WANT “ADS” Them In B-6111-1111 Only One-cent a Word Subscription, $1.00 a, Year. LENTS, MULTNOMAH CO., OREGON, THURSDAY, MT. SGDTT SGHOOL MUHNOMAIt COUNTY TERM CLOSES] FAIR ASSOCIATION MEETS ■Id Tenn Examinations Over. Bit Classes Graduate in Each School. New Term Betins Monday. Franklin Hith FUna Ready. rk-h pupil* who wr to I* promoted, or graduated. school* of th« Mi. Hcott BBLlion practically through the Work. with Th« are trnu'i Primary grade* keep drilling till Ux- laat day of the term. Th« teaclx-r* will get no half week mid-term vacation thia year. Home of the more advanced pupil* have the ad vantage for their w..rk wa* practically complete la»t week. Ninth grade "graduate«" arc the moat independent people in rw agger town a* they Th* Multnomah Fair Aaaociation met Monday at the fair ground* in Gree- ham and leeided to rearrange the com­ petitive Grange contact. At previoua fair» the award* were made upon com­ petitive excellence without regent to i how high or bow low the winner* migli! be. Under the new plan prize* will b-« awarded in the order of excel- 1 lene* a* before, but $125 will be award­ ed to each Grange eeoring 90 point* or more, Silo to each Grange »coring be­ tween HO and 80 point«, and $100 to the Grange which «coree abov* HO pointe, Out below HO pointe. According to the former arrange­ ment, 20 point* were fixed for each of tbe five dlviaion« a* the standard of ex­ hibit*. Th* inastar« o< tbe 10 county Grange* met with the fair director* at th* fair ground* Wednesday at 10:80 a. m. to fix the standard of the ecore card«. around *o mire of their security, their promotion* now being assured. They are all worked up over future work, wliethcr In the high whool or home or office or «hop. Each *cbool i* «ending out ite usual proportion. Ore»U»n rc I ioo I will finish just three doaen, including. Ray Ander­ son, lari« label, Roy Daily, Hloid Boydston. Louie Cowan. Irene Day, Bernice Donahey, Marie Fisher, Roy Dillard, Joe Gray, Wilbur Gray. Flor- «•nce J lickox, George Langley. Millie’ Lichtgarn, Chi»« McAlpin»1, Vivian ; Morrison, Harvey Mow, Blythe Ober. | Hera lit iHt. A PLEASANT SURPRISE TO T. J. KREUDER On Saturday evening, January 30, the majority of tlx- fztrte Drill team a-wmblcd en ma**e at Creston «tation aixnit 8 o’clock and proceeded to the home of T. J. Kreuder, captain of the Drill Team. The team wa« chaperoned by their husband« and Master Young, and totaled up a company of over fifty. Marguerite (kleen, George Bokorney, They marched in Granger fashion to the Fred Rodger*, Glenn Hhflley, Fred | front porch and gave tlie Grange yell, boat, thinking an Noothard, Glenn Staley, Minnie Htaley. I whereupon the Win. Htaley. Iri* Talbott, John j European army had arrived, first at­ Throckmorton, Inez Welin. Clio*. tempted to find ahelter in tlx- basement, Willin«, Lila Wriglil. Justus Young. then in tlx- attic, but on second thought The Lenta school will i«mM< diploma* lie well knew the Granger* yell and to a c I mr of 31: Emil Alplanalp, came to tbe door and all received the Ruby Bell, Harold Bergen, Frank royal welcome which only Tom can give. Bundy, Irma Fish, Helen lliffurd, Ethel Before tiie add rem of welcome waa given Hull, Randal Huston. F.rneal Kennedy. the hoet wa* *«ated in a beautiful oak Auguat Kletael, Janie* Laird, Haael rocker, the gift of the drill team, to Izmgen, Ward* McMaugh, Verne Mc- which Mr. Krueder reeponded very Maugh, ltenl>en Mortcrud, Hamm-I Olt, nicely. Myron Richardaon, Genevieve Rut one-third enough farms have been listed to meet tbe de- ! rnand. And yet there are thousands of1 idle farms in Oregon and Washington. In logging sections particularly, wliere tbe land has been bought tor tbe slash­ ing timlx-r, idle houses are going to rack and acres of once well cultivated land is growing up wild. Timber men would ! find it advantageous to lease these build­ ings and clearings to farmer* free, just to have some one near who might aid in —Barclay in Baltimora Sun protecting their holdings. The opportunity is open. If people wlio have the land will notify tbe "Back to Land” committee, that has ita headquarters at 728 Morgan Bldg..'Port­ land. they will surely be rewarded by an Baker will erect a new school build­ for brood sows to restock the empty opportunity to have it cultivated. ing. pen*. And this deplorable condition is NEWS NOTES OF INTEREST being brought about by tbe present ab­ St. Paul's Guild Entertained Cloverdale has erected a large cbee*e normally high price of wheat, and also On Wednesday, January 27, the ladiee factory in Oregon. to the fact that a large number of hog of St. Paul’s Guild and their friend* raisers throughout the state neglect to were entertained at the pleasant home Henalor Bingham of Lane ha* a bill grow the necessary feed on which to of Mrs. A. Hhulenberg, near Gray’s to limit tax levies by taxing all bodie*. firJah tbeir crop of pork and on which I'roesing Altho the day wa* very Prineville I* making great prepara­ tion* for the entertainment of tbe Cattle and Horae Raisers’ Association which will hold a convention there be­ ginning February 9. It is expected that not lees than *X) delegate* from all parte of the Northwest will be present. Oregon Fruit cannery owners won out against Welfare Commission in amend­ ing the law to allow women and girls to work more than eight hours when perishable fruit is to be saved. Repre­ sentative Sam Brown, a fruit grower, opposed Father O’Hara. Potato grower* of Oregon are asking that a strict quarantine be established ( From the Portland Spectator) Th* minimum wage law, wrbich wa* against all potatoes shipped from Cali­ shown to be an iniquitous burden on fornia owing to danger of tbe tuber the employer, ha* proved itself no le** moth gaining a foothold in this state. hurtful to the employe. One of it* pur- So far a* known, Oregon potatoes are po*e* waa to protect the wage-earning now entirely free from thia pest and tbe girl from the grinding power of tbe state board of boHieultnre ha* lieen wage-payer; it ha* "protected" a very aaked to take such action aa will assure large number of young women out of future safety. their job«. The law limit« the hour« of labor for i A campaign has lieen started at women, and make* no allowance for j Albany to sell $25,000 worth of cannery the neceeaitiea of the workers or em­ steck, work on the construction of co­ ployer« or for the exigencies of times or operative cannery to commence as soon seasons. In the past few week*, while a* tbe etock sales amount to $15,000. we were all raising money for the bene­ Tbe preliminary meeting was attended fit ol the poor, and while women were bv more than 100 farmers and fruit begging tbe department stores for work, growers of Linn and Benton counties. and while there wa* work for them, { A limit of $50 worth of stock to each they were turned away, hungry and | subscriber has lieen set, and it will desperate, because tbe law said they therefore lie necessary to interest 500 could not sell their services at honest growers in order to raise the $25,000. employment except at certain hour* specified by ordinance. One of the re­ The Southern Pacific has announced sults of this political effort to provide the rate* which apply to tourist travel tor the "industrial welfare” of women between Portland and San Francisco is that the work they have done in the 1 during the peritxi of the great exposi­ past ha* to tie performed by men—not tion, tickets to be on sale daily Ixrtween by more men than had had employ-1 February 15 and November 30. On 9J ment before, but by men who by work­ day limit ticket* the rate will be $35; ing overtime performed their own and on 30 day tickets, $30; on special oc­ the dieemployed women’« duties. casions, tueh aa important conventions, What th* hnngrv and desperate women etc., a round trip rate will be made of did i« not of record. $2i>.75 with a 15 day limit and stop­ Our indu trial law* need amendment. over privilege on the return trip. To The person* who moet desire to see the exposition at San Diego, the road Following the aale of 80,000 acre« of them changed are not those in whose lie­ will make a round-trip rate of $52 25 yellow pin« in the vicinity of Bend, it i* half they were ostensibly passed, but with a limit of 40 days and stop-over expected that the manufacturing of who have been the greatest sufferers by privileges both wavs. lumber in central Oregon will be com­ the adventures in law-making by menced on a large «cale. It i* atated amateur legislators. From figures recently compiled at that the tiinlier belt of central Oregon | the Portland Union Stockyards, it ia approximately 136 mile* long by ' Tbe countv has begun work improv- ; would appear that nnleM there is a 60 mile* wide, and that in the territory ing Powell Valley road east of 52*iance appar­ joyed. Miss Wagstatf is a pupil of ently having teen shipped to avoid tbe Prof. Carl Denton, organist at Pro­ expense of carrying them nntil spring. Cathedral of St. Stephens, on 13th and The certain result of these excessive Clay, and her playing is a great credit Miss Horner gave shipments will be a ruinous falling off to her instructor. in values, a wiping out of the hog sur­ two excellent leadings which were much After plus of last fall. Oregon soil and enjoyed and heartily encored. climate is suited to the production of the entertainment a delicious three corn, field teas and alfalfa, all of which course lunch was served. The party are splendid bog feed, and until the broke up about 3:30. voting Mrs. farmer plant« more extensively of these Shulenberg a royal entertainer. A delegation accompanied Rev. crops and thus makes himself indepen­ dent of outeide assistance, the hog in­ Taylor to the reception at Trinity dustry will be at the mercy of any in­ Church in honor oi P'xhop Summer. fluence which may affect the prices of They report a large attendance and were wheat and other grains in the North­ most favorably impressed by the new Bishop. west. The February social of the Guild will be in the form of valentine party at tlx? Valentine Party residence of Chas. Wagstaff at Wood­ There will be a v^entine party at the mere station, on Wednesday, Feb. 10, residence of Mr. Chss. Wagstaff, op­ at 8 p. nu posite the station at Woodmere, on Wednesday February 10. at 8 p. m., for the benefit of St. Paul* church. A good FARMER RADFGRD ON woman suffrac : program ha* lieen arranged and an en­ joyable time is promised all. The com­ mittee will have something doing every minute. Everyone is expected to bring a valentine and a prise will he given for the beat comic valentine and for the most artistic valentine. Admission in­ cluding refreshments, 15 cents. The judges appointed for the contest are: Rev. Taylor. P. A. Kennedy, R. B, Wood, Fred Katzky, Mrs. Tibble«, Miss Johnson and Mrs. Gesell. Everyone interested in the Mission at Woodmere or Rev. Taylor’s work is invited to lie present. Geo. W. Haddon Dies The home Is tbe greatest comr bu tlon of women to the world, acd i,i hearthstone is her throne (>u> so cial structure is built around her. uud social righteousness is In her charge Her beautiful life lights the ski s <> hope and her refinement is the < liartr of twentieth century civilization Her graces and her power are the cunm lative products of gt-nerutions of queenly conquest, and her crown of exalted womanhood is jeweled witli the wisdom of saintly mothers She has been a great factor in the glory of our country, and her noble achieve ments should not be marred or hei hallowed Influence blighted by the coarser duties of cltixenship. Amen can chivalry should never permit her to bear the burdens of defending and maintaining government, but should preserve ber unsullied from the allied Influences of politics, and protect her from the weighty»responsibilities of the sordid affairs of life *hat will crush her Ideals and lower her stund ards. The motherhood of the farm la our Inspiration, she is tbe guardian of our domestic welfare and a guide to a higher life, but directing the af fairs of government is not within wo man’s sphere, and political gossip would cause her to neglect the home, forget to mend our clothes and burn tbe biscuit*. Vol. 13. Na 5 NARKETIN6 WORLD’S GREATEST PROBLEM we ARE LONG ON PRODUCTION, SHORT ON DISTRIBUTION. By Peter RadforO t«etur«r National Farm*»* Union The economic distribution of fane products 1« today tbe world’« greateat problem and the war, while It ba* brought Its hardships, baa clearly em­ phasized tbe Importance of distribu­ tion aa a factor tn American agricul­ ture and promises to give the fann­ ers the cooperation of tbe govern­ ment and tbe busiue*« men th* solution of tbeir marketing problem. This result will. In a measure, com­ pensate c* for o .r war losses, for tbe business interests and government have been In the main assisting al­ most exclusively on tbe productlo. side of agriculture While tbe depar ment of agriculture has been dumping tons of literature on tbe farmer telling him how to produce, tbe farmer baa been dumping tons of products In tbe nation's garbage can for want of a market. The World Will Never Starve. At no time since Adam and Eve were driven from the Garden of Eden have tbe inhabitants of this world suffered from lack of production, but some people have gone bun~ry from tbe day of creation to this good hour for the lack of proper distribution. Slight variations In production have forced a change In diet and one local­ ity baa felt the pinch of want, while another surfeited, but the world a* a whole has ever been a land of plenty. We now have less than one-tenth of tbe tillable land of the earth’« surface under cultivation, and we not only have thia surplus a*ea to draw on but It is safe to estimate that in ca«e of dire necessity one-haif the esrth’s population could at the presen: time knock their living out of the -re»-» of the forest, gather ft froio wild vines and draw it from stream No one should become alarmed, tbe world will never starve. The consumer has always feared that the producer would not supply him and his fright has found expres­ sion on the statute books of our statej and nations and the farmer has been urged to produce recklessly and with­ out reference to a market, and regard­ less of the demands of the consumer. Back to the Soil. The city people have been urging each other to move back to the farm, but very few of them have moved. We welcome our city cousins back to the soil and this earth's surface coo- tain* 15.092,160.000 idle acres of till­ able land where they can make a living by tickling the earth with a forked stick, but we do not need them so far as increasing production is con­ cerned: we now nave all the producers we can use The city man has very erroneous Ideas of agricultural condi­ tions. The commonly accepted theory that we are short on production ia all wrong Our annual Increase In pro­ duction far exceeds that of our In­ crease in population. The World aa a Farm. Taking the world as one big farm, we find two billion acres of land tn cultivation Of this amount there in approximately 750,000,000 acre* on the western and 1.260.000 000 acres on the eastern hemisphere, in cultivation. This estimate, of course, does not In­ clude grazing land«, forests, etc., .vbere large quantities of meat am produced The world's annual crop approxi­ mate* fifteen billioL bushel« of ce­ reals. thirteen billion pound* of fibre and sixty-five million ton* of meat. The average annual world crop for the past five years, compared with the previous five years, is as follows: Past Half Previous Half Decade. Decade Crops— Corn (Bu.) 3.934.174.000 3,403,656,000 Wheat« Bu.) 3.522.769,000 3,257,52«,000 Oats (Bu) 4.120 017.000 3.508,315.000 17,541.209 Cotton( Bale b ) 19.863,800 The world shows an average in­ crease In cereal production of 13 per cent during the past decade, compared with the previous five years, while tbe vorld’s population shows an increase >f only three per cent. The gain in production far exceeds that of our Increase in population, and it is safe to estimate that the farmer can msliy increase production 35 per cent If a remunerative market can be found for the products. In textile fibres the world shows an Increase .luring the past half decade in produc­ tion of 15 per cent against a popsia- tlon increase of three per cent. The tteople of this nation should iddres* themselves to th* subject of mnroved facilities for distribution. Geo W. Haddon of 5oth avenue (Gil­ bert road) died early Thursday morn­ ing at his home. He had been ill only a short time. Death was due to peri­ tonitis and paralysis. The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon at Ken­ worthy’«. The burial will be at Mt. Scott. Mr. Haddon was born 48 years ago in Indiana. His early days were spent in Kansas City, Kansas. * He came to Oregon in 1800. He was a member of Webfoot ixhlire 85, W. O. W. and the Over production and crop mortgage funeral will probably he in charge of orce the farmer* Into ruinons com­ the Woodmen. petition with each other. Th* remedy He leave* a wife, India Haddon, and Work ha* started on the Catholic lie* in organisation and in co-opern four children Maude, Claude. Harry, Church at Hermiston. It is tn I« oi .Ion In marketing. and Kenneth, to mourn his departure. concrete 32 by fit).