Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, February 11, 1915, Image 4

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Entered a* *rex»nd Claw Matter February I#, l#14.
At portothce. I*nU, Own. Underact of .March A, 1*7®
Published Every Thureday at lenta. Ore., by the Mr. Srorr P tbushim « C o .
H. A. D a RNALL, Enrrvva
Office Phone: Horae R4111-1U1.
M amaobm .
Residence Tabor $43
NE of the big problems that to accept or take
is now facing congress is
” in
the origin and disposal of an SO
million deficiency. This deficien­
cy. it is stated, is largely due to
- ------
postal service innovations, par­
The old-fashioned “Deestnk
ticularly’ parcel post extension. .Meetin” for the city of Portland
The recent order permitting has been relegated to the scrap
packages weighing up to 50 heap, thanks to a benignant
pounds to be carried by parcel legislature.
post is costing more than it pro­
duces. Any sane man should ROTES Of THE W. C. T. U.
have forseen that.
When it
comes tn sending bulky products At the meeting of Mt. Scott I'nnvn
like flour in 50 pound sacks, etc., held on Jan 26th. the president. Mrs
by mail there is bound to be Nett* Dunbar. announced that the -tate
double loss.
The government «ecretary called lier by phone and «.«Led
must lose. The railroads and that our union take action upon a mat­
transportation must feel the less ter reported in tlie morning paper of
of legitimate freights, to offset* that date In the diectMuon which iol-
which they reduce running ex­ lowvd, the county preaident. Mrs.
The government can­ Sleeth. being piece nt. took part. Mem­
not reduce running expenses. It bers of ll* union were asked to write
is proposed to cut the wages of letters to different people in the iegtria-
rural deliverymen. That looks ture. The superintendent of the Pres»
like the suggestion of an in­ department rent tiie following letter to
competent With the work of Marion Towne and received the ,ub-
the free deliveryman about joined reply:
doubled it is proposed to cut his “Upon requert 4 Mr- Lucia Eason
wages. In many places now the Additon. who assures me you are an
deliveryman's expenses have open minded and approachabie member
Where he former­ of the legislature in compliance with
ly drove a one-horse hack he instruction.« from the Mt. Scott W C.
now uses a four horse dray. The T. T this letter is written to call your
only rational thing to do is to attention to certain facts pertaining to
limit the size of packages to 20 the law regarding the teaching of physi-
pounds maximum, and absolute­ i ology in the public reboot*
ly forbid the shipment of more “In the legislative report of Jan. 2Mh.
than that weight of any article it state* that you propose to *upt*-rt the
from any one individual or firm Schenbel bill because of the use in the
to any other single individual or public school of Ritrhre » Pnmer of
firm within a month.
Shipping Sanitation.' a publication which you
are reported as saying, "lays undue
a season’s product of seed com rmpliane upon germ« and germ lite and
from A to B. if broken up in the cause« of iireareand arourew a mor-
small packages, is an imposition hid curi'TBity in the mind* ot chi Lire«. '
on the public service and should The women of the ■rgaaiaation which I
re-prerent cannot heliere you would des­
be stopped at once.
Health In The Suburbs
a ." ..m. a T"." —~
- «——
A young child fret habitually on im-at.
been» tried |x»latoea, <<g«, cake, pie
and prvrervv. and drinking either cof­
fee. tea. chocolate or cocoa, ha» to poe
«ere a »troug conatitutiiui to grow up
And it it Achh-i»» ttii* victory over un-
wise luanagi-ne iit it i, at tbe mender of
mental and inoral «ievrlopnient. '»ch a
child will grow np dull, heavy, with an
exorm of the animal and a deficiency ot
tbe higher human
A arnailively or-
ganired child, however, led in thia way
rarely aurvivea ehihlbood and never
with vitality autfb ivnt to carry him
beyond middle life
lA-ath uaually
eonwa in childhood or early youth front
croup, «cartel fever, meaalee. wtevoping
cough, dipthena >vr itibrrvnkwi« When
tbe youngater'» condition haa brrn ag
gravated by vaccination, it incre-aww the
chance of dying of dipthena mrniugui.
or tuhrrenluaia.
It i* «trange that many parent» ahow
lea* judgaaent in rearing their children
than in raving calve». pig», chicken» or
colt» A two-year-old child lately came
under my ol«rervati->o, haa been f*d the
line of food mentioned
She ia pot­
bellied. but otherwise thin and flabby
Her color ia bad and *br u> crimpy stir
ia alm quiet an-! inactiv* and tut.« br--n
thought a model ebiid twane •> rarity
uiauag,*! Having juat fallen into more
intelligent Land*. I »hall watch her care
with interest knowing that three tiHinti-«
of wise care will make another t»-ing of
her. She will hwe hrr paaneby, rib-
ahowmg figure, recover color
and become as energetic and active a-
healthy children alway* are
croupmere and catarrhal eonditi-wi will
alao di*apprar, tlina li-reeiitng her liabili­
ty to dipthena
The chief diet of children who have
lareii «van«! »hoilld vunatat of w I ki I v -
meal bread in U»«l<-ration with vege
table« and fruda to tiie extent ol the
child'» appetite. Milk and butter may
be ire*l in nMxleratioti egg« rarely, and
meat ia better omiUrtl until tiie child ia
well grown and then ured but rarely
and moderately >ugar ia pro'iaNy tiie
moat demoralir ng thing t'xiav f«*l to
chihiren. Aa ured. it la >»nly comparable
with tliee fleet of alcoholics on the adult
And yet temperance people go breeding
up a ge neral ion to crave strong drink
through the ore of thia hunger cloying
oxygen-robbing »uhrtanw.
Tbe .'orrvet pre,»aration and combin­
ing of to.*! 1» an important and neglect­
ed an
Ignorance and renauahty go no
farther than demanding that food »hall
gratify the palate and be plentiful, and
this ia ao tar the chiel aim of diet teach­
er» and prefereional cook» 1 Urease and
rice are the legitimate result
Perfectly Reliable
Banking Institution
U. •
Ttiere i» somathing wnmg wiUi a child
« h<> dues not want to »pend most <>f lu»
time outdoore Let tiie normal chikiren
ont and contrive amurement for the ab­
normal tfiM will enax thetn out.
tvet tliera frwtn the ram and encourage
the «utiioor hfe.
(Mr*. Mule will answer questions of
genera! interest |*rtaining in hsalth
an-l cure. Same and addre«« of mquir-
er must be sent but will i ot be pub-
lished )
troy a gool law. one that has operated
HE miners of the state com­ very largely in the character building of
the citizens of Oregon. we cannot be-
plain that their business has , lieve you would kill this benificent law
suffered thousands by the action for the foolish reason that the board se­
of the “Blue Sky Law.” That lecting the text l»»ks b-r the -tate chose
is just what was intended by the a book that does not meet with the ap­
people who passed this law. proval of aoa>e mother* of children with
morbid tendMMWB.
W- old it not he
There is probably no other line more in keeping with modern thought
of promotion work in the country to take rteps to change a text book
where as many people are rather than kill a beneficial law’ As a
fleeced as in the disposition of matter of fact, i* it not better that a
mining stock —unless it be real child have even “morbid curiosity''
along the I in«- of good health than
estate. Not only are mines that it have no thought at all with refer­
“salted” but they are “faked” ence to the cane and preservation of the
in an unlimited number of other body.
ways. The stock is sold to peo­ ■' From every quarter come» the assur­ “The Yellow Ticket” at Heilic Theatre, Week Beemmnc Sunday Feb. 14
“Tbe Yellow Tii ket," one of tb<- lugg—« «ucceree» of tbe reason, will be the
ple who trust entirely to the ance that boys and girls are Jost to de­
cency and self-respect and thence on to
at the Heilig Theatre. Br -adway at Taylor street» for 7 nights, begin­
printed prospectus, an oily pro­ d—-as»- and destruction through ignor­
ning Sun<fay. February 14. Special price matinees will be given Wednesday
moter. or to chance, it makes lit­ ance Men and women laboring for ti»e
and Saturday
tle difference which. It is ad­ uplift of society pray that tbe youth of
envelope to help insure safe return. Box
mitted that every dollar taken the state, or the nation, he taught the
“Ihe ïelKm Ticket”
out of mining has cost at least a simple truths regarding the holy temple “The Yellow Ticket.” which cornee to office «aie open» Thursday. February
of the body that it may be kept holy
Mining consists es­ Jails, reformatories, house« of ill repute, the Heilig Theatre. Broadway at Taylor, lidi
sentially of two processes. Dig­ are filled with the children of parents for reven nigtite. iieginning Sunday.
ging a hole into the ground into who refused to teach their children the February 14th (St Valentine’s Bay) rut LIVf K RtGLUlfS IHt BODY
which unsuspecting people dump simple truth«, protecting tiiecn from fol­ with special price matinee« Wednerelay A SlLGWStt LIVtR Mt OS GA kt
an ! Saturday, is a powerful play which
Simeone has «aid that people with
their money, and collecting this lowing the paths of sins.
“Shall the state follow in the foot­
money and turning a good pro­ prints of irresponsible parents, or is the every one should see, hear, enjoy, talk Chronic Liver Complaint should be shut
about and reniember. It ran for a --lid
away from humanity, for they are
portion of it over to the promot­ obligat.on of the «tate to «aieg-iard her year at the Eltmge Theatre. New York, up
(»remire and see through a “glass
ers as their “velvet” on the eitizens a duty to be shirked? May we before capacity audience».
darkly.” Why’ Because mental states
not rely upon you Vo retain the laws
The cart of "The Yellow Ticket” is a -ie,s-nd upon physical states. Billiouoewa.
nerve they have put into it
It includes such well Headacts-a. Ilizsinea* and Constipation
The miners have reason to be !>ared upon s-cind moral principles, up­ notable one
on safe peycboiogiixi reasoning, upon known players as Belle Mitchell, War­
d'sappear after using I»r. King's New
hard hit and it won’t hurt any­ civic punty and «octal nplift."
ner'»land. Edward Foley. Louis Hart­ Life Pills. 25c at yonr Druggist.
one if they do squirm around
man. John Ravold. Dorntny
Hall of Representative». *<iem. Feb­ Reginald Carrington, Arthur Maitland
SIM Reward. SIM
ruary 3, 1915—“Dear Madam
I have and other*.
Tbe res<i--r» of this p»prr will t>
Judge Stevenson handed a sa­ your letter of recent date and replying to A Jewish girl. Marya Varenka, to ea- pleaaed
to learn that there Is at least ore
dlseare that science ha» t-eer
loon-keeper fifty days in jail the tbe »am*, wish to aay that you have evi­ eape Pale of Settlement in Russia to flreadeil
able to cure In all Its stage«, and that I-
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is tbe onh
other day. because he sold a dently teer. mi«ir:formed in regard to visit her sick father in St. Petersburg, powttve cur»
new known to the medirs
Catarrh bem< a - »-nstltutiona
drunk man liquor. The saloon
a constitutional treat
Halt s Catarrh Cure is taken In
man said it was non-intoxicating ing phy«ology in tbe reboot«. I mart the meaning of it« fearful penalty. She ■ tnent
emphatically believe that it «teould be discovers the truth when the police try trivially, acting directly upon th» blood
muoous surfa< -• of the system there
dope put up for such cases, but ta ight—in tbe nght way. but am op- to drive her into a life of shame She and
by destroying the foundation of the dis
and giving the patient strength »"
the judge told him to “forget pneed to the text-book now in ore in tbe seek« tbe lie*.I of the Secret Police, a ea»».
bunding up the constitution and asals’ln» 1
it.” A drunk man will have fifth or eixth grade. and it war upon Baron Andrey, for protection. He offers nature In doing Its work The proprietor-
have so much faith in Its curative poa
some chance in Portland if that thia book that I made my fight and not this protection in return for tier honor. ere that they offer One Hundred Dollar
any rase that it falls to cure. Ben.
upon the eubject. The Committee on She refuses him.
He forcea hia ad­ tor
for list of testimonial*
sort of justice prevails.
Education hope» that it haa found a
Address r 1 CHKNET a CO. Toledo O
The bill just passed by the way out of tbe dilemma we found ‘■«ur-
face to fare with wnen thia ques­
school« relvee
tion arore. and it became neceeeary for
boards to pay lady teachers as n» to take a «land upon tiie matter and
much as they do men is abojt as I truet our relation will meet tbe ap
big a piece of sop as has ever proval of tbe W C T. I’., for we all
been put over this session. It recognize the wonderful work tbia or­
haa done, and would do
was promoted to win women ganization
nattnag to auntoiiz*- >•- •
support Those promoting it
Yoon very cordially.
have future ambitions but what
Maras B. Towne. “
good will the bail do. There is
no reason why a board may not Doreobaeber Farntture Co., Port-
cut a man’s wages to minimun and. will enlarge ito plant with a tog
and pre the ladies the chance •tory concrete factory.
vances. and site kills him. She ia or­
dered to Siberia.
A yonng American
newspaper reporter, Julian Rolfe, trie»
to intercede in her behalf.
He ia alao
arrested and ordered to Siberia
< »nly
tie intmenb'in of tbe An»eriean Am­
bassador navea them both. “The Yel­
low Ticket“ is made up of there thril­
ling incidente
It is fearieae in ite in-1
ception. rutMeaa in ite realism and
hold* a universal ap,-eal.
It ia a play
long to I» retueru breed
Mail order* received now. Addreaa
letter*, make check» and tnoney-ordrt»
payable to W. T Pangie Mgr Rtolig
Theatre Encloae self add reare! »tamped
•old t>y all rwuscisre tke
Take Hair* Family plus for constlsatioe
Do We Print!
I RY US—-we are readv
supply you with all sorts of
Stationery and Printing
Try Us When Wanting*
Letter Heads,
Bill Heads,
Wedding Stationery
and all sorts of
Prices Reasonable
Mt. Scott Pub. Co.
The Mt. Sbott Herald
Wt,en you catch OoM. or I»-gin to
Cough, the first thing to do ia to take
Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey. It pene­
trates Uie lin<ng* of tbe Throat and
Lang* and fights tbe Germs of tbe
Disease, giving quick relief aod natural :
healing “Oar whole family depend on
Pine-Tar Hooey lor Cough* and Cold».'' i
writes Mr E. William*. Hamilton.
Ohio. It alway« help*
2bc at your 1
5810 Main St. Lents, Ore.
•1 ♦
r. nA