Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, January 28, 1915, Image 3

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    Many Disorders Come from the Liver T PLEASANT VALLEY
Are You Just dt Odds with Yourself?
•a------------- — — ---------------
Do You Reuuldte llvlnq?
Miss Grace Kesterson la visiting
Edward Mills
Mt. Scott, Leni» sad Portland
Baggage and General Banting,
Trunks 5()c Fach
Ara you sometimes at odd* with your-
*11 ami with tbe world? Do you wop-
; «let what alls you? True you may be
I ‘«Hting regularly and sleeping well. Yet
! something is the matter! Constipation,
Headache , Nervouauraa ami Bilious
i S|H«lh imlicat«' a Sluggish Liver. Tbe
| tried remedy is Dr. King’s New l.ife
j Pills. Only 2>' m ! at your Druggist.
BiU'li-n’s Arnica Halve for Bkin Eruptions
Children's Ciouqhs—Children’s Colds
Both are Serious
14-avv Baggage Check ami Address
at i’ltiunner Drug Store.
Third and Madison Ht.
When one of your little ones shows
symptoms of an aiqiroachiug Gobi, give
it Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey at once. it
octa quickly, and prevents the Cold
growing worse. Very healing—soothes
tin« Lungs, lo<>M«iia tbe mucous, strength­
ens ths system It's guaranteed. Only
25c. at your Druggist. Buy a tsillle
Buckb-n’a Arnica Halve for Horse.
Tabor 3614
At The Churches
Arletd Baptist Church
Washed Graded Gravel
Plastering Sand
82nd St. and 45th Ave
Phone Tabor 2063 •
J. F. Heyting
:45 a. in. Bible School.
Ila. tn. Preaching service.
7 :3O p. m. Evening services.
6:15 i> m. B. Y. P. U. meeting.
7:45 Prayer meeting.
Everylxxly welcome to any and all of
these services.
Mllldrd Avenue Presbyterian Church
io a. m. Sabbath School.
Ila m. .Morning worship.
6:15 p.m. V. P. 8. C. E.
7 :30 p. m. Evening worship.
7:3o p. m. Thursday, midweek service
8 p. in. Thursday, clmir practice.
H««v. Wm. H. Ann»“, Pastor
St. Peter’s (dlhollc Church
A. D. Kenworthy
and Company
Funeral Directors
Taltor 6267
J. P. Finley & Son
Funeral Directors
Montgomery and Fifth Ht
Ona Place of Business Only
Experienced Woman
In Attendance
Main Office
l’itone Main w
Phone East
Hawthore Ave. and Hast IIth. St.
Mrs. Lerch
Branch Office
darters Building
Kern Park
Diseases of Women and Children
Bundays :
H a. m. Iziw Mass.
10:30a. m. High Mass.
8:30 a. tn. Bund y School.
12 M. Cliior rehearsal.
Week days: M»»« at 8 a. m.
tho home of Rev. T. B. Lovelace of
Mrs. Annie Powell, a former resident
of the valley but now of Portland, visit­
ed with friends at this place a few days
last week.
Fred Matthias entertained friends
from Portland, al his home last Sunday.
Mr. ar.d Mrs. W. G. lingers, who
have been staying in Portland this
winter, are making drrangemsnts to
return to their home here in the near
J. Z. Olson is building a commodious
arvi up to date chicken house.
G. H. Kesterson is having about one
thousand cords of wood cut this winter.
Geo. Christerinen has the material on
the ground and the excavating done
for the foundation of his new residence
which he will build as » -on as weather
conditions arc favorable.
Mrs. G. H. Kesterson, secretary of
the Pleasant Valley free library associ­
ation, announces that she has received
a new list of books from the central
library in Portland.
Geo. Pike of Bellrose was in the val­
ley on business Saturday.
Noah Kesterson has secured employ­
ment of the Sandy Lumber Co., and
has moved his family to that place.
T. R. Campbell attended the automo­
bile show in Portland last Monday.
There was a large attendance at
grange last Saturday and everybody
reports a splendid time. State Deputy,
T. J. Kruder, who had been invited to
instaU the officers elect failed to show
up. However, State Deputy, J. I).
Chitwood of Clackamas County was
there and with tbe assistance of the
Lenta degree team, put on the installa­
tion work in splendid shape. P. L.
Bliaa, the newly elected master, al-
thought new in the work, got away
with a lot of business considering the
length of time in which he had to do it.
Whoa. January!
The back-bone of the winter is brok-
.Seventh Day Adventist Church
10 a. m. Saturday Habhath School.
I en.
11 a. ni. Saturday preaching.
7 :30 p. m. Wednesday, Praver meeting. ; Old-timers say thia has been the dry-
est winter known so far.
7:45 p. m. Humlav preaching.
J. J. Tuescher. who has been work-
ing on a dairy ranch near Hilladale the
German Lvdnqelical Reformed Church past season, .returned to his railroad
io a. m. Sunday School.
i claim south of town, where he will
10 a. tn. Saturday, German school.
make some improvements before the
8 p. m. Wednesday. Y P. 8.
busy season begins.
11 a m. Sunday worship.
Wm. Fetzzer, a wealthy manufactur­
Tii. Bchildknecht, Pastor.
er o. Springfield, III., announces that
Lents L vdnqelkdl Church
he will run for President in 1916 on a
Hermon by the Pastor, 11 a. m. and platform largely composed of rural
7:30 |>. m.
cn-dits to farmers
He says bankers
Sunday School 9:45 a. m , C. 8. Brad­ had no difficulty in getting a bill
ford, 8ii|«erinteiident.
Y P. A. 6:30 p. tn. Lowell Bradford, through congress giving them govern­
ment money at 2U percent on collateral
Prayer meeting Thursday 8 p. m.
security, but there is no money for far­
A cordial welcome to all.
T. R. Hornscliuch, Pastor, mers with the best security in the
Lenta Evangelical Church will give a world at 4 and even 5 percent. Jim
social evening at the church on Thurs- Fergerson ran for governor last year
day, January 28, 8 o'clock, A splendid j in Texas on a platform of justice to
ninsical program has been arranged— ; the tenant farmers of that state, who
also .upper. Everybody is welcome., were being robbe«! by the bankers and
; merchants of the Lone Star State, and
No charges.
was elected too in spite of all the money
and boodle of Big Business.
Ixxik out
Kern Park Chrlstdln Church
for Fetzzer. He has money and he is
Corner 69tli St. and 46th Ave. 8. E.
going to touch up some of these old
10 a m. Bib'e Scliool.
11 a. m. and 8 p. m. preaching service. political tricksters with a very long and
7 p. m. Christain Endeavor.
ticklish whip. In response to a letter
8 p. m. Thursday, mid-week prayer from the writer he says he is going to
8:45 p. m. Thursday, Bible Study get in the game.
Just now th i press is full of denunci­
A cordial welcome to all who will at- ation of the proposed plan of Bryan's
I tend any all services.
idea of giving the South American Re­
R. Tibbs Maxey, Minister.
public, Columbia, $25.000,000 and an
apology for what they lost in the Pana
ma Canal deal. Teddy is out in an ar­
St. Pauls fplscopdl Church
One block south of Woodmere station. ticle in the Metropolitan explaining his
Holy Communion the first Bunday of connection with the affair. The trouble
each month st 8 p. rn, No other ser­ . is that Bryan has been misled and
vices that day.
I yielding to his partisan, has really
Every other Bunday the regular ser­
t ¡ought that w<> had wronged the
vices will he as usual.
Evening Prayer ami sermon at 4 p. m. I Columbia Republic, whereas, nothing
Bunday School meets at 3 p. m. B. I of the kind was ever done. That rot­
Boatwright, Hupt , I.. Maffett, Bee. ten bunch simply got left on their plan
Rev. O. W. Taylor, Rector.
to hold up Uncle Sam. and now that
the administration and the public are
’ thoroughly informed on the subject it
Lents friend’s Church
I is safe to bet that they will never see
9:46 a. in. Bible School, Clifford Bar­
' that bunch of money.
ker Superintendent.
11 :00 a. m Preaching services.
g~—~-...... ■■■■—■ I s u. . ■
. 6:25 p. m. Christian Endeavor.
7:30 p. m. Preaching Services.
MT. Scott Center of Truth.
8:00 p. m. Thursday,
everv Sundav evening at 8:00
prayer meeting.
Junior ChTialian Endeavor meets p. m. Three doors east of ■ 82d St.,
Grays Crossing, Portland, Ore.
Fri ay after school.
A cordial welcome*to all these ser­
Rev. John Riley, Pastor.
Lents Baptist Church
Ixird’a Day, Dec. 31, Bible School
9:45 n. in.
Morning worship, 11 a. m.
Elmo Heights Humbly School, 1:30
p. m
B Y. P. U., 6:30 i> m.
Evening worship, 7:30 p. m
A cordial welcome to these services
J. M. Nelson, Pastor.
Lents M. t. Church
Thousands of jieople keep on suffering
with Neuralgia bwause they do no
know what to do for it. Neuralgia is »
pain in the nerve*. What you want to
do is to soothe the nerve itself.
Sloan's Liniment to the surface over the
painful part—do not ruh it in. Sloan's
Liniment penetrates very quickly to the
sore, irritated nerve and allays the in­
flammation. Get a bottle of Sloan’s
Liniment for 25 cents of any druggist
and have it in the house—against Colds,
Sore and Swollen Joints, Lumbago,
Sciatica and like ailments. Your money
hack if not satisfied, but it does give al­
most instant relief.
Preaching 11 a. m. Subject, “Im­
a Specialty
portunity in Prayer.”
Services at Bennett Chapel M. E.
Pacific Tabor 3214
Local 2011 Church 3 p. m.
Bunday School 9:45.
Epworth league 6:30.
Prayei meeting Thursday 7:30 p m.
Preaching services Sunday evening
Letter heads, envelopes, cards, bill
Shiloh Olrals No. It. tedlssofO. A. R. meet. 7:45.
Let all the people get ready for the heads, anctior notices and poatera,
1st and Sd Saturday aveninn In I. O. O. P.
dodgers, announcements, etc, at Mt.
hall, Lents. Llllah Maffei, Pres., Carrie special meetings that will begin soon.
Ingles. Seo'y.
W. Boyd Moore, Pastor. Scott Pub. Co., office, Lenta.
Mumps That A»s Relics of the Lively
Old Lumbering Osya
Nation Rings With Cries of Stricken
By Peter Radford
lecturer National Farmers" Union
King Cotton has suffered more from
the European war than any other ag­
ricultural product on th«« American
continent. The shells of the belliger­
ent« have burs ted over his throne,
frightening his subjects and e!:!iH«‘r-
tag his markets, and, panic-stricken,
the nation cries out "God sa»e the
People from every walk of life have
contributed their mite toward rescue
work. Society has danced before the
king; milady has decreed that (he
family wardrobe shall contain only
cotton goods; the press baa plead
with the public to "buy a bale"
bankers have been formulating liol 1
tug plana; congress and legislative
bodies have deliberated over relief
measures: statesmen and writers
have grown eloquent expounding the
inalienable rights of "His Malesty"
and presenting schemes for preserv­
ing the financial integrity of the
stricken staple, but tbe sword of Eu
rope has proved mightier than the pen
of America In fixing value upon this
product of the sunny south. Price«
have been bayoneted, values riddb-d
and markets decimated by the battlin'?
hosts of the eastern hemisphere until
the American farmer has suffered a
war loss of $100.600.000. and a bale
of cotton brave enough to enter s
European port must pay a ransom o'
half Its value or go to prison until tin-
war Is over.
Hope of the Future Lies In Co-opera
The Farmers' Union, through the
columns of the press, wants to thank
the American people for the friend­
ship. sympathy and assistance given
the cotton farmers In the hour of dis
tress and to direct attention to co­
operative methods necessary to per
manently assist tbe marketing of all
farm products.
The present emergency presents as
grave a situation as ever confronted
the American farmer and from the
viewpoint of the producer, would seem
to Justify extraordinary relief mens
ures. even to the point of bending the
constitution and straining business
rules In order to lift a portion of the
burden off the backs of the farmer,
for unless something Is done to check
the invasion of the war forces upon
the cotton fields, the pathway of the
European pestilence on this continent
will be strewn wltji mortgaged homes
and famine and poverty w|J] stalk over
the southland, filling the highways of
Industry with refugees and the bank­
ruptcy court with prisoners.
All calamities teach us lessons and
the present crisis serves to Illuminate
the frailties of our marketing meth
ods and the weakness of our credit
system, and out of the financial an­
guish and travail of the cotton farmer
will come a volume of discussion and
a mass of suggestions and finally a
solution of this, the biggest problem
In tbe economic life of America, if.
Indeed, we have not already laid tbe
foundation for at least temporary re­
More Pharaohs Needed In Agriculture.
AU cuHleruer visiting Mivlnguu Is <L
traded by tbe stump ten« e» mure than
Archie Onslow met with a dangerous
by uln/st anything rise, a writer tn accident last Friday when his machine
American Forestry remarks
Aside from these stump fem es, tbe collided with a heavy truck, on Division
farms, tbe uplands and tbe marabes street. Onslow’s two children and wife
«re nut much different from H ums of were thrown out, the girl being serious­
New England Our mnuiea tbe char ly hart and the wife suff ered a bad cut
acteriatic stone walls uf New England, on tbe head.
but finds in Uadr place the must novel
fences in tbe world — those made of
The Homer Mmith residence at 65th
stumps that have in recent yearn been
pulled out of tbe ground by puwerfui ( Ave. and 52nd St. was nearly destroyid
uiui liim-a constructed for that purpose ; Tuesday night, by fire. The cause of
Tbe force required tu pull auch the fire is unknown as tbe family was
•tumps from tbe ground la enormous, not at home. The Woodstock volun­
but It Is applit-d slowly In submission teers tried to give aid.
to tbe decree of nature that what »
gained lu power must Is- lost Ui speed.
These stumps are relics of tbe liveli
Rowley Metcalf and Evelyn Emerson
cat lumbering ever seen in tbe United were married Bunday afternoon by Rev.
States it ended about tbirty years Maxey at the parsonage. On Monday
ago tu Big Rapids. Grand Itaplda and
evening tbe members of th
tlielr vicinity
Mid timers entertain
tbe visitor by tbe hour with reroiula People’s Clnb gave them a saiprise at
encew of tbe a mazing number ot log* Rowley's home, taking them several
nice prevents.
that were cut In that region
lagging somewhat similar, out not
nearly so extensive, still continues in
B. L. Wilcox of the Kern Park Feed
the northern part of Michigan, bat
does not equal in extent nor in pic A Fuel Co., was taken sick last Bunday
turesqueiiemi that which formerly took and is still c>nfined to the house.
place on tbe famous Muskegon river
How to Fino Out Whether a Trader
Has Cheated You
in Farm and Fireside a i-oritrlbutor
says that ordinarily the purchaser of a
borne I k allowed twenty four noun, tn
which to try and return any florae
found unsound In great hor«r mar
ket* like Chicago a twenty four bout
limit for tenting is allowed Thin con
tributor tells as follows bow to tent a
"When a horse has tss-ti do|s-d for
heaves the disease symptoms will be
likely to return In twenty four hours If
the horse is all the drinking wa
ter be will taSe and Is fed generously
on bulky f«-<-d fie can then tie thor
uughly tested for wind by running and
by dragging a wagon with a locked
“Where cocaine is used to tilde lame
ness Its effects will pass off In a few
hours a byjHidertntc injection of u>or
pbine. stryc hnine ot similar drug will
l«ias off in twelve hours or leas. Can
nubia liidica or chloral hydrate make*
a horse sleepy for from twelve to eight
een hours unless tile dose la very large,
in which case the effect will last longer
The only sure way to protect yourself
is to buy a horse from a reputable
dealer and get a written guarantee of
soundness slgued. before a witness."
Saved by Hie Wit.
The French author Martatnvtlle was
a royalist and did not hesitate to attack
the French revolutiou and Ita authorl
ties. Presently, of course, be was sum
mooed to upfienr before the revolution
ary tribunal, with the terrible Foo
quler at Its head The revolutionary
tribunals at that time did not hesitate
to send anybody to the guillotine who
had ventured to attack them Marta in
ville ex|>eeted to gu «vitb the rest of the
victims “What is your name?’ asked
the revolutionary Jud e ""Martain
ville.'' a»Id the young author "Martain
vlller exclaimed the Judge “You are
deceiving us and trying to hide your
rank You are au aristocrat, and your
name is De Manalnvtlle." ■Citizen
president.' exclaimed the young man.
*1 am hen* to la* shortened not to be
lengthened Lear« me my name!* A
true Frenchmuu loves a witticism
above all things, and tbe tribunal wan
so much pleased by Martalnvllle'a grim
response that It spared his life.
Farm products have no credit and
perhaps can never have on a perma­
Ha Forgot.
nent and satisfactory basis unless we
A young Parisuiu
noted for B>a
build warehouses, cold storage plants,
elevators, etc., for without storage and gra<*e and raadmess as a second u>
credit facilities, the south is com­ many duels. Und oeen asked oy a
pelled to dump Its crop on the market trie nil to accompany mm to tbe may
at harvest time. The Farmers' Unions ur's otfice and atilt nis signature as a
In the cotton producing states have witness to the matrimonial eeremouv
He cousenteil. but when tne aceue
for the past ten years persistently ad­
vocated the construction of storage was reached awkwardly forgot mm
facilities. We have built during this seif
just as tbe mayor was ready for the
period 2,000 warehouses with a ca­
pacity of approximately 4,000,000 bales uist formalities he broke <> ul to the
and looking backward the results astonishment or all parties, with the
would seem encouraging, but looking remark
"Gentlemen, cannot this unnappy nr
forward, we are able to house less
than one-third of the crop and ware­ fair be arranged' Is there no way or
houses without a credit system lose preventing this sail occurrence)»'
90 per cent of their usefulness. The
The Cambodians.
problem is a gigantic one—too great
i’be CambiMlliins are a docile people
for the farmer to solve unaided. He
their language
must have the assistance of the bank­ ■ouch averse to wnr
er, the merchant and the government. and civilisation, unlike those of the re
In production we have reached the itiatning peoples of Indo-L'blna. are de
high water mark of perfection in tho rived from India as is also then ran
Their i-ountry 1-0010108 vanons
world's history, but our marketing glon
methods are most primitive. In the interesting nuns the work of the
dawn of history we find agriculture Khmers, a race that has quite diaap
The mm» at Angkor are re
plowing with a forked stick but with peared
a system of warehouses under govern­ markabiy well preserved and are pus
mental supervision that made the sessed of great beauty
Egyptians the marvel of civilization,
Coldly Considered.
for who has not admired the vision of
“You don t seem tu attach great tm
Joseph and applauded the wisdom of
Pharaoh for storing the surplus until (Mirtnme tu enduring tHiue aam the
demanded by the consumer, but In friend and adviser
“1 nave m.v doubts at«>ut IL rapttea
this age we hare too many Josephs
who dream and not enough Pharaohs Senator Sorghum “Enduring fame is
what enables the American Indian to
who bull'*
“I>oea the Imiti
much trouble?
‘Aiwavs eti-ept
Oave iumpani or Free l*tesa
Bally I
iro to sleep without
on tne menta «<■
want to gu oUL -
Claa« Enough
”1 can 1 understand that glassy stare
she gave me
•V tn anybody »tight to oe able tn
see rlmuigh a glassy stare ” Halt«’—»«-'-
get hl» picture on all kirnt« of money
without having am oiqmrtiinity tu
handle the real cash '
T'an I
vo«« «
'If von take a little m return
Here Oegotlntioii« -ea«*eO
Mrs. C. H. V. Garland of St. Marya,
Idaho, is visiting her p «rents, Mr. and
Mrs. C. F. Clapp, 6915, 49th avenue.
Mrs. Lister Smith and daughter
Phyllis, of Marion, Ore , has been visit-
1 ing M rs. Jas. Mayer of 60th street and
Mrs. J. Lewis of 69tb avenue.
Mrs. Mary Cunning'um, of 7311
55th Ave., died Jan. 24. The funeral
was held Wednesday at 11 a. m. She
leaves her husband, R. L. Cunningham,
five daughters, a eon, and a brother.
Mr. and Mrs. Cadwell of Archer Place
lost a three year old daughter Tuesday
evening. She has been ill for some
time from some unknown complaint.
Myrcia Circle W. O. W. gave a 500
' party and dance at W. O. W. hall Tues­
day evening. They had a fine erosrd
and report a good time.
fhs Sounds Come Only When the Air
Wavee Meet Resistance
Did you ever notice that altboogb
rou may feel tbe force uf tbe wind
when you are out tn IL you do not bear
t whistle unless you are close to a
i luilding? This Is because tbe sound la
produced according to the same prin
•tples as apply to the production of tbe
xmes of a pipe organ or any instr»-
nent on which the tones are produced
I yy blowing.
In order to make tbe whistling
<ounds we bear from the wind It la
accessary for it to blow against some
hlng That is why we bear It when we
ire tn the bouse or some other building.
Tbe whistling is caused by tbe wind
slowing past the sharp edge of some
ybstade I d Its path or finding its way
I tbruagh small o|*enlngs offering some
ibarp edged resistance.
if you blow through a mag tube or
utpe you will produce no sound, but If
'.here is an opening with a sharp edge
aear tbe end where you blow the blow
ng will cause a distinct sound It is on
this principle that all small whistles.
>rgan pipes and wind instruments of
tn orchestra are made.
Another way in which the wind pro
luces sounds is by blowing against ob
lecta which vibrate A curious in
stahce of this is tbe bumming volume
yf sound produced by the wind blow
Ing through a group of telegraph wires
and which may be noted, even when
there is not a great force ot wind by
placing tbe ear against a telegraph pule
—Boston Herald
Real Meaning of a Miauesd Term In ths
Vocabulary of War
tn tbe tales of every war one hears
ja great deni nboot “forlorn ho|>es.'‘
i The term is one of the most misused In
the vocabulary of war it Ls common
ly understood tu mean a des[>ernte ven­
ture; it really means "lost troop"—
that la. "detached troop.”
i The word "hope" tn the phrase is not
an English but a Dutch word " hoop"
. meaning literally “heap" and see-md
arlly body of troops. Tbe word for
lorn" represents the Dutch “verloren
—lost A "verloren hoop" wa* s de
' tached body of troops thrown out tn
i front of the main Um« of battle to rtn<1
the enemy and engage them first This
was the regular sixteenth and seven
teen th century practice, and. though it
was one ot the more dangemu-« kinds
of service, it was not des|>erate ut tn
the English sense, forlorn
Nowadays much the same work is
done by the detached tsalles of cavalry
which are thrown out before the main
line of battle without communications
or supplies to find tbe enemy "Capit­
ulation” Is another term of war which
la very loosely used It dues not mean
surrender nut surrender on term* In
fact. It menus the Cerms. nut the sur
render it la from the laitln "eapttu
lum." or "beadlug” (from which la d*
rived uur word ■cbnpter"i. and a cnplt
ulatktn la a format treaty of surrender
drawn up under a series of headingM
or chapters embodying tbe terms uu
each point—Manchester Guardian