of
July fun!
Salzer’s Creations in Seed Corn put
Wisconsin on the Corn Map with its as­
tonishing yields!
Headquarter» for Oats, Barley, Clover».
For 10c In Poetage
Ws gladly mail our Catalog VggffSSl
aud sample package of Ten Fa-
tnous Farm Seeds, including
Speltz, ''The Cereal Wonder;”
Oats. "The Prize Winner;” Bil-
lion Dollar Grass; Teosinte,
the Silo Filler, etc., etc.
Or Send 12c
And we will mail you our
big Catalog and six generous
package* of Early Cabbage.
Radish. Onion—furnishing lota
and lots of juicy delicious
Vegetables during the early
Spring and Summer.
Or send to John A. Salzer
Seed Co., Box 720
Crosse, Wl»., twenty cents
end receive both above colleo-
tlons and tbeir big
Patience—"An automobile repair
course has been added to the curricu­
lum of an Iowa agricultural college.”
Patrice—"Now, In speaking of college
togs, don't forget the overalls.”—Yon­
kers Statesman.
To Clean Copper.
Copper articles that have become
discolored can be made to look new
again by rubbing them with lemon
dipped in salt and afterward rinsing
in clear hot water and polishing with
a soft cloth.
Yov C«<» Gel Allen*; .*oot-Caae FREE.
Write Aliens. Olm»ted,Le Roy, N. Y., for»
tree sample ot Allen’» Foot-Ease. It cure»
•wealin«, hot swollen, aching feet. It make»
new or tight »hoe» easy. A certain cure for
corn», ingrowing nail» and bunion». All drug­
gist» Mil IL 25c. Don’t accept any »ubetitutv.
With Provisos.
"Well, we'll tell you. George, frank­
ly. You can marry on |500 a year,
yes. Provided you have saved your
last year's salary, and likewise pro­
vided you can get your next year's
salary in advance.”
The Real Thing.
An aim in life is the only fortune
worth the finding, says Stevenson;
and it is not to be found in foreign
lands, but in the heart itself.
Skunke Enemies of Caterpillar«.
A new field of usefulness has been
found for the much-ridiculed skunk in
the fact that It is a vigorous enemy of
the full-grown range caterpillars.
Birds are of no service whatever In
destroying these large caterpillars, but
skunks devour quantities of them, and
Steamed Dried Beef.
this is another reason why these little
Here Is an unusual recipe, but a very creatures Bhould receive more consid­
good one. Prepare a spiced vinegar ae eration than they now do.
for fruit pickles, only less highly sea
soned. Cut very, very thin slices ol
The Submarine.
dried beef in narrow strips, diamond
To get a submarine ready for diving
or any fancy shape, and cut with seis water is admitted into the "ballast”
sors. Steam the beef In the vinegat tanks. To keep the vessel on an even
for one hour. Serve hot with toasted keel water is taken Into the "trim­
ming tanks.” By means of these
tanks the vessel is made to sink or
rise, and to preserve the right position.
Stuffed Celery.
And There Are Others.
Wash tender celery hearts and put
them into cold water to become crisp
The only actress who is willing to
Mash fresh cream cheese, then adc admit that she does not know all
chopped nuts and chopped olives t< about acting Is she who has been at It
Stuff the celery just befori all her life.—Margaret Nybloc.
serving and serve with toasted crack
Optimistic Thought.
If you mean to profit learn to please.
By a Well-Known
Try Murine Fye Remedy for Red. Weak. Watery
Eyea and Gianulated Eyelkla; No Smarting—
iust-Eye Comfort. Write for Book of ,he Eye
>y mail Free. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago.
I should say sincerity, a deep, great,
genuine sincerity, is the first charac­
teristic of all men in any way heroic.
Most reader» will be lnfer-itrf to mor*
clearly understand why analymi of urina la
so Important.
In the use of 8. S. S. »•
purify the blood, its action is a stimulant
to the myriad of fine blood vessels tbst
make up the constructive tissues of the
All the blood from sll aver the
body must rasa through the kidneys. They
act as testers snd »»savers. And sceordla*
to what they allow to pass out in the trine,
both as to quantity and material», tha
health ot the kidneys ant the quality of the
bliM>d Is determined.
The catalytic energy
forced by 8. 8. 8. Is shown In the nrine.
It Is also demonstrated In the skin.
as the blood continues to sweep through
the kidneys the
domlnntlng nature at
8. 8. 8., aettn-r as ft does through all the
avenues of elimination, shows a marked
decrease of dieease manifestations as denw
onstrated by urine analysis.
Tills a«sl»t-
ance Is a great relief to the kidneys.
body wastes are more evenly distributed ta
the emunctorles; their elimination is stim­
ulated by the tonic action afforded tha
liver, lungs, akin and kidneys.
Thus, la
cases of rheumatism, cystitis, chronic sora
throat, husklness of voice, bronchitis, asth­
ma and the myriad ot other reflex indlcm
tlons of weak klilncy action, first purify
your blond with 8. S. S.. so It will cnabla
the tissues to rebuild the cellular strength
and regain the normal health.
8. 8. 8. Is prepared bv The Swift Spechts
Co. 52? Swift Bldg.. Atlanta. Ga. and If
you have any deep-seati-d or obstinate blood
trouble, write to their Medical Dept tea
free advlee.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
Keep Up the Fight.
This alone is thy concern, to fight
manfully, and never, however mani­
Human Doormats.
fold thy wounds, to lay down thin*
Some men could be sized up in two arms, or to take to flight.—Lorens*
Human doormats.—Florida i Scupoli. .
The Medicine of Life.
A faithful friend is the medicine of
You can prevent this loathsome disease from running
through your stable an 1 cure all the colts suffering with It
when you begin the treatment.
No matter how young.
SPOHN'S Is safe to use on any colt. It 1» wonderful now It
prevents all distempers, no mutter how colts or horses at
any age are "exposed.'
All good druggists and turf good*
houses and manufacturers sell SPOHN’S at 50 cents and It
a bottle: $5 and «10 a dozen. SPOHN MEDICAL CO., Chem-
lata and Bacteriologlata, Goshen, Ind., U. S. A.
For Removing Machine Grease.
To remove machine grease iron
delicate fabrics use cold water, am
monla and soap. This will not causr
the color to run.
Qalat mot« goods fast«» and brtchltr coIota than any «that dyt. Bvtrr packa«t guatantttd to colot Silk. Wool, Cotton end Mistd Good» at ont boiling. 10 tana*
gackago. Write Nt fm booklet ~H bw to Dy« and Mis Colas»,“ caltndas. Mottets. «to.
MONBOB DRUG COMPANY. Dtsattmont Z. Qutocv. Utotte