WBSCO SYSTEM or PENMANSHIP rttACHKn roti MO I TO ¡T ¡3 THE HI s / REALLY ODD “SAVINGS BANK1 WHAT THEY WRITE ON Wife of Mexican Millionaire Devised Moot Curious Hiding Pisco for WAR CORRESPONDENT» *EEM TO Hsr Money. USE ANYTHING HANDY. Its People Descended From Wan­ With ths coming of the pay enve­ dering Asian Tribes. lope for womeu has developed ths evolution of the broken nosed teapot Magnificent Work Being Dons In tho as a savings bank Many and varied Field on Seemingly an Endlese HOTEL Birth of Mahomet Hao Been Given as are the methods women have worked Bove ll.metun. I*r.>p II n The.»w, Mxr Variety of Strange Ma­ TMuuehlr mralern. l-il Rounu ef cwifvrl. Mol out to eave money, although It is only M9, and Hie Teachings Have Al­ terials. wale Prh ~ Three »i.ul« »elk tr.«n linio» Drool. Write for relee. 71 X Sai k FMIUM. M within the last fifty years that the av­ ways Boon tho Accepted Form erage woman has had to consider the of Religion. "About these war correspondents,” problem individually With their "go­ said the patient Investigator. "What WEEKS’ BREAK UM-COLD TABLETS ing to business," however, questions I want to know about them is this: A guaranteed remedy for Cokls ami Now that Turkey, "the sick man o. La Grippe. I'rice 2f><* of your druggist. Europe,” has entered Into the war, the of finance and Investment have coms Can they never, by any chance, find a table of any sort to write OB’" It’s good. Take nothing eloa. — Adv. facta of the early origin of tlAt nation to them. Many amusing Incidents of the brok­ "A table?” echoed the listener. are of Interest. With a population of en nosed teapot as a savings bank have Little Bit of Medical Advice. 15,000,000 dlro< lly under the sultan of come to light. There Is a story of "Why, I suppose they can. If they don't write on tables, wbat do they KaNhionablo physician (to new pa* Turkey today, it seems strange to re­ Pedro Alvarado, the peon millionaire write on?" flect that when the Turks first ap ­ tlrnt)— "Ah. madam. 1 perceive that of Parral, Mex., whose mines yield­ "Ah,” said the investigator. "that Is you ar« alt run down, a complete nor* peared in history they were wander­ ed silver so fast that he could not Just the point. What do they? It voua wreck. In fact (Hlzing up lux ing Tartaric tribes, roving about the urioun environment, and absently fall* plateaus of Asia, and generally known spend it, though he bought pianos and strikes me that one of the curious de­ ponies by the carload, and all the velopments of this war is the variety Ing Hit<> bln usual formula I I would under the name of Scythians'. metal work in the palace that stood of articles that these correspondents advlar a c hange of aceno - er nay a They asserted that they were de­ where his old adobe but bad once been little trip to Ku rope—" !.ady (ahrlck nai- for writing desks. scended from a person named Turk, Ing)—“Good gracioua, doctor, Ivo built was of silver. "The record is obtained from cur­ who was a grandson of Japhet. In juat come from there!’*—Judge. Alvaredo bad no faith in banks and renl Journals. You will observe that I the slain century they left the barren kept great quantities of cash io his have here a pile of French, English, Answers the Purpose. tablelauds of central Asia and spread bouse. Naturally, much of this came and American newspapers. After into the steppes of the country now Wild ry«»<| customer I want a quar into the hands of Señora Alvaredo. studying them for half a dr« I am In called Turkestan. ter’a worth of carbolic add The señora had a special bed quilt a position to supply some interesting Ok bvt Their religion was a barbarous pa we havw—er a fine Hi.«« uf ropoa, re- gaulam, an I owing to their roaming which always covered her at night and facts about war correspondents. was never far away in the day time. "I And." the Investigator continued, vol vara and razors Yala Record life and savage nature there was noth When the señora died her maid went “that Correspondent No. 1 began his gentleness in their worship, Ing of !• Ureal. Birre«, r D<>nt arrrpl slot! of the Arabs, who at this period which his wife bad been so much at­ patcher at Senile.’ • « brought them Into the fold of the tached. He offered tho woman money Allen K Olmsted. U» Koy. N. Y. "Correepondent No. 2 starts out this Mahometan religion. Instead and, though dollars were no way: '! am writing this story on the Shifting the Blame. Mahomet was born in Arabia in 859, longer flowing In at the rate of 30,000 top of a battered tea canister.' Corre­ "Have you anything to say before 1 and though of wealthy parents, early a day, bo was generous In the matter. spondent No. 3 had found a tin wash devoted himself to the study of re But the girl insisted that she would basin somewhere, and was using that pass can lance?" "Yen, your honor. I would call your Jlglons, reading both the Christian and have no memorial of her mistress but for a writing desk. Correspondent No. attention to the fact that the fool law- Jewish books on that subject. His the quilt 4 had been lucky enough to find a ref­ y«r who defended me win assigned to own people then professed a system Finally Alvaredo'« suspicions were uge In the cellar of a bouse and was tho cane by yourself." -Philadelphia •of polytheism, but the reformer at­ thoroughly aroused and he ripped (be writing on a champagne case. No. 5 ledger. tacked this, preaching that there was quilt to pieces. It contained $30,000 was less fortunate. He had to make but one God and that Mahomet was In $1,000 pieces. Among them was a Shift with a flat-bottomed beef tin. MOW REMNOL (URtD his prophet. letter from the señora saying that she No. 0 was heroically scribbling with ITCHING SKIN TORMENI From a few followers his believers had saved the money for her two sons the flap of a soldier's knapsack for a grew into the tbousanils. and when and directed that It be put In the bank desk!” Baltimore. Md . May 23. 1914: "My Hint»« from kn«w to unklo were com Arabia had been converted these Mos- to their credit. And now the young "It Is discouraging to the rest of ¡•l< I. ly covered with rtivini for a lems, with fire and sword, entered men are being educated in an Ameri­ bs.” said the listener, "to think what year. It rummcuced with •cvcml Turkestan and obliged the Turk to can college upon the interest of their kplendid stuff those fellows turn out amall water plmplM» which burat accept the Mahometan religion. They when I scratched them, until they de­ soon became Its most ardent expo­ mother's savings.—From the Business onder such adverse conditions. It is certain that the writing desk does not Woman's Magazlue. veloped Into lores. and oozed a yellow* taal.e the writer.” lah fluid I hated to go in company, nents, and so great was the growth "Conversely, ft Is equally certain it itched nnd burned Bo badly. I hud that today there are 200,000,000 people Getting Lead From Radium. no rent at night. 1 tried a good many who believe in the Koran, the Maho­ A very interesting paper by K. Fa- that the writer Is everywhere capable remedies for vezrma, both liquid and metan bible, worshiping God as Allah Ians on the different atomic weights Of making his own desk. Listen to a«Uve, but they did me no good, only and Mahomet as bls propbet. of lead was read recently before the this chap: T have been in a trench made the Hkln more rough nnd scaly. The green silk trousers of Mahomet Bunsen Gesellschaft fuer angewandte >11 day. and am writing this on the I l<‘ irned of n hud ointment and r« - Inol auap and tried them, and was re were for a long time borne as the ban­ physikallscbe Cbemie at Leipzig. Ac­ •addle still buckled to the back of a Hevod of th»’ severe itching and burn­ ner of the Moslem army. Tho Incur­ cording to a line of reasoning, simul­ Head horse belonging to a wounded ing AT ONCE, an«! after a month's sions of the Turks Into Europe won taneously developed by Fsjans and Officer.’ Something thrilling about atoady u*M’ waa completely cured ” for them many Christian provinces at Hoddy during the last few years, lead that, eh?” i So !.• •!» 'I S L fw I s IK I fl various times, among them being Ar derived from radium and lead derived “Thrilling?” said the listener. “It's Reginol aonp and realnol ointment are jnenla, Servla and the Balkans. from thorium by the loss of five and $na gnlficent.” Bold by all druggiata. Adv. "And what about this? ‘I am writ­ six atoms of helium, respectively, be identical, except in atomio ing these dispatches on a heap of END STOMACH TROUBLE. STREAM PUT TO USEFUL WORK should saints and angels dislodged from the weight. GASES OR DYSPEPSIA Throughout the past year Doctor cornice of a bombarded cathedta! ’” “Capturad” In Mexico and Made ot "1 don't approve of that." said the Pape's Dlapepoln” makes Sick, Sour, Fajans’ assistant. Doctor Lembert, has Valus In Generating Electrio Gassy Stomachs surely feel fine listener. "If I had written on the re­ been working in Richard's laboratory Current for Mino. In five minutes. at Harvard. In order to obtain atomic mains of those saints and angels 1 weights of as high a degree of trust­ shouldn't tell it.” If what you Just ate Is souring on A small but constant flowing moun “Oh. I don't know,” said the Inves- your stomach or Ilea like a lump of tain stream In northern Meilco hat worthiness as possible. The differences established by the tigator. "Not many people get a lead, refusing to digest, or you belch been literally captured and put to use series of determinations announced at chance to write war correspondence gas. and eructate sour, undigested food. or have a feeling of dizziness, the meeting by Rajans amount to on thirteenth-century angels. It Is heartburn, fullneaa, nausea, bad taste about 0.3 per cent In this connection only natural that those who do should in mouth and stomach headache, you it Is interesting to note that Soddy like to talk about it” can get blessed relief in five minutes. and Hymans read a paper before the Put an end to stomach trouble forever Words Not Adequate. London Chemical society early in the by getting a large fifty cent case of Human emotions may be portrayed spring, in which" they likewise de­ l'a|>e'a Diapepsln from any drug store. You realize in five minutes how need­ scribed experiments which showed a with words. Anger and every emotion less it Is to suffer from indigestion, difference between thorite lead and are common qualities, generally un­ dyspepsia or any stomach disorder. derstood. But the external spectacle, ordinary lead of 0.5 per cent. It's the quickest, surest stomach doc the Zambezi that leaps over a 400-foot tor In the world. It's wonderful. precipice, the active volcano, the gey­ In the Day of Love. If men are Just to each other they ser that hurls boiling water into the Studied Botany. will love each other without effort or heavens, the hurricane, the battle, ~ Post—How do you get your Christ­ coaching, because of the Justice they flood, earthquake, conflagration—these mas tree so loaded down? Parker—It's done by tho grafting receive, They will not need to be elemental things cannot be portrayed process.—Life. taught to love each other, Men are by the finest artifice. They must be taught that now because they find it seen, heard, realised through an im- Impossible to love the man who ia ex­ pact of the senses before they gain ploiting him or depriving him of his full meaning. In a meacure the gas due in any sense, either as exploiting, well at White Point comes under the slavedriving employer or competitor head of spectacles which cannot be portrayed. No man can imagine the In business or labor. And that, by the way, is exactly the million devils who toss that thick, reason why teaching men to love one gray slime Into the atmosphere as if Give* Conccioua Evidence of another as they love themselves, if not It were the froth of eggs!—Corpus a failure In 3,000 years of trial, has not Christi Caller. It* Direct Action. been the success the teachers have Slit Pocket to Show Gun. hoped. For. how can men love each Can a revolver plainly visible other when their principal business la to cheat each other? It can't be done. through a slit In a h*lp pocket be clas­ Mountain Stream Conducted Through It ought not to be expected. Men sim­ sified as a "concealed deadly weapon?" 30-lnch Pipe to Hydro-Electric Plant ply can't love each other under these This is a question that stumped Police Judge Keffer when Ernest Suead was conditions.—Exchange. ful work generating electric currenl arraigned before.him en this charge. for use In silver mining operations in Snead said In court he discovered Ready With Answer. the vicinity. The stream, which orlg the revolver on a table. He knew it The prevalence of hog cholera In Inally flowed down tho south slop« belonged to Constable Ernest Jones of a foothill, is now ducted through rentral Kansas recalls the meeting of tho state Y. M. C. A. which was held and stuck It In his pocket to keep un­ a 30-lnch pipe down the east slope R. H. R . the famous blood purifier, iltnoit In Salina a tew months ago, and is til Jones should appear, he said. Sent talk* aa it sweeps its way through th« cir­ to a hydroelectric plant, while th« out on an errand, Snead forgot the culation. Its actios la so direct that very original bed of the stream from the giving Dave Bean, a big ranchman, often In ioine forma of akin affliction th« merited distinction as a prophet. Ef­ weapon was In his possession until place It was Intercepted is now dry. appearance of the aruptioua cbangos over forts were being made to raise money near the city hall. night, the Itch and rek*'llow loOb<»iw a i’atrul" and "Wbat tn Inveat” •rot free. Send ronch aketrb lor tzro report aa to fateotabliny. intenta ad- veru»-d f.,r at e at oor expena» In Maa- Dfartnren»* Journals. CHÄNDLLE & CH5NDl.EE. SatAt «t/a Ba-MVaax 1034f.M. W■ i>i«C*ia,Si*. TYPHOID Same Thing. "Does your husband keep a scrap­ book?" "Not exactly; he keeps a checkbook and we have a scrap every time it ia Lures of Home. used for my benetiL”—Boston Trana- Simms—You're a poor sort of a club cript member. I very seldom see you around at the clubhouse. IF YOUR CHILD IS CROSS. FEVERISH, CONSTIPATED Timms—Why, I get around once or twice a week. If tongue Is coated, Simms—Well, look at me; I'm there Look Mother! cleanse little bowels with “Cali­ every nighL fornia Syrup of Figs.” Timms—Yes, but you're married, and I’m single.—New York Times. Mothers can rest easy after giving Constipation causes and seriously ag­ “California Syrup ot Figs," because in gravates many diseases. It is thor­ a few hours all the clogged-up waste» oughly cured by Dr. Pierce’s Pellets. sour bile and fermentirg food gently moves out of the bowels, and you have Tiny sugar-coated granules. a well, playful child again. Sick children needn't be coaxed to The Fell Clutch of Habit. take this harmless “fruit laxative.”' Ragged Rogers—1 heard a feller say Millions of mothers keep it handy be- dis mornln* dat he wasn’t happy un­ cause they know its action on the less he was workin’. stomach, liver and bowels is prompt Tattered Thomas—Ain't it a terrible and sure. t'ing when er habit gits hold of er Ask your druggist for a 50-cent bot­ tle of "California Syrup of Figs." man!—Boston Transcript which contains directions for babies, What It Was. children of all ages and for grown ups. “A complete kidnaping outfit was Revised. found in this town.” "You _____ don't __ _ _ say! ,. Where _____ ____ was The it?" old motto might have read: “In "In a cradle manufactory."—Balti- time of peace prepare for Hobson and more American._____________________ Gardner!"—Chicago Herald. HOWARD K BVKTOS - juwar ua ChcmM. •• 1^4. 1> Oo|,-r»lo. pr.«.: l."UL Sil.er. Laid. O. UoM. BU.,r. Uo; Hold iOe: •r Copper ZI. M m II u eareb»pe. ■ <4 fell prlre IM •rat on aj-plication. UrmfroJ and Cmpire work O licitad. Inference: Oirbonata Nat mhmü Bank. PINK EYE DISTEMPEB CATARRHAL FEVER AND ALL NOSE AND THROAT DISEASES Cuies the sick and acts as a preventative for otherw IJquid given on the tongue. Safe for brood mares and all others. Best kidney remedy. 50 cents a bottle, $5 a dozen. Sold by all drugrrlsts and turf goods houses, or sent, express paid, by the manufacturers. Booklet, "Distemper, Cause and Cure," free. SPOHN MEDICAL CO., Chemists and Bacteriologists. Goshen, Ind., U. •» A. Clean Knowledge. Hie Good Angel. “We are going to give up having Caller—How much tor a marriage II- Johnny get an education.” cense? “For what reason?” Town Clerk—One dollar. “Well, we can’t get him sterilized Caller—I’ve only got 60 cents, every morning in time to go to. Town Clerk—You’re lucky.— Phlh^ school.”—Puck. delphia Bulletin. M«n Fight On Their Stomaohs pretty xure to be a poor fighter. It ia difficult— ~ almost impossible—for anyone, man or woman, if digestion is poor, to succeed in business or socially—or to enjoy life. In tablet or liquid form Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery help« weak stomachs to strong, healthy action­ helps them to digest the food that makes the good, rich, red blood which nourishes the entire body. This vegetable remedy, to a great extent, puts the liver into activity—oils the machinery of the human system so that those who spend their working hours at the desk, behind the counter, or in the home are rejuvenated into vigorous health. Baa brooirht relief to mur thooMnd. eeery yaar foe over forty yrere. It can reli.v. you and doubtlre. restore to you your former health and .trenrth. At haut you owe It to youreelf to rive It a trial. Sold by Medicine Dealer, orrend 60e for trial box of Tablets- - Dr. Plarca • lovalid.'Hotal ASursical Inatltuta. BuffaKN.Y. Yea san have Dr. Fiarea’s Csmmon Sense Modteal Advisor ot 100S Fagee ter 21a.