TREMONT, KERN PARK, ARLETA i ’The Churches < Arlela Baptist Church m. Bible Bchool. 7iu. Preaching service, A. W. Power» is Improving. p. m. Evening «ervice«, o m. B. Y. P. U. meeting. Miss Georgia Fawcett Is on the sick Prayer meetlug. everybody welcome to aoy and all of list. these services. Millard Avenue Presbyterian Church Ctiicken thieves have l*en at work around Tremont. 10 a. m. Sabbath Bchool. 11 a. m. Morning worship, Mr an no afternoon service. Boatwright, Bupt , L. Maflatt, Bee. Rev. O. W. Taylor, Rector. Several from Woodmere attended the taliernaele meeting« on Sunday. They Lents t vdihjelkdl Gharch report a large crowd and a helpful ser­ Hermon by the Pastor, 11 a. m. and mon. 7 :30 p. m. Sunday School 9:45 a. tn., C. 8. Brad­ Miss Mary Wilwerding of ftM'? 42.1 ford, Superintendent. Y. P. A. 6:90 p. m. Lowell Bradford, Ave. 8. E., has returned home from an President. extended visit to relatives at Yankton, Prayer meeting Thursday 8 p. m. Oregon. A cordial welcome to all. T. R Hornschueh, Pastor. The Young People’« interment Club was entertained by a lecture Monday Lents M. t. Church evening by C O. Collins, on “Young Preaching 11 a. tn. Services st Bennett Chapel M. E. People in Foreign Lands.’’ Church 3 p. in. Bunday Bchool 9:45. The PentecoeUI Prayer .Meetings held Epworth la«agm« fl :30. at the residence of Mrs. Alfred Johnson Prayet meeting Thursday 7:30 p m. Preaching services Sunday evening on Fifty-sixth avenue, Woodmere, are 7 45. growing in attendance and in interest. W. Boy bear fruit until It nttnln« the ot fifty years nr thereatsiuts «nd contln nr» to produce crop«» intermittently hi moat forever At least trees known to be hundred« of years old tiHVe pro dnced cro|m The pod« In whlcb the nuts are contained drop I d Novemnrr and Itecemher These |xn1« nre very hard «nd w«mrn several | ioihi e riod" In which the pod» nre dropping ■Ince It would be extreme!« Oaznrdous for the gatherers to el|«sv theiuselve« to the danger ot having the find« fal' "u them from such « great height En« h |«id 1» hi least seven inches n> diameter and is full ot lints The pod 1» usually opened with h machete —Ar gunaut ’S ------------------------------------------------------ a The Iatdy Maccabees of the World met Mr. and Mrs. Ix«elie Berke came out Ixird’s Day. Dec. 31, Bible School Friday the 22dat the home of Mrs. F. I. from Portland ami spent Sunday after­ 9:45 a. m. Marshall, 56.30, 4lst Ave., 8. E. The Morning worship, 11 a. m. noon with Mr Berke’s parents, Mr. and Elmo Heights Sunday Bchool, 2:30 afternoon was delightfully sja-nt play­ Mrs. P. J Berke ing five hundred and discussing a de­ p. m. 1. D. Chitwood was a Lents visitor licious luncheon. B Y P. U , 6:30 t> in. Evening worship, 7:30 p. tn. Monday. A cordial welcome to 4h<«se service«. Fred Matthias and Wm. Buchman J. M. Nelson, Pastor. There will be a me«'ting of young transacted business in the city Monday. ladies and girls of St Paul's church at Keith Kesterson attended church at the home of Nina Johnson, opposite the $100 Reward, $100 Gresham last Sunday. church, on Friday evening, to organise _ _________ ___ --J® b« The readers of tills paper will Lents «Baptist Church pleased to leurn nleaicd learn that there 1» Is at lea» leu 1 ‘ ■> > dreaded science ___ ___¿1 disease _____ __ that _____ I—— has b« •' abln to cur» In »11 It» »tax«», and that I Catarrh. Hall'» Catarrh Cure 1» the onl; positive cure now known to the medic» fraternity. Catarrh b«lnK a con«tltutlom dleeaae, require» a eonatltutlonal treni ment. Hall’« Catarrh Cure 1« taken In t«mally, actlnx directly upon ths bin., and mucoua «urface« of the syatem, th«r, by deatroylnc the foundation of the dli ea«e, and klvlnir the pntlent strength I, building up the constitution nnd asalstln nature In doing Its work. The proprietor have so much faith In Its curative pmv er» that they offer One Hundred Dollar for any ca»e that It fall« to cure. Soin for Hat of testimonials Akdr»«»: F J CHENEY A CO , Toledo. O Sold by all Dru«il«i». Tie Tab» Hall'« Family Pill« for eonailpatlmi PROFESSIONAL CAROS DR. JOHN FAWCETT Diseases of Women and Children a Specialty Pacific Tabor 3914 Local 2011 LODGE DIRECTO«! Shiloh drei« No. ID, Ladle« of G. A. R. meet» 1st and M Saturday «venina» tn I. O. O. F. hall, Lents. LI Hah Maffei, Pres., Carrie Ingles, Bee’y. President Wilson Will Visit Panama-Pacific Display of Nations via Panama Canal—Vanderbilt Cup Race and Grand Prix Will Be Held In San Francisco. By HAMILTON WRIGHT. ONDERFUL and novel amusements, parades »nd pngeauts of the oriental countries, auto and yacht races and athletic contents will be ob­ served upon a scale of unexampled magnitude and grandeur at the Pana­ ma Pac I fi c International Exposition. The extensive participation of Chins, Jspsn. Blsm and Indo and Cochin Chi­ na, when taken tn connection with the plans already made and with the Interesting oriental population of Ran Francisco, sutures such spectacles as have never before been seen In the Oc­ cident Pageants of miles tn length set off by wonderful floats and mar­ velous pyrotechnics will wind through the streets of Ran Francisco. There will be held throughout the W this event. The famous Kalt Ixtke Mormon choir, the deep toned plaintive ■ingéra of Hawaii and even a chorus of fifty Maortan «lnger» will take part In the choral events. At an expendl ture of 81.25O.(K)O the Exposition baa constructed a great Auditorium in the civic center of San Francisco, which will be uami by the great conventions and song festivals Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Crane will pr«*»ent their latest terpaicboreau novelty, the "Exposition Tango;” Mr Harry louder will «Ing the Exposition ballad The amusement section of the Ex­ position. the “Zone,” corresp onding to the famous “Midway” at the World's Columbian Exposition at Chicago, will carry out the purpose of the Exposition to give evei> feature a high educa­ tional value. tinentai railways The Grand Canyon concession ta built upon oo prodigious a scale that visitors will view the canvases from a standard gauge rail­ way cosch running on A standard gauge track. A huge working model of the Panama canal ta so extenalve that visitors seated In comfortable the­ ater chairs will be carried along the route of the canal upon a movable platform, and a dictaphone at the arm of each chair »rill describe each acene as it comes Into view A novel amuse­ ment feature will be provided by work­ ing submarine boats of sixty-five tons (Replacement, which will operate In an artlflctal lagoon. The Aeroscope, a huge Inverted pendulum, operating like a giant seesaw, wltb a great balancing weight on the short end and a car for passenger» at the extremity of its long- TREES. Mr. and Mrs. tiolden are parents of a little girl, born last week. As Mrs. 9:45 a. in. Bible Bchool, Clifford Bar­ Golden's father, Mr. Powers, is ill, the ker Superintendent. little stranger arrived at the home of 11 :00 a. tn Preaching service«, Mrs. Wesley Allen. fl:25 p. tn. Christian Endeavor. 7:30 p. m. Preaching Bervices. 8:00 p m. Thursday, mid week psaj noi juqM i«e8|a H. B. Lambert and wife of Rock prayer meeting. Xiotnaui aqi jo Xuia»)s v ton 'pu|ui Junior Christian Endeavor meets Creek, have lieen visiting Mrs. Lam- aqt jo 8u|do|aAdp v s| uoua.inpa Fri sy after school. bert’s parents, Mr and Mrs Hackmann A cordial welcome to all these ser­ of Myrtle Park, returning to their vice». Rev. John Riley, Pastor. ranch last Wednesday. | PLEASANT VALLEY f Lents friend’s Church Big International Exposition's Amusements Novel and Wonderful the Daughters of the Crown, for build­ L. J Hollenbeck was transacting busi­ ing up the interest of the young people ness in Ixints Monday of the community. All an* invited to Mr. and Mrs Perry Campbell visited lie present. at the home of Captain Sherman in Portland last Sunday. Mr. and Mr». W. G. Rogers, who The ld«i«cy Pharmacy at 614« Foster niati was the aceno of an early fire have been staying in Portland for the Monday morning. Indications pointed past two months, have returned to their to the store'» lieing burglarized. A con­ home at thia place. Chris, the nine year old son of Mr. siderable quantity of jewelry was n* covered later in the day. The damage and Mrs. C H. RestorfT, had the mis­ is estimated at $1010. Engine 31 went fortune to loos«« the tips of three fingers to the scene but the damage was already and his thumb from the explosion of a dynamite cap with which he was play­ done. ing, last Saturday -I I* Cofihisn has disposed of fifuvn Paid tn» Fine A pollcemiiti in « country village acres of his place in the Valley to J. D. where “cases' were rare one day came Jaynes of Portland, who will improve across his landlord in an incapable the tract by erecting a cottage upon it. state The chance was too good to lie Mim I-aura Stevens of Portland is hav­ missed, »o the landionl was summoned ing some clearitMf done on her land thia and lined to the a mount ot 14» tut winter. C. II Bak^ ia doyig the work The tine was im . k I tint the ihi II i - viiisd a feeling» can be liettet imagined tnan CHERRYVILLE described when on reaching home, ne —-------------------------------------- i found his rent n»