WANT “ADS” Them In IL6111-1111 Only One-cent a Word Subscription, $1.00 a Year. LENTS, MULTNOMAH CO., OREGON, THURSDAY, NATIONAL AID MURDERER CAUGHT EOR HIGHWAYS IN CALIFORNIA JANUARY 28, 1915. MUSHROOMS. BANKER INDO 1) ON THRtf 60UNTS Vol. 13. No. 4 BAD MAN IS TAKEN IN • - Among the Grand jury product« ot Tuesday were three indictment* against East Portland Man Turns Rotoer. former cachier of th Multnomah State Kills Japanese, Traced Down and Bunk, H. Roetad. It was charged that Arrested, on Section Line, Evi­ be bad forged note» ot $3200, $12*0, and dence Plentiful. $600. Be-idee these there were others which bs had discounted that were of doubtful value, many of which be had People in the north edge of Clackamas Tte final report of the Joint Con- Lact Wednesday afternoon, Jan. 2b, written himself. He will te tried in grewtional Ootnuiitteo on F»«l«ral Aid to County, near tento, were horrified to L. Matsnnaga, a Japanese, living at the Circuit Court. In the meantime Good Roads, waa submitted to oonxreas hear of the murder of Mrs Olimpia he is out on $5000 bond. If convicted 87 and Base Line, returned home from Jan. 1 It urge« national participation l’alermini, November 7, for the murder he will face a long term in the peni- i a visit to friend» near Lents ami on ap­ in highway improvement on a large waa one of the most unwarranted crimes tentiary. proaching his door was fired upon by seal««, but uu«ler such a plan ax will ever known In the state, and this par­ Roe tad’s bank stock and private persons wttbin the boose. Matsunaga guard against it ‘’pork barrel” and pre­ property will not repay the stockhold­ ticular neighborhood has been such a died. The intruders escaped. vent dictation of local road problems by ers of the bank for their losses. He is quiet sec ion that it was severely sbak- Suspicion pointwl to F. J. Crosby of a Bureau in Washington. The Com­ •ai<) to have mortgage«l hie bank stock, mittee was unable to agree U|*»n any I en up by sueh a criminal proceeding, and thst bis home wa« not clear. What ' 1915 East Everett street, ami on last partiuular bill, but submitted a vast i .Mrs. i’aleamini, it will lie remembered, he did with it it a mystery. He was Friday be was arrest««! at or near Back- amount of data that have been oollettted wa» at home alone, her husband teing inclined to te a little gay. I ley avenue on the Section Line, by and exprram-d viewa regarding some employed at the car barn in North ; Deputies Beexman and Phillips. Rearch general principle» that should te ob­ Portland. Rhe bad teen annoyed fie- revealed several articles that ha«I for-, Rose City to Have Competitor ■ quently by a fellow countryman named served in Frtleral road» leginlation. The city and county of izis Angeles merly belonge«* to Massnnaga includ­ Tte report waa drawn by lion Jona­ I Dominico Pacini, or Pachena. I’achena are getting ready for the 1915 Panama ing a silver cigarette case, ring, phono­ bail been trying to get her to run away than Bourne, Jr., Chairman ul the Exposition by arranging to spend a mil­ graph needles, safety razoi, ami other Committee, and is concurred in hy six ; with him and when she refused and lion dollars for beautifying private things that were identified. Perhaps other tiH-iuter» of the committi»*, Sena­ i drove him away he threatened to make ground», school grounds and public Maeeunaga’s idenification of Croeby a He then marie another tor» Penrose, Gr««nna, Swatiaon. and her trouble. few days previous had something to do highways. » Overman, and Hrprreenlativre Madden ! attempt and when she refused he at­ Croeby Outside tlie city, alongside tlie cement | with the attack upon him. and Austin Senators Hwannoii and tempted to cut her threat with a razor, stole a horse from J. C Burns of Rock and asphalt "good roads,” more than Overman concur in the rejHirt except as I and finally shot her while »be was at- 100 miles of rose borders will be planted. wood a few days tefore and sohi it to a to chapter 2. which urges congressional , lemptiug to «««cape to a neigbter. There climbing bush rollers, in many Japanese named Sliirato. The horse Fschena escaped, seemed to have been control over the Federal g«»x! r«>ads colors, will be supported by iron trel­ was again stolen Dec. 31. M «teunaga I »»allowed up. Dogs were put on bis participation lises, and will be specially cared for. In identifie I Croebv from a pictuae as be­ Humming up »«Ivantag«» of good , trail but they soon lost trace of him. the San Fernando Valley there are ing the man that stole the mirse. Officers in Oregon, Washington, and roads, tin* report »ay»: twenty-five additional miles of roses al- Croeby had also forge«! sone- paper» and "Hystematic efforts and coo|»'ration of • California have lieen on the lookout for . the Deputies were on the look oot for ready piante.l. nation, *tal<-» and oouaties will make him, and he was arrester] at Stockton, -Harding in Brooklyn Eagle. The school children will compete for him so when they found him on the American highways the beat in the , California on the 26th. It appears that $25,000 worth of prizes for the test Section line they were well please«! to world, bring remote agricultural land» j the family ha» bad a detective out fur floral effects along ordinary country find evidence in his packets to identify i him since the murder. within practicable hauling distance from roa«l“ and on the school grounds. A his connection with the cases. In the meantime the murdered railroad«, materially raise the value of A search of Crosby's home revealed a similar system of prises will be offered farm property, enchance tire margin of woman’s husband lias become a ward store of jewelry, rings, razors, etc., Coos Bay mills and factories are all ul», probably in excess of the supply, ! within the city itself. And owners of profit on farm products, vastly increase I of the county. On the night of Jan. ID, many of which may te identified by a.id he suggests that fanners who have ! private homes will have a chance to tte average daily atlendaiiee at rural he was found with two companions at starting up. the marks ami initials upon then« He n<»t already planted as large an acreage compete for tempting bonuses. schools, raise > he standard of rural edu­ Broadway and Larr«)>ee streets on the had a partner in hie crimes an l from as possible to Winter wheat should tie cation. make the motor truck an eco­ ! north side, making a disturbance talk- A water grulle highway up Hood Riv­ him the officers have secured a lot of careful to retain sufficient seeil to make nomical vehicle for American farmers, | ing. Being somewhat unruly the police­ er is tieing planned. additional evidence, and be»id.•» M s. literal sowings in the spring. He lighten the labors of American horses, man was severe with them and when he Mateunaga has seen Croeby au.i de­ specially recommends that farmers I save wear and tear on harnesa ami . started away it was said that some one St. Helens has a new vegetable and clared be is the murderer. plant as much corn as possible as it will wagons, and add to the comfort ami | »hot at the policeman, who a block fruit cannerery It appears that Croeby has covered make more stock fee«! than any other away, turned and gave chase firing happiness of all rural residents." the Base line and Powell Valley section crop and with properly selected seed The report estimates the total quanti­ several shots at them. Palsrmini was The liquor men are bidding for pub- pretty thoroughly. Articles miming Dayton is to have a $3o.(«x* mausole ­ cewi !»• grown successfully in all parts of ty of commodities hauled over rural taken in ami on arrival at the station i lie sympathy on behalf of the poor include pretty nearly everything from a the Northwest. roads at 700,009,000 tons annually, cost­ he was found to have received a bullet um. workingman who it is claimed, is thrown j horse down, and to many offenses he ing now an average of 21 tents per p>n- wound. out of employment by prohibition. makes full admission but he has not It is presumed that l ’ alermini was Th«- First National Bank of Spring ­ rnileor $1 Hi» per ton for the average in the interest of lower taxes, the They state that as a result of the voting admitted killing the Japanese. haul of 9 miles. A system of first class more or lees irregular in hit habits ow­ field has bought a site ami will build. I.«»gislature has ateliehed the Oregon I dry of Arizona, Colorado, Oregon and Deputy Phillips left Thursday to re­ highways would reduce this Cost to the ing to his domestic troubles. He had a State Immigration Commission and the Washington, some forty local trades turn Pachena, who, it is said, has con­ extent of 13 cents |»'r ton-niile. The re­ revolver, tho he denied having used it. Bids have lieen asked on die new Office of State Immigration Agent, the I unions under the jurisdiction of the fessed. port does not assert that such a perfect He said some one else in bis crowd had $100,0) Rimpson hotel at North Bend. latter held by C. C Chapman. As I Bartenders’ International League have system of highways is immediately prac­ shot. Anyway l’alermini got tne worst m ither tlie memter» ol the commission disbands«], and dire results are predic­ ticable, but expresses the opinion that of it and still lies in jail. He is said to Make All Clothes fireproof The new St. Eliaateth hospital will la> or Mr. Chapman received any salaries ted. The Labor News (Galveston, III.) such an improvement as is now practic­ have lieen drinking heavily of late. Harrison Parkman, Kansa« state fire or other compensation, they did not op- however, sounds a truer note. It says: opened at Baker next month. able, would result in the savings of 8 |>oer the repeal of the law. The princi­ * A*ben the people quit spending a marshal, has renewal his fight to get cents per ton-tnile. or a total oi $5‘R, pal part of the funds which have hither­ billion dollarea year for les« than noth­ tte childreu of Kan«a« to wearing fire­ Surprise Party Project is started to reclaim 10,000 of to been used for statewide fann organ (MX),<)0() annually. Viewing this »aving ing, then they will have money to spend , proof clothing Friends of Ed York gave him a snr- land on Soccer Creek, near Ontario. as a dividend, the report says that it "Kansas ought not to have any chil­ ization ha.« teen subscrite«i by l’ortlan«! for neceseitiee and there will be jobs for priae on the evening of January 8. would justify, on aU|H*r cent basis, an business men, and while the work will 1 everybodv making things worth while. dren burned or even injured by fire,” Ateut twenty-five couples loaded down investment of $8,4eople its vacant lands. tbihg which not only incapacitates a spark will not catch in a treated cotton liolicy of patchwork and consequent Walter Lynn, Sabra Deaton, Blanche There is a general demand that one- ' man for work but robe him of the • drese. Tlie method of fireproofing cot­ Rice and Btephen Boland. waste of funds, with slight |>ernianent half the fish and game license« go to the That the livestock industry in Oregon money he mignt spend to make work ton clothing is to take eight parts of results to show for the expanditure, and county where collected. i has teen developed to a point which for others and the unemployed problem sulphate of ammonium by weight, two Gresham has a new Chapter of the would within a very few years, subject and one-half parts of carbonate of am­ makes the state independent of outside will te largely solved.” Eastern Star, instituted last Thursday congress to tie* criticism of having es­ monium, two parts borax, three parts The French government has leased sources is indicated by the annual re ­ - 1 -■ ■ --------- Mrs Anna tablished what is commonly called a evening, and officered; boracic acid, two parts starch and one the fairgrounds to handle large horse port of the Portland I'nion Stockyards Officers of Sanity Oddfellow Lodge Brown was fleeted worthy matron; ‘pork barrel,’ from which the several shipment.«, from Ontario. for 1914. This report shows that were installed as follows: Past gran«!, hundred parts of water. Mix these states would receive annually a small O. J. Brown, worthy patron; Mrs. 597,180 head of livestock of all classea Otto H. Meinig; noble grand, Fred E. thoroughly until tte solids are «iissolved contribution of funds distributed over a Cora Childers, assistant matron; Miss: The City Dock Commission of Port­ was received during the pas) year, di­ Beckwith ; vice-grand. Ronald E Esson ; an«l then dip the clothing into it. large mileage of roads without produc­ Rose Dalr, secretary; Mrs. Jennie Carl­ “Every mother could do this as she land asks a borni issue of fSOO.iMX) to vided up as follows: 281,300 sheep; recording secretary, A. C. Baumback; ing the high class of public roads which son, treasurer; Mrs. Elisabeth Schneid­ 237,725 hog«; 74,300 cattle; 2,«500 calves treasurer, J. C. Lanndree; Harden, completes tlie family washing just be­ erect a municipal grain elevator. er, conductor; Mr». Christine Cleve ­ are so much needed and desired. We an«i 1,239 horses anti muli-s. Oregon’s William Boshoim ; conductor, Carl fore hanging the $ clothes on the line.” telieve that before congress adopts a land, associate conductor; Mrs. Della contribution to this impressive total Shetterly; chaplain, William Ganger; Meyers, chaplain : Mrs. Annie Cleve ­ Judge J. N. Campbell warned the plan the whole subject should he so Troutdale Chapter of the Eastern was 48,789 cattle; 2,1*9 calves; 144,901 right scene supporter, John Keisicker; land, marshall ; Mrs. Grace Psge, or-j citizens of West Linn against building thoroughly studied that the plan decid­ Star installed officers Saturday night. hogs an«l 190,425 sheep, leaving only an left scene supporter. Walter Kairer ; ed upon may be enacted into law with ganist; Mrs. Lorena Kidder, Adah J any but ban! surfaced street». unimportant balantv to te credited t«i right supporter noble grand, J. C. Tlie new officers are: Mr-. Margaret Mrs Francis Miller, Ruth; Mrs. Carrie confidence that it will remain practical­ I surroureling states Laundrell; left supporter noble grand, McKay, worthy matron; A. Fox, ly unchanged on the statute Isioks for Cameron Esther; Mrs. Josephine Stan­ The IVrry Veneer plant at Bandon On«- notable feature of thi* report is Joe Albert; right supporter vice grand, worthy patr n; Mrs. Francis Fox, asso­ ley, Martha; Mr». Minnie Eastman, many years to come, thus standing for has tegun operations and business men the remarkable falling off in the num­ : Robert S. Smith ; left supporter vice ciate matron; Mrs. Margaret Salee, many years as a credit to the Congress Electra; Mrs. Lillie Mickley, warder;1 are trying to start up the woolen mill. ber of calves received, only 2,506 hav ­ grand, Elmer C. Hale; inside guard, secretary; C. S. Wilson, treasurer; William Stanley, sentinel. which enacted it. ing teen received in 1914 sw compared Frank Peterson. The Rebekah Lodge Mrs. Janet Grant, conductress; Mrs. "Congress should make careful pro­ A Portland firm lias an order fur with 4,666 >n 1913; 2,798 in 1912; 0,818 installed the tollowing officers: Past Laura Harlow, as* abate conductress; vision for each administration of the A committee composed of IL A. 10,0000.000 feet of hunter to be shipped in 1911 and 8,297 in 1910. This falling noble grand, Mrs. George Marony; Mrs. Christina K. Kavanagh, warden, Federal highway participation as will Lewis, H. E. Davi» and J, J. Johnson to England in March and April. off in the shipment of ealvve »««ems to in­ noble grand. Mrs. Percy T. Shelley; D. W. McKay, sentinel; Mrs. Ellen pHMttVie Several states in their right met with the county commissioners dicate that farmers are generally recog­ vice grand, Mrs. Elmira Potter record­ Wright, chaplain ; Mrs. Eugenia Wat­ to control their hs-al highway a (lairs and Wednesday the 27, making application Ex-Governor West oppose* any I nising th«> importance of retaining all ing secretary, W. I', Rogers; treasurer, kins, Ada ; Miss Lulu Mickley, Ruth; guard against dictatorship from a Feder­ for the appointment of a county farm change in the Workingmen's Compen­ young meat animals either as future Mrs. A. M. Baumback; warden, Mrs. Mrs. Clara Smith, Esther; Mrs. Anna al Bureau in Washington.” adviser. The committee had hope of sation law or the Stare Fish and Game breeilers or t*> te shipped as adult ani­ Martha: Mrs. Anna F. E. Beckwith; conductress, Mrs. J. Latonrell, As a means of guarding against securing the services of Prof. Boquet of mals, a movement which can only re­ Scales; right supporter noble grand, Reynolds, Electra. After the installa­ Commi»»ion. dictatorship from a Bureau in Washing­ the Agricnltural College. The state sult in increased financial returns to tte Mrs. Edward Bruns; left supporter tion ceremonies Mrs. K «vanagh was bin, the report suggests that the mem- I and county share equally in the ex­ presented with a past matron’s jewel. tendiip of the National Highway Com- I pense of such an expert. But the com- j There are protests against maintaining farmers and a more rapid increase in noble grand, Mrs J. C. Lanndree; the meat supply of the state. right chaplain, Mrs. A. C. Banin teck ; the Bureau of Mines and Mining and mission should Include members of the ml«»iari“rs report no fund available this supporter vice gTand, Mrs. F. E. Beck- I II. E. Davis has been re-elected to the the state department of Geology when Senate and House of Representatives season. Itregon stone is subjected on all publie with; left supporter vice grand, Mrs. presidency of the Gresham Fruit Grow­ Daily Mails who shall constitute a majority of the Mira Revenue; inside guard, Mrs. Dave er’s treociation. The directors are buildings. Mails at the Lents postoffice arrive (Ammission, thus insuring the states an from the total appropriation of $25.00»' I and depart daily, except Sunday, a« fol­ Douglas ; outside guarii. Mr» K. Kling­ Davis, J. H. Sterling, Wm. Peterson, appeal to congress from any arbitary the Committee has expended $10,730, i er A large delegation was prerent irom F. A Ix*hman and M. O. Nelson. Farmer Smith, of the O. W H. Ä N. lows: and1 unsatisfactory rulings of the Bureau leaving a balance of tn,270. Since hi» the Boring Oddfellow»' lodges. Arrive I>epart head, who would ls> a minority member retirement from the Senate, March 4, Co. has made a careful survey of farm ( > resham had ita first live boycott 7:3d A. M. 11)13, Mr. Bourne has served a» chair­ prospects for 191.5 and he state» that all 6:00 A. M. of the Commission. 12:J»P. M. Pleasant Hom» has a lively new Im­ > this week, but it petered out in halt a The report includes an itemized state­ man of tile committee without eompen- j imlieation« (mint toward a most unusual 12:60 P.J1. 1 duy, thanks to a well bakaneed mayor. 5 30 P. M. provement Club. demand this year for nil classes ol cere- 3:30 P. M. ment of expenditures showing that Ration and paid his own expenses. Boome Committee Reports Wo tit ol Italian Murderer of Mrs. Paiermim, Nov. 7, Caught in California City Two Years. Investment of MIL Will be Relumed to Portland for lions Proposed. Most Economi­ Trial and Punishment. cal Committee. NEWS NOTES OF INTEREST SOLUTION f OR THE PROB- If M Of THE UNf MPLOYf D