Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, February 04, 1915, Image 4

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    K. B Butan haa bought the busin«**
of the Leute Fuel Co.
Hand Furniture
106 Main Street
Smallpox ia in evidence at the Hogan
home, 6311,96th «(reel.
All church, soviet?. persons! and local news
not published lor prodl, tree, notices ot »a-
Isrtalnsicnls. conducted lor petal. published
at a Me minimun. ol SO wools. Announce-
m.uls and card
thanks, same rale. Adver­
tising rate, quoted on request.
Donald Furey is putting in a section
of new door at the Katskv store.
Washed Graded Gravel
Plastering Sand
82nd St. and 45th Ave.
Phone Tabor 2063
By Peter RadforU.
Lecturer National rareisre' t'nio«
Tl.e Mt. Scott Drug Co., ha* just
H. E. Irish ia engaged on eoiilraet
ceived a two ton shipment of paint.
work at Flavvi.
— -a—»»
Herald and Daily and Sunday Journa
Vero Irish is running a jitney wagon
on the west side.
0. N. Kenworthy of Sherwood
visiting his son. A. I». Kenworthy.
Members of the Eastern Star gave a
social Wednesday evening that waa well
attendisi and highly enjoyed.
Chas. Holway, the popular Saginaw
Heights groceryman. haa just added a
new Ford delivery car to his delivery
department, thus insuring quick deliv­
ery to his patrons.
PKoe Tabor JJ84
Resideecc 211 N. Main St. Lenta. Or*.
'|’HE chances are that you’re a
prett9 goed driver. You under­
Edward Mills
stand your automobile thorou^b.lj)
and under ordinary circumstances
can give it all the attention it needs.
Mt. Si»n Lean and Portland
That’s the Yankee in us!
But you haven’t Ju? time or tools
perhaps to f.x a ieakj) radiator, a
broken valve stem, a loose bee ring
—or are? number of unusual things
ihat arc apt to happen.
There' s where v;e can serve you.
Our repair a. rimer.t is corrplete and
in charge of ccnnetent workmen. Our
pnccs are rccrrr. cle an 4 the work we de
is guaranteed to give satisfaction.
Baggage and General Hauling,
Trunks 50c Each
Leave Baegage Check and Address
at Plummer Drug Store.
Third and Madison St.
Tr> i.s the r-. -’ time you n e.1 hdp—
or w ’ : n you need tire» or auto acce-. c- :
Caine on Goodric/t Tires?
P atents
Lents Garage
T radì marks
D esigns
C opyrights A c .
Foster Road
Anyoo« »ending a »koteto and daaeripCInn n ■V
qafefcly aaeartaâa oar opinion fraa whether an
invention ta probably patentable, ( oboqi
none strictly confidential. HfiMCBOCM on Pat
tent free. Oldest agency for »ecurtn< patent
Patents taken tbroush Mann A Co. ree
•pariai fwlKt, wit boat charge, m
J. P. Finley&Son
Scientific American.
A handsomely lllnetrated weekly.
Funeral Directors
Montgomery and Fifth St
One Place of Business Only
Tabor 3614
Main Office
Phone Main 9
A-1599 x
Wagon Repairing and General
Matt Greenslade, Foster Road
fl. D. Kenworthy and Co. Inc.
Foeral Directors, Embalmers
TABOR 6267
Th« recent action of the Interalat«
Ctmmerc« Commlasloii In granting an
Increase In freight rate« tn the eestora
A. H. Harria, formerly of the Labor classification of territory, the nppitca-
non of th* road» tn »tate and inter
Pre*», wa* a tant* visitor Thursday.
■late cominlasloua for an Increaa* la
ratoa, and the utterances of President
J. B. Farrot Raymond, Washington, Wilson qn the subject bring the firm­
haa bought out the Simon’s coofaction- er* of this nation fnea to fee« with tbs
problem of an lacreaee tn freight
rate« It la th« polk y of the Farmers'
i Union te meet the Issues affecting tbe
Pat Morgan, formerly of Lenta, io welfare ot tbe tnrmrra squarely «nd
proprietor of a garage at Suaanville, we will do so In this Instance.
Tbe transportation fnclllllea of <ta
I United States are Inadequate to *6
tectivsly meet tbe demand* of com­
Clarence (Jimmy) Baker haa been merce and particularly la the Bomb
laid up this week with a spell of »ick- aud West additional railway mlleag*
I is needed to accommodate tbe move­
ment of farm producta If la the wt»
lorn of our Railroad Cmmmlasions aa
The Federal wire lea» -tation at Lenta, Increase In freight rates la necessary
eloeed for eeveral montha, haa lieen re­ to bring about an Improvement In our
transportation service, and at> exten­
opened for bneinree.
sion of our mileage, then an Increase
should be granted, and the farmer la
WANTED—A good reliable man or willing to share such proportion of
woman to solicit subneiptions. Enquire the Increase aa justly belongs to him.
but we hsve some suggestion* to make
at Herald office.
as to the mauner In which thia ue
crease shall be levied.
Geo. Haddon of 9ft SI, 56th avenue.
(Gilbert road) died early Thursday
The freight rates of tbe nation have
Mis* Myrtle Chandler of Elgin, Ore., been built up along lines of least r»
has been visiting this week with Mrs. slatance. The merchant, tbe manie
facturer. the miner, tbe miller, the
! C. F. Horner, of lent*.
lumberman and tbe cattleman
ti-xd their traffic bureaus thoroughly
Norman, the six year old son of Mr. organised and In many instance* they
. and Mrs. Edward Tate, had the tiristor- have pursued the railroad without
. cune to break both Is>tie* of the forearm mercy and with tbe power of organ-
! las' Saturday.
lit-,: kevnage they have hammered the
life nut of tbe rates and with unre­
strained greed they have eati-n the
Letter heads, envelopes, cards, bill
vital» out of our transportation system
bea<is, auction notices and posters,
and since we have had railroad com­
dodgers, announcements, etc, at Mt missions, these Interests, with skill
Scott Pub. Co., office, Lenta.
and cunning, are represented at every
bearing in which their business la
F. R. Foster and wife write* from Involved.
Tbe farmer Is seldom represented
Long Beach, Calif., telling of a splen­
at rale hearings, as hia organizations
did time they are having in that sunny
have never bad the finance» to etn-
southern city.
ploy counsel to develop bla aide of
tbe case and. aa a result, the products
UNUSUAL BARGAIN— A «-room of the plow bear an unequal burden
house and lot, a block from car line. of the freight expense. A glance at
Owner will take $700 cash.
Tabor tbe freight tariffs abundantly proves
this assertion. Cotton, the leading
agricultural product of tbe South, al­
Mise Dora Meyer* and Joe Laubner, ready bears tbe highest freight rate of
of Seward Alaska, were married Wed­ any necessary commodity In com­
nesday evening at the German Luther­ merce, and tbe rate on agricultural
products as a whole Is out of pro
an Church, 12th and Clinton.
portion with that of the products of
tbe factory and the mine.
The Ladies Aid of the M. E. Church
We offer no schedule of rates, but
will hold a Tea and social gathering at hope tbe commission will be able to
the home of Mrs Nellie Woodworth, give tbe railroad such an Increase In
corner Moth and Gorden street. on rates as Is necessary without levying
Members, a further toll upon tbe products ot
Wednesday, February 10.
tbe plow. The Instance seems to pre­
friends and strangers invited.
sent an opportunity to the Hallroad
Attorney C. Louis Barzee. with öftere
I next to the Multnomah Suu- Bank, has
lieen kept very busy during the past ten
days. in the preparation and examina­
tion of land titles, in which line lie has
had a large experience.
Mr. Barzee
says that hie business has grown rapid­
ly since he began last October.
Superintendent L> R. Alderman will
be the speaker at a community meeting
the evening of Feb. 19, at 8 o'clock at
the sch'-ol house.
He will talk on
“What the Portland Schools are Do-
ing.’’ There will be a quartette. Mr.
and Mrs. W. O. Ash, Mrs. Erwin Sella
and Ralph Sperrow.
Mias Burna' claaa
will give one number, All parents are
invited to be present.
People along Powell Valley, 92d street
and 45th avenue have grown weary
listening to talk about a car line.
mors of this nature have Ireen going the
rounds for the past five years, and out­
side of a few grade stakes the line
is yet invisible. Hence they will wel­
come a chance to patronise a jitney ser­
vice that is being talked up for those
places. While tbe service is not certain
an effort is being made to bring it
$500 Reward—
Hyland Bros.
School Books, New and Second Hand
170 Fifth St
211 Second St.
in stamps Wtrto-|otirJ*L0f ahûgo
i&ffgS ,Com|tmy CALWOKmAl
To the persona who do not get their
moneys worth at Chester's Union Kani-
tary Barber Shop. All work specialised
and strictly sanitary.
Baths and Shining parlor open Bun­
days from 8 to 12 a. tn.
Fresh line of cigars and tobaccos.
The big reform bills to reduce over-1
head expense« half a million were in-
, troduced last week at Belem.
There are five big measures to con­
solidate boards and commissions and
| abolish useless functions.
One of these bills will consolidate all
tbe medical boards and commission*
and State Board of Health.
Another is to put up all the domestic
animal and state live stock inspection
boards under one head—animal in­
Six boards of regents snd commis­
sions dealing with higher education are
; to be consolidated into one Board of
- Education.
These bills are backed by a joint I
, committee on consolidation measures
headed by speaker Seiling and Presi-
i dent Thompson.
Commissions to equalise tbe rates as
between agricultural and other classes
of freight without disturbing the rate*
on staple farm producta
J. F. Heyting
Sewed or Nailed
against you in the above *nf
on or before March 6, 1916, \
being mor« than fl weeks from |
publication of thia summons, <
you tail so to appear, or ol\
plead, for want thereof, th« ii
will apply to th« above entitled I
for the relief prayed for In her \
plaint ou tile herelu, to-wit: For \
i-ree of the above entitled Court ds 1
ing void the marriage between you V
plaintiff for the reason that at the lirns
ol mid marriage you had a wife living|
also asking aaid Court for an older re­
storing to plaintiff bar name prior to
tar marring« with you. and for such
other ami further relief as may be
proper in the premleM, all of which Is
more fully eet out In her oomplalut on
tile herein.
This summons Is tiled upon you by
rublicallon thereof in the Ml. Scott
lerald, published omw a week for 0
consecutive week», pursuant to an order
of the Honorable Robert G. Morrow,
Judge of aaid Circuit Court.
Dated January 21, 1916.
First publication January JI. 1916.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Expert Shoe Repair
Rubber Heels
Save tbe Nerves,
We Have Them
SALE—PsHslws. Polishers.
sad OUs.
Shining Parlor in Connection
Corner Main and Foater Road
In the County Court of the HtaU- of
Oregon for Multnomah County.
In the matter <rf the retale of Thomas
Preston. deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the under­
signed, Naoma Jane Preston, haa to-en
appointed executrix of the retate of
Tliomas Prealon, deceased, by th«- Coun­
ty Court of the State of (In-gon. for the
Comity of Multnomah, and has quali­
fied as such.
All ja-reons having claims against said
relate are tareliy notified to present the
same properly verified to Harry h t
Hall, ita attorney for sai l executor, al
«610 Footer Road, City of Portland,
Oregon, on or taforv six months from
date of tlx- first publication of this
Datai and first pubiiahed February
4, 191.5
Executrix of the estate of Thomas
Prrwton, deceased.
Attorney for said
estate, (1610 Foster Road, Portland, tire.
In the Circuit Court of the State ot
Oregon, for Multnomah County.
Allie Maderia, plaintiff, vs. George L.
Maderia, defendant.
To George L Maderia, the shovs nam-
e,l defendant.
In the name of the Slate of Oregon
you are hereby required to appear nnd
answer the complaint of plaintiff filed
In the Countv Court of the Sate of
Oregon for Multnomah County.
In the Matter of th« Eatat« of Hannah
Mavlwto* I >aa«*a>4aM*w1
Notice ia hereby given that the under-
sign«!, ..
James H. L. Msytae and I xm »
M Hedge I have been appointed execu-
tors of th« eatate of Hannah Maybee,
of th«
dece«a«d, by th« County
Court or
Stole <>f Oregon for th« County of
Multnomah, and havequallfl«d as such.
All [icraona having claims against
said eatat« are hereby notified to pres­
ent the same, properly verified, to J.
J. Johnaon, the attorney for said ex­
ecutors, at 314 Spalding Bldg., in the
City of Portland. Oregon, on or before
aix montha from and after date of the
first publication of thia notice.
Dated and first published January, 14
James H. L Maybee
Loeaa M Hedge,
Executors of the Estate of Hannah
Maytae, Deceaaed
J. J. Johnaon. Ally., for said Estate.
314 Spalding Bldg . Portland, Ore.
In ths Circuit Court of the Stet« of
Oregon, for Multnomah County.
Emma Pelton, Plaintiff, vs. Charta»
Henry Pelton. Defendant.
1 bar les Henry Pelton, the abov«
named <lefendant.
In the name of the State of Oregon you
are hereby required to appear and
answer or otherwise plead to the com­
plaint file,I herein against you In the
above entitled raum and C<>urt on or be­
fore the 1M|, dav of February, 1916,
which is more than sig weeks alter the
date of the first publication of this sum-
metis, and if you fail to appear and
answer, or otherwise plead to salt! com­
plaint, plaintiff will apply to th« above
entitled Court for the relief prayed for
in her complaint on file herein, namely
a decree ot divorce dissolving th« bonds
of matrimony now existing tatween yon
and plaintiff, and lor the restoration of
her name prior to her marriage to you,
and lor such other relief as may
seem equitable in the premises.
This summons is published in pur-
ana nee of an order of the Honorable
Hobt. (J. Morrow, Judge ot the Circuit
Court of the Blate of Oregon for Mult­
nomah County, made on ftecember 31,
1914, directing publication thereof to be
made in the Mt. Scott Herald once a
week for seven consecutive weeks.
First publication i twee tn tar 31, 1914.
last publication February 11, 1916.
John Van Zante, Attorney.
Cronolite Roofing
What la a Fair Ratet
We do not know what constitutes a
basis for rate making and have never
heard of anyone who did claim 10
knew much about It, but If the pros­
perity ot the farm is a factor to be
considered and the railroad commis­
sion concludes that an locreas* to
rates Is necessary, we would prefer
that It come to ua through articles ot
consumption on their journey from
the factory to the farm. We would,
tor example, prefer that the rate 00
nogs remain ns at present and the
rate on meat bear the Increase, for
any farmer can then avoid the burden
by raising bls own meat, and a farm­
er who will not try to raise hl* own
meat ought to be penalised
think the rate on coal and brick can
much better bear an Increase than w
Phone Tabor 1371
the rate on cotton and flour
Foster Road and Campbell Hta. lente Station, Portland, Oregon
would prefer that the rate on plows
remain tbe same, and machinery. ■wane
pianos and such articles as the poor­
er farmer cannot hope to possess bear
the burden of Increase.
Tbe Increase In rates should be so
arranged that the farmer who Ilves
at borne will bear no part of tbe bur­
den, but let the farmer who boards
In other states and countries and
who feeds bls stock In foreign lands,
(From Tested Cows)
pay the price of bls folly.
A Good Roof
A Low Price
Bought in Carloads direct from the
Get our prices on this Superior
Brand of Roofing before you place
your order.
J The Copeland Lumber Company
Milk and Cream
of first class Jersey Quality
Suitable for Babies
F a ; i M »I ;
Dolson’s Jersey Dairy
R. F. I). No. 1. Lents
Suits to Order
$15.00 and up
Foster Road Next Door
to P. O.
Lents Sta., Portland, Oregon
Best Patterns, Moderate
Prices, Neatest Styles
Cleaning and Pressing by
Skilled Workmep
John Manz, Lents, Ore